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张荐 《生物磁学》2005,5(3):75-76
对象和方法:1 自2002年6月-2004年3月间门诊就诊的颈椎病患随机分为观察组和对照组.均为男性.观察组9例,年龄38-65岁,平均54岁,病程平均3个月.对照组13例年龄35-60岁,平均50岁,病程平均3.2个月。  相似文献   
非洲狮属猫科动物中的豹亚科,颜色以浅黄棕色为多。非洲雄狮体重约190-270kg,体长2.5~3.2m,尾长1m,长有很长的鬃毛,一直延伸到肩部和胸部。母狮体重大约110-160kg。  相似文献   
目的:将非药物性干预措施与传统药物方法治疗极低出生体重儿喂养不耐受的临床疗效进行观察比较。方法:选取哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院2011年1月至2013年4月出生的喂养不耐受极低出生体重儿110例。按入院顺序随机分为药物治疗组(MED)55例、非药物治疗组(NON-MED)55例。药物治疗组采用红霉素;非药物治疗组采用腹部按摩法与非营养性吸吮。结果:两组患儿经治疗后,MED组腹胀消失天数(4.4±0.5)、呕吐天数(2.2±0.5)、每日呕吐次数(3.5±0.8)、胃潴留量占每日喂养量(18.3±0.8)、达全肠道喂养天数(8.2±0.7);NON-MED组腹胀消失天数(3.7±0.1)、呕吐天数(1.9±0.6)、每日呕吐次数(2.8±0.1)、胃潴留量占每日喂养量(12.6±0.4)、达全肠道喂养天数(6.1±0.3)。各项治疗指标的对比中,差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。MED组治疗有效率76.4%;NON-MED组治疗有效率83.6%。结论:非药物性干预措施可有效改善极低出生体重儿喂养不耐受。  相似文献   
根据最近在美国进行的流行病调查,17%的2-19岁的孩子和32%的20岁以上的成年人患有肥胖症。在以后几十年内,除非采取有力措施减缓肥胖率的增长速度,不然美国人的平均寿命可能差不多将缩短5年。随着体重指数的增加,将引发心血管疾病、糖尿病、肌肉骨骼疾患和癌症等许多严重的健康问题。因此,开发出安全而有效的减肥冶疗药就成了燃眉之急。尽管药物需求量十分大而且远未被满足,  相似文献   
以pH值6.5为对照组,比较了pH值3.5、4.0、4.5、5.0、5.5、6.0、6.5等7个酸性水体对泥鳅体重及红细胞核的影响,结果表明,随着pH值的降低,红细胞的核异常率提高,并且各处理组中泥鳅体重下降率均出现峰值,提示了低pH值水体对泥鳅红细胞核异常率具有潜在的诱变作用,并能促进泥鳅体重下降率的升高。  相似文献   
用高效液相色谱快速测定红景天苷的含量,比较了三种处理样品的方法。在所用实验条件下,2 min即可完成分析,在测定范围内,含量与峰面积之间呈良好的线性关系(R=0.9993),样品的峰面积相对平均偏差(RSD)为0.72%,平均回收率98.6%,RSD为2.1%.该方法样品处理简单,分析速度快,可用于红景天中红景天苷的快速测定。  相似文献   
川芎嗪合并硫酸镁治疗妊高征大鼠的疗效及机制探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this study was to evaluate the outcome of treatment of pregnancy--induced hypertension (PIH) in rats by Ligustrazine collaborated with magnesium sulfate. PIH rat models were induced with Nomega-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) infusing at 7 mg/kg per day via caudal vein for four days, then treated with Ligustrazine, magnesium sulfate, or both for three days. Rat blood pressure level was measured by the tail-cuff method, 24 hours urine protein was also assayed. The blood pressure and urine proteins of grouped PIH rats were recorded before the start and after the termination of therapy. The body length and the weight of fetal rats, the weight of placentals from pregnant rats were measured. The placental tissues, livers, kidneys of rats were investigated with integrated methods such as histopathologic observation with light microscopy, ultrastructural observation with transmission electron microscopy. L-NAME administration in pregnancy rats during the late pregnancy period had resulted in an rise of blood pressure, an increasing of urine protein, death rate of rat fetus, incidence of teratogenesis, and so on. Three groups of PIH rats treated with single magnesium sulfate, Ligustrazine, or Ligustrazine combined with magnesium sulfate showed an obvious dropping of the proteinuria, decompression of blood pressure (p<0.01, p<0.001), especially the treatment efficacy in the group of Ligustrazine combined with magnesium sulfate was more significant effective than other two groups (p<0.01, p<0.001). The treatment with both Ligustrazine and magnesium sulfate could increase the body length of newly born rats, the body weight of tomites and the placental weight, furthermore, reduce the rate of the teratosis of hindlimb-shortness (p<0.001). There were diffuse focal necrosis areas in the livers of PIH rats, their glomerular basement membrane had thickened extensively, the glomerular endothelium had swelled, extensive edema in the epithelia of renal tubule was demonstrated. The decidua and basal zone of the placentae of PIH rats all thickened, the microvilli of trophoblasts decreased. After treatment with ligustrazine especially with both Ligustrazine and magnesium sulfate, the necrosis of hepatocytes disappeared. The thickening of glomerular basement membrane in the group of ligustrazine or both Ligustrazine and magnesium sulfate treatment reduced; Moreover in the latter group the morphology of glomerular endothelium essentially recovered, the edema in cytoplasms of renal tubular epithelium reduced. The placental lesions were also relieved. The present results indicated the therapeutic effect by Ligustrazine collaborated with magnesium sulfate was better than a single use of Ligustrazine or magnesium sulfate. There were pathological alteration involved ischemia and anoxic in the placental tissues of PIH rats, resembled the placental pathological alteration of the human cases with PIH. The treatment with ligustrazine, and especially both Ligustrazine and magnesium sulfate in PIH rats could obviously relieve the lesions in lives, kidneys and placentae.  相似文献   
李茜 《化石》2006,(1):19-21
琵琶湖是日本第一大淡水湖。地处日本列岛中央,邻近古都京都、奈良,横卧在经济重镇大阪和名古屋之间,因其形状像一只头朝西南底向东北的琵琶而得名。琵琶湖南北长63.5公里,东西最宽处22.8公里,最窄处只有1.35公里,湖水面积为670平方公里,蓄水量达275亿立方米。琵琶湖叉以水的深浅分为南北两部分,南湖平均水深只有4米,而北湖平均水深则达43米,最深处竞达103.6米。琵琶湖的出口只有一个,就是从南湖流出的濑田川,最后流人太平洋。同时,琵琶湖是世界上第三个最古老的淡水湖,湖龄在400万年以上。湖中具有许多固有的生态资源,琵琶湖共养育生息着600余种水生动物和近500种水生植物。湖中的水量,可以满足其流域内的1400万人口用水。  相似文献   
酵母甘露聚糖(Mannan,简称Man)是能参与生物信息流影响生物体、特别是在糖基化方面起着重要调控作用的生物信息大分子.它是否能在抑制生物机体中肿瘤生长方面具有重要作用?研究结果表明:酵母甘露聚糖既能使患S-180瘤鼠的体质增强的同时又有抑制其体内所患S-180瘤生长的功效.Man抑制患鼠机体内的S-180瘤生长的功效(抑瘤率)随用量的增加而提高,当Man用量达360 mg(40 mg/Kg/d·9d)时,其抑瘤率达98.4%的最高水平,此时鼠体重增加1.66倍.Man的抑瘤功效有最佳适用量并存在性别敏感性,通常是雄性鼠的抑瘤率高于雌性鼠.Man抑制鼠S-180肿瘤生长的作用优于市售5-氟尿嘧啶的作用.  相似文献   
给出了一种新的博弈——非合作n人条件博弈,并给出了它的求解方法.以这种博弈为工具,在适当的假定下研究了无人类的理想地域上同级消费者中各个种群的平均规模.结论是:当个体的平均食量充分小时,该种群的平均规模等于前一级消费者或生产者的最大承受量;否则该种群的平均规模与前一级消费者或生产者的最大承受量成正比,与个体的平均食量和该级消费者中种群的数目都成反比.  相似文献   
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