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多功能植物增效剂是由多种天然植物制成的水剂,属高新科技、专利产品(944110480x),对人畜无毒,不伤害天敌昆虫,无三废残留;与化学农药混用,可节省化学农药50~90%,降低空间毒性,减轻污染和残留,而防效接近或高于单用化学杀螨剂;单用,可杀虫治螨灭菌,促作物生长发育作用,增产显著。  相似文献   
The changes during growth and sporulation in activities of cells of Bacillus subtilis to incorporate various amino acids were investigated with wild-type strain and its asporogenous mutant. In the case of wild type strain the uptake of valine, phenylalanine, and proline was largest during the logarithmic growth period. The uptake of these amino acids decreased rapidly during the early stationary phase. The uptake of valine and cysteine increased again to some extent just prior to the forespore stage. The uptake of glycine and serine, however, was largest at the forespore stage at which the formation of spore coat took place. From these observed phenomena it was assumed that the remarkable incorporation of glycine and serine into the wild type strain during sporulation was closely related to the formation of spore coat.  相似文献   
Synergistic actions for mixtures of abamectin with other insecticides in some insect pests were evaluated, and the possible synergistic mechanism was studied by the comparison in toxicity and cuticular penetration of abamectin between with and without other insecticides or synergists in Helicoverpa armigera larvae. The results of bioassay showed that horticultural mineral oil (HMO), hexaflumuron, chlorpyrifos, and some other insecticides were synergistic to abamectin with 152.0-420.0 of co-toxicity coefficient(CTC) in some agricultural insect pests. In topical application tests, HMO or piperonyl butoxide (PBO) increased the toxicity of abamectin in larvae of H. armigera, but the mortality was not affected by s,s,s-tributylphorotrithioate (DEF) and triphenylphosphate (TPP). The synergistic action of HMO was obviously higher than PBO, and when treated simultaneously with abamectin, HMO gave a more significant synergism than if treated 2 hours ahead. The highest synergistic effect (SE) was found in the mixture of ‘abamectin HMO (1:206)‘. The mortality did not increase or the toxicity drop, when a synergist or HMO was added into the mixture of ‘abamectin HMO‘ or ‘abamectin synergist‘, respectively. Results from the isotope tracing experiments showed that HMO significantly enhanced the penetration of ^3H-abamectin through the cuticle of H.armigera larvae, which resulted in the synergism of the mixture. The cuticular penetration of ^3H-abamectin was not accumulatively affected by chlorpyrifos, nor by hexaflumuron,though there was an inhibition within 30 seconds or 1 hour after treated by these two chemicals respectively. Results suggested that the synergism of abamectin mixed with hexaflumuron or chlorpyrifos might be related to inhibition of metabolic enzymes or target sites in the larvae.  相似文献   
为了探究有害白蚁的安全防控新技术,本文研究了生物源活性物质曲酸对建筑结构主要害虫台湾乳白蚁纤维素酶活性的抑制效果。在室内条件下选择1%曲酸溶液滤纸饲喂白蚁,分别于饲喂6 h、12 h、1 d、3 d、5 d、7 d时收集白蚁消化道,采用还原糖法测定了白蚁消化道的滤纸酶活性(FPA)及内切β-1,4-葡聚糖酶(EG)、β-葡萄糖苷酶(BG)和纤维二糖水解酶(CBH)的比活力,并观测记录供试白蚁的体重与死亡率变化。结果显示,除6 h处理样的FPA和CBH活性影响不显著外,其余处理对白蚁纤维素酶活性均有显著的抑制作用,且随处理时间的延长曲酸对台湾乳白蚁纤维素酶活抑制率增强,抑制率显示FPAEG≥BGCBH。曲酸处理7d后,白蚁活动能力明显减弱,工蚁体重显著降低且死亡率显著升高。曲酸与氟虫脲联合喂食处理对台湾乳白蚁FPA和EG活性的抑制效果高于氟虫脲单独饲喂台湾乳白蚁,而且白蚁死亡率也显著提高。研究表明曲酸对于白蚁纤维素酶活性具有抑制效果,对于氟虫脲具增效作用,可为白蚁治理新技术的研究提供参考。  相似文献   
Enhancement of an insect pheromone response by green leaf volatiles is reported for the first time in the boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis Boh. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Single cell recordings from antennal olfactory receptors revealed a class of cells selectively responsive to six carbon alcohols and aldehydes (i.e., green leaf volatiles). Field tests with released weevils demonstrated enhanced trap captures with trans-2-hexen-l-ol, cis-3-hexen-l-ol, or l-hexanol paired with grandlure, the boll weevil aggregation pheromone, when in competition with grandlure alone. Although dose-response curves constructed from electroantennograms were indicative of similar populations of receptor cells for selected six carbon alcohols, one of the compounds tested, cis-2-hexen-l-ol, was inactive in field tests. Trans-2-hexenal was active in single cell recordings, but was also inactive in field tests. In tests in cotton fields with indigenous weevil populations, trans-2-hexen-l-ol not only enhanced pheromone trap captures, but also extended the longevity of attractiveness of pheromone-baited traps. The combined electrophysiological and field data support across-fiber coding of green leaf volatiles by boll weevil olfactory receptors. The results are discussed with regard to the chemistry of the host plant of the boll weevil, cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), and potential economic significance for boll weevil eradication/suppression.
Résumé Pour la première fois, l'augmentation de la puissance de la phéromone d'agrégation sous l'action de l'odeur verte est signalée chez A. grandis. Les enregistrements unitaires de cellules des récepteurs olfactifs des antennes a mis en évidence une catégorie de cellules réagissant sélectivement aux alcools et aux aldéhydes à 6 carbones (c'est-à-dire aux substances volatiles des feuilles vertes). Des essais dans la nature ont montré une augmentation des captures par les pièges de grandlure (phéromone d'agrégation du charançon) renforcés par du trans-2-hexen-l-ol, du cis-3-hexen-l-ol, ou du l-hexanol.Bien que les courbes des réponses en fonction des doses construites à partir des électroantennogrammes indiquent des catégories de cellules réceptrices identiques pour les alcools à 6 carbones examinés, l'une de ces substances, cis-2-hexen-l-ol, s'est révélée inactive dans la nature. Le trans-2-hexenal qui était actif avec des enregistrements unitaires de cellules, était lui aussi inactif dans la nature. Dans des essais dans des champs de coton avec des populations indigènes de charançons, le trans-2-hexen-l-ol a, non seulement augmenté l'efficacité des pièges à phéromone, mais a prolongé leur attractivité. Les résultats d'électrophysiologie combinés aux données de la nature appuient le modelage transversal des substances vertes volatiles des feuilles par les récepteurs olfactifs du charançon. Ces résultats sont interprétés en relation avec la chimie de la plante-hôte de A. grandis, le coton, Gossypium hirsutum L., et leur possibilité d'utilisation économique pour l'éradication du charançon.
Abstract:  The bioactivities of destruxins (dtx), depsipeptides isolated from Metarhizium anisopliae , against Spodoptera litura were tested in laboratory. For contacting toxicities, dtx-E was more effective than dtx-A and dtx-B. The LC50s values of dtx-A, B and E were 197.98, 292.00 and 113.99 mg/l at 48 h after treatment, while the LT50s were 42.65, 59.45 and 23.68 h at 300 mg/l. In the experiment of antifeedant activity, dtx-A, dtx-B and dtx-E at five concentrations (200, 100, 50, 25 and 12.5 mg/l) were bioassayed. Destruxins in a dose-dependent manner gave an apparent antifeedant activity. Generally, dtx-A, over dtx-B and dtx-E had the significant (P < 0.05) larger choice and no-choice antifeedant indexes (CAIs and NCAIs). At the concentration of 200 mg/l, the CAIs or NCAIs of dtx-A, dtx-B and dtx-E were 96.78, 84.93 and 85.90 or 89.75, 62.42 and 72.28 respectively. Furthermore, the synergistic activity of crude destruxin (CD) for pathogenicity of Paecilomyces javanicus strain Pj01 was detected. The LC50s values of single Pj01 and the mixtures of Pj01 plus CD at 100 or 200 mg/l (Pj01-CD100 or Pj01-CD200) were respectively 474.63 × 105, and 197.45 × 105 or 113.11 × 105 spores/ml at the fifth day after treated. Meanwhile, Pj01, Pj01-CD100 and Pj01-CD200 gave the LT50s values of 6.99 day, 5.49 day and 4.21 day at 100 × 105 spores/ml. Clearly, dtx decreased the values of LC50 and LT50 of the strain Pj01.  相似文献   
(+)-5-Hydroxy-dioxindole-3-acetic acid (1) was isolated from rice bran as a substance synergistic with auxin in the auxin induced ethylene production by etiolated mungbean hypocotyl segments. 5-Hydroxy-oxindole-3-acetic acid (4) and IAA were also obtained. The importance of a hydroxyl group in the 5-position in the two compounds was suggested since synthesized (±)-dioxindole-3-acetic acid (6) was inactive.  相似文献   
探究施用生物炭和脲酶抑制剂/硝化抑制剂对亚热带水稻土氮素硝化过程的调控作用、氨挥发和N2O排放的温室效应潜能的影响,确定生物炭与硝化和脲酶抑制剂的最佳组合,可为削减施用氮肥带来的活性氮气体排放对环境的负面风险提供理论依据。本研究采用室内好气培养试验方式,以单施尿素(N)为对照,设置7个试验处理[尿素+生物炭(NB),尿素+硝化抑制剂(N+NI),尿素+脲酶抑制剂(N+UI),尿素+硝化抑制剂+脲酶抑制剂(N+NIUI),尿素+硝化抑制剂+生物炭(NB+NI),尿素+脲酶抑制剂+生物炭(NB+UI),尿素+硝化抑制剂+脲酶抑制剂+生物炭(NB+NIUI)],观测生物炭与脲酶抑制剂(NBPT)/硝化抑制剂(DMPP)配施下土壤无机氮含量、N2O排放及氨挥发的变化动态。结果表明: 1)培养期间,与N处理(5.11 mg N·kg-1·d-1)相比,NB处理的土壤硝化速率常数显著增加33.9%,N+NI处理显著降低22.9%;NB处理显著提高了氨氧化细菌(AOB)丰度,增幅达56.0%。2)与N处理相比,N+NI和NB+NI处理的NH3累积排放量均显著增加约49%;N+UI处理降低了NH3累积损失量,NB+UI处理抑制效果更明显。3)各处理的N2O排放速率高峰均出现在施肥后前10 d;NB处理的N2O排放高峰出现最早,N处理排放速率最高(5.87 μg·kg-1·h-1);硝化抑制剂与脲酶抑制剂配施减少土壤N2O排放的效果最佳。综合计算各处理直接N2O和间接N2O(NH3)排放产生的温室效应潜能(GWP)发现,N+NI和NB+NI处理较N处理分别增加了34.8%和40.9%,而NB和NB+UI处理的GWP显著降低了45.9%和60.5%。因此,生物炭与脲酶抑制剂配施对降低土壤活性氮气体排放所产生的温室效应潜能效果最佳。  相似文献   
Four imidacloprid derivatives with an asymmetrically methylated imidazolidine ring were synthesized. Their affinity to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor of housefly Musca domestica and insecticidal activity against the housefly were measured. The compound with a 5R-methylated imidazolidine ring demonstrated intrinsic activity comparable to that of the unsubstituted compound. Most of the compounds were synergized by oxygenase inhibitors.  相似文献   
Abstract  The study was conducted to characterise the underlying resistance mechanisms responsible for high levels of pyrethroid resistance in Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) in Australia. Seven commercially available pyrethroids (acrinathrin, alpha-cypermethrin, bifenthrin, deltamethrin, esfenvalerate, permethrin and tau-fluvalinate) were evaluated against seven F. occidentalis strains collected from ornamentals, fruit and vegetables in three states of Australia. A Potter spray tower was used to test for pyrethroid resistance and all field strains were found to be resistant, with resistance ratios ranging from 15-fold deltamethrin to 1300-fold tau-fluvalinate. The two most resistant strains were further tested for detoxification enzymes that could be involved in resistance. Three synergists, piperonyl butoxide (PBO), diethyl maleate (DEM) and profenofos, which, respectively, inhibit the enzymes cytochrome P-450 monooxygenases, glutathione S -transferases and esterases, were used. The synergism data indicate that multiple mechanisms may be involved in pyrethroid resistance in Australian populations of F. occidentalis . Among the three synergists, PBO considerably reduced pyrethroid resistance in the selected strains compared with DEM and profenofos. The practical implication for PBO use to suppress pyrethroid resistance in F. occidentalis is elaborated.  相似文献   
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