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Three wild groups of common marmoset, Callithrix jacchus jacchus,in north-east Brazil, of approximately similar size, had home ranges between 2.5 and 6.5 ha. But their core areas were similar in size between 1.0 and 1.5 ha, with a monthly area of heavy use between 1.1 and 1.6 ha. The groups were selective in the use of their home ranges, even though they were small: they used some areas heavily and others lightly. The core areas had higher densities of trees that produced gum exudates than did other parts of the home ranges. Our data suggest that a group of marmosets in this habitat may require a minimum of about 50 gum trees in its home range at a minimum density of about 50 trees/ha. In addition, the animals require suitable trees in which to sleep. We suggest that patches of forest with these desirable properties remain relatively fixed in size and location over the years and that individual animals are constantly in flux between them.  相似文献   
Three axenic and rhizosphere microorganism-inoculated shortgrass steppe plant species were evaluated for possible differences in residual organic carbon and nitrogen present as sugars, organic acids and amino acids. IntroducedAgropyron cristatum was compared toA. smithii andBouteloua gracilis, which are dominant species in the native shortgrass steppe. These plants, grown for 90 days in root growth chambers, showed differences in residual organic carbon and nitrogen per gram of root, and rhizosphere microbe presence resulted in additional changes in these compounds. The root biomass ofB. gracilis was significantly increased with microbes present. TheAgropyron species had significantly lower amino acid levels with microbes present, while under the same conditions, theB. gracilis showed significant decreases in residual sugars. Based on the amino acids, sugars and organic acids, the C/N ratio of the sterileA. cristatum was higher than forB. gracilis. Rhizosphere microbe presence did not result in changes in these C/N ratios. These results suggest thatA. cristatum, with microbes present, will have lower levels of amino acids present, whileB. gracilis, with a lower C/N ratio, will have sugars used to a greater extent by the rhizosphere microbes. This resulted in the higher levels of residual soluble organic C and N in the rhizosphere ofB. gracilis, in comparison with the introducedA. cristatum. These differences may be critical in influencing the course of nutrient accumulation and plant competition in short-grass steppe communities, and in understanding basic aspects of plant-rhizosphere microorganism interactions.  相似文献   
Graminaceous species can enhance iron (Fe) acquisition from sparingly soluble inorganic Fe(III) compounds by release of phytosiderophores (PS) which mobilize Fe(III) by chelation. In most graminaceous species Fe deficiency increases the rate of PS release from roots by a factor of 10–20, but in some species, for example sorghum, this increase is much less. The chemical nature of PS can differ between species and even cultivars.The various PS are similarly effective as the microbial siderophore Desferal (ferrioxamine B methane sulfonate) in mobilizing Fe(III) from a calcareous soil. Under the same conditions the synthetic chelator DTPA (diaethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid) is ineffective.The rate of Fe(III)PS uptake by roots of graminaceous species increases by a factor of about 5 under Fe deficiency. In contrast, uptake of Fe from both synthetic and microbial Fe(III) chelates is much lower and not affected by the Fe nutritional status of the plants. This indicates that in graminaceous species under Fe deficiency a specific uptake system for FePS is activated. In contrast, the specific uptake system for FePS is absent in dicots. In a given graminaceous species the uptake rates of the various FePS are similar, but vary between species by a factor of upto 3. In sorghum, despite the low rate of PS release, the rate of FePS uptake is particularly high.The results indicate that release of PS and subsequent uptake of FePS are under different genetic control. The high susceptibility of sorghum to Fe deficiency (lime-chlorosis) is most probably caused by low rates of PS release in the early seedling stage. Therefore in sorghum, and presumably other graminaceous species also, an increase in resistance to lime chlorosis could be best achieved by breeding for cultivars with high rates of PS release. In corresponding screening procedures attention should be paid to the effects of iron nutritional status and daytime on PS release as well as on rapid microbial degradation of PS.  相似文献   
The role of proteinaceous amino acids in rhizosphere nutrient mobilization was assessed both experimentally and theoretically. The degree of adsorption onto the soil's solid phase was dependent on both the amino acid species and on soil properties. On addition of amino acids to both soil and freshly precipitated Fe(OH)3, no detectable mobilization of nutrients (K, Na, Ca, Mg, Cu, Mn, Zn, Fe, S, P, Si and Al) was observed, indicating a very low complexation ability of the acidic, neutral and basic amino acids. This was supported by results from a solution equilibria computer model which also predicted low levels of amino acid complexation with solutes present in the soil solution. On comparison with the Fe(OH)3 and equilibria data obtained for the organic acid, citrate, it was concluded that amino acids released into the rhizosphere have a limited role in the direct acquisition of nutrients by plants. The effectiveness of root exudates such as amino acids, phytosiderophores and organic acids in nutrient mobilization from the rhizosphere is discussed with reference to rhizosphere diffusion distances, microbial degradation, rate of complexation and the root's capacity to recapture exudate-metal complexes from the soil.  相似文献   
半乳甘露聚糖植物胶加工是我国70年代中期兴起的新兴产业。本文从我国植物资源发展的角度。重点论证了瓜尔豆(Cyanopsis tetragonoloba(L.)Taubert.)、田菁(Sesbania cannabina(Retz.)Pers.)、胡芦巴(Trigonella foenum-graecum L.)的生产情况,认为胡芦巴适应性强、产量高、易于机械化大面积种植与轮作,并具有改良土壤以及经济效益好等优势。因此,发展半乳甘露聚糖胶资源,大量种植胡芦巴是最好的选择。  相似文献   
The polysaccharide component of the stigmatic exudate from Lilium longiflorum has the composition, arabinose (26%), rhamnose (6%), galactose (57%) and glucuronic acid (11%). The highly branched polysaccharide bears a striking resemblance to the acidic polysaccharide exudate from Araucaria bidwillii in belonging to the galactan group and in carrying outer chains terminated by arabinofuranose, rhamnopyranose, galactopyranose and glucuronic acid residues. Both polysaccharides contain the sequence O-rhamnopyranosyl-(1→4)-glucopyranosyluronic acid-(1→6)-galactopyranose in some of the outer chains.  相似文献   
微生物残体是稳定土壤碳库的重要来源,对退化生境碳的固持和积累具有重要意义。植物根系分泌物作为植物-土壤-微生物"交流"的媒介,是调控土壤微生物残体迁移转化的关键。因此,以极度退化草地土壤为对象,以氨基糖为标志物,模拟研究了不同氮浓度(低氮-LN:0.1 gN/kg;高氮-HN:0.2 gN/kg)和多样性(3种化合物、9种化合物)根系分泌物输入对土壤微生物残体的影响。结果表明:(1)根系分泌物输入可显著增加高寒退化草地土壤微生物残体含量,且主要由真菌残体贡献。其中高氮和低多样性处理增加最明显,微生物残体和真菌残体分别增加了101.14%,125.16%,而低氮和高多样性处理微生物残体和真菌残体仅增加了35.79%,33.51%。(2)根系分泌物的输入可增加土壤β-葡萄糖苷酶、土壤磷酸酶和过氧化物酶活性,促进微生物的生长,而降低β-N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖苷酶活性,减少微生物残体的分解。(3)回归分析结果显示,土壤微生物残体与土壤环境的C/N呈显著负相关,与微生物生物量C/N呈显著正相关。上述结果表明,在未来退化草地恢复中,可充分利用模拟根系分泌物输入的土壤固碳策略,即通过提高土壤氮的有效性,促进微生物的生长,加快代谢周转,进一步提高微生物残体含量。  相似文献   
研究了黄瓜品种津研4号(感枯萎病)、津春4号(抗枯萎病)和云南黑籽南瓜根系分泌物对津研4号黄瓜枯萎病发生的影响及其原因.结果表明:感病品种根系分泌物处理的黄瓜枯萎病发病早,接种后第15天病株率显著高于对照,至第20天时病株率与对照相近;而抗病品种根系分泌物处理的病株率一直显著小于对照.感病品种根系分泌物浇灌的植株株高、鲜质量降低,根系活力下降、电导度(伤害度)增加,而抗病品种和云南黑籽南瓜根系分泌物处理对植株影响较小.感病品种根系分泌物促进了黄瓜枯萎病菌的生长,而抗病品种和云南黑籽南瓜根系分泌物则抑制了病菌生长.  相似文献   
人参(Panax ginseng)根系分泌物成分对人参致病菌的化感效应   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
采用室内培养结合生物学测定的试验方法,研究了不同浓度人参(Panax ginseng)根系分泌物成分苯甲酸、邻苯二甲酸二异丁酯、十六酸和2,2-二(4-羟苯基)丙烷对人参立枯丝核菌(Rhizoctonia solani)、黑斑菌(Alternaria panax)、疫病菌(Phytophthora cactorum)、菌核菌(Sclerotinia schinseng)、锈腐菌(Cylindrocarpon destructans)和绿色木霉菌(Trichoderma viride)菌落生长及孢子萌发的化感效应.结果显示,不同浓度人参根系分泌物成分对人参致病菌及绿色木霉菌的化感效应存在显著差异.苯甲酸浓度与人参立枯丝核菌、菌核菌和锈腐菌菌落生长以及人参黑斑菌、锈腐菌孢子萌发呈负相关,与人参黑斑菌、绿色木霉菌菌落生长呈正相关;对人参疫病菌菌落生长的化感效应表现为低浓度和高浓度抑制,中浓度促进.邻苯二甲酸二异丁酯浓度与人参立枯丝核菌、黑斑菌、菌核菌和绿色木霉菌菌落生长以及人参黑斑菌孢子萌发呈负相关;对人参锈腐菌菌落生长和孢子萌发表现为低浓度和高浓度抑制,中浓度促进;对人参疫病菌菌落生长表现为低浓度和中浓度抑制,高浓度促进.2,2-二(4-羟苯基)丙烷浓度与人参立枯丝核菌、黑斑菌、疫病菌、绿色木霉菌菌落生长以及人参黑斑菌、锈腐菌孢子萌发呈负相关;对人参菌核菌、锈腐菌菌落生长表现中浓度促进,高浓度抑制.十六酸浓度与人参锈腐菌、疫病菌和绿色木霉菌菌落生长呈正相关,与人参锈腐菌孢子萌发呈负相关,对黑斑菌孢子萌发表现为中浓度抑制.4种根系分泌物的等量混合物浓度与人参致病菌及拮抗木霉菌菌落生长速率呈负相关.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Roots growing in soil encounter physical, chemical and biological environments that influence their rhizospheres and affect plant growth. Exudates from roots can stimulate or inhibit soil organisms that may release nutrients, infect the root, or modify plant growth via signals. These rhizosphere processes are poorly understood in field conditions. SCOPE AND AIMS: We characterize roots and their rhizospheres and rates of growth in units of distance and time so that interactions with soil organisms can be better understood in field conditions. We review: (1) distances between components of the soil, including dead roots remnant from previous plants, and the distances between new roots, their rhizospheres and soil components; (2) characteristic times (distance(2)/diffusivity) for solutes to travel distances between roots and responsive soil organisms; (3) rates of movement and growth of soil organisms; (4) rates of extension of roots, and how these relate to the rates of anatomical and biochemical ageing of root tissues and the development of the rhizosphere within the soil profile; and (5) numbers of micro-organisms in the rhizosphere and the dependence on the site of attachment to the growing tip. We consider temporal and spatial variation within the rhizosphere to understand the distribution of bacteria and fungi on roots in hard, unploughed soil, and the activities of organisms in the overlapping rhizospheres of living and dead roots clustered in gaps in most field soils. CONCLUSIONS: Rhizosphere distances, characteristic times for solute diffusion, and rates of root and organism growth must be considered to understand rhizosphere development. Many values used in our analysis were estimates. The paucity of reliable data underlines the rudimentary state of our knowledge of root-organism interactions in the field.  相似文献   
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