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Various nonlinear regenerative responses, including plateau potentials and bistable repetitive firing modes, have been observed in motoneurons under certain conditions. Our simulation results support the hypothesis that these responses are due to plateau-generating currents in the dendrites, consistent with a major role for a noninactivating calcium L-type current as suggested by experiments. Bistability as observed in the soma of low- and higher-frequency spiking or, under TTX, of near resting and depolarized plateau potentials, occurs because the dendrites can be in a near resting or depolarized stable steady state. We formulate and study a two-compartment minimal model of a motoneuron that segregates currents for fast spiking into a soma-like compartment and currents responsible for plateau potentials into a dendrite-like compartment. Current flows between compartments through a coupling conductance, mimicking electrotonic spread. We use bifurcation techniques to illuminate how the coupling strength affects somatic behavior. We look closely at the case of weak coupling strength to gain insight into the development of bistable patterns. Robust somatic bistability depends on the electrical separation since it occurs only for weak to moderate coupling conductance. We also illustrate that hysteresis of the two spiking states is a natural consequence of the plateau behavior in the dendrite compartment.  相似文献   
Ecosystems worldwide depend on habitat‐forming foundation species that often facilitate themselves with increasing density and patch size, while also engaging in facultative mutualisms. Anthropogenic global change (e.g., climate change, eutrophication, overharvest, land‐use change), however, is causing rapid declines of foundation species‐structured ecosystems, often typified by sudden collapse. Although disruption of obligate mutualisms involving foundation species is known to precipitate collapse (e.g., coral bleaching), how facultative mutualisms (i.e., context‐dependent, nonbinding reciprocal interactions) affect ecosystem resilience is uncertain. Here, we synthesize recent advancements and combine these with model analyses supported by real‐world examples, to propose that facultative mutualisms may pose a double‐edged sword for foundation species. We suggest that by amplifying self‐facilitative feedbacks by foundation species, facultative mutualisms can increase foundation species’ resistance to stress from anthropogenic impact. Simultaneously, however, mutualism dependency can generate or exacerbate bistability, implying a potential for sudden collapse when the mutualism's buffering capacity is exceeded, while recovery requires conditions to improve beyond the initial collapse point (hysteresis). Thus, our work emphasizes the importance of acknowledging facultative mutualisms for conservation and restoration of foundation species‐structured ecosystems, but highlights the potential risk of relying on mutualisms in the face of global change. We argue that significant caveats remain regarding the determination of these feedbacks, and suggest empirical manipulation across stress gradients as a way forward to identify related nonlinear responses.  相似文献   
目的 治疗艾滋病最大的障碍在于无法根除人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)潜伏于人体细胞所形成的病毒存储库。构建描述病毒存储库建立分子机制的动力学模型需考虑生物体内的噪声环境和多重影响因素,本文通过一种全新的动力学结构分解方法将随机微分方程的确定性部分与随机性噪声分开,从而在仅需分析常微分方程不动点的情况下即可判断不同药物靶点的作用效果。方法 使用连续的随机微分方程构建了HIV转录过程的动力学模型,简化了描述系统所需方程的维度,增大了模型的可探索空间,在此基础上,通过计算得到的势能函数和概率分布函数直观表示病毒潜伏与激活的不同表达状态以及它们之间的关系。结果 定量分析了不同动力学参数对系统稳态和势函数的影响程度,分别得到了系统处于双稳态和单稳态时的参数范围,并将不同因素对动力系统分岔的影响程度与生物学实验结果对比,验证了本工作的理论基础。结论 本文突破了以往离散、随机的方法,可以通过常微分方程定量分析HIV转录调控的动力学机制,有利于推广到处理高维情况,进一步研究艾滋病在生物体内的发生发展,从而指导设计实验寻找临床上的治疗方案。  相似文献   
Progression through the eukaryotic cell cycle is characterized by specific transitions, where cells move irreversibly from stage i−1 of the cycle into stage i. These irreversible cell cycle transitions are regulated by underlying bistable switches, which share some common features. An inhibitory protein stalls progression, and an activatory protein promotes progression. The inhibitor and activator are locked in a double-negative feedback loop, creating a one-way toggle switch that guarantees an irreversible commitment to move forward through the cell cycle, and it opposes regression from stage i to stage i−1. In many cases, the activator is an enzyme that modifies the inhibitor in multiple steps, whereas the hypo-modified inhibitor binds strongly to the activator and resists its enzymatic activity. These interactions are the basis of a reaction motif that provides a simple and generic account of many characteristic properties of cell cycle transitions. To demonstrate this assertion, we apply the motif in detail to the G1/S transition in budding yeast and to the mitotic checkpoint in mammalian cells. Variations of the motif might support irreversible cellular decision-making in other contexts.  相似文献   
For over 100 years, a major focus of photobiological studies has been the unicellular flagellate, Euglena gracilis, an organism well suited for such investigations by its special complement of organelles that may be considered an ancient, yet complete “visual” system. The possible photoreceptive roles of the cytoplasmic stigma and the photoreceptor (paraflagellar swelling) of E. gracilis are still under debate, because of conflicting interpretations of the results produced so far by the different research groups working on this microorganism. This article deals with our hypothesis, first put forward in the late 1980s, that rhodopsin-like proteins are responsible for photo-detection and that the paraxial rod is involved in the control of flagellar movements. This hypothesis uses oriented dipole and electroconformational coupling mechanisms as the physical phenomena that produce signal transduction. A model for phototaxis is presented.  相似文献   
The simplest way to account for the influence of diffusion on the kinetics of multisite phosphorylation is to modify the rate constants in the conventional rate equations of chemical kinetics. We have previously shown that this is not enough and new transitions between the reactants must also be introduced. Here we extend our results by considering enzymes that are inactive after modifying the substrate and need time to become active again. This generalization leads to a surprising result. The introduction of enzyme reactivation results in a diffusion-modified kinetic scheme with a new transition that has a negative rate constant. The reason for this is that mapping non-Markovian rate equations onto Markovian ones with time-independent rate constants is not a good approximation at short times. We then developed a non-Markovian theory that involves memory kernels instead of rate constants. This theory is now valid at short times, but is more challenging to use. As an example, the diffusion-modified kinetic scheme with new connections was used to calculate kinetics of double phosphorylation and steady-state response in a phosphorylation-dephosphorylation cycle. We have reproduced the loss of bistability in the phosphorylation-dephosphorylation cycle when the enzyme reactivation time decreases, which was obtained by particle-based computer simulations.  相似文献   
In a two-compartment mathematical model, we studied the reason for and conditions of manifestation of electrical bistability in a neuron composed of monostable parts. One compartment of the model simulated the dendrites; their membrane was monostable at high depolarization and characterized by an N-shaped steady current-voltage (I–V) characteristic endowed by inward synaptic current through voltage-dependent channels sensitive to N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA). Another compartment simulated the axosomatic region with a positively sloped linearizedI–V characteristic of the membrane monostable at the resting membrane potential. For the whole cell, bistability was obvious at a subcritical intensity of NMDA activation; the reason was the current directed from the more depolarized dendritic region into the somatic region, and the necessary condition was that the above somatopetal core current must exceed the net inward transmembrane current (the latter was the sum of the inward synaptic and outward passive extrasynaptic currents) of the dendritic compartment. This relation essentially depended on the size of the dendrites. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 98–101, March–April, 2000.  相似文献   
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