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Role of Thidiazuron (TDZ) in inducing adventitious organogenesis in Pongamia was studied. TDZ at different concentrations (0, 0.45, 2.27, 4.54, 6.71, 9.08, 11.35, 13.12 and 22.71 μM) were used for induction of caulogenic bud formation in deembryonated cotyledon explants. Each cotyledon was cut into three segments and identified as proximal, middle and distal. Duration of TDZ exposure, influence of the segment and orientation of the explant were studied. TDZ at 11.35 μM concentration was optimum for the induction of shoots and rapid elongation. Shoots induced at higher concentration elongated after several passages in growth regulator free medium, thereby extending the period of differentiation. Exposure of the explant for 20 days yielded more number of buds than 10 days. Proximal segment of the cotyledon was more responsive. Contact of abaxial surface in the medium was more effective and generated more buds than the adaxial side. Buds differentiated and elongated on transfer to MS basal medium for 8–12 passages of 15 days each. Rooting and elongation of shoots was achieved in charcoal supplemented half-strength MS medium. Rooted plantlets survived on transfer to sand soil mixture. The plants were hardened and transferred to green house. This is the first report on in vitro regeneration of Pongamia pinnata via adventitious organogenesis using TDZ. This protocol may find application in studies in genetic transformation, isolation of somaclonal variants and in induction of mutants. It also provides a system to study the inhibitory role of TDZ on shoot differentiation.  相似文献   
The study was carried out in two (A and B) citrus groves to clarify the spatial distribution patterns of eggs and larvae, and to analyse the mortality process of eggs. From the analysis by using the mean density and the mean crowding, it was clarified that the distributions of eggs were contagious and that larvae were more contagiously distributed than eggs. The τ and z indices showed that the operation of egg mortality was inversely density-dependent in both groves, and that the degree of inverse density-dependence was greater in A than in B grove. The spatial correlations between the emergence holes and the eggs or larvae in each tree, which were analysed by using ω index, showed that the distributions were more overlapping between the emergence holes and the larvae than the eggs. As the result of dividing trees into several groups according to the number of emergence holes, it was clarified that the survival rates of eggs were positively correlated with the number of emergence holes. In conclusion, inversely density-dependent mortality process was considered to be caused by lower mortality rates of eggs in the trees with more emergence holes. Especially in A grove, because the trees with more emergence holes were larger in diameter and more egg oviposition, the inversely density-dependent mortality process was considered to be detected more conspicuously than in B grove.  相似文献   
Volker Nicolai 《Oecologia》1991,88(1):132-137
Summary The arthropod communities living on the bark of the oak species Quercus macrocarpa and Q. ellipsoidalis were investigated in a North American oak savanna. Differences were found in the community structure of the arthropods living on the bark of these two tree species, although they have the same fissured bark type. In the North American oak savanna ecosystem the most important disturbance factor is fire, which maintains species richness. Highest numbers of species and specimens were found at moderately disturbed sites. Three main ecological groups of arthropods living on the bark of trees can be distinguished in relation to the degree of disturbance: (1) Inhabitants of bark of trees restricted to undisturbed sites: they do not occur in fire-disturbed areas; (2) Inhabitants of bark of trees adapted to a moderate degree of disturbance: many species occur in high numbers only in moderately disturbed areas; and (3) Specialist inhabitants of bark of trees in heavily disturbed areas. The number of specimens of these species increases per trunk with the frequency of disturbance.  相似文献   
对8只成体树鼩的睾丸进行了精子发生的细胞学和动力学观察。精原细胞可区分为A型和已分化定向的B型。生精上皮周期可分为12个连续阶段,不同阶段典型的细胞组合可被辨认。各阶段的相对持续时间以阶段Ⅴ、Ⅵ、Ⅶ的比率最高,分别为11.43,18.88、15.44;阶段Ⅸ、Ⅹ最低,为3.78和3.87。A型精原细胞在各阶段的数量分布并不保持恒定,阶段Ⅵ—Ⅷ和阶段Ⅸ时,分别出现两次成倍增长。B型精原细胞和前细线期精母细胞与每100个足细胞之比的平均值,在阶段Ⅰ、Ⅴ、Ⅶ分别为28.89、76.98、196.91。精细胞经14步变态为成熟精子。精子形成过程中顶体发育的形态学变化及成熟精子的形态,与灵长类动物相比具有较多的类似之处;而同啮齿类动物相比,存在明显的形态差异。  相似文献   
Susan M. House 《Oecologia》1993,96(4):555-561
Pollination success in female trees was determined for a population of Neolitsea dealbata (R. Br.) Merr., a locally abundant dioecious tree pollinated by small, unspecialized insects in northern Queensland rain forest, Australia. The population consisted of a clustered group of trees with a mean male-to-female distance of 4.5 m and more isolated individuals, including females more than 90 m away from the nearest pollen source. A map of all reproductive trees was produced to determine accurate male-to-female distances. The size of the pollen source available to females was defined as a function of the distance to the nearest ten male trees and their sizes (male neighbourhood index). The rate of pollen movement to females was measured by counting pollen tubes (and the number of tubes per style) in female trees 6 days after the commencement of population flowering. The pollination rate decreased steeply to less than half when the nearest male was only 6.5 m away. Although pollen reached a female 330 m away from the nearest pollen source, only 10% of receptive flowers had been pollinated. The short flowering period (2–3 weeks) combined with the the slow rate of pollen movement means that a large proportion of flowers in isolated trees are unpollinated, confirming an earlier finding that isolated females set fewer fruits than gregarious females. The reliability of pollen transfer to females was determined by quantifying insects and their pollen loads trapped at female trees with a range of male neighbourhood indices. Quantities of insects and pollen were significantly correlated with the size of the male neighbourhood index, indicating a strong density-dependent response by vectors to flowering. Pollen was also collected from insect visitors to non-flowering trees. Females with large male neighbourhood indices received more pollen than non-flowering trees with equivalent male neighbourhood indices. However, when the male neighbourhood indices were small for both female and non-flowering trees, the changces of pollinators encountering female and non-flowering trees were similar, suggesting random movements of pollinators in sparse-flowering sub-populations. The dioecious breeding system, brief, synchronous flowering period, clustered population structure and random, opportunistic foraging behaviour of vectors interacted in a way that reduced reproduction in relatively isolated trees. These results demonstrate a mechanism for differential breeding success between trees in natural populations and emphasize the possible impact of logging regimes on pollen flow between trees. Large interconspecific distances in species-rich environments may have been a factor in the selection for synchronous flowering between trees in outcrossing tree species with generalist insect pollinators.  相似文献   
Relationships between canopy cover and tree regeneration were determined for various species in cove forests of the Great Smoky Mountains. Old-growth stands were sampled with six plots covering a total area of 4.8 ha. Each plot was subdivided into contiguous 10×10 m quadrats. Canopy cover overlying each of the 480 quadrats was characterized with three different indices based on visual estimates of cover. Influences of: (1) overlying cover, (2) proximate openings, and (3) total area of proximate openings on quadrat regeneration densities were determined. Most species reproducing by seed and some species reproducing by vegetative means had higher densities in quadrats with openings, but only the intolerants were highly dependent on gaps. Tsuga canadensis, a very shade-tolerant species, was one of the few species with abundant regeneration beneath dense canopy cover. In general, understory areas near gaps had somewhat higher regeneration densities than other areas with overlying cover. Several shade-tolerant species showed a positive regeneration density response to canopy openings and an ability to regenerate in gaps 0.01–0.03 ha in area. These openings were too small for intolerant species. Many species exhibited a positive response to total size of the proximate opening(s). A sharp increase in regeneration density with area of the opening(s) was evident at approximately 0.04 ha for the shade-intolerant species.  相似文献   
Tree growth varies closely with high–frequency climate variability. Since the 1930s detrending climate data prior to comparing them with tree growth data has been shown to better capture tree growth sensitivity to climate. However, in a context of increasingly pronounced trends in climate, this practice remains surprisingly rare in dendroecology. In a review of Dendrochronologia over the 2018–2021 period, we found that less than 20 % of dendroecological studies detrended climate data prior to climate-growth analyses. With an illustrative study, we want to remind the dendroecology community that such a procedure is still, if not more than ever, rational and relevant. We investigated the effects of detrending climate data on climate–growth relationships across North America over the 1951–2000 period. We used a network of 2536 tree individual ring-width series from the Canadian and Western US forest inventories. We compared correlations between tree growth and seasonal climate data (Tmin, Tmax, Prec) both raw and detrended. Detrending approaches included a linear regression, 30-yr and 100-yr cubic smoothing splines. Our results indicate that on average the detrending of climate data increased climate–growth correlations. In addition, we observed that strong trends in climate data translated to higher variability in inferred correlations based on raw vs. detrended climate data. We provide further evidence that our results hold true for the entire spectrum of dendroecological studies using either mean site chronologies and correlations coefficients, or individual tree time series within a mixed-effects model framework where regression coefficients are used more commonly. We show that even without a change in correlation, regression coefficients can change a lot and we tend to underestimate the true climate impact on growth in case of climate variables containing trends. This study demonstrates that treating climate and tree-ring time series “like-for-like” is a necessary procedure to reduce false negatives and positives in dendroecological studies. Concluding, we recommend using the same detrending for climate and tree growth data when tree-ring time series are detrended with splines or similar frequency-based filters.  相似文献   
Climate change has profound effects on forest ecosystems. Schrenk spruce (P. schrenkiana) is a natural conifer species endemic to the arid inland areas of Asia. In this study, the relationship between tree-ring parameters of P. schrenkiana and major meteorological factors were analyzed, and the main limiting factors for tree radial growth and stable carbon isotope fractionation were explored. Our results indicate that moisture stress before and during the growing season have an important influence on radial growth of P. schrenkiana, especially, the correlation coefficient between tree-ring width and vapor pressure deficit (VPD) from previous August to current July is as high as −0.622 (n = 51, p < 0.01). Collinearity analysis further supports the conclusion that the limiting factor for the radial growth of P. schrenkiana is moisture. Although the correlation analysis results show that the tree-ring δ13Ccorr is significantly positively correlated with sunshine duration (SD), additional analysis based on first order difference variables suggests that the climate factor may not be the only limiting factor for the stable carbon isotope fractionation of tree rings in the Sayram Lake Basin. This lays the foundation for the assessment of forest management practices and carbon sink capacity in light of future climate change.  相似文献   
将树鼩胸主动脉分层剥离,用组织块贴壁法,体外培养出主动脉内皮细胞,历经一年,传至23代,命名为TSaec-8910。倒置显微镜下细胞单层生长,呈铺路石样镶嵌排列,第Ⅷ因子相关抗原阳性,透射电镜观察,细胞质内未找到Weibel-Palade小体。细胞生长曲线及分裂指数示9~12d汇合成单层,按1:2或1:3传代,传代间隔为lO~14d,细胞冻存复苏后接种存活率为31.5%,细胞染色体检查为二倍体细胞,2n=62,雄性。内皮细胞生长因子、上皮细胞生长因子、条件培养基和附着底物对TSaec-8910细胞有明显影响,细胞在玻璃瓶壁上贴壁时间为24~18h,而在涂有鼠尾胶瓶壁则为4h左右,内皮细胞生长因子、上皮细胞生长因子能促进TSaec-8910细胞贴壁和增殖,20%TSaec-8910细胞条件培养基亦能良好地维持细胞形态。  相似文献   
1 引言 传统的植物光合生理生态研究中,多用照度计来测定光照指标,它以人眼对光亮度的响应特性为基础,与植物叶片对光照的响应曲线差异很大;而太阳光谱中只有400—700nm的波段才是光合有效辐射  相似文献   
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