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Pelagic coelenterates and eutrophication: a review   总被引:4,自引:7,他引:4  
Mary N. Arai 《Hydrobiologia》2001,451(1-3):69-87
Although eutrophication is a widespread problem in marine waters, its effects are often difficult to separate from normal fluctuations of pelagic coelenterate populations and from other anthropogenic changes due to industrial pollution, construction, introductions, global warming and overfishing. The least complex situations are in small coastal water bodies such as the Caribbean lagoons and Scandinavian fjords. Typically, the diversity of pelagic coelenterates decreases, but the biomass of a small number of species (such as the hydromedusae Aglantha digitale and Rathkea octopunctata and the scyphomedusae Aurelia aurita and Cassiopea spp.) may increase. Adaptations that may allow these species to survive under eutrophic conditions are discussed.  相似文献   
We used fluorescently labeled phalloidin to examine the subumbrellar musculature of the scyphozoan jellyfish Aurelia aurita in a developmental series from ephyra to adult medusa. In the ephyra, the swim musculature includes a disc‐like sheet of circular muscle, in addition to two radial bands of muscle in each of the eight ephyral arms. The radial muscle bands join with the circular muscle, and both circular and radial muscle act together during each swim contraction. As the ephyra grows into a juvenile medusa, arms tissue is resorbed as the bell tissue grows outward, so eventually, the ephyral arms disappear. During this process, the circular muscle disc also grows outward and the radial muscle bands of the arms also disappear. At this time, a marginal gap appears at the bell margin, which is devoid of circular muscle cells, but has a loose arrangement of radial muscle fibers. This marginal gap is preserved as the medusa grows, and contributes to the floppy nature of the bell margin. Radial distortions in the circular muscle layer involve muscle fibers that run in random directions, with a primarily radial orientation. These are believed to be remnants of the radial muscle of the ephyral arms, and the distortions decrease in number and extent as the medusa grows. Since the mechanics of swimming changes from drag‐based paddling in the ephyra to marginal rowing in the adult medusa, the development of the marginal gap and the presence of radial distortions should be considered in terms of this mechanical transition.  相似文献   
Phosphatized specimens of Olivooides from the Early Cambrian of Shaanxi, China, represent a number of developmental stages. These include cleavage, gastrulation, organogenesis, cuticularization, pre-hatching, post-hatching and subsequent growth. This allows the reconstruction of a nearly full developmental sequence of this animal. Olivooides had large (600-870 μm in diameter), sphaerical eggs, indicating a high yolk content. Development was direct. Thus adult characters were forming already in the embryo, and there was no free larval stage. The embryonic development took place within a smooth protective membrane. Gastrulation probably was by polar ingression, and the blastopore appears to correspond to the aperture of the later stages. An embryonic cuticle formed which carried star-shaped structures, stellae, over the entire surface except for a radially folded non-stellate portion around the future aperture. At a later stage, the stellate cuticle was thrown into folds concentric with the aperture. This radially folded tissue then became more dominant. After hatching, the body assumed the shape of a strongly annulated cone, with the stellate cuticle forming the apical part and the folded cuticle forming a longitudinally striate cuticle around the aperture. Subsequent growth took place through the addition of striate tissue. A pentaradial symmetry of the body is suggested by lateral folds in the apical part. Olivooides is interpreted as a cnidarian, probably closely related to the scyphozoans. The conical test may have housed a polyp similar to the thecate polyps of modern coronate scyphozoans, but, unlike the latter, Olivooides had no visible attachment structures. There is no evidence for or against a free medusa stage. The prevalence of lecithotrophic direct developers in the Neoproterozoic and Cambrian, unless reflecting a preservational bias, casts some doubts on evolutionary models that assume larval planktotrophy to be primitive among metazoans.  相似文献   
Animals with radial symmetry are abundant in the Cambrian Fortunian Stage of South China, but with relatively low diversity: representatives include Olivooides, Quadrapyrgites, carinachitiids, hexangulaconulariids and Pseudooides. Here, we report a new radial animal, Qinscyphus necopinus gen. et sp. nov., from the Fortunian small shelly fauna of southern Shaanxi Province, South China. Qinscyphus necopinus has a cup‐shaped profile, with slightly raised annuli and five groups of triangular thickenings in pentaradial symmetry. This organism has a comparable morphology to, and thus a close affinity with, Olivooides and Quadrapyrgites, and is interpreted as a coronate scyphozoan. This discovery adds a new crown‐group cnidarian to the Cambrian Explosion.  相似文献   
Coronate polyps retract their soft bodies into a protective peridermal tube after mechanical irritation. Sediment may enter the tube of contracted polyps, however, and block the opening [Jarms, G., 1990. Neubeschreibung dreier Arten der Gattung Nausithoe (Coronatae, Scyphozoa) sowie Wiederbeschreibung der Art Nausithoe marginata Kölliker, 1853. Mitt. Hamb. Zool. Mus. Inst. 87, 7-39; Silveira, F.L. da, Jarms, G., Morandini, A.C., 2003. Experiments in nature and laboratory observations with Nausithoe aurea (Scyphozoa: Coronatae) support the concept of perennation by tissue saving and confirm dormancy. Biota Neotropica 2 (2), 1-25]. In the present study, the ability of different coronate species [Nausithoe aurea Silveira and Morandini, 1997, Nausithoe planulophora (Werner, 1971), Thecoscyphus zibrowii Werner, 1984, Linuche unguiculata (Swarts, 1788)] to expel sediment particles from the tube was investigated. In laboratory experiments, sand grains and mussel shell fragments were inserted into the tubes and the responses of polyps were observed. Particles were ingested as polyps extended themselves, and after extension, they were defecated. Ingestion was effected by an aborally directed flagellar beat of the flagellated gastrodermal epithelia that was reversed for defecation. Particles only slightly smaller than the tube opening could be expelled, and extension of the polyp was possible even if grains blocked 2/3 of the tube. However, if particles became stuck in the tube, ingestion was impossible and polyp extension failed. Comparisons among the tested species showed that expulsion success depended on tube shape and polyp morphology. In N. aurea and N. planulophora, less than 5% of tubes were permanently blocked. The cave-dwelling species T. zibrowii was not able to ingest particles due to its particular morphology, and in 25% of experiments with shell fragments tubes were permanently blocked. Thin, elongate tubes of the colonial polyps L. unguiculata were also often permanently blocked by shell fragments (50%), but new polyps were developed from the scyphorhiza to ensure survival of the colony. Solitary polyps were able to survive more than 5 months retracted beneath any blocking particles. After tubes were cut off beneath such particles normal polyps developed. From our observations, we suggest that coronate polyps can exist in habitats with moderate sedimentation, and that they can survive being temporarily buried.  相似文献   
Integral and membrane-associated proteins extracted from neuron-enriched perirhopalial tissue of the jellyfish Cyanea capillata were probed with a panel of lectins that recognize sugar epitopes of varying complexity. Of the 13 lectins tested, only concanavalin A, jacalin lectin and tomato lectin stained distinct bands on Western blots, indicating the presence of repeating -1,6-mannoses, terminal Gal--1,6-GalNAc and repeating -1,4-linked GlcNAc, respectively. In whole-mounted perirhopalial tissue, jacalin lectin stained several cell types, including neurons, muscle, cilia and mucus strands. Tomato lectin stained secretory cells intensely, and neurons in a punctate fashion. Concanavalin A stained cytoplasmic epitopes in both ecto-and endodermal cells, and ectodermal secretory cells and the mucus strands emanating from them. With the exception of tomato lectin's sugar epitope, the other sugar epitopes identified in this study are non-complex. This study suggests that while glycosylation of integral and membrane-associated proteins occurs in Cyanea, the sugars post-translationally linked to these proteins tend to be simple.  相似文献   
A comparison of the molecular interaction of natural Scyphozoan lysins with their bioactivity in a haemolytic assay was performed by establishing an efficient, automatable and reproducible procedure for the measurement of protein-membrane interactions. The toxin-membrane interactions were analyzed utilising a chip-based technology with immobilized liposomes as artificial cell membranes. The technique was established with streptolysin O as a cholesterol-selective model toxin and its cholesterol-selectivity has been proven. The haemolytic potency of protein fractions derived from the venom of the jellyfish Aurelia aurita and Cyanea capillata was tested and EC50 values of 35.3 μg/mL and 43.1 μg/mL against sheep and 13.5 μg/mL and 8.8 μg/mL against rabbit erythrocytes were measured. Cell membrane binding as a first step in the haemolytic process was analyzed using the Biacore® technology. Major cell membrane lipids (cholesterol, sphingomyelin and phosphatidylcholine) were immobilized as pure liposomes and in binary mixtures. A preference for cholesterol and sphingomyelin of both jellyfish species was demonstrated. The specificity of the method was proven with a non-haemolytic A. aurita protein fraction that did not express a lipid binding. Additionally, an inactivated C. capillata lysine with negligible haemolytic activity showed a remaining but reduced adsorption onto lipid layers. The binding level of the lytic venom fraction of these dominant boreal jellyfish species increased as a function of protein concentration. The binding strength was expressed in RU50 values ranging from 12.4 μg/mL to 35.4 μg/mL, which were in the same order of magnitude as the EC50 values in the haemolytic assay.  相似文献   
We examined the development of the nervous system in Aurelia (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa) from the early planula to the polyp stage using confocal and transmission electron microscopy. Fluorescently labeled anti-FMRFamide, antitaurine, and antityrosinated tubulin antibodies were used to visualize the nervous system. The first detectable FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity occurs in a narrow circumferential belt toward the anterior/aboral end of the ectoderm in the early planula. As the planula matures, the FMRFamide-immunoreactive cells send horizontal processes (i.e., neurites) basally along the longitudinal axis. Neurites extend both anteriorly/aborally and posteriorly/orally, but the preference is for anterior neurite extension, and neurites converge to form a plexus at the aboral/anterior end at the base of the ectoderm. In the mature planula, a subset of cells in the apical organ at the anterior/aboral pole begins to show FMRFamide-like and taurine-like immunoreactivity, suggesting a sensory function of the apical organ. During metamorphosis, FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity diminishes in the ectoderm but begins to occur in the degenerating primary endoderm, indicating that degenerating FMRFamide-immunoreactive neurons are taken up by the primary endoderm. FMRFamide-like expression reappears in the ectoderm of the oral disc and the tentacle anlagen of the growing polyp, indicating metamorphosis-associated restructuring of the nervous system. These observations are discussed in the context of metazoan nervous system evolution.  相似文献   
Avian  M.  Del Negro  P.  Sandrini  L. Rottini 《Hydrobiologia》1991,216(1):615-621
Nematocysts of the scyphozoans Pelagia noctiluca and Rhizostoma pulmo were examined. In R. pulmo 4 types of nematocyst were observed: heterotrichous microbasic euryteles; holotrichous isorhizas; atrichous a-isorhizas; and atrichous -isorhizas. In P. noctiluca 5 types of nematocyst were seen: heterotrichous microbasic euryteles; heterotrichous isorhizas (previously described as atrichous isorhizas); holotrichous O-isorhizas; atrichous a-isorhizas; and an undescribed type, which in its structure and discharge mechanism resembles microbasic p-mastigophores. The results show, in both P. noctiluca and R. pulmo, a greater variety of nematocysts than described in previous studies.  相似文献   
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