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The impact of natural selection on the adaptive divergence of invasive populations can be assessed by testing the null hypothesis that the extent of quantitative genetic differentiation (Q(ST) ) would be similar to that of neutral molecular differentiation (F(ST) ). Using eight microsatellite loci and a common garden approach, we compared Q(ST) and F(ST) among ten populations of an invasive species Ambrosia artemisiifolia (common ragweed) in France. In a common garden study with varying water and nutrient levels, we measured Q(ST) for five traits (height, total biomass, reproductive allocation, above- to belowground biomass ratio, and days to flowering). Although low F(ST) indicated weak genetic structure and strong gene flow among populations, we found significant diversifying selection (Q(ST) > F(ST) ) for reproductive allocation that may be closely related to fitness. It suggests that abiotic conditions may have exerted selection pressure on A. artemisiifolia populations to differentiate adaptively, such that populations at higher altitude or latitude evolved greater reproductive allocation. As previous studies indicate multiple introductions from various source populations of A. artemisiifolia in North America, our results suggest that the admixture of introduced populations may have increased genetic diversity and additive genetic variance, and in turn, promoted the rapid evolution and adaptation of this invasive species.  相似文献   
Genetic variation among populations in the degree of sexual dimorphism may be a consequence of selection on one or both sexes. We analysed genetic parameters from crosses involving three populations of the dioecious plant Silene latifolia, which exhibits sexual dimorphism in flower size, to determine whether population differentiation was a result of selection on one or both sexes. We took the novel approach of comparing the ratio of population differentiation of a quantitative trait (Q(ST) ) to that of neutral genetic markers (F(ST) ) for males vs. females. We attributed 72.6% of calyx width variation in males to differences among populations vs. only 6.9% in females. The Q(ST) /F(ST) ratio was 4.2 for males vs. 0.4 for females, suggesting that selection on males is responsible for differentiation among populations in calyx width and its degree of sexual dimorphism. This selection may be indirect via genetic correlations with other morphological and physiological traits.  相似文献   
Local adaptation to variable environments can generate clinal variation in morphological traits. Alternatively, similar patterns of clinal variation may be generated simply as a result of genetic drift/migration balance. Teasing apart these different processes is a continuing focus in evolutionary ecology. We compare genetic differentiation at molecular loci and quantitative traits to analyse the effect of these different processes in a morphological latitudinal cline of the barn swallow, Hirundo rustica, breeding across Europe. The results obtained show no structuring at neutral microsatellite loci, which contrasts with positive structuring at five quantitative morphometric traits. This supports the hypothesis that the observed morphometric cline in barn swallows is the result of selection acting in a spatially heterogeneous environment. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99 , 306–314.  相似文献   
We applied a phenotypic QST (PST) vs. FST approach to study spatial variation in selection among great snipe (Gallinago media) populations in two regions of northern Europe. Morphological divergence between regions was high despite low differentiation in selectively neutral genetic markers, whereas populations within regions showed very little neutral divergence and trait differentiation. QST > FST was robust against altering assumptions about the additive genetic proportions of variance components. The homogenizing effect of gene flow (or a short time available for neutral divergence) has apparently been effectively counterbalanced by differential natural selection, although one trait showed some evidence of being under uniform stabilizing selection. Neutral markers can hence be misleading for identifying evolutionary significant units, and adopting the PST-FST approach might therefore be valuable when common garden experiments is not an option. We discuss the statistical difficulties of documenting uniform selection as opposed to divergent selection, and the need for estimating measurement error. Instead of only comparing overall QST and FST values, we advocate the use of partial matrix permutation tests to analyse pairwise QST differences among populations, while statistically controlling for neutral differentiation.  相似文献   
Most adaptive traits are controlled by large number of genes that may all together be the targets of selection. Adaptation may thus involve multiple but not necessarily substantial allele frequency changes. This has important consequences for the detection of selected loci and implies that a quantitative genetics framework may be more appropriate than the classical 'selective sweep' paradigm. Preferred methods to detect loci involved in local adaptation are based on the detection of 'outlier' values of the allelic differentiation F(ST) . A quantitative genetics framework is adopted here to review theoretical expectations for how allelic differentiation at quantitative trait loci (F(STQ) ) relates to (i), neutral genetic differentiation (F(ST) ) and (ii), phenotypic differentiation (Q(ST) ). We identify cases where results of outlier-based methods are likely to be poor and where differentiation at selected loci conveys little information regarding local adaptation. A first case is when neutral differentiation is high, so that local adaptation does not necessitate increased differentiation. A second case is when local adaptation is reached via an increased covariance of allelic effects rather than via allele frequency changes, which is more likely under high gene flow when the number of loci is high and selection is recent. The comparison of theoretical predictions with observed data from the literature suggests that polygenic local adaptation involving only faint allele frequency changes are very likely in some species such as forest trees and for climate-related traits. Recent methodological improvements that may alleviate the weakness of F(ST) -based detection methods are presented.  相似文献   
A combination of founder effects and local adaptation – the Monopolization hypothesis – has been proposed to reconcile the strong population differentiation of zooplankton dwelling in ponds and lakes and their high dispersal abilities. The role genetic drift plays in genetic differentiation of zooplankton is well documented, but the impact of natural selection has received less attention. Here, we compare differentiation in neutral genetic markers (FST) and in quantitative traits (QST) in six natural populations of the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis to assess the importance of natural selection in explaining genetic differentiation of life‐history traits. Five life‐history traits were measured in four temperature × salinity combinations in common‐garden experiments. Population differentiation for neutral genetic markers – 11 microsatellite loci – was very high (FST = 0.482). Differentiation in life‐history traits was higher in traits related to sexual reproduction than in those related to asexual reproduction. QST values for diapausing egg production (a trait related to sexual reproduction) were higher than their corresponding FST in some pairs of populations. Our results indicate the importance of divergent natural selection in these populations and suggest local adaptation to the unpredictability of B. plicatilis habitats.  相似文献   
Evaluating the relative importance of neutral and adaptive processes as determinants of population differentiation across environments is a central theme of evolutionary biology. We applied the QSTFST comparison flanked by a direct test for local adaptation to infer the role of climate‐driven selection and gene flow in population differentiation of an annual grass Avena sterilis in two distinct parts of the species range, edge and interior, which represent two globally different climates, desert and Mediterranean. In a multiyear reciprocal transplant experiment, the plants of desert and Mediterranean origin demonstrated home advantage, and population differentiation in several phenotypic traits related to reproduction exceeded neutral predictions, as determined by comparisons of QST values with theoretical FST distributions. Thus, variation in these traits likely resulted from local adaptation to desert and Mediterranean environments. The two separate common garden experiments conducted with different experimental design revealed that two population comparisons, in contrast to multi‐population comparisons, are likely to detect population differences in virtually every trait, but many of these differences reflect effects of local rather than regional environment. We detected a general reduction in neutral (SSR) genetic variation but not in adaptive quantitative trait variation in peripheral desert as compared with Mediterranean core populations. On the other hand, the molecular data indicated intensive gene flow from the Mediterranean core towards desert periphery. Although species range position in our study (edge vs. interior) was confounded with climate (desert vs. Mediterranean), the results suggest that the gene flow from the species core does not have negative consequences for either performance of the peripheral plants or their adaptive potential.  相似文献   
Across Europe, genetic diversity can be expected to decline toward the North because of stochastic and selective effects which may imply diminished phenotypic variation and less potential for future genetic adaptations to environmental change. Understanding such latitudinal patterns can aid provenance selection for breeding or assisted migration approaches. In an experiment simulating different winter temperatures, we assessed quantitative trait variation, genetic diversity, and differentiation for natural populations of the grass Arrhenatherum elatius originating from a large latitudinal gradient. In general, populations from the North grew smaller and had a lower flowering probability. Toward the North, the absolute plastic response to the different winter conditions as well as heritability for biomass production significantly declined. Genetic differentiation in plant height and probability of flowering were very strong and significantly higher than under neutral expectations derived from SNP data, suggesting adaptive differentiation. Differentiation in biomass production did not exceed but mirrored patterns for neutral genetic differentiation, suggesting that migration‐related processes caused the observed clinal trait variation. Our results demonstrate that genetic diversity and trait differentiation patterns for Aelatius along a latitudinal gradient are likely shaped by both local selection and genetic drift.  相似文献   
Substantial intraspecific variation in life history is rare and potentially a signal of incipient ecological speciation, if variation is driven by geographically heterogenous natural selection. We present the first report of extensive life history polymorphism in Helianthus argophyllus, the silverleaf sunflower, and examine evidence for its evolution by divergent selection. In 18 populations sampled from across the species range and grown in a common garden, most quantitative traits covaried such that individuals could be assigned to two distinct life history syndromes: tall and late flowering with small initial flowerheads, or short and early flowering with larger initial flowerheads. Helianthus argophyllus exhibits regional genetic structure, but this population structure does not closely correspond with patterns of phenotypic variation. The early‐flowering syndrome is primarily observed in populations from coastal barrier islands, while populations from the nearby mainland coast, although geographically and genetically close, are primarily late flowering. Additionally, several traits are more differentiated among regions than expected based on neutral genetic divergence (QST > FST), including the first principal component score corresponding with life history syndrome. This discordance between patterns of phenotypic and genetic variation suggests that divergent selection is driving genetic differences in life history across the species range. If so, the silverleaf sunflower may be in early stages of ecological speciation.  相似文献   
The additive genetic variance-covariance matrix (G) is a concept central to discussions about evolutionary change over time in a suite of traits. However, at the moment we do not know how fast G itself changes as a consequence of selection or how sensitive it is to environmental influences. We investigated possible evolutionary divergence and environmental influences on G using data from a factorial common-garden experiment where common frog (Rana temporaria) tadpoles from two divergent populations were exposed to three different environmental treatments. G-matrices were estimated using an animal model approach applied to data from a NCII breeding design. Matrix comparisons using both Flury and multivariate analysis of variance methods revealed significant differences in G matrices both between populations and between treatments within populations, the former being generally larger than the latter. Comparison of levels of population differentiation in trait means using Q(ST) indices with that observed in microsatellite markers (F(ST)) revealed that the former values generally exceeded the neutral expectation set by F(ST). Hence, the results suggest that intraspecific divergence in G matrix structure has occurred mainly due to natural selection.  相似文献   
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