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Reflexed saltmarsh-grass suspension cultures produced by seed callus were frozen to the liquid nitrogen temperature. Cooling rates, cryoprotectants and holding times were taken as a function of transfer temperatures. The highest survival of cells (45%) was found at a freezing rate of 1°C min-1, without cryoprotectant treatments. The cryoprotectants (proline, dimethyl sulphoxide, glycerol), used at different concentrations and transfer temperatures, increased the survival rate. The maximum value was 78% at 12.5% (w/v) of proline with –30°C transfer temperature. Considerable improvement of viability (from 0% to 95%) among the 12.5 and 15.0% (v/v) dimethyl sulphoxide cryopreserved cells was achieved by holding them at – 20°C for 10–30 min before plunging into the liquid nitrogen. A 20 min holding time at 15.0% (v/v) glycerol level and – 30°C transfer temperature significantly enhanced the viability of the explants from 42% to 92%. Plants were successfully regenerated from cells cryopreserved with proline (w/v) and dimethyl sulfoxide (v/v) levels of 12.5 and 15.0%, respectively.  相似文献   
盐生植物星星草叶表皮具有泌盐功能的蜡质层   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20  
利用扫描电镜和 X射线电子探针研究了星星草 (Puccinellia tenuiflora)的叶表皮及其与生境高盐的关系。结果表明 ,叶表皮由表皮细胞和气孔器组成 ,下表皮气孔器多于上表皮 ,且常下陷 ,表皮具表皮毛。表皮细胞外存在丰富的蜡质纹饰和蜡质颗粒 ,这些蜡质包含盐离子 ,具有泌盐的功能。这些特征表明星星草受外界生态因素的影响 ,而演化出具有泌盐功能的蜡质层来适应所生长的高盐生境  相似文献   
陈刚    孙国荣    彭永臻    马东辉  岳中辉  那守海  阎秀峰 《生态学报》2008,28(5):2031-2031~2041
通过对星星草(Puccinellia tenuiflora)生长不同年数盐碱土壤氮素营养状况的比较,研究氮素积累作用的机理,并探讨其在植被演替中的可能作用.结果表明:在一维生态位空间(土壤氮含量)星星草和羊草(Leymus chinense)之间具有较小的生态位分离值和较大的生态位重叠值,表明羊草对土壤高含氮量具有较强的竞争能力.这些也许是羊草以及其他植物在星星草生长一定年数后能够侵入碱斑土壤的机制.星星草作为盐碱土壤改良和植被恢复的先锋植物,它的生长增强了盐碱草地土壤氮素的矿质化作用和生物固氮强度,并减弱了氮素随地表径流的损失.最终促进了盐碱草地的氮素沉积,达到了适合于其它物种(如羊草)生长的水平,从而使碱斑植被得以恢复.  相似文献   

Landfilling has been widely used for solid waste disposal; however, the generation of leachate can pose a major threat to the surrounding environment in the form of soil salinity. Two native plants of North America Puccinellia nuttalliana (alkaligrass) and Typha latifolia (cattail) were selected in this study to investigate bioaccumulation of sodium (Na+) and chloride (Cl?) under controlled greenhouse conditions. The treatments include irrigation of the plants using fertilizer (F), landfill leachate (LL), and tap water (control, C). Plants cultivated after one season (12?weeks) were harvested by separating aboveground tissues and roots, and soil from each treatment was collected for analysis. The results show that alkaligrass irrigated with LL had 2.13% more biomass yield than control, but 17.63% less than that with F. However, cattail yielded 19.70% more biomass with the irrigation of LL than C and 3.04% less compared to F. Alkaligrass and cattail accumulated 6.85 and 7.00?g Na+/Kg biomass with the irrigation of LL, respectively. Alkaligrass and cattail irrigated with LL accumulated 120.14% and 94.47% more Cl? than C. When alkaligrass and cattail were irrigated with LL, the electrical conductivity of soil was reduced by 71.70% and 45.36%, respectively. This study demonstrated that using North American native halophytes could be a cost-effective and promising approach for phytoremediation of landfill leachate.  相似文献   
孙国荣  阎秀峰 《植物研究》1999,19(4):445-451
对NaCO3胁迫下星星草种子萌发过程中淀粉酶活性、淀粉酶同工酶、可溶性糖含量、呼吸作用的变化进行了研究。结果表明无盐胁迫下,种于萌发过程中淀粉酶活性、可溶性糖含量、呼吸强度与对照相比均下降,并与Na2CO3胁迫浓度的负相关关系极其显著。Na2CO3胁迫下,水解酶活性降低、储藏物质不能动员、呼吸代谢受抑制是盐胁迫下星星草种子萌发受抑制的原因之一。  相似文献   
星星草营养器官适应盐胁迫的结构特征   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用0.6%Na2CO3胁迫处理星星草[Puccinellia tenuiflora(Turcz.)Scribn.et Merr.]幼苗,光镜和电镜观察其根和叶的显微和超微结构。结果表明,星星草根的表皮向外突出形成密集的根毛;外皮层由1~2层细胞组成,排列较紧密;中皮层薄壁细胞排列疏松,形成发达的通气组织;内皮层呈典型的五面加厚;中柱鞘排列紧密,其壁加厚;初生木质部与初生韧皮部相间排列,初生木质部为5~7原型,中央为后生木质部导管,无髓存在。叶的表皮有表皮毛和丰富的蜡质层;叶上表皮泡状细胞数目较少,且深陷;气孔下陷,其下有较大的气室;叶脉有大、中、小3种维管束,大、中型维管束为C3型,小型维管束为C4型。星星草可能是介于C3和C4植物之间的类型,具有耐盐碱及耐干旱特征。  相似文献   
Callus was induced from seeds of Puccinellia distans (L.) Parl. on MS medium supplemented with 2 mgl-1 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and 0.5 mgl-1 kinetin. Morphogenesis initiation was achieved during subculture on medium containing 0.1 mgl-1 2,4-D. From the point of morphogenetic capacity, 3 types of callus were selected. High frequency of plant regeneration was obtained by selection of embryogenic type of callus, and culture on N6 medium and N6 medium supplemented with kinetin (5–10 mgl-1), or kinetin (2 mgl-1) and IAA (0.5 mgl-1). A high ratio of albinos among regenerants was observed.  相似文献   
Castilleja tenuiflora is a facultative root hemiparasitic plant that has colonized a disturbed lava field in central Mexico. To determine the effects of hemiparasitism on the population dynamics of the parasite, we identified a set of potential hosts and quantified their effects on the vital rates of C. tenuiflora during 2016–2018. Connections between the roots of the hemiparasite and the hosts were confirmed with a scanning electron microscope. Annual matrices considering two conditions (with and without potential hosts) were built based on vital rates for each year, and annual stochastic finite rate growth rates (λs) were calculated. Plants produced more reproductive structures with hosts than without hosts. A Life Table Response Experiment (LTRE) was performed to compare the contributions of vital rates between conditions. We identified 19 species of potential hosts for this generalist hemiparasite. Stochastic lambda with hosts λs = 1.02 (CI = 0.9999, 1.1) tended to be higher than without them λs = 0.9503 (CI = 0.9055, 0.9981). The highest elasticity values correspond to survival. LTRE indicated that the most important parameters are survival and fecundity; the total contribution of fecundity (0.0192) to the difference in growth was three times lower than that of survival (0.0603). Piqueria trinervia was the most abundant host, and C. tenuiflora had a higher lambda with it than with other species. Individuals can grow alone, but hosts can have a positive effect on the vital parameters of C. tenuiflora and on λ.  相似文献   
星星草光合蒸腾季节变化与气候因子的关系   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
阎秀峰  孙国荣 《植物研究》1997,17(3):325-331
本项研究工作在测定天然星星草和人工种植生长一至三年星星草光合蒸腾特性季节变化的同时,测定了日照量、气温、地温、相对湿度,降雨量和蒸发量等气候因子的季节变化,并采用相关系数和通径系数分析方法分析了星星草光合蒸腾特性季节变休与气候因子的关系。  相似文献   
目的:从星星草中克隆一个铁蛋白相关基因,分析其序列特征及基因表达模式。方法与结果:构建星星草RACE cDNA文库,根据GenBank中报道的铁蛋白基因EST序列设计引物,利用RACE方法克隆得到星星草铁蛋白基因PtFer的全长cDNA序列(GenBank登录号为HM125047);序列分析表明,PtFer的核苷酸序列长度为751 bp,开放读框为336 bp,编码111个氨基酸残基,预测蛋白质相对分子质量为12.8×103。其蛋白质序列具有铁蛋白的特征性保守区域,与水稻属同一进化分支,与其他禾本科植物铁蛋白的序列相似性达80%以上。Northern杂交分析表明,PtFer的表达量随Na2CO3的浓度和时间的增加而升高,并在12~24 h内持续保持较高的表达水平。结论:用分子生物学及生物信息学技术克隆并分析了星星草铁蛋白基因PtFer的全长cDNA序列及编码蛋白的结构,并初步探索了盐碱胁迫下其表达模式,为研究植物耐盐碱机理奠定了基础。  相似文献   
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