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Synopsis The behaviour of three piranha species,Serrasalmus marginatus, S. spilopleura, andPygocentrus nattereri, and their prey fishes was studied underwater in the Pantanal region, Mato Grosso, Brazil. General habits, predatory tactics, feeding behaviour, and social interactions while foraging, as well as defensive tactics of prey fishes were observed.S. marginatus is solitary whereas the other two species live in shoals; their agonistic behaviour varies accordingly, the simplest being displayed by the solitary species. Predatory tactics and feeding behaviour also vary:S. spilopleura shows the most varied diet and highly opportunistic feeding strategy, which includes aggressive mimicry. The solitaryS. marginatus, besides fin and scale-eating, occasionally cleans larger individuals ofP. nattereri. Several cichlid species display defensive tactics clearly related to piranha attacks: tail protecting, watching, and confronting the predator are the most commonly observed behaviours. Piranhas seem to strongly influence use of habitat, social structure, and foraging mode of the fish communities.  相似文献   
Summary We used an automated technique for the observation and quantification of zooplankton swimming behavior to study the behavioral responses of two congeneric, herbivorous, freshwater copepod prey to a copepod predator (Limnocalanus macrurus). One prey, Diaptomus sicilis, often co-occurs with Limnocalanus, while previous studies indicated that the zoogeographic distribution of the second prey, Diaptomus oregonensis, was independent of the predator. We found that in the presence of Limnocalanus, D. sicilis swims more slowly and with less hopping and jumping than D. oregonensis. Diaptomus sicilis is also attacked and consumed by the predator Limnocalanus macrurus less frequently than D. oregonensis. We suggest that the faster, noisier swimming of D. oregonensis increases its vulnerability to Limnocalanus. The behavioral defenses to both prey are induced by the presence of the predator, and may represent two different anti-predator strategies, crypsis and avoidance for D. sicilis and D. oregonensis respectively. In a zoogeographical analysis D. oregonensis occurs at densities below D. sicilis in lakes where Limnocalanus is at elevated abundances, while in low-predator lakes the opposite is true. This distribution pattern supports our experimental results, and suggests that D. sicilis is adapted to survive with Limnocalanus, while D. oregonensis is not.  相似文献   
Dispersion capabilities of new queens were studied in the two haplometrotic paper wasps Polistes riparius and P. snelleni. New queens were marked on the nests in the late summer and located in the next spring. Dispersion distances greatly varied among queens: although a large part of recovered queens nested in close proximity to their natal sites, some did disperse over 100–300 m. This suggests that queens' emigration from and immigration into the censused areas occurred to a substantial extent. On the whole, these species exhibited a weaker “philopatric” tendency than those so far studied for dispersion distance, and seem to have the potential for a long-distance dispersion.  相似文献   
Synopsis This paper describes a study performed in the Gulf of Aqaba on food selectivity and hunting behaviour of three species of sympatric fish from the genusCephalopholis. These fishes occur in the shallow-water coral habitats of the Red Sea and feed on fishes and invertebrates. Of these,C. argus andC. miniata prefer selected fish species (95 and 86% of their diet respectively), whereasC. hemistiktos consumes more invertebrates (36%) and is less selective with respect to fish species. All three species employ various techniques to catch their prey and in situations where their elected food is absent they readily switch to substitute prey species.  相似文献   
To compare between a single-foundress colony and a multiple-foundress colony at the pre-emergence state of a social wasp, R. fasciata, nest distributions and colony terminations were investigated in 8 sites with different environmental conditions. Marking experiments were also conducted in two sites at high wasp density.
  1. Foundress populations were composed of single-foundress colonies in sites C, D and E, new environments where have recently suited for inhaviting, at low wasp density. In sites like A and B which were used year after year, at high wasp density, coexistence of multiple-and single-foundress colonies was observed.
  2. From the marking experiment, nests initiated by a single foundress were more distant away from the nest where the original foundress emerged the fall before, compared to multiple-foundress nests which were initiated by multiple foundress.
  3. Greater percentage of colony termination was observed in single-foundress nests than in multiple-foundress nests, and the colony termination in single-foundress colonies increased with the nest density.
  4. Ant predation was the key factor causing the variation of the percentage of colony termination.
Current glasshouse biological control practice relies on regular prophylactic introductions of one or two 'best' species of natural enemy. Whilst this is effective for much of the time, occasional failures occur due to factors such as differences in response to seasonal changes in environmental conditions and/or host plant effects. This study looks at the predatory behaviour of a specialist coccinellid, Stethorus punctillum Weise, and a generalist mite, Amblyseius californicus McGregor (which predate on the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae ) in order to assess how they responded to temperatures and relative humidities typical of glasshouse conditions on four edible crop plant species. Activity (distance covered, time spent walking, walking speed, angular velocity, and turning rate) was recorded at 20, 25 and 30 o C and at relative humidity (RH) levels of 33, 65 and 90%, on tomato, pepper, aubergine and cucumber leaves, and analysed using video-computer techniques. The results show that the activity of S. punctillum significantly increased at higher temperature levels. Host plant species also strongly influenced the performance of the predator, with it being most active on pepper and tomato and least active on aubergines. RH had no significant influence. The activity and predation by A. californicus increased at low humidity levels, especially in terms of time spent moving and number of prey killed. Temperature levels had no significant influence, but host plant species strongly influenced the performance of the predator, which was most active on pepper, and least active on aubergines. Further research was conducted with semi-field trials to investigate the efficacy in controlling TSSM with different combination of predators. When contrasting the commercially available predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis , used alone, compared with its use in a treatment with a combination of predator species, there was a stronger decrease in TSSM numbers on the crop plants in the latter treatment.  相似文献   
This paper represents an attempt to investigate the mating behaviour of Symmorphus allobrogus, explaining the willingness of male to mount and copulate. The male displays including mode and frequency of antennation and position while copulating, the displays further comprises of intensity and frequency of rejecting behaviour. The presence of the male’s copulatory and postcopulatory courtship studies, understands the maintenance of monandry. The wasp has numerous secondary sexual characters, and the mating behaviour follows a phyletic and the specific sexual mating characters in context of sexual selection. The duration of mating phases and the number of male antennation series during precopulatory, copulatory and postcopulatory phases of mounting, differs significantly. Mating success depends mostly on the activities of male in the premounting phase and the behaviour of both sexes has a roughly equal importance for it in precopulatory phase. While during copulation, activity of male has little influence on its duration; however, behaviour of female has crucial effect, inducing its earlier termination.  相似文献   
This protocol provides multiple methods for the analysis and quantification of predatory feeding behaviors in nematodes. Many nematode species including Pristionchus pacificus display complex behaviors, the most striking of which is the predation of other nematode larvae. However, as these behaviors are absent in the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans, they have thus far only recently been described in detail along with the development of reliable behavioral assays 1. These predatory behaviors are dependent upon phenotypically plastic but fixed mouth morphs making the correct identification and categorization of these animals essential. In P. pacificus there are two mouth types, the stenostomatous and eurystomatous morphs 2, with only the wide mouthed eurystomatous containing an extra tooth and being capable of killing other nematode larvae. Through the isolation of an abundance of size matched prey larvae and subsequent exposure to predatory nematodes, assays including both "corpse assays" and "bite assays" on correctly identified mouth morph nematodes are possible. These assays provide a means to rapidly quantify predation success rates and provide a detailed behavioral analysis of individual nematodes engaged in predatory feeding activities. In addition, with the use of a high-speed camera, visualization of changes in pharyngeal activity including tooth and pumping dynamics are also possible.  相似文献   
Spire is a WH2 domain-containing actin nucleator essential for establishing an actin mesh during oogenesis. In vitro, in addition to nucleating filaments, Spire can sever them and sequester actin monomers. Understanding how Spire is capable of these disparate functions and which are physiologically relevant is an important goal. To study severing, we examined the effect of Drosophila Spire on preformed filaments in bulk and single filament assays. We observed rapid depolymerization of actin filaments by Spire, which we conclude is largely due to its sequestration activity and enhanced by its weak severing activity. We also studied the solution and crystal structures of Spire-actin complexes. We find structural and functional differences between constructs containing four WH2 domains (Spir-ABCD) and two WH2 domains (Spir-CD) that may provide insight into the mechanisms of nucleation and sequestration. Intriguingly, we observed lateral interactions between actin monomers associated with Spir-ABCD, suggesting that the structures built by these four tandem WH2 domains are more complex than originally imagined. Finally, we propose that Spire-actin mixtures contain both nuclei and sequestration structures.  相似文献   
The predation potential of Haplothrips brevitubus (Karny) for thrips was evaluated in the laboratory. When second stage larvae of Pseudodendrothrips mori (Niwa) were presented to an adult H. brevitubus at densities of 10, 20, 30, and 40 larvae per cage at 25 °C over 24 h, the number of larvae consumed per day increased with an increasing density up to 30. Predation of H. brevitubus exhibited the type II functional response. The mean development time of the egg, larva, and pupa of H. brevitubus were 4.5, 9.6, and 4.8 days, respectively, at 25 °C. The survival rate from egg to adult emergence was 94.7%. One H. brevitubus larva consumed 41.6 P. mori larvae on average during the total larval period. Adult longevity was 35.2 days in females and 34.6 days in males. The pre-oviposition period was 2.7 days and the oviposition period was 31.5 days. The lifetime fecundity was 120.1 eggs and the mean daily oviposition rate was 3.6 eggs. Calculated mean generation time (T) was 29.5 days, intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm) was 0.162, and net reproductive rate (R0) was 56.5. The rm value of H. brevitubus was higher than that of Thrips palmi Karny and almost equal to that of Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande). These results indicate that H. brevitubus has good potential as a predator of P. mori and is likely to be useful for controlling thrips.  相似文献   
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