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Larvae from two populations of Euphydryas chalcedona Doubleday & Hewitson (Nymphalidae) were reared on their own hostplant and that of the other population, in both pre-diapause and post-diapause instars. One population, Chico, uses Penstemon breviflorus Lindl. (Scrophulariaceae), and the other, Echo Lake, uses P. newberryi Gray. Growth rate and survival were determined for pre-diapause and post-diapause larvae from both populations on both plant species; and digestive efficiencies were calculated during the prediapause instars. The results showed that larvae from the two populations differed in their responses to the two plant species. Pre-diapause larvae from Chico performed equally well on both plant species—survival and digestive indices were not significantly different for two Penstemon species. In contrast, pre-diapause larvae from Echo Lake performed significantly worse on the non-hostplant—growth and survival were significantly lower on the non-host, P. breviflorus. In addition, comparison of digestive efficiencies for the two plants showed that larvae from Echo Lake digested P. breviflorus better than P. newberryi, but were significantly less able to convert P. breviflorus to body mass. In the post-diapause instars, larvae from Chico grew faster on the host than on the non-host. Larvae from Echo Lake grew quite slowly on both plant species and significantly more of the Echo Lake larvae returned to diapause instead of completing development.
Résumé Des chenilles de deux populations d'E. chalcedona ont été élevées sur leur propre plante-hôte et sur celle de l'autre population, aux stades avant et après diapause. Les deux populations s'alimentent sur différentes espèces de Penstemon (Scrophulariaceae), et une population—Echo Lake—est monophage sur P. newberry, tandis que l'autre—Chico—utilise d'abord P. breviflorus, mais les chenilles après diapause sont trouvées sur au moins deux autres espèces de plantes. Les taux de croissance et de survie ont été déterminés pour des chenilles avant et après diapause pour les deux populations sur les deux plantes; les efficacités digestives ont été calculées sur les chenilles avant diapause.Les résultats ont montré que les chenilles des deux populations différaient par leur degré de spécialisation digestive sur leur plante hôte normale: les chenilles de Chico ont utilisé aussi bien les deux plantes, tandis que celles d'Echo Lake le faisaient significativement moins bien sur la plante non-hôte, par suite de l'inaptitude à la digérer. Ainsi la population oligophage est alimentairement moins spécialisée et plus capable de se débrouiller avec une plante non-hôte. Après diapause, les chenilles de Chico s'alimentaient significativement mieux sur plante hôte que non-hôte, ce qui était le cas aussi pour la population monophage. Dans l'ensemble, les chenilles de la population monophage semblaient moins capables de se débrouiller dans des conditions défavorables ou moins avantageuses.
A method was developed to produce radiolabeled 3-hydroxy-L-kynurenine by injection of [14C]-L-tryptophan into pupae of the heliconid butterfly, Heliconius charitonia, which was converted into [14C]-3-hydroxy-L-kynurenine and deposited as a wing pigment. Extractions of 3-hydroxykynurenine (3-OHK) with 60% methanol from wings yielded in 14.4 μg per mg dry weight. In extracts from yellow wing areas, 3-OHK represented 100% of detectable amino acids. Resulting specific radioactivity of [14C]-3-OHK was between 0.05 and 0.07 mCi/mmol when 0.5 μCi [14C]-tryptophan was injected into pupae 1 or 2 days before emergence of the butterfly. Incorporation of [14C]-3-OHK into wing ommochromes was studied in nymphalid butterflies, Araschnia levana and Precis coenia. After injection into pupae [I4C]-3-OHK as well as [14C]-tryptophan were specifically incorporated into red and red-brown wing scales as shown by autoradiography. The same incorporation occurred in isolated wings after incubation in Grace's medium containing [14C]-3-OHK. In Araschnia levana, [14C]-3-OHK offered to left wing pairs was incorporated into dihydroxanthommatin six times more effectively than [14C]-tryptophan offered to right wing pairs from the same specimen. Therefore, 3-OHK seems to be the ultimate precursor of wing ommatins.  相似文献   
Rewilding incomplete ecosystems by using ungulate megaherbivores represents a significant potential for sustainable management of habitats of declining species. Two xeric grasslands patches in the Podyjí National Park, Czech Republic, were rewilded by a feral horse breed, the Exmoor pony, in 2018. Before this in 2017, demography, mobility, and adult habitat use of five congeneric Melitaea butterflies co-occurring at the grasslands were investigated (Vodickova et al., J. Nature Conserv. 2019). In 2021, four seasons after the rewilding, we replicated the survey to assess the effects of the horse on the butterflies. Here, we compare the results of the two surveys and investigate changes in spatial patterns of adult distribution using Ripley’s K-functions.Total numbers of captures, and estimated population sizes, were consistently lower in 2021, with the largest drop for spring-flying M. cinxia. We cannot discern whether this was due to the cold 2021 spring, or due to reduction of grasses by the horse, possibly contributing to desiccation of M. cinxia host plants. Demographic parameters such as residency/longevity and capture probability changed only little. Mobility ranking among species remained identical, but within species, some mobility characteristics changed among years. Among early summer species, M. britomartis, second most abundant in 2017, switched to the first position with M. aurelia, and these two species displayed the most notable shift in adult habitat use between the two seasons. Short thorny shrubs avoided by the horse protect M. britomartis host plants; this threatened butterfly thus did not suffer from horse presence. M. athalia, a species of woodland edges, profited from decay of conifers caused by a series of dry years; and M. didyma, forming multiple generations, from increase of its host plant. Contrary to expectations, spatial distribution of most butterflies became more aggregated within rewilded pastures, probably due to regularities in home ranges use by the horses, which restructured the vegetation in a zonal, rather than patchy, way. A considerably larger areas should be rewilded by the herbivores to fully achieve the desired beneficial effects.  相似文献   
《Journal of Asia》2019,22(4):1187-1188
The introduction of species by human action is one of the main causes of rarefaction and extinctions of species. This fact is especially relevant in insular ecosystems. Here, we reported for the first time the arrival of Tirumala limniace (Cramer, [1775]) from the Asian to European continent. A single specimen was recorded in the Balearic Islands, which a large list of introductions around their history. Some reasons could explain the occurrence of this species into the islands, but the most likely are the cargo and nursery trade as well as the release of specimens for weddings and other social events as well as escaped from a private butterfly’s garden. This record highlights the importance of implementing early detection of introduced species in insular ecosystems.  相似文献   
Although the temperature‐size rule, that is, an increase in egg (and body) size at lower temperatures, applies almost universally to ectotherms, the developmental mechanisms underlying this consistent pattern of phenotypic plasticity are hitherto unknown. By investigating ovarian dynamics and reproductive output in the tropical butterfly Bicyclus anynana (Butler) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) in relation to oviposition temperature and mating status, we tested the relevance of several competing hypotheses for temperature‐mediated variation in egg size and number. As expected, females ovipositing at a lower temperature laid fewer but larger eggs than those ovipositing at a higher temperature. Despite pronounced differences in egg‐laying rates, oocyte numbers were equal across temperatures at any given time, while oocyte size increased at the lower temperature. In contrast, there were greatly reduced oocyte numbers in mated compared to virgin females. Our results indicated that temperature‐mediated plasticity in egg size cannot be explained by reduced costs of somatic maintenance at lower temperatures, enabling the allocation of more resources to reproduction (reproductive investment was higher at the higher temperature). Furthermore, there was no indication for delayed oviposition (no accumulation of oocytes at the lower temperature, in contrast to virgin females). Rather, low temperatures greatly reduced the oocyte production (i.e., differentiation) rate and prolonged egg‐maturation time, causing low egg‐laying rates. Our data thus suggested that oocyte growth is less sensitive to temperature than oocyte production, resulting in a lower number of larger eggs at lower temperatures.  相似文献   
Insects in temperate areas spend the inhospitable winter conditions in a resting stage known as diapause. In species that diapause in the larval or pupal stage, the decision whether to diapause or develop directly is customarily taken during the late instars, with long days (i.e., long light phases) and high temperatures promoting direct development. Among butterflies that overwinter as adults, data are rare and variable, but imply that the larval daylength conditions can affect the pathway decision. We studied the small tortoiseshell, Aglais urticae L. (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Nymphalini), which is partially bivoltine from Central Scandinavia and southwards, and tested whether the pathway decision is taken in the larval or adult stage. We reared larvae under long‐day (L22:D2) or short‐day (L12:D12) photoperiods, and recorded the pathway taken by the eclosing adults by scoring their propensity to mate and produce eggs. We also tested whether the larval photoperiod influenced adult ability to diapause by assessing adult survival. The results clearly indicate that (1) there is no detectable effect of larval photoperiod treatment on the pathway decision taken by adults whether to enter diapause or to develop directly, (2) some individuals are obligately univoltine and insensitive to photoperiod during adulthood, whereas (3) other individuals can facultatively enter diapause or direct development, depending on the photoperiod experienced after adult eclosion.  相似文献   
The monarch butterfly, Danaus plexippus L., oviposits mainly on plants in the Asclepiadaceae, particularly within the genus Asclepias. We studied postalightment oviposition behavior of monarch females on three host species—Asclepias curassavica, A. incarnata , and A. tuberosa. After landing on the host, they used their forelegs, midlegs, and antennae to assess plant suitability. When these appendages were examined by scanning electron microscopy, contact chemoreceptor sensilla were found. In choice tests, A. incarnata was most preferred, while A. tuberosa was least preferred. However, the use of appendages varied for the different host species. Antennae were most frequently used during post-alightment behavior on A. curassavica, whereas forelegs were used more often on A. incarnata, and all three appendages were used extensively on A. tuberosa. Use of the midlegs was generally followed by use of the antennae. Tasting with either forelegs or antennae apparently may lead to egg laying on some host species. Rupture of the plant surface by midleg spines was also observed. The behavior and host preference of individual females varied significantly and may reflect differences in receptor sensitivity.  相似文献   
Monarch butterflies, Danaus plexippus L. (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae), have a multiple brood migration in the spring as they move between their overwintering grounds and summer breeding grounds. In Oklahoma, USA, monarchs produce at least one generation in the spring, which develops and continues the northward migration, leaving Oklahoma without a breeding population during the hot summer months. Female monarchs leave the overwintering grounds prior to males, but it is not clear whether females re‐colonize areas along the migration route prior to, or at the same time as males. Male‐to‐female ratios are 1:1 at emergence, but studies have identified a male‐biased sex ratio in the field. Both males and females are susceptible to infection by the obligate protozoan parasite, Ophryocystis elektroscirrha McLaughlin & Myers (OE), which reduces flight abilities and life spans of infected individuals. We examine sex ratios during the spring migration through Oklahoma and whether sex ratios or OE infection estimates vary with capture technique (active or passive). Our data suggest populations are male‐biased during the 1st week of spring migration in Oklahoma, but shift to female‐biased by the 3rd week in both cool and warm springs. Therefore, males may leave southern areas prior to females or migrate longer distances per day. Active sampling (i.e., netting) did not bias sex compared to passive sampling (i.e., sticky traps). Significantly fewer OE‐carrying monarchs (with two or more spores) were captured via netting than by sticky traps which may be caused by sticky trap glue affecting tape sampling effectiveness, but there was no difference in the number of heavily infected individuals (more than 100 spores). Therefore, data from netted monarchs may underestimate OE infection rates within populations.  相似文献   
本文测定了蛱蝶科7亚科27种蛱蝶和斑蝶科2种蝴蝶的线粒体16S rRNA基因部分序列,并从GenBank中下载了6种蛱蝶的同源序列。以斑蝶科的幻紫斑蝶和绢斑蝶作外群,通过遗传分析软件对这些序列进行了比较分析,用邻接法和贝叶斯法重建了蛱蝶科的系统发育树,探讨了蛱蝶科主要类群间的系统发育关系。序列分析的结果显示:经比对处理后获得494bp长度序列,其中有可变位点206个,简约信息位点145个;A T平均含量78.4%,C G平均含量为21.6%,具A、T偏倚性。分子系统树显示:蛱蝶亚科并非单系群;蛱蝶族中眼蛱蝶属应移入斑蛱蝶族;闪蛱蝶和蛱蝶亚科与蛱蝶亚科具有较近的系统关系;结果支持豹蛱蝶和釉蛱蝶合为一亚科即釉蛱蝶亚科;支持将秀蛱蝶和蛱蝶亚科从线蛱蝶亚科中分离出来。  相似文献   
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