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The RAINFOR database: monitoring forest biomass and dynamics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Problem: Data from over 100 permanent sample plots which have been studied for 10–20 years need a suitable system for storage which allows simple data manipulation and retrieval for analysis. Methods: A relational database linking tree records, taxonomic nomenclature and corresponding environmental data has been built in MS Access as part of the RAINFOR project. Conclusion: The database allows flexible and long‐term use of a large amount of data: more than 100 tree plots across Amazonia, incorporating over 80 000 records of individual trees and over 300 000 total records of tree diameter measurements from successive censuses. The database is designed to enable linkages to existing soil, floristic or plant‐trait databases. This database will be a useful tool for exploring the impact of environmental factors on forest structure and dynamics at local to continental scales, and long term changes in forest ecology. As an early example of its potential, we explore the impact of different methodological assumptions on estimates of tropical forest biomass and carbon storage.  相似文献   
Abstract. The nearest‐neighbour technique is used to infer competition and facilitation between the three most abundant species in a semi‐arid region of western South Africa. Relationships among the shrubs Leipoldtia schultzei and Ruschia robusta, which are leaf‐succulent members of the Mesembryanthemaceae (‘mesembs’) and Hirpicium alienatum a non‐succulent Asteraceae, were compared on two adjacent sites with different histories of browsing intensity. Competition was more prevalent and more important than facilitation. The only evidence for facilitation was found at the heavily‐browsed site where the palatable Hirpicium was larger under the unpalatable Leipoldtia. Generally the prevalence and importance of competition was reduced at the heavily‐browsed site. Strong evidence was obtained for intraspecific competition in each of the three species; also, competition was evident between the two mesembs, where Leipoldtia was competitively dominant over Ruschia, although neither species inhibited Hirpicium. Minimal competition between the mesembs and the asteraceous shrub was interpreted in terms of differentiation in rooting depth, and competition within the mesembs, in terms of overlap in rooting depth. The mesembs had the bulk of their roots in the top 5 cm of soil, while the asteraceous shrub had the bulk of its roots, and all its fine roots, at greater depths. The shallow‐rooted morphology of the mesembs is well adapted to utilize small rainfall events, which occur frequently in the Succulent Karoo, and do not penetrate the soil deeply. Modifications of existing methods are applied for analysing nearest‐neighbour interactions.  相似文献   
Seed dispersal influences a wide range of ecological processes. However, measuring dispersal patterns, particularly long‐distance dispersal, has been a difficult task. Marking bird‐dispersed seeds with stable 15N isotopes has been shown to be a user‐friendly method to trace seed dispersal. In this study, we determined whether 15N urea solution could be used to enrich seeds of two common wind‐dispersed plants, Eupatorium glaucescens (Asteraceae) and Sericocarpus tortifolius (Asteraceae). We further tested if the water type (distilled versus tap) in 15N urea solutions influences the level and variability of enrichment of plant seeds, and if increasing spraying frequency per se increases enrichment. Because droughts may lower seed set or kill plants, we wanted to investigate if the additional use of an externally applied anti‐transpirant affects the intake of externally applied 15N into seeds. The results demonstrate that 15N enrichment of seeds can facilitate dispersal experiments with wind‐dispersed plants. The use of distilled water in 15N urea solutions did not increase 15N enrichment compared to tap water. Further, enrichment was more efficient at lower spray frequencies. Both the use of tap water and low frequencies could lower time, effort and project costs. The results suggest that species can be protected from drought using an anti‐transpirant without decreasing the incorporation of 15N into seeds.  相似文献   
Summary Under the ?Bois plus? scheme, the CTBA is currently developing a third party certification, based on the Scrivener law, with the aim of defending the consumers' interests. At this early stage, wood preservatives and treated wood are checked for the efficacy of treatments in order to ensure the stability and security of works in buildings and civil engineering. According to the different classes of risks in service, ?Bois plus? provides the most adeguate level of protection. In the close future, the industry is planning to incorporate, with the help of the CTBA and experts, health criteria within the frame of the ?Bois plus? certification scheme. The means could beSafety indexes, which are objectives of quality for professionals.Safety indexes are concentrations of substances in wood which can be taken as safe for humans and the general environment, while still toxic for the wood pests. This attractive experience aims to make with the brandname ?Bois plus? a synonym of efficacy and safety. This approach meets the essential requirements 1, 3, 4 of the 89/106 EEC directive: mechanical resistance and stability/hygiene, health and environment/safety in use.  相似文献   
Summary Magnocellular neurones in the supraoptic nuclei of normal Long Evans and homozygous Brattleboro rats were examined electron-microscopically after intracisternal injections of tunicamycin, puromycin, or brefeldin A. Moderate (50 g) or high (200 g) doses of tunicamycin caused the formation of electron-dense filamentous accretions in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) cisterns of vasopressin neurones, but only the high dose of tunicamycin also caused accretions to form in the ER of some oxytocin neurones. Immunogold labelling of ultrathin sections from tunicamycin-treated rats revealed that, in about 5% of vasopressin neurones, the accretions could be immunogold-labelled for vasopressin and its associated neurophysin. However, in the majority of vasopressin neurones, the sections required trypsinisation before immunolabelling of the accretions could be detected. Small accretions in the ER of oxytocin neurones did not label for oxytocin or its neurophysin without prior trypsinisation, whereas larger accretions in other oxytocin cells could be labelled without prior trypsin treatment. Administration of puromycin resulted in the formation of small ER accretions in both vasopressin and oxytocin neurones. These accretions were immunolabelled with antisera, respectively, to vasopressin and oxytocin, but neurophysin-immunoreactivity was in most cases absent and was not revealed by treatment with trypsin, suggesting that neurophysin-immunoreactive epitopes were absent from truncated peptides forming the accretions. Brefeldin A caused dilatation of ER cisterns and disruption of the Golgi apparatus in both oxytocin and vasopressin neurones, but did not cause accretions to form in the ER.  相似文献   
164 taxa were identified in the net zooplankton of the pelagial of L. Peipsi-Pihkva in 1909–1987, including 3 species of protozoans, 74 species of rotifers, 58 species of cladocerans, 28 species of copepods and 1 mollusc. One rotifer species, Ploesoma peipsiense Mäemets et Kutikova, has been described as new for science here. The zooplankton of L. Peipsi-Pihkva is remarkably rich in species including rarities in Estonia: Limnosida frontosa, Drepanothrix dentata, Bythotrephes longimanus, B. cederstroemi etc. Due to its large surface area, L. Peipsi-Pihkva provides a large scale of biotopes of a diverse trophic state and humic content, which support species with different ecological requirements. Most of the aquatory of the lake has lately been mesotrophic, favouring the coexistence of indicators of oligo- and mesotrophic state and species preferring a higher trophic state. The occurrece of 10 species of the genus Bosmina including B. berolinensis, B. gibbera, B. lilljeborgi, B. thersites and B. crassicornis, sparse in Estonian lakes, is the most noteworthy feature of the zooplankton of L. Peipsi-Pihkva. The coexistence of B. coregoni and B. berolinensis, B. gibbera, B. lilljeborgi etc. which were earlier regarded as subspecies of B. c. coregoni proves that they are different species producing usually no hybrids. The species composition was subjected to certain changes during the years under consideration. Larvae of Dreissena were first found in zooplankton in 1962. The oligo-mesotrophic indicator Holopedium gibberum occurred in the lake in 1909–1964, but was lacking in later samples.  相似文献   
Testicular weight and DNA content were markedly reduced (63 and 69%) in weanling Long-Evans rat pups rendered hypothyroid from birth by administration of propylthiouracil (PTU), a reversible goitrogen. These growth deficits worsened to >80% by continuing hypothyroidism beyond weaning, to days 50 and 90. Recovery of thyroid function, brought about by discontinuing PTU at weaning, resulted in a paradoxical stimulation of testis growth, amounting to increased weight (40%), DNA content (60%) and size by 90 days, compared to age-matched controls. In the 25-day or older hypothyroid rats, testicular structure was immature and spermatogenesis markedly delayed, as evident by closed lumen and significantly reduced diameter of seminiferous tubules (38%), thickness of germinal layer (70%), and number of primary spermatocytes (86%), compared to control. Hypothyroidism did not alter the number of tubules per testis cross section. In the 90-day recovery rats, numbers of seminiferous tubules were unchanged but tubular diameter was significantly (20%) larger than in controls and spermatogenesis appeared very active as indicated by significantly increased germinal layer thickness (22%) and total number and density of primary spermatocytes (55% and 40%). The results show that although postnatal hypothyroidism is deleterious for testicular growth and spermatogenesis, recovery from this condition leads to enhanced seminiferous tubular growth and spermatogenesis.  相似文献   
The concept of variance effective population size [Ne(v)] and other expressions are reviewed and described for specific sampling steps in germplasm collection and regeneration of monoecious species. Special attention is given to procedures for computing the variance of the number of contributed gametes [V(k)] to the next generation. Drift, as it occurs between generations, was considered to contain a component due to the sampling of parents and a subsequent component due to the sampling of gametes. This demonstrates that drift, caused by reduction of seed viability, damages the genetic integrity of accessions stored in germplasm banks. The study shows how mating designs, such as plant-to-plant or chain crossings with additional female gametic control, can partially alleviate this problem. Optimal procedures for increasing Ne(v) when collecting germplasm in the field are also discussed. The effect of different female and male gametic control strategies on Ne(v) is considered under several situations. Practical examples illustrating the use of V(k) and Ne(v) expressions are given.  相似文献   
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