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Summary The nephridial nerve cells of the leech, Hirudo medicinalis, 34 sensory cells, each associated with one nephridium, are sensitive to changes in extracellular Cl- concentration, an important factor in ion homeostasis. Using single-electrode current- and voltage clamp and ion substitution techniques, the specificity and mechanism of Cl- sensitivity of the nephridial nerve cell was studied in isolated preparations. Increase of the normally low external Cl- concentration leads to immediate and sustained hyperpolarization, decrease of the frequency of bursts and decrease of membrane conductance. The response is halogen specific: Cl- can be replaced by Br, but not by organic mono- or divalent anions or inorganic divalent anions.At physiological Cl- concentrations (36mM extra-cellular Cl-), the nephridial nerve cell has a high resting conductance for Cl- and the membrane potential is governed by Cl-. In high extracellular Cl- concentrations (110–130 mM), membrane conductance is low, most likely due to the gating off of Cl- channels. Under these conditions, membrane potential is dominated by the K+ distribution and the nephridial nerve cell hyperpolarizes towards EK.Abbreviations NNC nephridial nerve cell - V m membrane potential - E Cl(k) equilibrium potential for Cl (K) - IV-curve current-voltage relationship  相似文献   
A single ganglion of the nervous system of the leechHirudo medicinalis was isolated. One or both roots emerging from each side of the ganglion were sucked into suction pipettes used either for extracellular stimulation or for recording the gross electrical activity. The ganglion was stained with the fluorescence voltage sensitive dye Di-4-Anepps. The fluorescence was measured with a nitrogen cooled CCD camera. Our recording system allowed us to measure in real time slow optical signals corresponding to changes in light intensity of at least 5. These signals were caused by the direct polarization of neuronal structures, the afterhyperpolarization or the afterdischarge induced by a prolonged stimulation. When images were acquired at fixed times, several of them could be averaged and optical signals of at least 2 could be reliably measured. These optical signals originated from well identified neurons, such as T, P and N sensory neurons. By taking images at different times and at different focal planes, electrical events could be followed at a temporal resolution of 50 Hz. The three dimensional dynamics of electrical events, initiated by a specific stimulation, was imaged and the spread of excitation among leech neurons was followed. When two roots were selectively stimulated, their neuronal interactions could be imaged and the linear and non-linear terms of the interaction could be characterized.  相似文献   
Anaerobic metabolism in the limnic annelid Hirudo medicinalis L. was investigated by direct and indirect calorimetry. During long-term severe hypoxia, the rate of heat dissipation was reduced up to 13% of the aerobic rate. At the same time, the rate of ATP turnover was reduced to about 30% of the aerobic rate, indicating that metabolic depression is an important mechanism to ensure survival of the leech during environmental anaerobiosis. Heat dissipation during hypoxia was monitored under two experimental conditions, favouring either concomitant hypocapnia (continuous N2 bubbling) or hypercapnia (self-induced hypoxia). The reduction in heat dissipation during hypocapnic hypoxia was less pronounced than during hypercapnic hypoxia, indicating that the different experimental conditions may influence anaerobic metabolism and the extent of metabolic depression. Biochemical analysis of known anaerobic substrates and endproducts provided the basis for indirect calorimetry during self-induced hypoxia. From changes in metabolites, the expected heat dissipation was calculated for initial (0–8 h) and long-term severe hypoxia (8–72 h). During the initial period, the calculated heat dissipation fully accounted for direct calorimetric determination. During long-term hypoxia, only 71% of the measured heat production could be explained from biochemical analysis of metabolites. Therefore, an additional unknown endproduct cannot be excluded, especially when anaerobic ammonia production and analysis of the carbohydrate balance are considered.Abbreviations APW artificial pond water - HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography - fw fresh weight - HP heat production - HD heat dissipation - MR metabolic rate  相似文献   
李宏科 《昆虫知识》1994,31(5):295-296
芦毒蛾是洞庭湖区重要的芦苇害虫,1年发生3代,以1龄幼虫在芦苇或杂草的枯叶中越冬。对于幼虫在其寄主植物之间的转移行为亦进行了观察。  相似文献   
四种水蛭抗凝血酶作用的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文研究了水蛭的抗凝血酶作用,并比较了4种提取方法对抗凝作用的影响。冷浸和温浸,抗凝活性强度为菲牛蛭>日本医蛭》两种宽体金线蛭。煎煮后,前两种的活性锐碱,而两种宽体金线蛭的活性几乎不变。  相似文献   
自2009年首次在湖南乌云界国家级自然保护区发现中华虎凤蝶种群以来,在该保护区持续开展了10余年的野外调查监测。通过对中华虎凤蝶湖南种群6个分布点的野外观测数据分析,结果表明中华虎凤蝶湖南种群栖息环境中的植被以禾本科、菊科、蔷薇科、百合科及豆科植物为主,共计有46科96属128种;不同栖息生境中种群数量差异较大,高山灌草丛为中华虎凤蝶湖南种群的主要生境,而梯田生境、乔木林生境中,其种群数量均很低,展现出与低矮芒草丛的保温遮阴特性以及寄主植物的分布密切相关。寄主植物的复壮和围栏的建设对中华虎凤蝶湖南种群的栖息环境起到了明显的保护作用、对其种群数量的增效作用显著。为深入研究中华虎凤蝶湖南种群的生物学和生态学特性提供了基础数据,为中华虎凤蝶湖南种群的保育工作开展奠定了理论基础,也为当地保护区的保护措施优化提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
The properties of one ATP-inhibited and one Ca2+-dependent K+ channel were investigated by the patch-clamp technique in the soma membrane of leech Retzius neurons in primary culture. Both channels rectify at negative potentials. The ATP-inhibited K+ channel with a mean conductance of 112 pS is reversibly blocked by ATP (K i = 100 m), TEA (K i =0.8 mm) and 10 mm Ba2+ and irreversibly blocked by 10 nm glibenclamide and 10 m tolbutamide. It is Ca2+ and voltage independent. Its open state probability (P o) decreases significantly when the pH at the cytoplasmic face of inside-out patches is altered from physiological to acid pH values. The Ca2+-dependent K+ channel with a mean conductance of 114 pS shows a bell-shaped Ca2+ dependence of P o with a maximum at pCa 7–8 at the cytoplasmic face of the membrane. The P o is voltage independent at the physiologically relevant V range. Ba2+ (10 mm) reduces the single channel amplitude by around 25% (ATP, TEA, glibenclamide, tolbutamide, and Ba2+ were applied to the cytoplasmic face of the membrane).We conclude that the ATP-dependent K+ channel may play a role in maintaining the membrane potential constant—independently from the energy state of the cell. The Ca2+-dependent K+ channel may play a role in generating the resting membrane potential of leech Retzius neurons as it shows maximum activity at the physiological intracellular Ca2+ concentration.This study was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (W.-R. Schlue) and by a fellowship of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (G. Frey). We thank Dr. Draeger (Hoechst AG) for the gift of glibenclamide. The data are part of a future Ph.D. thesis of G. Frey.  相似文献   
A detailed electrospray ionization mass spectrometric study of the 3.5-MDa hexagonal bilayer hemoglobin (HBL Hb) from the pond leech Macrobdella decora has shown it to consist of at least six 17-kDa globin chains, of which two are monomeric and the remaining four occur as disulfide-bonded heterodimers, and three 24-kDa nonglobin linker chains (Weber et al., J. Mol. Biol. 251: 703–720, 1995). The cDNA sequences of the five major constituent chains, globin chains IIA, IIB, B, and C and linker chain L1, are reported here. The globins and linkers share 30%–50% and 20%–30% identity, respectively, with other annelid sequences. Furthermore, IIB and C align with strain A of annelid sequences, whereas IIA and B align with the strain B sequences. Although chains B and C are monomeric, chains IIA and IIB form the main disulfide-bonded dimer. They also have some unusual features: the distal His (E7) is replaced by Phe in IIA, and the highly conserved CD1Phe is replaced by Leu in IIB. In spite of these unusual features, the functional properties of Macrobdella Hb are comparable to those of other HBL Hbs. A phylogenetic analysis of the globin sequences from Macrobdella, the polychaete Tylorrhynchus, the oligochaete Lumbricus, and the vestimentiferan Lamellibrachia, indicates that the two strains originated by gene duplication followed by additional duplication of each of the two strains. The mutation rate of the linkers appeared to be faster than that of the globin chains. The phylogenetic trees constructed using the Maximum Likelihood, Neighbor-Joining and Fitch methods showed the Macrobdella globin sequences to be closest to Lumbricus, in agreement with a view of annelid evolution in which the divergence of the polychaetes occurred before the divergence of the leeches from oligochaetes.  相似文献   
The dorsal skin of the leech Hirudo medicinalis was used for electrophysiological measurements performed in Ussing chambers. The leech skin is a tight epithelium (transepithelial resistance = 10.5±0.5 k· cm-2) with an initial short-circuit current of 29.0±2.9 A·cm-2. Removal of Na+ from the apical bath medium reduced short-circuit current about 55%. Ouabain (50mol·l-1) added to the basolateral solution, depressed the short-circuit current completely. The Na+ current saturated at a concentration of 90 mmol Na+·l-1 in the apical solution (K M=11.2±1.8 mmol·l-1). Amiloride (100 mol·l-1) on the apical side inhibited ca. 40% of the Na+ current and indicated the presence of Na+ channels. The dependence of Na+ current on the amiloride concentration followed Michaclis-Menten kinetics (K i=2.9±0.4 mol·l-1). The amiloride analogue benzamil had a higher affinity to the Na+ channel (K i=0.7±0.2 mol·l-1). Thus, Na+ channels in leech integument are less sensitive to amiloride than channels known from vertebrate epithelia. With 20 mmol Na+·l-1 in the mucosal solution the tissue showed an optimum amiloride-inhibitable current, and the amiloride-sensitive current under this condition was 86.8±2.3% of total short-circuit current. Higher Na+ concentrations lead to a decrease in amiloride-blockade short-circuit current. Sitmulation of the tissue with cyclic adenosine monophosphate (100 mol·l-1) and isobutylmethylxanthine (1 mmol·l-1) nearly doubled short-circuit current and increased amiloride-sensitive Na+ currents by 50%. By current fluctuation analysis we estimated single Na+ channel current (2.7±0.9 pA) and Na+ channel density (3.6±0.6 channels·m-2) under control conditions. After cyclic adenosine monophosphate stimulation Na+ channel density increased to 5.4±1.1 channels·m-2, whereas single Na+ channel current showed no significant change (1.9±0.2 pA). These data present a detailed investigation of an invertebrate epithelial Na+ channel, and show the similarities and differences to vertebrate Na+ channels. Whereas the channel properties are different from the classical vertebrate Na+ channel, the regulation by cyclic adenosine monophosphate seems similar. Stimulation of Na+ uptake by cyclic adenosine monophosphate is mediated by an increasing number of Na+ channels.Abbreviations slope of the background noise component - ADH antidiuretic hormone - cAMP cyclic adenosine monophosphate - f frequency - f c coner frequency of the Lorentzian noise component - Hepes N-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-ethanesulphonic acid - BMX isobutyl-methylxanthine - i Na single Na+ channel current - I Na max, maximal inhibitable Na+ current - I SC short circuit current - K i half maximal blocker concentration - K M Michaelis constandard error of the mean - S (f) power density of the Lorentzian noise component - S 0 plateau value of the Lorentzian noise component - TMA tetramethylammonium - Trizma TRIS-hydroxymethyl-amino-methane - V max maximal reaction velocity - V T transepithelial potential - K half maximal blocker concentration  相似文献   
医蛭唾液腺分泌物:成分、功能及应用前景   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文对医蛭唾液腺分泌物中主要活性物质的认识发现过程、结构与功能以及医学应用的实例和前景作了扼要的综述。  相似文献   
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