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Summary In-situ hybridization experiments have been performed using isoactin ( and )-specific riboprobes in various tissues of the rat and mouse. Distribution of the grains of actin mRNAs for both and types was similar throughout sections of the rat testis. Although both mRNAs were evenly distributed in the seminiferous tubule, extremely heavy labeling was observed in about 10% of the seminiferous tubules that could be identified as stage XII of spermatogenesis. At high magnification, grains of the mRNA were found in the cytoplasm of elongating spermatids and in the Sertoli cell cytoplasm at the adluminal side. Much higher density of the grains of mRNA was observed in the neck region of the spermatids at stage XII. Thus, the dense distribution of cytoskeletal actin mRNAs is stage-specific in the tubule during spermatogenesis in the rat. The high expression of both and actin mRNAs was also observed in the epithelial cells of the intestinal crypts.  相似文献   
V. Römheld 《Plant and Soil》1991,130(1-2):127-134
Phytosiderophores (PS) are released in graminaceous species (Gramineae) under iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) deficiency stress and are of great ecological significance for acquisition of Fe and presumably also of Zn. The potential for release of PS is much higher than reported up to now. Rapid microbial degradation during PS collection from nutrient solution-grown plants is the main cause of this underestimation. Due to spatial separation of PS release and microbial activity in the rhizosphere a much slower degradation of PS can be assumed in soil-grown plants. Concentrations of PS up to molar levels have been calculated under non-sterile conditions in the rhizosphere of Fe-deficient barley plants.Besides Fe, PS mobilize also Zn, Mn and Cu. Despite this unspecific mobilization, PS mobilize appreciable amounts of Fe in calcareous soils and are of significance for chlorosis resistance of graminaceous species. In most species the rate of PS release is high enough to satisfy the Fe demand for optimal growth on calcareous soils.In contrast to the chelates ZnPS and MnPS, FePS are preferentially taken up in comparison with other soluble Fe compounds. In addition, the specific uptake system for FePS (translocator) is regulated exclusively by the Fe nutritional status. Therefore, it seems appropriate to retain the term phytosiderophore instead of phytochelate.  相似文献   
Feces of wild chimpanzees in the Mahale Mountains, Tanzania, were inspected for intestinal parasites under a compound microscope. Eggs or larvae ofOesophagostomum, Strongyloides, Trichuris, Prosthenorchis, andBertiella were found. Intestinal nematodes significantly increased in the mid-rainy season. This finding supports (or, at least, is not in conflict with) the hypothesis thatAspilia leaves which are occasionally swallowed by chimpanzees may function as a vermicide, since ingestion of such leaves also increases significantly in the mid-rainy season.  相似文献   
Concluding remarks from the joint IUBS/IUMS workshop on Biodiversity amongst microorganisms and its relevance held in Amsterdam on 7–8 September 1991. An international microbial ecology programme can be justified in its own right now that appropriate investigative tools have been developed. Microorganisms influence global change, and indicate global health and environmental quality. At the same time, an inventory of the world's microbial species and their properties is required, together with associated culture collections and genomes. Sampling methods need to be standardized, both for species and functions. Extreme environments are a particularly rich source of microbial genomes, and endangered habitats should be sampled as a matter of priority. Cataloguing and conserving the world's microbial biodiversity is justifiable and scientifically important.  相似文献   
The effects of intracerebroventricular (ICV) and intrathecal (IT) administration of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) on intestinal motility were examined in conscious rats chronically fitted with intraparietal electrodes in the duodeno-jejunum and a cannula in a cerebral lateral ventricle or catheter in the subarachnoid space. ICV administration of CGRP (0.5–10 μg) restores the fasted pattern of intestinal motility in fed rats in a dose-related manner. Intrathecal administration of CGRP or calcitonin also induces fasted pattern but after a 30 min delay. These effects persisted after transection of the spinal cord and no change in intestinal motility appeared after intravenous administration of CGRP at a dose effective when given IT. This study suggests that CGRP, as calcitonin, has a neuromodulatory role in the control of intestinal motility at both brain and spinal cord levels.  相似文献   
Anaerobic, Gram-positive cocci were obtained from chicken feces by direct isolation, which grew on the purines uric acid, xanthine, 6,8-dihydroxypurine, guanine, and hypoxanthine. Adenine and glycine were fermented, but not as readily. Acetate, formate, ammonia, and CO2 were products. The isolated strains were nutritionally non-fastidious, however, they required selenite, molybdate, and tungstate as micronutrients. The cells were spherical and 0.5–0.9 m in diameter. The addition of bile salts enhanced the growth rate in most cases. The organisms proved to be quite resistant to lysis. The guanosine-plus-cytosine (G+C) content of their deoxyribonucleic acid was 33.6 to 34.8 mol%. The peptidoglycan was of the same structure (Gly-Lys-d-Asp) as reported for the anaerobic cocci of Hare group IX. However, the latter strains could only utilize glycine, not purines. Therefore, it is proposed to form a new species, Peptostreptococcus barnesae sp. nov.This paper is dedicated to Prof. Dr. Norbert Pfennig on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   
Summary The vacuolar system in the absorptive cells of the goldfish hindgut was studied by rapid freeze-substituted and cytochemical techniques. The apical cytoplasm of the absorptive cells contained two types of vacuoles: endosomes and lysosomes. The former were characterized by an absence of acid phosphatase activity, a dot-like distribution of material at the peripheral rim, the labelling of the inner surface with horseradish peroxidase (HRP), and by frequent connections to cytoplasmic tubules (CT), which were also free of acid phosphatase activity. The latter vacuole was preferentially located in the deeper cytoplasm and was characterized by the presence of acid phosphatase activity, an electron-dense interior matrix, a peripheral electron-lucent region (a halo), and by the detachment of HRP from the inner surface. Connections between CTs and these latter vacuoles were rarely seen. In the deeper cytoplasm, fusion between endosomes and lysosomes was sometimes observed. These results suggest that the vacuoles which are associated with CTs are endosomes, but not lysosomes, and that internalized materials are transported through the endosome-lysosome system to a giant food vacuole in the cell.  相似文献   
Summary Methods for light and electron microscopic comparison of individual argentaffin and argyrophil enterochromaffin cells (EC) in the sheep duodenal mucosa are described. These silver procedures were applied for light microscopy to Epon-embedded sections. The adjacent sections were examined with the electron microscope. The most specific characteristics of the argentaffin and argyrophil EC in electron microscopy are highly osmiophilic cytoplasmic granules. In one cell type these granules are smaller and more roundish than in the another type. These two cell types are stainable both by the argentaffin and argyrophil reactions. No essential difference can be observed in the localization of these elements. It is suggested that both cell types belong to the enterochromaffin system. Both silver methods are also suitable for the light microscopic identification of other intestinal structures in sections adjacent to that sectioned for electron microscopy.This work was supported by a grant from the Yrjö Jahnsson Foundation, Helsinki, Finland.The electron microscopic observations were carried out in the Electron Microscope Laboratory, University of Helsinki.  相似文献   
Graminaceous species can enhance iron (Fe) acquisition from sparingly soluble inorganic Fe(III) compounds by release of phytosiderophores (PS) which mobilize Fe(III) by chelation. In most graminaceous species Fe deficiency increases the rate of PS release from roots by a factor of 10–20, but in some species, for example sorghum, this increase is much less. The chemical nature of PS can differ between species and even cultivars.The various PS are similarly effective as the microbial siderophore Desferal (ferrioxamine B methane sulfonate) in mobilizing Fe(III) from a calcareous soil. Under the same conditions the synthetic chelator DTPA (diaethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid) is ineffective.The rate of Fe(III)PS uptake by roots of graminaceous species increases by a factor of about 5 under Fe deficiency. In contrast, uptake of Fe from both synthetic and microbial Fe(III) chelates is much lower and not affected by the Fe nutritional status of the plants. This indicates that in graminaceous species under Fe deficiency a specific uptake system for FePS is activated. In contrast, the specific uptake system for FePS is absent in dicots. In a given graminaceous species the uptake rates of the various FePS are similar, but vary between species by a factor of upto 3. In sorghum, despite the low rate of PS release, the rate of FePS uptake is particularly high.The results indicate that release of PS and subsequent uptake of FePS are under different genetic control. The high susceptibility of sorghum to Fe deficiency (lime-chlorosis) is most probably caused by low rates of PS release in the early seedling stage. Therefore in sorghum, and presumably other graminaceous species also, an increase in resistance to lime chlorosis could be best achieved by breeding for cultivars with high rates of PS release. In corresponding screening procedures attention should be paid to the effects of iron nutritional status and daytime on PS release as well as on rapid microbial degradation of PS.  相似文献   
Abstract Vibrio cholerae belonging to the recently described serogroup 0139, which are responsible for the current cholera epidemics in India and Bangladesh, were shown to express pilus-like structures partially cross-reacting with the toxin-coregulated pilus of V. cholerae strain (0395) belonging to the 01 serogroup and classical biotype. The 0139 pili were composed of 20 kDa subunit proteins which were antigenically related to the 20 kDa pilus protein of another diarrhoeagenic non-01 V. cholerae strain (serogroup 034) isolated earlier. The pili described in this study were found to be involved in the intestinal colonization process and, therefore, may contribute towards the virulence of the 0139 epidemic isolates.  相似文献   
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