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Abstract Glycoproteins are providing to be quite common in prokaryotes. Those is S-layers are the best understood in terms of structure. Numerous eubacteria produce non-S-layer glycoproteins about which relatively little is known. The glycans on such protein and the nature and sites of their linkages to protein are novel in those glycoproteins which have been examined in any detail. The possible functions of the glycans are mostly not understood. Eubacterial non-S-layer glycoproteins and the glycosylation systems producing them observe more attention.  相似文献   
In this study, we examined the effects that antifreeze proteins have on the supercooling and ice-nucleating abilities of aqueous solutions. Very little information on such nucleation currently exists. Using an automated lag time apparatus and a new analysis, we show several dilution series of Type I antifreeze proteins. Our results indicate that, above a concentration of ∼8 mg/ml, ice nucleation is enhanced rather than hindered. We discuss this unexpected result and present a new hypothesis outlining three components of polar fish blood that we believe affect its solution properties in certain situations.  相似文献   
Summary Dark grown coleoptile segments were floated on solutions of IAA alone and of IAA and the secretion inhibitors cytochalasin and monensin. The secretion inhibitors prevented normal elongation of the tissue segments, the monensin inhibition being virtually complete while cytochalasin gave a 40% reduction over the first six hours with little further further elongation in the following 18 hours. Vesicle production was assessed in outer epidermal cells after 6 hours of IAA-stimulated elongation using the vesicle accumulation method following a cytochalasin-block of vesicle transport. The results were compared with the area of plasma membrane required to enable cell elongation to proceed at the observed rate. The area of vesicle membrane delivered to the cell surface exceeded this requirement to such an extent that at least 65% of the delivered membrane must be recycled back into the cytoplasm. Expressed in terms of the whole cell, the plasma membrane turnover rate was found to be once every 200 minutes. It is concluded that limitation of elongation by secretion inhibitors is more likely to reflect a requirement for the vesicle contents than the vesicle membrane. These results are compared with those obtained from other secretory systems using a similar approach.Abbreviations IAA indole acetic acid - DMSO dimethyl sulphoxide - D dictyosome - ER endoplasmic reticulum - V vesicle  相似文献   
A method was developed for direct and continuous detection of secretion of ATP from primary monolayer cultures of bovine adrenal chromaffin cells. ATP, which is costored with catecholamines within adrenal chromaffin cells, was released into the incubation medium, where it reacted with firefly luciferin-luciferase producing light detected by a photomultiplier located directly below the culture well. Acetylcholine, nicotine, the Ca2+ ionophore A23187, BaCl2, and KCl induced release of ATP. Induction of release of ATP by acetylcholine was dose dependent, with a threshold at 10(-7) M and a maximum at 10(-4) M. The dose-response curve for nicotine was bell shaped, with a threshold at 10(-7) M, a maximum at 10(-5) M, and diminished release at higher concentrations, an observation indicative of desensitization. Investigation of the initial rates of ATP secretion revealed that 10(-4) M nicotine actually induced release of ATP at a faster rate than 10(-5) M nicotine. However, the rate of ATP release evoked by 10(-4) M nicotine began to decline by 6 s, a result indicating the onset of receptor desensitization, whereas release induced by 10(-5) M nicotine continued unabated. Induction of release of ATP by acetylcholine or nicotine was biphasic, with a rapid, initial phase of release followed by a plateau at 0.5-1.5 min and a second phase of release beginning at 1.5-2 min, reaching a maximum by 2-3 min.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Summary The effect of monensin on polysaccharide slime secretion by root tips of corn (Zea mays) was studied. Various treatment times and ionophore concentrations were tested: none resulted in inhibition of slime secretion. Because monensin changes the pH of the medium, its effect was also monitored in strongly buffered media and at different pH's. Even in such media, monensin did not inhibit slime secretion. We also measured the effect of the drug after a pulse with [3H]fucose or a pulse followed by a chase. The amount of labeled slimed secreted was not altered by the ionophore. However, 10M monensin affected the development of root tips and drastically reduced their growth. We showed that monensin inhibits the secretion of -amylase by the scutellum of the same plantlet. The importance of the nature of the secretory compound in relation to monensin inhibition of its secretion is discussed.Abbrevations Hepes N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethane-sul-fonic acid - Mes 2-(N-morpholino)ethane-sulfonic acid  相似文献   
Summary The nuclei of mesophyll cells of olive trees contain numerous sizeable crystalloid inclusions. Cytochemical examination using epoxy resin-embedded, semithin-sectioned tissue indicated the presence of proteins and oligoor polysaccharides in these inclusions. Their electron microscopical analysis revealed a crystalline substructure consisting of intersected subunits of high order. The spacing of the lattice fibrils and the angles of intersection were determined and used to establish a model of the unit cell of crystallization. It is suggested that the nuclear crystalloids of olive trees consist of glycoprotein molecules. They differ from the intranuclear crystalloids observed in other species predominantly in the high density of their subunit arrangement.  相似文献   
Summary We developed a high-titer polyclonal antiserum to a glycoprotein tumor-associated antigen (TAA) by immunization of a baboon with the purified glycoprotein antigen. The baboon serum was fractionated into IgG and IgM components by DEAE Affi-Gel blue chromatography. The ability of the baboon IgM anti-TAA antibody to effect tumor cell lysis in the presence of complement was tested using a chromium-release assay. The baboon antibody was able to lyse melanoma target cells (20.8%–71.4% cytolysis), breast carcinoma cells (36.5%–38.9% cytolysis), and a neuroblastoma cell line (35.5% cytolysis) in the presence of complement but did not effect significant lysis of autologous lymphoblastoid cell lines (4.9% cytolysis) or peripheral blood lymphocytes from healthy volunteers (12.6% cytolysis). Cytolysis of melanoma target cells was completely inhibited by preabsorption of the IgM anti-TAA antibody with UCLA-SO-M14 (M14) cells and partially inhibited by preabsorption with several other melanoma cell lines. There was no significant inhibition of tumor cell lysis after preabsorption of the antibody with lymphoblastoid cell lines. Complement-dependent lysis of M14 targets could be blocked by addition of the purified antigen to the antibody prior to incubation with the tumor cells. Our results suggest that the glycoprotein TAA resides on the tumor cell surface and that the baboon IgM anti-TAA antibody recognizes the antigen on the cell surface and is able to fix complement and effect the lysis of the tumor cells.  相似文献   
Abstract: Secretion of both epinephrine and norepinephrine by cultured chromaffin cells was studied at temperatures ranging from 0°C to 37°C. The percentage of epinephrine secreted was always lower than that of norepinephrine when the cells were stimulated with either acetylcholine or high K+ at any temperature. When the cells were stimulated with acetylcholine or carbachol the percentage of catecholamine secreted at 10 min increased with temperature from 4°C to 24°C and then decreased from 24°C to 37°C. Potassium-stimulated cells secreted increasing amounts of catecholamine as the temperature was increased to 37°C. We found, however, that the initial rates of secretion increased continuously as temperature increased throughout the range for both carbachol-and K+-stimulated cells. The temperature maximum of acetylcholine-stimulated secretion is caused by a faster shut-off of secretion at higher temperature. The Arrhenius plots of initial rates show an inflection point at approximately 17°C for carbachol-stimulated cells. The plot for K+-stimulated cells is a straight line over the entire temperature range. The transition could be caused by a conformational change in the cholinergic receptor/ion channel molecule.  相似文献   
A glycoprotein (s-GP III) was isolated from the soluble lysate of chromaffin granules by chromatography with immunoaffinity and lectin columns. An identical protein (m-GP III) was shown to be present in the granule membranes. The apparent molecular weight of these glycoproteins as determined by the electrophoresis system of Laemmli (1970) was 43,000 under reducing conditions. In the absence of mercaptoethanol they aggregated to dimers. Antisera were raised against both the soluble and the membrane-bound forms of this glycoprotein. With these antisera GP III was further characterized: Immunoreplicas were obtained after two-dimensional electrophoresis of soluble and membrane-bound proteins of chromaffin granules. GP III was identified as a protein with a rather broad pI (4.6-5.3), indicating microheterogeneity. As shown by subcellular fractionation, m-GP III is specifically confined to chromaffin granules. GP III can therefore be used as a marker for the membranes of these organelles. The soluble form is secreted from adrenal medulla during stimulation with carbamylcholine chloride. An immunologically identical antigen was detected in adeno- and neurohypophysis. The physiological function of GP III is still unknown. It does not demonstrate any of the enzymatic activities so far known to occur in chromaffin granules.  相似文献   
The structures, amino acid- and neutral sugar compositions of the crystalline surface layers (S-layers) of four selected strains each ofBacillus stearothermophilus andDesulfotomaculum nigrificans were compared. Among the four strains of each species a remarkable diversity in the molecular weights of the S-layer subunits and in the geometry and constants of the S-layer lattices was apparent. The crystalline arrays included hexagonal (p6), square (p4) and oblique (p2) lattices. In vitro self-assembly of isolated S-layer subunits (or S-layer fragments) led to the formation of flat sheets or open-ended cylindrical assembly products. The amino acid composition of the S-layers exhibited great similarities and was predominantly acidic. With the exception of the S-layers of two strains ofB. stearothermophilus (where only traces of neutral sugars could be detected), all other S-layer proteins seemed to be glycosylated. Among these strains significant differences in the amount and composition of the glycan portions were found. Based on this diversity interesting questions may be asked about the biological significance of the carbohydrate units of glycoproteins in prokaryotic organisms.  相似文献   
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