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稻鸭共作有机农业模式的能值评估   总被引:30,自引:3,他引:30  
应用能值分析方法对稻鸭共作有机农业模式(模式Ⅰ)和对应的稻麦常规生产模式(模式Ⅱ)进行比较研究,并比较了两种模式的生态经济效益.结果表明,模式Ⅰ的能值效益高,自组织能力、可持续发展能力强,产品安全性高,净能值产出率(EYR)、系统产出能值反馈率(FYE)、能值可持续指标(ESI)分别是模式Ⅱ的1.57、14.1和8.71倍;基于能值的产品安全性指标(EIPS)模式Ⅰ为0,模式Ⅱ为-0.66;模式Ⅰ对环境的压力小于模式Ⅱ,能值投资率(EIR),环境负载率(ELR)分别是模式Ⅱ的40.1%和18.3%;但模式Ⅰ的经济效益低于模式Ⅱ,其产出、毛收入和净效益分别低于模式Ⅱ15.7%、9.6%和29.6%;以能值 货币价值计算,模式Ⅰ的产投比、毛收入和净收入分别高于模式Ⅱ50%、102.6%和136.4%.随着生产系统的优化和市场对有机食品认知程度的提高,模式Ⅰ的经济效益具有提高的潜力.  相似文献   
An overall sustainability assessment should include changes in the economic return, the social benefits and the human intervention on the biophysical resources in order to highlight potential trade-off or synergies among them. In this work, we studied the performance of 36 cropping systems (CS) of the Pampa region, Argentina, which include three different crops, three increasing levels of technology adoption in four contrasting site conditions. For each CS, we simultaneously assessed 1) the ecosystem energy flow using the emergy synthesis; 2) the pesticide ecotoxicity using a simple dose-response model; and 3) the economic profit, in order to evaluate the influence of crop identity, technological level, and site location on the indicators values as well as to detect potential trade-offs between indicators. Results revealed that maize crop entailed the most sustainable indicator profile by exhibiting relative high emergy return, low non-renewable emergy use, low pesticide ecotoxicity, and high gross income. In addition, results showed a significant trade-off between economic profit and ecotoxicological risk in the CS studied. Further studies should be conducted for including more contrasting indicators in order to explore the potential trade-off among other ecosystem components as a promising way to identify sustainable crop management regimes for different production zones.  相似文献   
Emergy evaluation provided global performance indicators that were used to assess the impact of waste exchanges on the sustainability of a sulfuric acid production system (SAPS) and a titanium dioxide production system (TDPS) in Pan-zhi-hua City, China. Impact of emissions was quantified in terms of emergy and integrated into the classic emergy-based indicators. Results show that waste exchanges improve the sustainability of the two systems, although the SAPS benefits more from the waste exchanges than the TDPS from an economic perspective however, the impact of emissions reduces their sustainability to some degree. This study creates awareness and brings new insight to the gains achieved with resource recovery from waste in the interrelated industrial systems, which is derived from the mutualism relationship existing in natural ecosystems. Finally, this paper puts forward some corresponding suggestions.  相似文献   
The evolution of maize production patterns in Argentina is evaluated over the last 25 years to compare costs, benefits, environmental performance and sustainability as well as to identify the main driving sources and improvement potential. Results from Argentina cropping systems are compared to other systems worldwide in order to put the Argentina results in a broader context. The study focuses on three farming categories: (1) traditional, low-intensity systems, (2) conventional, high-intensity systems, and (3) GMO-based cropping systems. Low input intensity systems include traditional cropping patterns with seed selection by farmers and conventional hybrid seed coupled to plowing and crop-animal rotation techniques; high input intensity systems use conventional hybrid seeds and recommended chemicals, irrigation and machinery with important soil erosion consequences; and GMO-based cropping systems use herbicide resistant transgenic hybrids, pesticides, higher fertilizer rates, and no-till practices. In each of the three cases, input flows are compared to the achieved yield (in mass and income terms) to better understand relative efficiencies and options for improvement. The study of GMO systems required a preliminary investigation of GMO seed production by seed companies, where a large investment in terms of prior knowledge and high-tech laboratory research is required. The assessments used the Emergy Accounting (EMA) approach. EMA includes material, energy, labor, money, and knowledge flows into the assessment and expands its focus over larger time and spatial scales than conventional economic and cumulative energy demand methods. Emergy-based environmental indicators of grain production for high-intensity hybrid and GMO systems both show a lower performance than low-intensity, traditional patterns in terms of resource return, renewability and sustainability. The fraction of renewability in low-intensity systems is between 28% and 63%, while it is between 8% and 26% for high-intensity hybrid and GMO systems. Calculated indicators also show that GMO-based maize production patterns do not guarantee the expected improvement over conventional high-intensity cropping systems or low-intensity systems in terms of performance and sustainability. Strong reliance on nonrenewable resources and technology, as well as role of direct and indirect labor costs are important factors in determining long-term sustainability and environmental stability of maize production systems.  相似文献   
农业生态系统能量分析   总被引:33,自引:2,他引:33  
农业生态系统的能量分析从能流着手进行农业生态系统的功能量化分析,是农业生态系统重要的研究方法之一。本文简要回顾讨论了农业生态系统能量分析研究的历史和进展。着重讨论了能值分析方法对传统能量分析方法的新发展,分析了农业生态系统能量分析目前存在的问题,并就其进一步发展方向进行了探讨能值分析方法用生产某种能量或物质所直接或间接耗用的太阳能值量来衡量该能量或物质的价值,不仅在概念上而且在算法上都是原有能量分析方法的新发展.发展到能值分析阶段的农业生态系统的能量分析方法亦存有自身的不足之处,如能值转换率的计算过于繁复,能值指标体系缺乏统一性及系统可持续发展的能值综合评价指标缺乏等。这些问题的解决与能值最大功率的明晰化、能值分析与能量及耗散分析的结合、与物质分析及景观结构分析的结合等研究等共同构成了农业生态系统能量分析的几大发展方向。  相似文献   
The sustainability of ecosystem productivity and rules governing ecosystem development are important topics of scientific research. The emergy approach is an effective method for investigating these topics, especially when used to evaluate systems that have developed under the same environmental conditions, such as climate and soil. In this paper, emergy differences between terrestrial ecosystems were studied in Guyuan County, a region representative of the agro-pastoral ecotone in Hebei Province, China. A combination of field tests and a questionnaire survey were carried out between June and August 2015. The ecosystems studied included natural grassland, artificial grassland, field crops and commercial crops. These four ecosystems were further subdivided into a total of ten ecosystems. Natural grassland was divided into free-grazing and mowed ecosystems; artificial grassland consisted of oat, Chinese leymus and corn silage; field crops included naked oats, flax and wheat; and commercial crops consisted of cabbage and potatoes. The results showed that the rain input of 4.78 × 1014 seJ/ha/yr constituted the highest renewable natural resource emergy and that the purchased emergy inputs of the ten ecosystems ranged from 3.53 to 147.67 × 1014 seJ/ha/yr. Natural resource emergy input was the basic power to maintain the ecosystem, and purchased emergy input was the direct cause of the development of the ecosystems. Groundwater was the most important non-renewable purchased energy for the production of economic crops. The emergy investment ratios (EIR) for potatoes (27.81) and cabbage (19.03) were higher than those of the other ecosystems, but mowed and artificial Chinese leymus grassland had the higher emergy self-sufficiency rates (ESR). Natural grassland, artificial Chinese leymus grassland and traditional grain crops had a low environmental load and high sustainability, whereas potatoes and cabbage had a high environmental load and low sustainability. Overall, rain-fed artificial grassland has a high development potential from the perspective of environment and productivity.  相似文献   
基于能值分析方法的城市代谢过程研究——理论与方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘耕源  杨志峰  陈彬 《生态学报》2013,33(15):4539-4551
作为一个以人类活动为中心的社会-经济-自然复合生态系统,城市所遵循的高投入、低产出、高污染的粗放型发展模式导致了严重的结构性隐患与环境问题.基于生物物理的视角考虑,城市生态环境问题的出现,与城市代谢不良密切相关.当前对城市代谢的研究视角多基于污染物排放和资源消费,需要一种热力学的全新视角从整体角度来重新诠释可持续发展.开发了一种基于能值分析方法的城市代谢过程研究框架,首先对城市的可持续发展进行热力学解析,其次针对现有能值方法的局限,结合自然系统对污染物的自净化及污染对经济系统和生态系统的损害程度测度方法,从水体污染、大气污染和固体废物研究城市代谢对人群健康和自然生态系统的影响.研究有利于解决城市代谢不良的影响因子识别问题和代谢系统综合评价问题,使政策制定者建立以生态为本的城市观,推动社会系统的生态化转型实践,力求突破当前城市发展的瓶颈,促进城市的可持续发展.  相似文献   
In order to conserve the remaining rare dolomite rocks and restore Mt. Mufu, a forest restoration program has been implemented over ten years. Emergy analysis was used to evaluate the current status of the restored ecosystem, in addition, the ecological potential of the fully developed system was predicted and analyzed. Four main emergy indices of the two systems, EYR, EIR, ELR, and ESI, were calculated and compared. In addition, a relatively new emergy index, PYR, was used to evaluate the restored forest system's ecological potential. The results revealed that the current restored forest system was still in the initial stage of ecological restoration but it has already resulted in several positive effects, such as richness of plant biodiversity and improving air condition. The value of the predicted system's PYR is as great as 201.53, demonstrating that the restored forest system has a great potential for ecological development in the future.  相似文献   
Emergy flow in a compound agro-ecosystem in the Taihu Lake area of Jiangsu province, China, is studied with a set of numeric models. Model parameters are based on 11 years of records. Results show that total emergy production of two producing subsystems will decline although emergy input into the two subsystems and emergy production of the fish subsystem are growing. Emergy efficiency of the producing subsystems, both gross and net, will decrease, while emergy efficiency of the compound ecosystem will grow up first and then gradually decline. Net emergy production of the producing subsystems will gradually decline, but that of the compound ecosystem will firstly increase and then decrease. Net emergy allocation per human capita in the compound ecosystem will slowly inecrease, but it will decrease if the animal subsystem is removed from the ecosystem; this shows that the animal subsystem is a necessary part of the compound ecosystem. Relative to buffering capacity, emergy efficiency of the compound ecosystem, and recent living quality of local people, sustainable development of the ecosystem is discussed.  相似文献   
One proposed strategy to solve current environmental challenges is industrial and urban symbiosis (I/UrS); however, appropriate evaluation methods are needed so that the potential benefits of I/UrS can be quantified. Several evaluation methods have been applied separately to study I/UrS, but no integrated studies have been conducted by applying different methods in the same case study area. Therefore, this study aimed to establish a comprehensive framework to evaluate I/UrS by combining the material flow analysis (MFA), carbon footprint (CF) and emergy methods. First, we developed a unified database and step-by-step process to clarify the waste distribution and recycling processes in an industrial city. Then a baseline scenario and an I/UrS scenario were set up to define the baselines and effects of I/UrS and compare the results. Finally, the three methods were applied to identify physical features in the I/UrS system. The MFA-based results showed that the use of I/UrS led to a 6.4% reduction in the physical value of material use. The CF-based results indicated that reduction of waste and by-products results in a 13.8% reduction in CO2e emissions. The emergy-based results showed that, with the implementation of I/UrS, the value of the emergy sustainability index (excluding labor and services) improved greatly (a 49.2% emergy reduction) as compared with the baseline case (a 14.3% reduction). In addition, the effects of implementing I/UrS by waste and by-product exchanges for blast furnace slag, scrap steel, waste paper, and waste plastic were evaluated. Whereas the CF reductions of unit ton of blast furnace slag is relatively low, emergy reductions of that is comparatively high. If policymakers only consider CF results when addressing the issue of climate change, the effects on emergy will be underestimated in this case. We conclude that the main actors in this area release huge emissions, but they also have a high potential to reduce their environmental loads. In addition, with appropriate designs, waste paper and plastics recycling could be highly efficient. Finally, the integration of the three evaluation methods should contribute to creating a low carbon and more resource independent society.  相似文献   
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