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Gerard R. Case 《Geobios》1979,12(2):223-233
The recent recovery of additional fish remains from several fossil sites in Blaine County. Montana, allows us to add a new species of selachian and the occurrence of two genera of Chimaeriformes to the total vertebrate faunal assemblage of the Judith River Formation (Campanian).The new selachian genus is: Chiloscyllium missouriensis, a representative of the family: Orectolobidae.In association with the new orectolobid, there are representatives of the Chimaeroids: Ischyodus bifurcatusCase, and Elasmodus cf. greenoughiAgassiz.These new additions increase the total vertebratefaunnal assemblage of the Judith River Formation to twenty species.  相似文献   
MicroRNAs are indispensable players in the regulation of a broad range of biological processes. Here, we report the first deep sequencing of the whitespotted bamboo shark (Chiloscyllium plagiosum) liver. We mapped 91 miRNAs in the Callorhinchus milii genome that have previously been described in the Danio rerio, Fugu rubripes, Oryzias latipes, Xenopus laevis, Xenopus tropicalis, Homo sapiens, and Mus musculus. In addition, 156 new putative candidate (PC) C. plagiosum miRNAs were identified. From these 247 miRNAs, 39 miRNA clusters were identified, and the expression of these clustered miRNAs was observed to vary significantly. A total of 7 candidate miRNAs were selected for expression confirmation by stem-loop RT-PCR. This study resulted in the addition of a significant number of novel miRNA sequences to GenBank and laid the foundation for further understanding of the function of miRNAs in the regulation of C. plagiosum liver development.  相似文献   
All five functional domains of the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor were assembled in their modern form more than 450 million years ago, as revealed from the cloning and sequencing of an LDL receptor cDNA fromChiloscyllium plagiosum (banded cat shark). The shark LDL receptor has the same overall architecture as the mammalian and amphibian counterparts. Each of the seven cysteine-rich repeats in the ligand binding domain resembles its counterpart in the human LDL receptor more than it does the other repeats in the shark receptor as suggested by the presence of unique signature sequences, indicating that these repeats had already acquired their independent structures by the time of shark development. Furthermore, amino acid sequences of the entire ligand binding domain of shark LDL receptor show 35% identity over a stretch of 294 residues with aLymnaea stagnalis G-protein-linked receptor (LSGLR). The region of homology between these unrelated proteins includes conservation of most of the unique characteristics of the cysteine-rich repeats of LDL receptor at the expected positions in LSGLR. The results presented are consistent with the hypothesis that all seven repeats in the ligand binding domain of LDL receptor may have been lifted directly from an ancestral gene instead of being evolutionary duplications of a single repeat recruited by the primitive LDL receptor from another gene.The nucleotide sequence reported will appear in GenBank under accession number L36118  相似文献   
Bamboo sharks (Chiloscyllium plagiosum) are primarily benthic and use their relatively flexible pectoral and pelvic fins to rest on and move about the substrate. We examined the morphology of the pectoral fins and investigated their locomotory function to determine if pectoral fin function during both benthic station-holding and pelagic swimming differs from fin function described previously in leopard sharks, Triakis semifasciata. We used three-dimensional kinematics and digital particle image velocimetry (DPIV) to quantify pectoral fin function in five white-spotted bamboo sharks, C. plagiosum, during four behaviors: holding station on the substrate, steady horizontal swimming, and rising and sinking during swimming. During benthic station-holding in current flow, bamboo sharks decrease body angle and adjust pectoral fin angle to shed a clockwise fluid vortex. This vortex generates negative lift more than eight times that produced during open water vertical maneuvering and also results in an upstream flow that pushes against the posterior surface of the pectoral fin to oppose drag. In contrast, there is no evidence of significant lift force in the wake of the pectoral fin during steady horizontal swimming. The pectoral fin is held concave downward and at a negative dihedral angle during steady horizontal swimming, promoting maneuverability rather than stability, although this negative dihedral angle is much less than that observed previously in sturgeon and leopard sharks. During sinking, the pectoral fins are held concave upward and shed a clockwise vortex with a negative lift force, while in rising the pectoral fin is held concave downward and sheds a counterclockwise vortex with a positive lift force. Bamboo sharks appear to sacrifice maneuverability for stability when locomoting in the water column and use their relatively flexible fins to generate strong negative lift forces when holding position on the substrate and to enhance stability when swimming in the water column.  相似文献   
The effects of post‐feeding thermotaxis on ileum evacuation and absorption rates were examined in the laboratory using two elasmobranch species, the Atlantic stingray Dasyatis sabina, which inhabits thermally variable environments, and the whitespotted bamboo shark Chiloscyllium plagiosum, a stenothermic fish living on Indo‐Pacific reefs. Experiments at temperatures similar to those experienced in nature revealed temperature change had no significant effect on C. plagiosum absorption or evacuation rates, suggesting stenothermic sharks cannot exploit temperature differences as a means to improve digestion efficiency. On the other hand, D. sabina showed significantly lower evacuation and absorption rates at lower temperatures. The relative decrease was greater for evacuation (Q10 = 3·08) than absorption rates (Q10 = 2·20), resulting in a significant increase in total absorption, suggesting D. sabina can benefit from using shuttling behaviour to exploit thermal variability in their environment to maximize energetic uptake.  相似文献   
We compared the electrosensory system of two benthic elasmobranchs Hemiscyllium ocellatum and Chiloscyllium punctatum. The distribution of the ampullary pores on the head was similar for both species, with a higher density of pores anteriorly and a lower density posteriorly, although C. punctatum generally possessed larger pores. Ampullary canals of the mandibular cluster were quasi-sinusoidal in H. ocellatum, a shape previously found in benthic rays only, whereas ampullary canals in C. punctatum were of a linear morphology as reported for many shark and ray species previously. The ampullae proper were of the lobular type, as occurs in most galean sharks. Chiloscyllium punctatum had six sensory chambers compared with the five per ampulla in H. ocellatum, which were generally smaller than those of C. punctatum. The sensory epithelium comprised flattened receptor cells, compared with the usual pear-shaped receptor cells encountered in other elasmobranchs and their apically nucleated supportive cells did not protrude markedly into the ampullary lumen, unlike those in benthic rays.  相似文献   
Twelve polymorphic microsatellite loci without linkage disequilibrium were isolated and characterized from a microsatellite DNA-enriched DNA library for the whitespotted bamboo shark (Chiloscyllium plagiosum Bennett, 1830). These loci show polymorphism information content ranging from 0.384 to 0.885, allele number ranging from 4 to 12, effective allele number ranging from 1.686 to 9.438, and observed and expected heterozygosities from 0.229 to 1.000 and from 0.407 to 0.894 respectively. Four loci show strong Hardy-Weinberg deviations. We expect that these markers would be useful for population genetic and breeding studies of the whitespotted bamboo shark.  相似文献   
This study establishes the bioenergetics budget of juvenile whitespotted bamboo shark Chiloscyllium plagiosum by estimating the standard metabolic rate (RS), measuring the effect of body size and temperature on the RS, and identifying the specific dynamic action (RSDA) magnitude and duration of that action in juvenile whitespotted bamboo sharks. The mean ±s .d . (RS) of six fish (500–620 g) measured in a circular closed respirometry system was 30·21 ± 5·68 mg O2 kg?1 h?1 at 18° C and 70·38 ± 14·81 mg O2 kg?1 h?1 at 28° C, respectively. There were no significant differences in RS between day and night at either 18 or 28° C (t‐test, P > 0·05). The mean ±s .d . Q10 for 18–28° C was 2·32 ± 0·06 (n = 6). The amount of oxygen consumed per hour changed predictably with body mass (M; 295–750 g) following the relationship: (n = 40, r2= 0·92, P < 0·05). The mean magnitude of RSDA was 95·28 ± 17·55 mg O2 kg?1 h?1. The amount of gross ingested energy (EI) expended as RSDA ranged from 6·32 to 12·78% with a mean ±s .d . of 8·01 ± 0·03%. The duration of the RSDA effect was 122 h. The energy content of juvenile whitespotted bamboo shark, squid and faeces determined by bomb calorimeter were 19·51, 20·3 and 18·62 kJ g dry mass?1. A mean bioenergetic budget for juvenile whitespotted bamboo sharks fed with squid at 18° C was 100C = 29·5G + 31·9RS+ 28·2RSDA+ 6·7F + 2·1E + 1·6U, where C = consumption, G = growth, F = egestion, E = excretion and U = unaccounted energy.  相似文献   
条纹斑竹鲨基因组的RAPD分析初报   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用11种随机引物对4 条条纹斑竹鲨基因组进行了RAPD检测。结果表明, 11种引物在每条个体上扩增的 DNA片段总数在77~84之间, 单个随机引物扩增的DNA片段数目由1至11条不等,平均为7.5条 DNA 片段, 片段的大小在 300~2 800bp之间。个体之间的相似率在90%以上。 Abstracts 4 individuals of Chiloscyllium plagiosum were analyzed by RAPD method using 11 arbitrary primers. For the 11 arbitrary primers, each individual showed 77~84 bands corresponding to amplified products. Each primer gave 1~11 bands for each individual. On average, about 7.5 bands were obtained per primer per individual. The length of the fragment is 300~2 800 bp. The similarity between band profiles of the four individuals was over 90%.  相似文献   
鱼类中IRF-1基因的克隆测序目前仅局限于辐鳍鱼类1,2,而在软骨鱼类中未见报道。IRF-1是干扰素调节因子家族的成员之一3。除作为干扰素的转录调节因子外4,还具有其他功能5-10。作为天然免疫重要的调节因子其基因在哺乳类中得到了广泛的克隆和分析。IRF-1与其他家族成员一样,在氨基末端前115个氨基酸都具较高同源性,具有色氨酸重复特征且包围在DNA绑定域周围。    相似文献   
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