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Capillarity, fibre types, fibre area and enzyme activities of different skeletal muscles (pectoralis, extensor digitorum longus), tibialis anterior, plantaris and the myocardium were compared in Andean coot (Fulica americana peruviana) native to high altitude (Junín, Perú, 4200 m) and the same species nesting at sea level. Numbers of capillaries per square millimeter were higher in all high-altitude muscles when compared with sea-level muscles (P<0.0001). Moreover, values for capillaries per fibre and capillaries in contact with each fibre were higher in digitorum and tibialis high-altitude muscles. Muscle fibres were classified as Type I, Type IIA or Type IIB on the basis of their myofibrillar ATPase pH lability. Pectoralis muscle of high-altitude and sea-level coots presented only fibres of Type IIA. In contrast, all the leg muscles studied showed a mosaic pattern of the three fibre types. Fibre areas were determined using a Leitz Texture Analysis System. Significant differences in fibre area were observed (P<0.01) between high-altitude and sea-level muscles. Mean muscle fibre diameters were also lower in the high-altitude group than in the sea-level group. The enzyme activities studied were hexokinase, lactate dehydrogenase, citrate synthase and 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA-dehydrogenase. The oxidative capacity, as reflected by citrate synthetase and hydroxyacyl-CoA-dehydrogenase activities, was greater for myocardial and pectoralis than for leg muscles. However, analysis of maximal enzyme activities showed that there were no significant differences between the glycolytic and oxidative enzyme activities of high-altitude and sea-level coots. These results suggest that in Andean coots genetically adapted to high altitude, changes in muscle capillarity and fibre size, in addition to high haemoglobin O2 affinity and low haemoglobin concentration, are sufficient to allow adequate energy production without increases in enzymatic activities.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - C:F ratio Capillaries per fibre - CAF Capillaries in contact with each fibre - CD capillary density (mm-2) - CS citrate synthetase - EDL muscularis digitorum longus - fra fraction reduction area - HA high altitude - HAD hydroxyacyl-CoA-dehydrogenase - HK hexokinase - LDH lactate dehydrogenase - P 50 PO2 at which hemoglobin is half saturated with O2 - P aO2 arterial partial pressure of oxygen - PAS periodic acid-schiff - PEC muscularis pectoralis - PLA muscularis planaris - P tO2 mean tissue oxygen pressure - P vO2 mixed venous partial pressure of oxygen - SD standard deviation - SL sea level - TA muscularis tibialis anterior - TAS texture analysis system  相似文献   
Thermal resonses of Andean Indians were measured during several customary tasks associated with cold exposure in the highlands of southern Peru. These included surface temperature measurements of women while they washed clothing in the river and similar measurements of men while they constructed a diversion channel in the same river. A third test measured the effects of alcohol consumption on body temperatures during light activity. Women maintained slightly warmer hand than foot temperatures. Men maintained nearly equal hand and foot temperatures during the exposure period. Among male subjects the foot rewarmed at a faster rate than the hand. The results from the field studies compared favorably with results from earlier laboratory exposure tests. Comparisons between the river water exposure tests for males and females showed a consistent pattern where females maintained warmer hand and foot temperatures than males. These findings were in accord with previous laboratory studies among Quechua Indians and with the findings reported for other ethnic groups who experience natural cold stress. Alcohol ingestion appeared to have minimal effect in mitigating cold stress response during light activity. This finding was counter to earlier laboratory tests of resting subjects.  相似文献   
The presence of Mn-Fe nodules in the epipedons (surface horizons) of paleosols of presumed Upper Neogene age in the northwestern Venezuelan Andes have been interpreted as products of inorganic oxidation and reduction processes operating over the full range of glacial and interglacial cycles that affected paleosol morphogenesis. New microscopic/chemical data from combined SEM-EDS-FIB analyses of representative Mn-Fe nodules indicate microbes play an important role in Mn/Fe precipitation leading to their genesis in alpine Mollisols (Argiustolls). Although the prevailing new data are based mainly on fossil forms of filamentous bacteria and fungi and other biogenic pseudomorphs that may represent the former resident bacteria, the presence of extant microbes must await field experiments/collection, followed by a molecular microbiology approach to determine the biological drivers of metal precipitation. As in other terrestrial niche environments, microbes are seen here to play a role, perhaps a key one, in the morphogenesis of paleosols of importance in upper Neogene paleoenvironmental reconstruction.  相似文献   
Recent phylogenetic studies of the subfamily of cricetid rodents (Sigmodntinae) have validated the taxonomic classification at the tribal level of the Andean Clade. It is possible that some endemic species from Patagonian South America are part of this new tribe, but previous studies have not evaluated this hypothesis due to the difficulty of obtaining samples. In this study, we evaluate the phylogenetic relationships of Akodon markhami (Pine, 1973), a species endemic to the Chilean Patagonia, using individuals recently captured at the type locality of this taxon. Our results indicate that this form of Akodon corresponds to a subspecies of Abrothrix olivaceus, and should be incorporated into the Andean Clade as a geographic race of this widely distributed species on the South American continent. Based on a molecular clock calibration, we dated the origin of this geographic race during the last glacial cycles of the Quaternary, as the result of a vicariant process.  相似文献   
The Andean uplift has played a major role in shaping the current Neotropical biodiversity. However, in arthropods other than butterflies, little is known about how this geographic barrier has impacted species historical diversification. Here, we examined the phylogeography of the widespread color polymorphic spider Gasteracantha cancriformis to evaluate the effect of the northern Andean uplift on its divergence and assess whether its diversification occurred in the presence of gene flow. We inferred phylogenetic relationships and divergence times in G. cancriformis using mitochondrial and nuclear data from 105 individuals in northern South America. Genetic diversity, divergence, and population structure were quantified. We also compared multiple demographic scenarios for this species using a model‐based approach (Phrapl ) to determine divergence with or without gene flow. At last, we evaluated the association between genetic variation and color polymorphism. Both nuclear and mitochondrial data supported two well‐differentiated clades, which correspond to populations occurring on opposite sides of the Eastern cordillera of the Colombian Andes. The final uplift of this cordillera was identified as the most likely force that shaped the diversification of G. cancriformis in northern South America, resulting in a cis‐ and trans‐Andean phylogeographic structure for the species. We also found shared genetic variation between the cis‐ and trans‐Andean clades, which is better explained by a scenario of historical divergence in the face of gene flow. This has been likely facilitated by the presence of low‐elevation passes across the Eastern Colombian cordillera. Our work constitutes the first example in which the Andean uplift coupled with gene flow influenced the evolutionary history of an arachnid lineage.  相似文献   
Explanations for the occurrence of deep-rooted plants in arid and semi-arid ecosystems have traditionally emphasized the uptake of relatively deep soil water. However, recent hydrologic data from arid systems show that soil water potentials at depth fluctuate little over long time periods, suggesting this water may be rarely utilized or replenished. In this study, we examine the distributions of root biomass, soil moisture and nutrient contents to 10-m depths at five semi-arid and arid sites across southwestern USA. We couple these depth distributions with strontium (Sr) isotope data that show deep (>1 m) nutrient uptake is prevalent at four of the five sites. At all of the sites, the highest abundance of one or more of the measured nutrients occurred deep within the soil profile, particularly for P, Ca2+ and Mg2+. Phosphate contents were greater at depth than in the top meter of soil at three of five sites. At Jornada, for example, the 2–3 m depth increment had twice the extractable P as the top meter of soil, despite the highest concentrations of P occurring at the surface. The prevalence of such deep resource pools, and our evidence for cation uptake from them, suggest nutrient uptake as a complementary explanation for the occurrence of deep-rooted plants in arid and semi-arid systems. We propose that hydraulic redistribution of shallow surface water to deep soil layers by roots may be the mechanism through which deep soil nutrients are mobilized and taken up by plants.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   
Analysis of plant–frugivore interactions provides a quantitative framework for integrating community structure and ecosystem function in terms of how the roles and attributes of individual species contribute to network structure and resilience. In this study, we used centrality metrics to rank and detect the most important species in a mutualistic network of fruit‐eating birds and plants in a cloud forest in the Colombian Andes. We identified a central core of ten bird and seven plant species in a network of 135 species that perform dual roles as local hubs and connectors. The birds were mostly large forest frugivores, such as cracids, cotingas, and toucans, which consume fruits of all sizes. The plants were species of intermediate successional stages with small‐ to medium‐sized seeds that persist in mature forest or forest borders (e.g., Miconia, Cecropia, Ficus). We found the resilience of our network depends on super‐generalist species, because their elimination makes the network more prone to disassemble than random extinctions, potentially disrupting seed‐dispersal processes. At our study site, extirpation of large frugivores has already been documented, and if this continues, the network might collapse despite its high diversity. Our results suggest that generalist species play critical roles in ecosystem function and should be incorporated into conservation and monitoring programs.  相似文献   
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