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Factors associated with the basal level of serum thyrotropin (TSH) were analyzed over a wide range of pathophysiological conditions by means of a large laboratory database on thyroid function. When data were analyzed two-dimensionally, serum TSH showed significant inverse correlations with total triiodothyronine (T3), free T3 index (FT3I), total thyroxin (TT4) and free T4 index (FT4I) in the order of increasing intensity. The three-dimensional analysis, however, revealed that 1) total hormone levels were actually unrelated to serum TSH when the levels of free hormone indices were held constant, 2) the relation between FT3I and TSH became obscure when the influence of FT4I was similarly removed. On the other hand, 3) the relation of FT4I with TSH was unaffected by the level of FT3I. These results suggest that free T4 is the main determinant of the serum TSH level. This study also implies that it is possible to use large amounts of laboratory data to elucidate the overall profile of a given patho-physiological system, whose structure is only partially revealed by conventional clinical or animal studies.  相似文献   
Summary The present study describes the ultrastructure of non-neuronal cells and their interrelationships with intracardiac neurones present in cultures dissociated atria and interatrial septum from newborn guinea-pig. When compared with the in situ preparation, most of these features in culture were similar to those observed in situ, but some differences were also apparent. Both mature and immature Schwann cells were observed in culture, and as in situ, the latter were closely associated with intracardiac neurones, whilst the former were more widely separated. The ultrastructure of satellite cells was more variable in culture than in situ: three general types were distinguished on the basis of their 10-nm filament content. This variation could be due to conditions of culture. Interstitial cells were present in culture and closely resembled those described in situ, although there was less space between cultured interstitial cells and their associated cells. Many fibroblasts, some myoblasts and a few mast cells were also found in the culture preparations.  相似文献   
Chloroplasts consist of six morphologically distinct compartments. Each compartment has a specific set of polypeptides that perform distinct biochemical functions. We report here the identification of a membrane-associated protein with a novel localization. This protein was synthesized as a 37 kDa precursor and was processed to a mature protein of 30 kDa after being imported into isolated pea chloroplasts. Fractionation of chloroplasts showed that the 30 kDa mature protein was associated with both of the envelope membranes as well as with thylakoid membranes. Immunocyto-chemical localization of the 30 kDa protein revealed that the protein occurred in clusters in the vicinity of both the envelope and the thylakoid. Possible functions of this 30 kDa protein, inferred from its novel localization pattern, are discussed.Abbreviations CAB light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-binding protein of photosystem II - prCAB precursor protein to CAB - SS small subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase - prSS precursor protein to SS - RCF relative centrifugation force  相似文献   
The role of the molybdenum cofactor (Mo cofactor) in the translocationof dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) reductase to the periplasmic spacewas studied in vivo by isolating chlorate-resistant mutantsof Rhodobacter sphaeroides f. sp. denitrificans. More than 50%of the chlorate-resistant mutants isolated were defective inthe biosynthesis of the Mo cofactor and all of these mutantsaccumulated the precursor form of the enzyme. About 45% of themutants contained the same level of Mo cofactor as the parentstrain and exhibited normal levels of DMSO reductase and nitratereductase activities when chlorate was absent from the medium,but the activities of these enzymes were depressed when chloratewas present. Much of the accumulated precursor form of the enzymein a Mo cofactor-deficient mutant was bound to the cytoplasmicmembrane and was sensitive to treatment with proteinase K fromthe periplasmic side of the membrane, an indication that theprecursor was exposed on the periplasmic surface of the membrane.The precursor accumulated on the membrane of the parent strainwhen molybdate was removed from the medium or upon additionof tungstate and this precursor was also sensitive to the treatmentwith proteinase K from the periplasmic side. These results suggestthat the Mo cofactor is necessary for proteolytic processingof the precursor to the mature enzyme on the periplasmic sideof the membrane, whereas binding of the precursor to the membraneand translocation across it can occur in the absence of thecofactor. Almost all of the Mo cofactor available for directreconstitution in vitro of nitrate reductase activity from thenit-l mutant of Neurospora crassa was present in the cytoplasmicfractions. (Received December 11, 1991; Accepted March 25, 1992)  相似文献   
To examine cardiopulmonary function during exercise in a mountainous region at moderate altitude, we measured cardiac frequency, oxygen consumption , and percentage arterial hemoglobin oxygen saturation (%SaO2) before and after a bicycle race with a starting point at 638 m and finishing point at 1980 m. The time required to ascend an elevation of 10 m was prolonged with increasing altitude, and heart rate also increased with altitude. The %SaO2 at the starting point and at the finishing point differed significantly (P<0.01). Faster cyclists exhibited higher %SaO2 and lower , while slower cyclists exhibited a reduction in %SaO2 and an increase in immediately after the race. The %SaO2 recovery time was significantly correlated with the racing time (r=0.54,P<0.001). Therefore, the faster cyclists' oxygen debt upon completion of the race may be small and recovery of cardiopulmonary function may be fast, while the slower cyclists' oxygen debt may be large and recovery of cardiopulmonary function may be slow.  相似文献   
Prostaglandin D2 strongly inhibited growth of cultured mastocytoma P-815, 2-E-6 cells, which were established and cloned from mouse mast tumor cells. The inhibition was dose-dependent (IC50 = 2.09 × 10−5 M). Prostaglandin D2 also inhibited the DNA synthesizing activity of the cells dose-dependently. We next measured the activities of endogenous DNA polymerases extracted from untreated and prostaglandin D2-treated cells. Prostaglandin D2 pretreatment reduced DNA polymerase α activity by 52%. The sedimentation coefficients of the enzymes from untreated and prostaglandin D2-treated cells were the same suggesting there was no gross change in the size of the enzyme. Prostaglandin D2 pretreatment of the cells reduced endogenous DNA polymerase β activity to 68% of the control value; the sedimentation coefficients of the enzymes from treated and untreated cells were both 3.5 S. Interestingly, prostaglandin D2 had no direct inhibitory effect on the activity of either DNA polymerase α or β. Our results indicate that the activities of DNA polymerase α and β are lower in prostaglandin D2-treated mastocytoma cells. This finding account for the lower level of DNA synthesis in these cells.  相似文献   
Several strains of mice are known to develop spontaneous autoimmune diseases like lupus erythematosus and they show various immunological abnormalities as well. Despite different genetic backgrounds, they manifest various immunological abnormalities in common, e.g., polyclonal B-cell activation (PBA) and resistance to tolerance induction. To elucidate mechanisms of the development of autoimmunity, tolerance inducibility was examined in autoimmune and normal mice using trinitrophenylated carboxymethyl cellulose (TNP-CMC) as tolerogen which is known to induce TNP-specific B-cell tolerance without the participation of T cells. NZB and MRL/Mp-lpr/lpr mice were used as autoimmune mice and C57BL/6, BALB/c, and MRL/Mp-+/+ mice as nonautoimmune mice. When TNP-CMC-injected mice were challenged with T-independent antigens, all of the mice tested were shown to be tolerant. In contrast, when TNP-CMC-injected mice were challenged with T-dependent antigen and secondary IgG responses were assessed, autoimmune mice showed rather hyperreactivity, while nonautoimmune mice showed hyporesponsiveness. Cyclophosphamide improved this defective tolerance inducibility. By the solid-phase radioimmunoassay it was revealed that average affinity of serum anti-TNP antibodies produced in TNP-CMC-injected mice was low. Such low affinity antibodies were produced in large amount in autoimmune mice. Hence, it was suggested that B-cell clones destined to produce low affinity IgG antibodies were responsible for the resistance to tolerance induction and such clones were expanding in autoimmune mice.  相似文献   
The effect of 7-fluoro proscyclilin (PGI2-F), a chemically stable analogue of prostacyclin, on cAMP accumulation in and [3H]PGE binding to mastocytoma P-815 cells was compared with those of the Na salt and methyl ester of prostacyclin (PGI2Na or PGI2Me), which are rapidly inactivated in aqueous solution or metabolized in the tissue.PGIF was as effective as PGI2Me, and slightly less effective than PGI2Na in stimulating cAMP accumulation in mastocytoma cells and rabbit platelets. PGI2F was also more stable than PGI2Me or PGI2Na, and retained its original cAMP elevating activity even after incubation with or without cells for 4 h at 37°C. Cells which had been exposed to PGI2F and then washed free of unbound reagent continued to produced cAMP for more than 3 h. PGI2F was also as effective as PGE1 or PGE2 in displacing [3H]PGE2 bound to the cells. Non-competitive inhibition by PGI2F or PGI2Me of [3H]PGE2 binding to the cells, with apparent Kis of 1.29 μM and 1.13 μM, respectively, indicates the presence of different receptors for PGE2 and for PGI2F or PGI2Me in mastocytoma P-815 cells.  相似文献   
Kinetics of the reconstitution of hemoglobin from semihemoglobins and with hemin dicyanide have been investigated using three kinds of stopped-flow technique (Soret absorption, fluorescence quenching of tryptophan, and Soret CD). The semihemoglobins and are occupied by heme in the and chains, respectively, the other chain being heme-free. Based on the kinetic results, the following scheme for the reconstitution is proposed; First, hemin dicyanide enters the pocket-like site of the apo chains. Second, in semihemoglobin , the CN-ligand in the fifth coordination position of iron is replaced by the imidazole ring of the proximal His immediately after the heme insertion. In contrast, semihemoglobin changes its conformation after the heme insertion, and this is followed by the ligand replacement. Finally, the partial structure changes induced by the ligand replacement propagate onto the whole molecule and the final conformation is attained. The results indicate that semihemoglobin retains a more rigid and organized structure, and more closely approaches its final structure than does semihemoglobin . Correspondence to: Y. Kawamura-Konishi  相似文献   
Annual production rates of reproductive organs inFagus crenata forests in the lower area of the species' range were studied using 10 litter traps in 1980–1986. The production rates of dispersed pollen were estimated by multiplying the number of fallen male inflorescences per ha per year by the mean amount of pollen per inflorescence before anthesis. Large annual fluctuations in the production rates of male and female inflorescences were recognized, whereas their annual trends were synchronized with each other. Pollen production rates were within the range 1.0–6900 (mean: 1630)×109ha−1 yr−1, the maximum/minimum ratio attaining 7000.F. crenata was the lowest producer of pollen among seven tree species studied: the number of pollen grains equivalent to a single ovule was in the range 6.0–14×104. Furthermore, the mean dry weight of a single pollen grain (3.77×10−5mg) was higher than for wind-pollinated species. Three factors seemed to cause the low seed fertility ofF. crenata. The dry-matter production rate in the best seed year reached 3252 kg ha−1 yr−1, of which pollen accounted for 259 kg ha−1 yr−1. Unproductive years with less than 10% of the maximum production occurred four times in a 7-yr period. In such years there were fewer male and female inflorescences, and more fruit dropped as a result of insect damage. Lower nut dissemination would play an important role in suppressing any increase in nut predators, and fewer flowers would be produced to avoid wastage of photosynthates in a cool-temperate climate.  相似文献   
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