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Amphiphilic cationic peptides mediate cell adhesion to plastic surfaces   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Four amphiphilic peptides, each with net charges of +2 or more at neutrality and molecular weights under 4 kilodaltons, were found to mediate the adhesion of normal rat kidney fibroblasts to polystyrene surfaces. Two of these peptides, a model for calcitonin (peptide 1, MCT) and melittin (peptide 2, MEL), form amphiphilic alpha-helical structures at aqueous/nonpolar interfaces. The other two, a luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone model (peptide 3, LHM) and a platelet factor model (peptide 4, MPF) form beta-strand structures in amphiphilic environments. Although it contains only 10 residues, LHM mediated adhesion to surfaces coated with solutions containing as little as 10 pmoles/ml of peptide. All four of these peptides were capable of forming monolayers at air-buffer interfaces with collapse pressures greater than 20 dynes/cm. None of these four peptides contains the tetrapeptide sequence Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser, which has been associated with fibronectin-mediated cell adhesion. Ten polypeptides that also lacked the sequence Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser but were nonamphiphilic and/or had net charges less than +2 at neutrality were all incapable of mediating cell adhesion (Pierschbacher and Ruoslahti, 1984). The morphologies of NRK cells spread on polystyrene coated with peptide LHM resemble the morphologies on fibronectin-coated surfaces, whereas cells spread on surfaces coated with MCT or MEL exhibit strikingly different morphologies. The adhesiveness of MCT, MEL, LHM, and MPF implies that many amphiphilic cationic peptides could prove useful as well defined adhesive substrata for cell culture and for studies of the mechanism of cell adhesion.  相似文献   
The rat proximal tubule epithelium is represented as well-stirred, compliant cellular and paracellular compartments bounded by mucosal and serosal bathing solutions. With a uniform pCO2 throughout the epithelium, the model variables include the concentrations of Na, K, Cl, HCO3, H2PO4, HPO4, and H, as well as hydrostatic pressure and electrical potential. Except for a metabolically driven Na-K exchanger at the basolateral cell membrane, all membrane transport within the epithelium is passive and is represented by the linear equations of nonequilibrium thermodynamics. In particular, this includes the cotransport of Na-Cl and Na-H2PO4 and countertransport of Na-H at the apical cell membrane. Experimental constraints on the choice of ionic conductivities are satisfied by allowing K-Cl cotransport at the basolateral membrane. The model equations include those for mass balance of the nonreacting species, as well as chemical equilibrium for the acidification reactions. Time-dependent terms are retained to permit the study of transient phenomena. In the steady state the energy dissipation is computed and verified equal to the sum of input from the Na-K exchanger plus the Gibbs free energy of mass addition to the system. The parameter dependence of coupled water transport is studied and shown to be consistent with the predictions of previous analytical models of the lateral intercellular space. Water transport in the presence of an end-proximal (HCO3-depleted) luminal solution is investigated. Here the lower permeability and higher reflection coefficient of HCO3 enhance net sodium and water transport. Due to enhanced flux across the tight junction, this process may permit proximal tubule Na transport to proceed with diminished energy dissipation.  相似文献   
Glutamate was converted to the chlorophyll and heme precursor delta-aminolevulinic acid in soluble extracts of Euglena gracilis. delta-Aminolevulinic acid-forming activity depended on the presence of native enzyme, glutamate, ATP, Mg2+, NADPH or NADH, and RNA. The requirement for reduced pyridine nucleotide was observed only if, prior to incubation, the enzyme extract was filtered through activated carbon to remove firmly bound reductant. Dithiothreitol was also required for activity after carbon treatment. delta-Aminolevulinic acid formation was stimulated by RNA from various plant tissues and algal cells, including greening barley leaves and members of the algal groups Chlorophyta (Chlorella vulgaris, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii), Rhodophyta (Cyanidium caldarium), Cyanophyta (Anacystis nidulans, Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803), and Prochlorophyta (Prochlorothrix hollandica), but not by RNA derived from Escherichia coli, yeast, wheat germ, bovine liver, and Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum. E. coli glutamate-specific tRNA was inhibitory. Several of the RNAs that did not stimulate delta-aminolevulinic acid formation nevertheless became acylated when incubated with glutamate in the presence of Euglena enzyme extract. RNA extracted from nongreen dark-grown wild-type Euglena cells was about half as stimulatory as that from chlorophyllous light-grown cells, and RNA from aplastidic mutant cells stimulated only slightly. delta-Aminolevulinic acid-forming enzyme activity was present in extracts of light-grown wild-type cells, but undetectable in extracts of aplastidic mutant and dark-grown wild-type cells. Gabaculine inhibited delta-aminolevulinic acid formation at submicromolar concentration. Heme inhibited 50% at 25 microM, but protoporphyrin IX, Mg-protoporphyrin IX, and protochlorophyllide inhibited only slightly at this concentration.  相似文献   
We recently developed rat fibroblast cell lines that stably overproduce high levels of the beta 1 form of protein kinase C (PKC). These cells display several disorders in growth control and form small microscopic colonies in agar. In the present study we demonstrate that one of these cell lines, R6-PKC3, is extremely susceptible to transformation by an activated human bladder cancer c-H-ras oncogene (T24). Compared with control cell line R6-C1, T24-transfected R6-PKC3 cells yielded a 10-fold increase in the formation of large colonies in agar. Cell lines established from these colonies displayed a highly transformed morphology, expressed the T24-encoded p21 ras protein, continued to express high levels of PKC, and were highly tumorigenic in nude mice. These results provide genetic evidence that PKC mediates some of the effects of the c-H-ras oncogene on cell transformation. Data are also presented suggesting that optimum synergistic effects between c-H-ras and PKC require critical levels of their respective activities. These findings may be relevant to the process of multistage carcinogenesis in tissues containing cells with an activated c-H-ras oncogene.  相似文献   
A Bladder Cancer Flow Cytometry Network study has been carried out aimed at identification of the sources of inter- and intralaboratory variability. Replicate "cocktail" samples containing a mixture of peripheral blood lymphocytes and an aneuploid cell line and samples of peripheral blood lymphocytes serving as a DNA reference standard were distributed to five network laboratories. The samples were stained for DNA using propidium iodide, with each laboratory using its own staining protocol. Sets of these samples were analyzed by flow cytometry to obtain cellular DNA distributions. DNA index and hyperdiploid fraction were calculated for each histogram using an automated technique. Results were evaluated by analysis of variance to identify sources of variability. Three important sources of variation were found that affect flow cytometry in general and- the transportability of flow cytometry results to routine clinical use in particular. The significant variation among laboratories that is constant across time most probably represents stable differences in instrumentation, instrument set-up, and laboratory techniques. This variation can be compensated for, if it is known and stable, to develop transportable classification criteria. The second type of variation, termed the interaction component, represents differences among laboratories that are not constant across time. Sources of this variation include inconsistency in sample preparation, staining, and analysis. The elimination of this type of variation is required for meaningful comparison of data within and among laboratories and the creation of interlaboratory data-bases. The third type of variation represents pure measurement variability and affects the sensitivity of the technique.  相似文献   
Murine squamous carcinoma cells (KLN205) grown in a medium supplemented with the retinoid, 13-cis retinoic acid (RA), had dose-dependent, selective increases in the expression of certain lectin receptors, which correlated with a dramatic decrease in the ability to form pulmonary colonies (P ?.0003) (Couch MJ, Pauli BU, Weinstein RS, Coon JS: JNCI, 78:971 ?977, 1987). These findings suggest a possible relationship between the RA-induced glycoconjugate alterations and the decreased experimental metastatic behavior. We further define the mechanism of RA's action. The finding that RA treatment (5 × 10?6 M, 5 × 10?7 M) did not perturb the cell cycle of KLN205 cells provides further proof that the decreased metastatic behavior is not attributable to any inhibition in the rate of growth or to alterations in the cell cycle. Furthermore, since stable subpopulations with variable lectin binding could not be detected, the mechanism of RA's action does not appear to be due to selection of variant tumor-cell subpopulations. Finally, in a scries of experiments designed to determine the reversibility of the RA treatment, the RA-induced decrease in metastatic behavior reverted back to a more metastatic state in the same time frame (3 days) as the reversion of the RA-induced changes in cell-surface glycoconjugate expression. This reversion provides further evidence for a close relationship between the RA-induced modulation of tumor cell-surface glycoconjugate expression and the decreased metastatic behavior; it suggests that transient, reversible modulation of the tumor cell surface may play a role in determining metastatic behavior.  相似文献   
Mg-chelatase catalyzes the first step unique to the chlorophyll branch of tetrapyrrole biosynthesis, namely the insertion of Mg into protoporphyrin IX (Proto). Mg-chelatase was assayed in intact chloroplasts from semi-green cucumber (Cucumis sativus, cv Sumter) cotyledons. In the presence of Proto and MgATP, enzyme activity was linear for 50 minutes. Plastid intactness was directly related to (and necessary for) Mg-chelatase activity. Uncouplers and ionophores did not inhibit Mg-Chelatase in the presence of ATP. The nonhydrolyzable ATP analogs, β,γ-methylene ATP and adenylylimidodiphosphate, could not sustain Mg-chelatase activity alone and were inhibitory in the presence of ATP (I50 10 and 3 millimolar, respectively). Mg-chelatase was also inhibited by N-ethylmaleimide (I50, 50 micromolar) and the metal ion chelators 2,2′-dipyridyl and 1, 10 phenanthroline (but not to the same degree by their nonchelating analogs). In addition to Proto, the following porphyrins acted as Mg-chelatase substrates, giving comparable specific activities: deuteroporphyrin, mesoporphyrin, 2-ethyl, 4-vinyl Proto and 2-vinyl, 4-ethyl Proto. Mg-chelatase activity and freely exchangeable heme levels increased steadily with greening, reaching a maximum and leveling off after 15 hours in the light. Exogenous protochlorophyllide, chlorophyllide, heme, and Mg-Proto had no measurable effect on Mg-chelatase activity. The potent ferrochelatase inhibitors, N-methylmesoporphyrin and N-methylprotoporphyrin, inhibited Mg-chelatase at micromolar concentrations.  相似文献   
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