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Summary Genetically identical copies of the silkworm female obtained via ameiotic parthenogenesis are insignificantly depressed by artificial reproduction, and notwithstanding their isogenous pattern, they show the same variability in quantitative characters as in the heterogenous forms.By means of androgenesis, genetically identical copies of strictly homozygous males were obtained; the latter were produced via meiotic parthenogenesis. The androgenetic clones of these males were transformed by backcrosses into homozygous bisexual lines. Viability and cocoon weight in these lines were higher than those in androgenetic clones of similar genotype, but they were far from the norm due to the depressing effect of semilethals left in them in a homozygous state. An extremely low phenotypical variability of quantitative characters is observed in the isogenous hybrids F1 obtained from crossing two genetically dissimilar strictly homozygous individuals. These hybrids make excellent material for phenogenetical studies. The female and male isogenous clones have an increased combining ability which is acquired in the course of their selection for high disposition towards complete parthenogenesis. For practical purposes it is proposed to take a female and a male which when mated produce a high-quality family and clone them separately, the first via parthenogenesis, the latter via androgenesis. After mating these reproduced bisexual clones, it will be possible to obtain in successive generations a vast number of families repeating the prominent productivity of the initial family.  相似文献   
The results of prolonged dynamic observations on the state of herd immunity against poliomyelitis virus in an industrial city are given. The survey covered 1304 children. The data thus obtained, when synchronized according to years, seasons, the age of the surveyed children and the methods used in the survey, indicated that in every age group 20-30% of children had no antibodies to group I poliomyelitis virus and 30% of children had no antibodies to group III poliomyelitis virus. The geometrical mean of antibody titers to different types of the virus fluctuated from 1.8 to 4.6 log2, the lowest value being obtained for the titer of antibodies to type III poliomyelitis virus. During the whole period of immunological control (1974-1978) no mass circulation of poliomyelitis virus and no outbreaks of poliomyelitis were registered despite the fact that a considerable proportion of children having no antibodies to one or several types of the virus was constantly present among the most susceptible part of children.  相似文献   
A test system permitting the detection of influenza virus protein M at a concentration of 0.1-0.5 ng/ml in ELISA has been developed. The use of this system made it possible to detect influenza viruses A and B directly in crude virus-containing material and clinical samples obtained from influenza patients. During the outbreak of influenza in the spring of 1983 ELISA was successfully used for the rapid diagnosis of influenza, and some of its advantages in comparison with the conventional immunofluorescence test were thus demonstrated. To overcome difficulties arising from the low immunogenic potency of protein M, in the process of obtaining diagnostic sera and ascitic fluids the animals were immunized with the conjugate of protein M and polyelectrolite, which ensured considerable activation of humoral immune response.  相似文献   
Morphological and functional criteria permitting the prediction of exercise performance were identified for two ethnic groups of Yakutia (Sakha). Yakuts with a low body height, normotonic autonomic nervous regulation, a relatively high weight-height index, eukinetic blood circulation, and a high specific exercise performance are best adapted to the environment. A high exercise performance in sympathicotonic subgroups cannot be a criterion of good adaptation because it is accompanied by cardiovascular strain even at rest. A high prevalence of sympathicotonia and body weight deficit in the ethnic groups studied reflect maladaptations caused by a set of adverse natural and social environmental factors.__________Translated from Fiziologiya Cheloveka, Vol. 31, No. 3, 2005, pp. 124–130.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Stepanova.  相似文献   
The antigenic structure of the L-forms of salmonellae (S. typhimurium and S. typhi) in comparison with that of the initial bacterial cultures and revertant cultures was studied with the use of the immunoferritin method. The L-forms of salmonellae were found to retain an insignificant amount of O-antigen, as well as to have K-antigen on the surface of the cytoplasmic membrane, but in a lesser amount than the initial strains. In the cultures reverting from the L-forms of S. typhimurium and S. typhi the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of O- and K-antigens were completely restored.  相似文献   
Native structure of active forms of rat liver immune proteasomes has been studied by two-dimensional electrophoresis method modified for analysis of unpurified protein fractions. The developed method allowed revealing the proteasome immune subunits LMP7 and LMP2 in 20S subparticles and in the structures bound to one or two PA28αβ activators, but not to the PA700 activator, which is involved in the hydrolysis of ubiquitinated proteins. The results obtained indicate the participation of the immune proteasomes in delicate regulatory mechanisms based on the production of biologically active peptides and exclude their participation in processes of crude degradation of “rotated” ubiquitinated proteins.  相似文献   
Reactogenic property and immunological efficacy of the paratyphoid preparation containing a complex of O-, K- and H-antigens obtained by single-stage antigens extraction were studied in a limited group of volunteers (22 persons). The antigen gave no untoward reactions and proved to be safe when given orally in doses of 25 to 150 mg. Paratyphoid B antigen was characterized by a marked immunization activity and stimulated formation of specific paratyphoid O-, K- and H-agglutinins and antibodies of the IgA,- IgG,- and IgM-classes.  相似文献   
Actinomycin D specifically quenches the fluorescence of acridine orange and quinacrine bound to deoxyribonucleic acid in cytologic preparations, but does not change the fluorescence of these fluorochromes bound to RNA. The following fluorescence-cytochemical applications of techniques based on these findings can be suggested: (a) distinction between deoxyribonucleic acid and ribonucleic acid; (b) detection of double-stranded virus ribonucleic acid; (c) approximate estimation of the lengths of A-T sequences in deoxyribonucleic acid molecules.  相似文献   
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