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Two new species of Haptoglossa , one zoosporic, H. northumbrica , and one aplanosporic, H. polymorphs, , were isolated from samples of manure and horse dung in north-east England. The zoosporic H. northumbrica is morphologically similar to H. dickii but differs in having slightly smaller infection gun cells with a unique internal arrangement of cones in the apical missile chamber. The thallus of the aplanosporic H. polymorpha is similar to H. heteromorpha but produces three different types of aplanospore. The smaller cysts either develop into broad, arcuate gun cells or form curved adhesive cells that have a rounded base. These curved adhesive cells have very different internal ultrastructural organization. The large cysts develop into infection cells that are morphologically similar to the curved adhesive cells, but their internal structure has not yet been observed.  相似文献   
The foliage leaf epidermis of 35 species representing 12 key genera of woody bamboos of the Asian tropics was investigated using light and scanning electron microscopy. The results indicated that papillae forms and distributional patterns around the stomatal apparatus of the abaxial foliage leaf epidermis were usually constant and were of great taxonomic significance at the specific and generic levels. However, papillae characters were not suitable for dividing subtribes within woody bamboos of the Asian tropics. On the basis of papillae characters, Schizostachyum s.s. and Cephalostachyum were confirmed, but their delimitations should be modified. The transfer of Leptocanna chinensis and Schizostachyum sanguineum into Cephalostachyum was supported, and Cephalostachyum virgatum and C .  pergracile were confirmed to be members of Schizostachyum s.s. The subtribe Racemobambosinae did not obtain support and Racemobambos appeared to be better placed in subtribe Bambusinae. Neomicrocalamus was supported as a close relative and better treated as a synonym of Racemobambos . Gigantochloa was closely related to Dendrocalamus .  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 156 , 411–423.  相似文献   
Four life forms (habits) are identified in the 13 species of Moringa (bottle trees, sarcorhizal trees, slender trees, and tuberous shrubs) which are examined for wood anatomical correlations with habit, ecology, and systematic. Wood anatomy is similar within habit classes except for the sarcorhizal trees. The four bottle tree species and M. arborea (one of the sarcorhizal trees) are characterized by bands of confluent paratracheal parenchyma alternating with bands of libriform fibres, some of which may be parenchyma-like. The other sarcorhizal tree, M. ruspoliana , is characterized by alternating bands of parenchyma-like and long, slender libriform fibres. Root secondary xylem of all these species is characterized by bands of parenchyma and fibres. Slender trees do not show bands of fibres of different shapes and have fibrous roots with less parenchyma than the other species. Tuberous shrubs have stems mostly composed of long, slender fibres and large underground tubers mostly composed of parenchyma. Quantitative trends between ecologically different localities include wider vessel elements and higher conductive area in moister localities. Wood anatomy provides characters that are of potential phylogenetic utility at a variety of levels of relationship. Based on wood anatomy and geography, the most likely sister taxon to Moringa is Cylicomorpha (Caricaceae).  相似文献   
作为干流高坝水电开发导致鱼类生境丧失的一种补偿措施,支流替代生境近年来被广泛应用于受工程影响河段的土著鱼类保护,但替代支流发挥怎样的保护效果及干流对其的影响仍不清楚。以实施了澜沧江梯级生境替代的支流基独河与罗梭江为研究对象,并选择了邻近的对照支流,通过对鱼类调查数据的分析对比,揭示了各支流鱼类种类组成与群落结构的差异特征,初步阐明了梯级开发下鱼类支流生境替代效果以及干流工程建设对其的影响。结果表明:澜沧江支流替代生境对干流鱼类具有明显的保护作用,支流生境修复后鱼类物种丰富度明显提高,罗梭江土著鱼类、特有鱼类物种数分别增加了12种、7种,基独河则是7种、2种,替代生境能为澜沧江土著鱼类、部分濒危特有鱼类和洄游鱼类提供完成生活史的关键栖息地。干流对支流生境替代保护有着重要影响,罗梭江、基独河与邻近干流鱼类群落的Bray-Curtis相似性分别为21.76%、10.73%,支流河口段保持“河相”是支流生境替代保护效果可持续的关键。综合考虑生境替代保护的效益与投入,建议今后开展此类保护措施时优先选择库尾河相区的支流。  相似文献   
潘汝亮  彭燕章 《动物学报》1992,38(2):128-135
本文利用三维笛卡儿空间座标对菲氏叶猴(Presbytis phayrei)和黑叶猴(P.francoisi)颅骨的形态结构作了比较研究,描绘了它们的侧视和俯视投影图形。结果表明,两种投影图形均显示黑叶猴的颅骨大于菲氏叶猴,且显著性增大的区域出现在眉点、囟门、枕骨大孔附近和下颌骨体的高度。但菲氏叶猴较黑叶猴具有更凸的面颅。据枕骨隆突至眉点的侧视投影弧长,两种叶猴的数学模式均为:Y=a+bX-cX~2(R=0.92)。从侧视投影看,两种叶猴自枕骨隆突至眉点主要表出大小的不同。若据俯视投影图,两种颅骨的差异主要出现在外耳道以前的部分。黑叶猴较菲氏叶猴具有十分显著性增高的下颌骨体以及相对应更发达的咬肌和咀嚼器官,这很可能与它取食更多的果类食物有关。  相似文献   
A comparative study of the secondary xylem (wood) anatomy of 11 species (38 specimens) occurring in cerrado s.s. and the adjacent gallery forest (both cerrado s.l. habitat) was made with the aim of identifying the anatomical characteristics of ecological value and correlating them with the environmental conditions. The anatomical features that vary, in general, between the two habitats are: growth ring distinctness (well or poorly defined); tyloses and deposits (more abundant in cerrado specimens); gelatinous fibres (more evident in cerrado specimens and in different patterns between habitats); variation in paratracheal and banded parenchyma (more abundant in cerrado); and more cells per parenchyma strand in cerrado. In general, gallery forest specimens have wider vessels, fewer vessels per square millimetre and larger intervessel pits, indicating more efficient water conduction, whereas cerrado s.s. specimens are the opposite, with low vulnerability and mesomorphy indices, demonstrating greater safety under conditions of water stress. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ?? , ??–??.  相似文献   
目的:了解F10基因在部分正常组织及肿瘤组织中的表达情况。方法:利用原位杂交和免疫组化方法对F10在部分正常组织和肿瘤组织中的mRNA和蛋白表达情况进行分析。结果:F10基因不仅在腺癌组织中表达呈阳性,在鳞癌组织中表现出较腺癌更强的强阳性,并且在正常组织中也有一定的表达。结论:F10是一个在多种组织普遍表达的细胞内蛋白,其功能可能与物质转运相关。  相似文献   
我国预防医学研究面临的机遇与挑战   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着生物-心理-社会医学模式的转变,预防医学理论发展和研究方向也发生相应的改变。本文就基因组学、蛋白质组学、人群分子流行病学与基因多态性研究以及现代信息技术等现代科学研究技术手段给预防医学研究带来的生机,我国预防医学在新世纪面临的机遇和挑战及其发展趋势作一探讨。  相似文献   
目的:评价内膜厚度及内膜形态对于体外受精-胚胎移植中冷冻胚胎解冻复苏移植的临床妊娠结局的预测价值。方法:回顾性分析1521个冷冻胚胎解冻复苏移植周期,将患者按子宫内膜厚度分为4组,子宫内膜≤6 mm、6.1-8.0 mm、8.0-12 mm、12.0 mm,根据子宫内膜形态分为A型内膜、B型内膜、C型内膜。分别比较不同内膜厚度分组及不同内膜形态分组患者的年龄,移植胚胎数目、内膜准备方案构成比、移植胚胎类型(卵裂期胚胎、囊胚)构成比及各组间的临床妊娠率和活产率。采用ROC曲线分析子宫内膜厚度、形态对临床妊娠结局的预测价值。使用逐步回归分析内膜厚度、形态、年龄及移植胚胎类型与妊娠结局的相关性。结果:纳入1521个解冻复苏周期中按内膜厚度分为4组,各组周期数分别为96周期、454周期、893周期、78周期,各组间平均年龄分别为34.1±5.5岁、33.3±5.4岁、32.5±5.2岁、33.7±6.0岁(P0.05)。内膜厚度≤6 mm组临床妊娠率为31.3%,子宫内膜≤6mm、6.1-8.0 mm、8.0-12 mm、12.0 mm组临床妊娠率分别为48.5%、51.8%、47.4%(P0.05)。子宫内膜≤6 mm、6.1-8.0 mm、8.0-12 mm、12.0 mm组间活产率分别为18.8%、37.7%、44.6%、39.7%(P0.05)。A型、B型及C型内膜组周期数分别为920周期、189周期及412周期,三组间平均年龄分别为32.3±5.1、33.0±5.7、34.2±5.5岁(P0.05)。A型/B型及C型内膜组临床妊娠率分别为51.2%、46.6%及46.4%,三组间活产率分别为42.1%、36.0%及37.1%,三组间差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。子宫内膜厚度ROC曲线下面积为0.534(95%可信区间0.505-0.564),子宫内膜形态ROC曲线下面积为0.526(0.476-0.955)。逐步回归分析纳入内膜厚度、内膜形态、年龄、胚胎类型4个可变量,女方年龄(OR=0.929,P0.001),移植胚胎中囊胚比例(OR=1.595,P0.001)与临床妊娠率明显相关,内膜厚度(OR=1.054,P=0.05)及内膜形态(OR=0.864)与临床妊娠率无相关性。结论:虽然子宫内膜薄临床妊娠率下降,但是子宫内膜厚度与内膜形态不能够预测体外受精-胚胎移植解冻复苏周期临床妊娠率,患者年龄以及移植胚胎的发育潜能才是预测临床妊娠率的参考指标。  相似文献   
目的:探讨右美托咪定对腹腔镜下子宫恶性肿瘤手术患者炎症因子以及认知功能的影响,为右美托咪定在腹腔镜下子宫恶性肿瘤手术的临床应用提供参考。方法:选择武汉科技大学附属普仁医院2015年7月至2017年6月收治的100例行腹腔镜下子宫恶性肿瘤手术患者作为研究对象,根据不同麻醉方式分为观察组和对照组两组,各50例,其中观察组患者在给予麻醉诱导前30 min,负荷剂量1.0μg/kg的右美托咪定静脉输注10 min,之后给予患者0.5μg/kg的右美托咪定持续性静脉输注至手术结束前30 min为止,对照组患者按照上述给药方法静脉输注同等容量的生理盐水。然后分别于麻醉诱导前(T0)、手术结束时(T1)、手术结束后4 h(T2)以及手术结束后1天(T3)取患者的外周静脉血,测定比较两组患者各相应时间点的血清C反应蛋白(CRP)、肿瘤坏死因子(TNF-α)、白细胞介素(IL-6)等炎症因子水平,外周血皮质醇(cor)、肾上腺素(E)、去甲肾上腺素(NE)等应激水平,MMSE评分、TMT完成时间等认知功能;并分析两组患者术后的不良反应发生情况。结果:两组患者T0时间的血清IL-6、TNF-α、CRP、cor、E、NE水平以及TMT、MMSE认知功能评分差异不具有统计学意义(P0.05),具有可比性;而观察组患者T1、T2、T3各相应时间点的血清IL-6、TNF-α、CRP、cor、E以及NE水平明显低于对照组(P0.05);观察组患者T2、T3各相应时间点的MMSE评分明显高于对照组,TMT评分值明显低于对照组(P0.05);且术后观察组患者的不良反应发生率明显低于对照组(P0.05)。结论:右美托咪定可以明显降低腹腔镜下子宫恶性肿瘤手术患者血清应激反应以及炎症因子水平,改善术后认知功能,减少术后不良反应的发生,效果显著,值得临床推广使用。  相似文献   
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