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According to sperm competition models, a male spawning in a disfavoured role should have spermatozoa with higher velocity but shorter longevity compared with a male spawning in a favoured role. Moreover, immunosuppressive androgens are needed to produce both secondary sexual characters and sperm cells. The 'sperm protection' hypothesis suggests that the immunosuppressive action of androgens has evolved to protect haploid spermatozoa, which are antigenic, from autoimmune attacks. Therefore, a male with high sexual ornamentation may be more susceptible to diseases but may possess better quality ejaculate than his less ornamented rival. We studied sexual ornamentation (breeding tubercles), ejaculation quality (sperm concentration, longevity and spermatozoal velocity) and intensity of parasitism in the cyprinid, Rutilus rutilus . Sperm longevity and spermatozoal velocity were positively correlated. Males having elaborated sexual ornamentation had longer-lived sperm and more Myxobolus mülleri parasites in the liver compared with males with low ornamentation. However, no difference was found between males with different degrees of ornamentation with respect to sperm concentration, spermatozoal velocity or other parasites. Since the highly ornamented males had higher sperm longevity, the present results are partly consistent with the predictions of the sperm competition models and the 'sperm protection' hypothesis.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 81 , 111–117.  相似文献   
The deer ked (Lipoptena cervi) is an ectoparasitic fly on cervids that has expanded its distribution rapidly in Northern Europe. However, the regulating biotic factors such as predation remain unknown. The host‐independent pupal stage of the fly lasts for several months. Blackish pupae are visible against snow, especially on the bedding sites of hosts, and are thus exposed to predators. To evaluate the role of predation on the invasion dynamics and evolution of L. cervi, we monitored pupal predation on artificial bedding sites in three geographical areas in Finland during winter. We explored: (1) possible predators; (2) magnitude of predation; and (3) whether predation risk is affected by host‐derived cues. We demonstrate that pupae are predated by a number of tit species. Any reddish brown snow discoloration on bedding sites, indicating heavy infestation of the host, serves as an exploitable cue for avian predators, thereby increasing the risk of pupal predation. The ability of tits to use this host‐derived cue seems to be dependent on the prevalence of L. cervi and the period of invasion history, which suggests that it may be a learned behavioural response. Predation by tits may potentially affect the L. cervi population dynamics locally. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 275–286.  相似文献   
The Lower Cambrian Eriboll Formation of northwest Scotland is renowned for the high density, low diversity trace fossils (Skolithos ichnofacies) found in its upper Pipe Rock Member. Ichnofabric analysis of the member indicates that relatively small examples of Skolithos terminating at the same foreset boundary were formed during a brief colonization window after a single depositional event, that particularly long Skolithos specimens are equilibrichnia, and that palimpsests of Skolithos represent the marginal, slightly deeper water fringes of the Pipe Rock Member depositional environment. Nearest neighbour analysis, however, suggests that such palimpsests were uncommon. A much more diverse trace fossil assemblage is present in the overlying Fucoid Member (An t‐Sròn Formation), comprising Cruziana barbata, Dactylophycus, Didymaulichnus, Halopoa imbricata, ?Margaritichnus, Monocraterion, Monomorphichnus, Palaeophycus striatus, P. tubularis, ?Phycodes, Planolites montanus, ?Polarichnus, Rusophycus ramellensis, ?Psammichnites, Skolithos and various unidentified traces, and represents the Cruziana ichnofacies. Above the Fucoid Member, the Salterella Grit Member ichnofauna is more impoverished, yielding only Cruziana, Monocraterion, Rusophycus, Skolithos and ?Spirophyton. The ichnological variations between the Pipe Rock, Fucoid and Salterella Grit members are interpreted as being driven by changes in sea level. The low trace fossil diversity in the Pipe Rock Member indicates opportunistic colonization of laterally extensive, shoreface sediments deposited by regular influxes of terrigenous material, which were overlain by more distal, ichnologically diverse sediments (Fucoid Member) as sea level rose. A minor regression then caused an increase in terrigenous sediment input, producing an impoverished, proximal Cruziana ichnofacies (Salterella Grit Member).  相似文献   
Courtship song and immune function in the field cricket Gryllus bimaculatus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It has been assumed that sexual ornaments have evolved to reveal males' health and vigour for females. Choosy females may indirectly use ornaments as an indicator of the presence and effectiveness of genes for resistance against parasites. In this study we tested whether females of the Mediterranean field cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus, can use courtship song as a cue for choosing males with high immunocompetence, measured as encapsulation rate of nylon implants and lytic activity of haemolymph. We found that female crickets preferred courtship songs from males with a high encapsulation rate. Female crickets also had a tendency to prefer courtship songs with high tick rate and long high-frequency tick duration. These preferred song components were positively correlated with encapsulation rate, but negatively correlated with lytic activity of the male. In contrast to previous studies of crickets, there was no correlation between male weight and encapsulation rate or lytic activity. There is some evidence in another cricket species that the ability to encapsulate pathogens is heritable. Thus, in light of this study it seems possible that by preferring males according to their courtship song, females might benefit by increasing the parasite resistance of their offspring.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 79 , 503–510.  相似文献   
Seasonal changes in immunocompetence are predicted by the hypothesized trade-off between reproduction and self-maintenance, whereby immune function is a measure of self-maintenance and reproductive effort is seasonally dependent. We examined seasonal patterns in immunological, haematological and body condition parameters for male and female freshwater fish. In two different populations, the relative size of the spleen and the chemotaxic migration activity of head kidney granulocytes decreased immediately before and after spawning, respectively. Those decreases were accompanied by an increase in haematocrit values shortly before and after spawning in both populations and a decrease in the relative body weight in one population, possibly due to physiological stress caused by increased activity during the spawning period. Breeding-related changes in other measures studied (phagocytosis activity of head kidney granulocytes, blood IgM concentration, white cell count and red cell count) were absent or inconsistent. Some of the results are in line with the idea of a trade-off between reproduction and immune defence. The present data suggest that the differential responses of the immune system may have different temporal patterns, which should be taken into account in immunoecological studies.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 78 , 117−127.  相似文献   
The modern theories of sexual selection predict that male sexual ornaments may have evolved as reliable signals of male fertilization efficiency. However, among the studies of fishes with external fertilization, the results have yielded ambiguous evidence. In the present study, we present data on the phenotypic relationships between red spawning coloration and ejaculate quality (spermatocrit, sperm motility) from Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus. We studied two generations (F1 and F2) of males from a large lake population, reared in a standardized hatchery environment, to determine whether differential hatchery history, or duration of hatchery selection, affected the variation in ejaculate characteristics or abdominal coloration. After controlling for body length, there was no difference between the hatchery generations in these traits. However, the degree of redness increased with fish size. We found a positive correlation between sperm velocity and sperm longevity, indicating a functional integration between these sperm features across generations. Sperm velocity was also positively correlated with male redness. Therefore, the finding obtained in the present study suggests that the carotenoid‐based ornamentation in Arctic charr may provide information about differences between males in their fertilization potential. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 98 , 794–802.  相似文献   
Behavioural syndromes, or suites of correlated behaviours across different contexts and situations, have recently drawn attention from evolutionary biologists. In the field cricket Gryllus integer , males are aggressive with one another and fight vigorously over females and territories. We examined whether aggressiveness with other males was correlated with activity in a potentially dangerous context (a novel environment) in laboratory-raised virgin males. Aggressiveness was measured as fighting ability against a weight-matched opponent. First, we measured each cricket's latency to become active in a novel environment and latency to emerge from a refuge within a novel environment. Next, we determined which of two weight-matched males was more aggressive, by pitting the males together in an agonistic contest and counting the number of fights won by each male. More aggressive males, who won more fights, had shorter latencies to become active when placed in a novel environment and shorter latencies to emerge from a safe refuge. These results suggest that a behavioural syndrome exists in G. integer , in which more aggressive males are also more active in general, and possibly less cautious towards predation risk.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 91 , 475–482.  相似文献   
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