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The sinus gland is a major neurosecretory structure in Crustacea. Five peptides, labeled C, D, E, F, and I, isolated from the sinus gland of the land crab have been hypothesized to arise from the incomplete proteolysis at two internal sites on a single biosynthetic intermediate peptide "H", based on amino acid composition additivities and pulse-chase radiolabeling studies. The presence of only a single major precursor for the sinus gland peptides implies that peptide H may be synthesized on a common precursor with crustacean hyperglycemic hormone forms, "J" and "L," and a peptide, "K," similar to peptides with molt inhibiting activity. Here I report amino acid sequences of these peptides. The amino terminal sequence of the parent peptide, H, (and the homologous fragments) proved refractory to Edman degradation. Data from amino acid analysis and carboxypeptidase digestion of the naturally occurring fragments and of fragments produced by endopeptidase digestion were used together with Edman degradation to obtain the sequences. Amino acid analysis of fragments of the naturally occurring "overlap" peptides (those produced by internal cleavage at one site on H) was used to obtain the sequences across the cleavage sites. The amino acid sequence of the land crab peptide H is Arg-Ser-Ala-Asp-Gly-Phe-Gly-Arg-Met-Glu-Ser-Leu-Leu-Thr-Ser-Leu-Arg-Gly- Ser-Ala-Glu- Ser-Pro-Ala-Ala-Leu-Gly-Glu-Ala-Ser-Ala-Ala-His-Pro-Leu-Glu. In vivo cleavage at one site involves excision of arginine from the sequence Leu-Arg-Gly, whereas cleavage at the other site involves excision of serine from the sequence Glu-Ser-Leu. Proteolysis at the latter sequence has not been previously reported in intact secretory granules. The aspartate at position 4 is possibly covalently modified.  相似文献   
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mutants resistant to the herbicide sulfometuron methyl (SM) were isolated and characterized. Growth of C. reinhardtii is sensitive to inhibition by SM at a concentration of 1 micromolar. Four mutants resistant to 10- to 100-fold higher concentrations were isolated. All possess a form of acetolactate synthase (ALS) whose specific activity in cell extracts is 100- to 1000-fold more resistant to SM than is the specific activity of wild-type enzyme. Only one mutant had abnormally low ALS specific activity in the absence of SM. All mutations were inherited as single lesions in the nuclear genome and were expressed in heterozygous diploids. The mutations in two strains mapped to linkage group IX about 30 centimorgans from streptomycin resistance and on the same side of the centromere, and in genetic crosses between mutants no segregation was observed. Accordingly, all mutations are tentatively assigned to gene smr-1. Herbicide resistance appears to be suitable as a selectable marker for molecular transformation in this organism.  相似文献   
J M Fisher  W Sossin  R Newcomb  R H Scheller 《Cell》1988,54(6):813-822
The ELH prohormone is proteolytically processed into at least nine peptides which govern egg-laying behavior in Aplysia. Quantitative immunocytochemistry demonstrates that peptides derived from the prohormone are packaged into distinct vesicle classes. Further experiments suggest the segregation occurs via a rapid initial proteolytic cleavage of the prohormone followed by sorting at the trans Golgi. Egg-laying hormone (ELH) immunoreactivity is localized to the cell body and processes, while bag cell peptide (BCP) immunoreactivity is greater in the cell body. Steady state levels of the amino-terminal set of peptides including the BCPs are 3- to 8-fold lower than the carboxy-terminal cleavage products, such as ELH. Thus, intracellular packaging and routing of the peptides cleaved from a single prohormone regulate their localization and levels in these neurons.  相似文献   
The changes in activities of glyoxysomal and peroxisomal enzymes have been correlated with the fine structure of microbodies in cotyledons of the cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) during the transition from fat degradation to photosynthesis in light-grown plants, and in plants grown in the dark and then exposed to light. During early periods of development in the light (days 2 through 4), the microbodies (glyoxysomes) are interspersed among lipid bodies and contain relatively high activities of glyoxylate cycle enzymes involved in lipid degradation. Thereafter, these activities decrease rapidly as the cotyledons expand and become photosynthetic, and the activity of glycolate oxidase rises to a peak (day 7); concomitantly the microbodies (peroxisomes) become preferentially associated with chloroplasts.  相似文献   
Summary A comparative study was made of the ultrastructure, distribution and abundance of leaf microbodies in four species of temperate grasses with high and four tropical grasses with low CO2-photorespiration. The temperate grasses were all festucoid; the tropical grasses included two panicoid species and two chloridoid. Comparisons of relative abundance were made by computing the average numbers of microbody profiles per cell section.Although microbodies were present in the green parenchymatous leaf cells in all grasses examined, their average number per cell was in general severalfold greater in the grasses with high CO2-photorespiration than in those with low. Furthermore, whereas in the grasses with high CO2-photorespiration the microbodies were distributed through the mesophyll, in those with low CO2-photorespiration they were concentrated in the vascular-bundle-sheath cells and were smaller and relatively scarce in the mesophyll cells. The leaf microbodies of the eight grass species resembled one another in general morphology, but differed to some extent in regard to size and type of inclusion. Microbodies of all four festucoid species contained numerous fibrils with a discernible substructure. Those of the two panicoid species contained clusters of round bodies with transparent cores. The equivalence of the microbodies to peroxisomes as biochemically defined was shown cytochemically by employing 3,3-diaminobenzidine for the localization of catalase, a marker enzyme for the peroxisome. This reaction was blocked by the catalase inhibitor, aminotriazole.The observations on the relative abundance and distribution of peroxisomes in leaves of grasses with high CO2-photorespiration versus those with low are consistent with the published biochemical data on the levels and distribution of peroxisomal enzymes in representatives of plants with high and low CO2-photorespiration, and may help explain the differences in apparent photorespiratory levels between these two groups of plants.  相似文献   
Summary Tubular systems present in bean leaf glands have been studied electron microscopically. Ordered arrays of small tubules (290 Å in diameter) arise from the endoplasmic reticulum in early stages of gland development and remain connected to it. Subsequently larger tubules (560–660 Å in diameter) appear among the smaller tubules and gradually replace many of them. The large tubules are not connected to the endoplasmic reticulum. They contain an electron dense material and their walls exhibit a patterned substructure. In older gland cells the bundles of large tubules run randomly through the cytoplasm. The relationship of the two types of gland tubules to conventional microtubules has been examined morphologically and experimentally. The small tubules have larger diameters and thicker walls than microtubules. Neither type of gland tubule is affected by low temperature or colchicine, or, in thin sections, by pepsin digestion. This suggests that these tubules are not closely related chemically to either cytoplasmic or ciliary microtubules. The two systems of tubules are closely associated with prominent protein vacuoles in the gland cells, but are not directly connected to them.This work was supported in part by grant no. GB-6161 from the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   
The fine structure of leucoplasts in root tip cells of Phaseolus vulgaris L. has been studied in material fixed in glutaraldehyde followed by osmium tetroxide and poststained in uranyl acetate and lead citrate. Plastid development has been followed from the young stages in and near the meristematic region, through an ameboid stage, to the larger forms with more abundant storage products in the outermost cells. The plastids contain a dense stroma penetrated by tubules and cisternae arising from the inner membrane of the plastid envelope. Also located in the stroma are lamellae, ribosome-like particles, phytoferritin granules, and fine fibrils in less dense regions. In some elongate plastids microfilaments run lengthwise in the stroma near the surface. The same plastids store both starch and protein, but in a strikingly different manner. The starch is deposited in the stroma, while the protein always is accumulated within membrane-bounded sacs. These sacs arise as outgrowths from a complex of interconnected tubules which in turn appears to originate by coalescence and proliferation of tubules and cisternae arising from the inner plastid membrane. This "tubular complex" bears a strong resemblance to the prolamellar body of etiolated chloroplasts, but is smaller and ordinarily less regularly organized, and is apparently light-insensitive. Crystallization of the protein commonly occurs in the sacs and occasionally takes place within the tubules of the complex as well. The fine structure of the leucoplasts is discussed in relation to that of etiolated chloroplasts. Suggestions are made concerning the function of the tubular complex, role of the ameboid plastid forms, and manner of accumulation of the storage protein in the plastids.  相似文献   
The herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) protease (Pra) and related proteins are involved in the assembly of viral capsids and virion maturation. Pra is a serine protease, and the active-site residue has been mapped to amino acid (aa) 129 (Ser). This 635-aa protease, encoded by the UL26 gene, is autoproteolytically processed at two sites, the release (R) site between amino acid residues 247 and 248 and the maturation (M) site between residues 610 and 611. When the protease cleaves itself at both sites, it releases Nb, the catalytic domain (N0), and the C-terminal 25 aa. ICP35, a substrate of the HSV-1 protease, is the product of the UL26.5 gene. As it is translated from a Met codon within the UL26 gene, ICP35 cd are identical to the C-terminal 329-aa sequence of the protease and are trans cleaved at an identical C-terminal site to generate ICP35 e,f and a 25-aa peptide. Only fully processed Pra (N0 and Nb) and ICP35 (ICP35 e,f) are present in B capsids, which are believed to be precursors of mature virions. Using an R-site mutant A247S virus, we have recently shown that this mutant protease retains enzymatic activity but fails to support viral growth, suggesting that the release of N0 is required for viral replication. Here we report that another mutant protease, with an amino acid substitution (Ser to Cys) at the active site, can complement the A247S mutant but not a protease deletion mutant. Cell lines expressing the active-site mutant protease were isolated and shown to complement the A247S mutant at the levels of capsid assembly, DNA packaging, and viral growth. Therefore, the complementation between the R-site mutant and the active-site mutant reconstituted wild-type Pra function. One feature of this intragenic complementation is that following sedimentation of infected-cell lysates on sucrose gradients, both N-terminally unprocessed and processed proteases were isolated from the fractions where normal B capsids sediment, suggesting that proteolytic processing occurs inside capsids. Our results demonstrate that the HSV-1 protease has distinct functional domains and some of these functions can complement in trans.  相似文献   
Summary Nuclei in protoplasts ofEntomophaga aulicae contain abundant condensed chromatin and a large central nucleolus. The metaphase spindle occupies a small eccentric area of the nucleus while the remainder of the nucleus is filled with condensed chromatin. Small portions of condensed chromatin are aligned along a broad metaphase plate and connected to the spindle poles by kinetochore microtubules. The nucleus associated organelle (NAO) is a solid barlike structure which lies at the spindle poles and is closely associated with the outer membrane of the nuclear envelope. Comparison of the nuclear characteristics ofE. aulicae with those of other members of theEntomophthorales supports the separation of theEntomophthoraceae from theBasidiobolaceae andAncylistaceae. Further comparison of details of nuclear division in theEntomophthoraceae, specifically NAO morphology, may be useful in helping to delineate evolutionary lines within the family.  相似文献   
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