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From the data presented in this report, the human LDHC gene locus is assigned to chromosome 11. Three genes determine lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in man. LDHA and LDHB are expressed in most somatic tissues, while expression of LDHC is confined to the germinal epithelium of the testes. A human LDHC cDNA clone was used as a probe to analyze genomic DNA from rodent/human somatic cell hybrids. The pattern of bands with LDHC hybridization is easily distinguished from the pattern detected by LDHA hybridization, and the LDHC probe is specific for testis mRNA. The structural gene LDHA has been previously assigned to human chromosome 11, while LDHB maps to chromosome 12. Studies of pigeon LDH have shown tight linkage between LDHB and LDHC leading to the expectation that these genes would be syntenic in man. However, the data presented in this paper show conclusively that LDHC is syntenic with LDHA on human chromosome 11. The terminology for LDH genes LDHA, LDHB, and LDHC is equivalent to Ldh1, Ldh2, and Ldh3, respectively.  相似文献   
From the data presented in this report, the human LDHC gene locus is assigned to chromosome 11. Three genes determine lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in man. LDHA and LDHB are expressed in most somatic tissues, while expression of LDHC is confined to the germinal epithelium of the testes. A human LDHC cDNA clone was used as a probe to analyze genomic DNA from rodent/human somatic cell hybrids. The pattern of bands with LDHC hybridization is easily distinguished from the pattern detected by LDHA hybridization, and the LDHC probe is specific for testis mRNA. The structural gene LDHA has been previously assigned to human chromosome 11, while LDHB maps to chromosome 12. Studies of pigeon LDH have shown tight linkage between LDHB and LDHC leading to the expectation that these genes would be syntenic in man. However, the data presented in this paper show conclusively that LDHC is syntenic with LDHA on human chromosome 11. The terminology for LDH genes LDHA, LDHB, and LDHC is equivalent to Ldhl, Ldh2, and Ldh3, respectively.  相似文献   
Summary Presymptomatic testing for Huntington's disease (HD) is possible through the use of restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) at the closely linked D4S10 locus. Recombination between the HD and D4S10 loci will occur in 4%–5% of meioses, and is a well-recognised complication of predictive testing. Recombination between RFLPs within the D4S10 locus is a rare event and can usually be ignored. We report a case where such an intra-locus recombination frustrated attempts to predict the chance of a high-risk individual inheriting the HD gene.  相似文献   
A bovine bivariate flow karyotype has been established from a primary fibroblast cell culture carrying a 4;10 Robertsonian translocation. From 27 to 36 populations could be resolved by flow cytometry although the anticipated number was 31. Separation of chromosomal pairs into two populations explains this high resolution and confirms the high level of heteromorphism previously observed. We used a PARM-PCR (Priming Autorizing Random Mismatches) procedure for the production of paint probes from flow-sorted chromosome fractions. These probes were used for chromosome identification by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) on R-banded metaphase spreads. We present the localization of all the bovine chromosome types on the flow karyotype. Twenty-two chromosome types including the translocated chromosome were sorted as pure fractions.  相似文献   
Specific receptors for corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) were identified in two functionally distinct systems within the brain, the cortex and the limbic system. Autoradiographic mapping of the CRF receptors in the brain revealed high binding density throughout the neocortex and cerebellar cortex, subiculum, lateral septum, olfactory tract, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, interpeduncular nucleus and superior colliculus. Moderate to low binding was found in the hippocampus, nucleus accumbens, claustrum, nucleus periventricularis thalamus, mammillary bodies, subthalamic nucleus, periaqueductal grey, locus coeruleus and nucleus of the spinal trigeminal tract. As in the anterior pituitary gland, CRF receptors in the brain were shown to be coupled to adenylate cyclase. However, in contrast to the marked decrease in CRF receptors observed after adrenalectomy in the anterior pituitary gland, CRF receptor concentration in the brain and pars intermedia of the pituitary was unchanged. The presence of CRF receptors in areas involved in the control of hypothalamic and autonomic nervous system functions is consistent with the major role of CRF in the integrated response to stress.  相似文献   
Immunoreactive (ir) beta-endorphin (b-END) and dynorphin (DYN) in rat brain and pituitary were measured after food and water deprivation and from brains taken during either day or night. In other rats, eating and drinking were measured following lesions in the arcuate n. Ir-DYN levels are higher in hypothalamus and lower in pituitary at night. Deprivation, particularly water deprivation, increases hypothalamic, day-time ir-DYN. Water deprivation decreases pituitary levels of ir-DYN. Arcuate-lesions, depleting both ir-b-END and ir-DYN, do not modify total daily intake of water or food but does modify circadian rhythmicity of eating and drinking. These data support the conclusion that b-END and DYN are involved in maintaining day-night patterns of eating and drinking.  相似文献   
Summary The DNA sequence was determined for the cytochrome c oxidase II (COII), tRNALys, and ATPase 8 genes from the mitochondrial genome of the meadow vole, Microtus pennsylvanicus. When compared to other rodents, three different patterns of evolutionary divergence were found. Nucleotide variation in tRNALys is concentrated in the TC loop. Nucleotide variation in the COII gene in three genera of rodents (Microtus, Mus, Rattus) consists predominantly of transitions in the third base positions of codons. The predicted amino acid sequence in highly conserved (>92% similarity). Analysis of the ATPase 8 gene among four genera (Microtus, Cricetulus, Mus, Rattus) revealed more detectable transversions than transitions, many fixed first and second position mutations, and considerable amino acid divergence. The rate of nucleotide substitution at nonsynonymous sites in the ATPase 8 gene is 10 times the rate in the COII gene. In contrast, the estimated absolute mutation rate as determined by analysis of nucleotide substitutions at fourfold degenerate sites probably is the same for the two genes. The primary sequences of the ATPase 8 and COII peptides are constrained differently, but each peptide is conserved in terms of predicted secondary-level configuration.  相似文献   
Bioethanol is mainly produced from food crops such as sugar cane and maize, and this has been held partly responsible for the rise of food commodity prices. Tobacco, integrated in biorefinery facilities for the extraction of different compounds, could become an alternative feedstock for biofuel production. When grown for energy production, using high plant densities and several mowings during the growing season, tobacco can produce large amounts of inexpensive green biomass. We have bred two commercial tobacco cultivars (Virginia Gold and Havana 503B) to increase the carbohydrate content by the overexpression of thioredoxin f in the chloroplast. Marker-free transplastomic plants were recovered and their agronomic performance under field conditions was evaluated. These plants were phenotypically equivalent to their wild types yet showed increased starch (up to 280 %) and soluble sugar (up to 74 %) contents in leaves relative to their control plants. Fermentable sugars released from the stalk were also higher (up to 24 %) for transplastomic plants. After heat pretreatment, enzymatic hydrolysis and yeast fermentation of leaf and stalk hydrolysates, an average of 20–40 % more ethanol was obtained from transplastomic plants than their wild-type controls. We propose an integral exploitation of the entire tobacco plant managed as a forage crop (harvesting sugar and starch-rich leaves and lignocellulosic stalks) that could considerably cheapen the entire production process.  相似文献   
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