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Fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FLS) from rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients share many similarities with transformed cancer cells, including spontaneous production of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). Altered or chronic activation of proto-oncogenic Ras family GTPases is thought to contribute to inflammation and joint destruction in RA, and abrogation of Ras family signaling is therapeutic in animal models of RA. Recently, expression and post-translational modification of Ras guanine nucleotide releasing factor 1 (RasGRF1) was found to contribute to spontaneous MMP production in melanoma cancer cells. Here, we examine the potential relationship between RasGRF1 expression and MMP production in RA, reactive arthritis, and inflammatory osteoarthritis synovial tissue and FLS.  相似文献   
Cisplatin, doxorubicin and fluorouracil (5-FU), drugs belonging to different chemical classes, have been extensively used for chemotherapy of various cancers. Despite extensive investigations into their hepatotoxicity, there is very limited information on their effects on the structure and ultra-structure of liver cells in vivo. Here, we demonstrate for the first time, the effects of these three anticancer drugs on rat liver toxicity using both light and electron microscopy. Light microscopic observations revealed that higher doses of cisplatin and doxorubicin caused massive hepatotoxicity compared to 5-FU treatment, including dissolution of hepatic cords, focal inflammation and necrotic tissues. Interestingly, low doses also exhibited abnormal changes, including periportal fibrosis, degeneration of hepatic cords and increased apoptosis. These changes were confirmed at ultrastructural level, including vesiculated rough endoplasmic reticulum and atrophied mitochondria with ill-differentiated cisternae, dense collection of macrophages and lymphocytes as well as fibrocytes with collagenous fibrils manifesting early sign of fibrosis, especially in response to cisplatin and doxorubicin -treatment. Our results provide in vivo evidence, at ultrastructural level, of direct hepatotoxicity caused by cisplatin, doxorubicin and 5-FU at both light and electron microscopi. These results can guide the design of appropriate treatment regimen to reduce the hepatotoxic effects of these anticancer drugs.  相似文献   
Q fever is a zoonotic disease caused by the bacterium Coxiella burnetii. Humans are commonly exposed via inhalation of aerosolized bacteria derived from the waste products of domesticated sheep and goats, and particularly from products generated during parturition. However, many other species can be infected with C. burnetii, and the host range and full zoonotic potential of C. burnetii is unknown. Two cases of C. burnetii infection in marine mammal placenta have been reported, but it is not known if this infection is common in marine mammals. To address this issue, placenta samples were collected from Pacific harbor seals (Phoca vitulina richardsi), harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena), and Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus). Coxiella burnetii was detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in the placentas of Pacific harbor seals (17/27), harbor porpoises (2/6), and Steller sea lions (1/2) collected in the Pacific Northwest. A serosurvey of 215 Pacific harbor seals sampled in inland and outer coastal areas of the Pacific Northwest showed that 34.0% (73/215) had antibodies against either Phase 1 or Phase 2 C. burnetii. These results suggest that C. burnetii infection is common among marine mammals in this region.  相似文献   
Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) transmitted by the brown dog tick (Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato) has emerged as a significant public health risk on American Indian reservations in eastern Arizona. During 2003–2012, more than 250 RMSF cases and 19 deaths were documented among Arizona''s American Indian population. The high case fatality rate makes community-level interventions aimed at rapid and sustained reduction of ticks urgent. Beginning in 2012, a two year pilot integrated tick prevention campaign called the RMSF Rodeo was launched in a ∼600-home tribal community with high rates of RMSF. During year one, long-acting tick collars were placed on all dogs in the community, environmental acaricides were applied to yards monthly, and animal care practices such as spay and neuter and proper tethering procedures were encouraged. Tick levels, indicated by visible inspection of dogs, tick traps and homeowner reports were used to monitor tick presence and evaluate the efficacy of interventions throughout the project. By the end of year one, <1% of dogs in the RMSF Rodeo community had visible tick infestations five months after the project was started, compared to 64% of dogs in Non-Rodeo communities, and environmental tick levels were reduced below detectable levels. The second year of the project focused on use of the long-acting collar alone and achieved sustained tick control with fewer than 3% of dogs in the RMSF Rodeo community with visible tick infestations by the end of the second year. Homeowner reports of tick activity in the domestic and peridomestic setting showed similar decreases in tick activity compared to the non-project communities. Expansion of this successful project to other areas with Rhipicephalus-transmitted RMSF has the potential to reduce brown dog tick infestations and save human lives.  相似文献   
Three wheat samples collected in 1987 in Central Poland and naturally infected withFusarium spp were analyzed for the presence ofFusarium spp andFusarium toxins. Heads were separated into three fractions: kernels with visibleFusarium damage, healthy looking kernels, and chaff + rachis. The samples contained deoxynivalenol (2.0 – 40.0μg/g), nivalenol (O.O1μg/g), 4,7-dideoxynivalenol (0.10 – 0.15μg/g). 15-acetyldeoxynivalenol (0.10–2.00 μg/g), 3-acetyldeoxynivalenol (O/1Oμg/g), and zearalenone (0.01–2.00μg/g). This is the first report about 15 - acetyldeoxynivalenol in European wheat and the co-occurrence of 3 - acetyldeoxynivalenol and 15-acetyldeoxynivalenol in the same sample of contaminated cereals.  相似文献   
Coxiella burnetii is an obligate intracellular bacterium that causes the zoonotic disease Q fever. Because C. burnetii is highly infectious, can survive under a variety of environmental conditions, and has been weaponized in the past, it is classified as a select agent and is considered a potential bioweapon. The agent is known to be present in domestic livestock and in wild animal populations, but the background levels of C. burnetii in the environment have not been reported. To better understand the amount of C. burnetii present in the environment of the United States, more than 1,600 environmental samples were collected from six geographically diverse parts of the United States in the years 2006 to 2008. DNA was purified from these samples, and the presence of C. burnetii DNA was evaluated by quantitative PCR of the IS1111 repetitive element. Overall, 23.8% of the samples were positive for C. burnetii DNA. The prevalence in the different states ranged from 6 to 44%. C. burnetii DNA was detected in locations with livestock and also in locations with primarily human activity (post offices, stores, schools, etc.). This study demonstrates that C. burnetii is fairly common in the environment in the United States, and any analysis of C. burnetii after a suspected intentional release should be interpreted in light of these background levels. It also suggests that human exposure to C. burnetii may be more common than what is suggested by the number of reported cases of Q fever.The Gram-negative obligate intracellular bacterium Coxiella burnetii can infect humans and cause Q fever, an acute febrile illness (15, 17). Most cases of Q fever have fairly nonspecific symptoms, such as high fever, headache, myalgia, cough, and fatigue (29). Over one-third of patients may show signs of pneumonia or hepatitis (17). Acute cases typically resolve in 1 to 2 weeks, but a small percentage of Q fever cases result in a chronic infection that can present as endocarditis and be life-threatening (12).Q fever occurs worldwide, and numerous natural outbreaks have been reported in the United States (2, 23, 25) and other countries (5, 11, 18, 20, 22, 24). An ongoing natural outbreak in the Netherlands resulted in more than 2,000 cases of Q fever from 2007 to 2009 (27). In the United States Q fever became a nationally notifiable disease in 1999, and increasing numbers of cases have been reported to the CDC in recent years. However, the highest number of annual cases in the United States so far has been 171, reported in 2007 (8). Although this is a fairly small number of reported cases, it is possible that the number of actual cases in the United States is much higher. The relatively nonspecific nature of Q fever symptoms makes the disease difficult to diagnose, and people infected with C. burnetii are likely to show a diversity of symptoms with variable severity. The idea that Q fever is underreported is supported by our recent data using serum samples from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) to determine that the seroprevalence in the United States among people who are ≥20 years old is 3.1% (1).A common mechanism for people to become infected with C. burnetii is the inhalation of aerosolized bacteria. Potential sources for aerosolized C. burnetii are livestock and other animals. It is known that many herds of livestock are infected with C. burnetii and that seroprevalence rates in a variety of wild animal species can be quite high (17). Infected livestock herds do not typically show clinical signs of infection, but surges in abortion rates have been reported, particularly with goats (9, 10, 17). It is known that C. burnetii can replicate to high levels in the placenta of infected animals and that infectious C. burnetii can be spread to humans during parturition (9). The prevalence of C. burnetii in animals makes contact with animals a likely risk factor for Q fever. For example, the ongoing Q fever outbreak in the Netherlands has been linked to Q fever infections in goat farms (27), and we have recently found that 22.2% of a group of 508 veterinarians had antibodies against C. burnetii, a much higher seroprevalence than in the general U.S. population (31).C. burnetii exists as a replicating large-cell variant (LCV), but nonreplicating bacteria can form a more stable small-cell variant (SCV) (4). Although it is not an endospore, the SCV form of Coxiella is known to be very stable under a variety of conditions (16). C. burnetii is also highly infectious, with a dose of 1 to 10 organisms capable of causing Q fever in humans (30). These unique features of C. burnetii, along with its aerosol route of transmission, have led to the designation of C. burnetii as a category B bioterrorism weapon and inclusion on the list of select agents. The potential for the use of C. burnetii as a bioweapon was explored in detail by the U.S. bioweapons program of the 1950s and 1960s (26). Although not typically lethal, C. burnetii is considered a threat due to its ability to cause widespread debilitating illness. Indeed, many U.S. soldiers returning from Iraq between 2005 and 2008 suffered from Q fever while deployed (6, 7). These cases are suspected to be naturally acquired infections.The potential for both intentional releases and natural outbreaks makes it important to understand the presence of C. burnetii in the environment. Investigations of the source of Q fever cases will include a determination of the presence of C. burnetii in the environment from which the bacteria may have been acquired. The purpose of this study was to analyze a large number of samples across a wide geographic distribution in the United States and to establish a baseline for the presence of C. burnetii in different regions of the country.  相似文献   
Q fever is a zoonotic disease caused by inhalation of the bacterium Coxiella burnetii. Ruminant livestock are common reservoirs for C. burnetii, and bacteria present in aerosols derived from the waste of infected animals can infect humans. The significance of infection from material deposited in the environment versus transmission directly from infected animals is not known. In 2011, an outbreak of Q fever cases on farms in Washington and Montana was associated with infected goats. A study was undertaken to investigate the quantity and spatial distribution of C. burnetii in the environment of these goat farms. Soil, vacuum, and sponge samples collected on seven farms epidemiologically linked to the outbreak were tested for the presence of C. burnetii DNA by quantitative PCR. Overall, 70.1% of the samples were positive for C. burnetii. All farms had positive samples, but the quantity of C. burnetii varied widely between samples and between farms. High quantities of C. burnetii DNA were in goat housing/birthing areas, and only small quantities were found in samples collected more than 50 m from these areas. Follow-up sampling at one of the farms 1 year after the outbreak found small quantities of C. burnetii DNA in air samples and large quantities of C. burnetii persisting in soil and vacuum samples. The results suggest that the highest concentrations of environmental C. burnetii are found in goat birthing areas and that contamination of other areas is mostly associated with human movement.  相似文献   
When microbes evolve in a continuous, nutrient-limited environment, natural selection can be predicted to favor genetic changes that give cells greater access to limiting substrate. We analyzed a population of baker's yeast that underwent 450 generations of glucose-limited growth. Relative to the strain used as the inoculum, the predominant cell type at the end of this experiment sustains growth at significantly lower steady-state glucose concentrations and demonstrates markedly enhanced cell yield per mole glucose, significantly enhanced high-affinity glucose transport, and greater relative fitness in pairwise competition. These changes are correlated with increased levels of mRNA hybridizing to probe generated from the hexose transport locus HXT6. Further analysis of the evolved strain reveals the existence of multiple tandem duplications involving two highly similar, high- affinity hexose transport loci, HXT6 and HXT7. Selection appears to have favored changes that result in the formation of more than three chimeric genes derived from the upstream promoter of the HXT7 gene and the coding sequence of HXT6. We propose a genetic mechanism to account for these changes and speculate as to their adaptive significance in the context of gene duplication as a common response of microorganisms to nutrient limitation.   相似文献   
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