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Fourteen female Japanese monkeys of the Arashiyama-B group ranging in age from 11 to 29 years were observed to elucidate the behavioral characteristics of aging monkeys. A positive significant correlation was found between the occurrences of rest and age, and a negative significant correlation between the occurrences of auto-grooming and age. Younger female monkeys tended to be in contact with or in proximity to group members, while older female monkeys tended to spend much more time alone. As for the grooming interactions, younger female monkeys more often groomed others than did older female monkeys. Also, the former engaged in grooming more frequently than in being groomed, while the latter spent more time in being groomed than in grooming. The old female monkeys showed no marked decline in rank, but some of them were surpassed by their adult daughters.  相似文献   
The cdc6 mutants of Schizosaccharomyces pombe have been classified as being defective in progression through the G2 phase of the cell cycle. We cloned an S. pombe gene that could complement the temperature-sensitive growth of the cdc6-23 mutant. Unexpectedly, the cloned gene was allelic to pol3, which encodes the catalytic subunit of DNA polymerase δ. Integration mapping confirmed that cdc6 and pol3 are identical. The cdc6-23 mutant carries one amino acid substitution in the conserved N3 region of Pol3. Received: 17 October 1996 / Accepted: 19 November 1996  相似文献   
The hepatitis B virus genome carries the surface antigen (SAg) gene and an open reading frame that encodes two SAg-related polypeptides: SAg with a 55-amino-acid N-terminal extension polypeptide and SAg with a 174-amino-acid N-terminal extension polypeptide. These are termed middle S and large S, respectively. These polypeptides or their glycosylated derivatives have been detected in Dane particles, but their chemical and biological properties have remained largely unknown because of their limited availability. We attempted to produce these proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by placing the coding regions under the control of the promoter of the yeast glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) gene. Yeast cells carrying middle S and large S coding sequences produced 33,000- and 42,000-dalton products, respectively, each of which reacted with anti-S antibody and bound to polymerized human serum albumin, in accordance with the known properties of pre-S proteins from particles in human sera (K. H. Heermann, U. Goldmann, W. Schwartz, T. Seyffarth, H. Baumgarten, and W. H. Gerlich, J. Virol. 52:396-402, 1984; A. Machida, S. Kishimoto, H. Ohnuma, K. Baba, Y. Ito, H. Miyamoto, G. Funatsu, K. Oda, S. Usuda, S. Togami, T. Nakamura, Y. Miyakawa, and M. Mayumi, Gastroenterology 86:910-918, 1984). The middle S polypeptide is glycosylated and can be assembled into particles whose size and density are similar to those of SAg. However, this polypeptide was highly susceptible to proteolytic degradation into 29,000- and 26,000-dalton polypeptides, of which only the former retained the binding activity to polymerized albumin. The large S polypeptides are nonglycosylated, relatively stable, and do not seem to assemble into particles by themselves.  相似文献   
Stone parsley, soybean, sunflower, sweet potato, potato, andadlay cultivated in a Cd2+-containing medium had Cd-bindingcomplexes with molecular weights of about 4,000 in the roottissues. The complexes were similar to the complex previouslyfound in water hyacinth roots in their absorption and CD spectraand their amino acid compositions. The results indicate thewidespread existence of complexes similar to fission yeast Cd-BPlin roots of various plants. (Received June 30, 1986; Accepted December 18, 1986)  相似文献   
Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) is a polypeptide produced by monocytes and macrophages. Although TNF receptors have been identified on a variety of cell types, previous studies have not determined whether these receptors also exist on monocytes. In the present work, highly purified recombinant TNF was labeled with 125I. The 125I-labeled TNF bound specifically to receptors on human monocytes and monocyte membrane preparations. A curvilinear Scatchard plot indicated the presence of TNF-binding sites with two different affinities. The results also indicate that receptor-bound TNF is rapidly internalized by monocytes and then degraded intracellularly. These findings are in concert with recent studies demonstrating that TNF immunomodulates monocyte function by an autocrine mechanism.  相似文献   
Resting spore formation during short time-scale upwelling and its significance were investigated in the field and by a simple theoretical model. Field observations of spore formation ofLeptocylindrus danicus were made off Izu Peninsula, Japan. A rapid increase in ratio of resting spore to vegetative cell numbers indicated thatL. danicus formed resting spores quickly as a response to nutrient depletion in the upwelled water, although only a very low number of resting spores was found in the upwelling. A simple model was constructed to investigate the possible advantages of spore formation during short time-scale upwelling. This showed that there is a critical time-scale for resting spore formation to be advantageous. The nutrient depletion period of the upwelling off Izu was shorter than the critical time-scale determined by the model. Rapid-sinking of resting spores may increase further the critical time-scale, unless spores return with upwelling water. For short time-scale upwelling, the vegetative cell may be better suited than the resting spore for enduring a short period of nutrient depletion. Contribution from Shimoda Marine Research Center, University of Tsukuba, No. 475.  相似文献   
Summary We investigated possible association of and linkage between HLA and familial polyposis coli (FPC). In 182 individuals from 66 pedigrees of FPC and 108 individuals from a normal population, HLA-A,-B, and-C antigens were determined. When the frequencies of HLA antigens in 66 unrelated patients and in normal controls were compared, no association of FPC with HLA was observed. For the linkage analysis, HLA haplotypes of 17 affected sib pairs were investigated by the affected sib pair method. The number of pairs which shared two, one, and no haplotypes identical by descent was not significantly different from the number expected with random occurrence (P>0.95). Finally, seven families were analyzed using Morton's sequential test. A maximum lod score of-0.056 at a recombination fraction of 0.4, and a lod of-3.089 at a recombination fraction of 0.05 were obtained. Therefore, there is neither an association of nor linkage between FPC and HLA.  相似文献   
The cellular level of cyclic 3',5'-AMP (cAMP) in the cyanobacteriumAnabaena cylindrica changed transiently in response to changesin extracellular environments. When the cells were transferedfrom dark to light, or anaerobic to aerobic conditions in thedark, the cAMP level rapidly decreased within one min and thengradually recovered. Addition of carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone(CCCP) which inhibits ATP synthesis caused an increase in cAMPlevel in the light but not in the dark. The level of cAMP increasedseveral fold by lowering the pH from 8 to 6. On the contrary,a rise of pH from 6 to 8 caused a decrease in the cAMP level.It is suggested that the change in membrane electrochemicalpotential is involved in the regulation of cellular cAMP concentration. (Received January 27, 1989; Accepted June 19, 1989)  相似文献   
Twelve polyether compounds originating from dinoflagellates were tested for growth-inhibiting activities againstAspergillus niger, Penicillium funiculosum, Candida rugosa, Escherichia coli, Bacillus megaterium andStaphylococcus aureus by a paper disc method. These polyethers represent six groups of different skeletons and originate from three species;Prorocentrum lima, Dinophysis fortii andGambierdiscus toxicus. Potent antifungal activities were observed with okadaic acid and its two congeners, desulfated yessotoxin, and ciguatoxin but not with okadaic acid esters, prorocentrolide, pectenotoxin-1, yessotoxin, maitotoxin, and desulphated maitotoxin. The antifungal activities and mouse lethalities of the polyethers were markedly affected by slight modification of their structures. Antibacterial potency of the tested compounds was not significant.  相似文献   
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