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Due to research on biochemistry and genetic engineering, mathematical models of microbial growth have become more complicated but Michaelis-Menten or Monod type expressions have still been used for conversion rates, uptake rates, etc. It is worth examining the error that can be caused by these quasi-steady-state-hypotheses. This paper presents a simple but very effective rationale function that describes the error of the quasi-steady-state hypothesis in enzyme kinetics. A simplified fermentation kinetic model was used for comparison of microbial growth but no analytical error function has been found for batch cultivation. In the case of continuous fermentation the error can be given in an analytical form. Many simulations, based on real SCP experiments, show a significant effect of the quasi-steady-state hypothesis. Since the rate constants of intracellular events are not really known, we have to be very careful when taking into account Michaelis-Menten type expressions in the building of complicated models. Correspondence to: L. Szigeti  相似文献   
In a current procedure for periodontal tissue regeneration, enamel matrix derivative (EMD), which is the active component, is mixed with a propylene glycol alginate (PGA) gel carrier and applied directly to the periodontal defect. Exposure of EMD to physiological conditions then causes it to precipitate. However, environmental changes during manufacture and storage may result in modifications to the conformation of the EMD proteins, and eventually premature phase separation of the gel and a loss in therapeutic effectiveness. The present work relates to efforts to improve the stability of EMD-based formulations such as Emdogain through the incorporation of arginine, a well-known protein stabilizer, but one that to our knowledge has not so far been considered for this purpose. Representative EMD-buffer solutions with and without arginine were analyzed by 3D-dynamic light scattering, UV-Vis spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy at different acidic pH and temperatures, T, in order to simulate the effect of pH variations and thermal stress during manufacture and storage. The results provided evidence that arginine may indeed stabilize EMD against irreversible aggregation with respect to variations in pH and T under these conditions. Moreover, stopped-flow transmittance measurements indicated arginine addition not to suppress precipitation of EMD from either the buffers or the PGA gel carrier when the pH was raised to 7, a fundamental requirement for dental applications.  相似文献   
An improved process for the isolation of thienamycin, produced by the actinomycete Streptomyces cattleya, has been developed. The isolation procedure consists of three chromatographic steps, volume reduction by reverse osmosis between the steps, and freezedrying for obtaining the final product. The chromatographic steps are as follows: (1) ion exchange chromatography on Dowex 1 × 2 resin in the bicarbonate cycle, (2) gel chromatography on Dowex 1 × 2 resin in the chloride cycle, (3) reverse phase chromatography on XAD-2 resin. This procedure is useful for processing large volumes of fermentation broth.  相似文献   
Résumé Les auteurs décrivent une nouvelle méthode de coloration dans le bloc de tissu avec différents sels métalliques (alun de fer, tétroxyde d'osmium, acétate d'uranyl et chromeosmium) et l'hématoxyline. Cette technique est utilisée sur des tissus qui sont ensuite inclus en Araldit et permet d'obtenir des coupes semi-fines déjà colorées. Les auteurs ont cherché à préciser la spécificité de fixation du fer dans le tissu au moyen de méthodes d'extraction et de blocage. D'après leurs observations, le fer se fixerait aux groupes tissulaires chargés négativement. La nature des liaisons semble être de type électrostatique et complexe. Les liaisons complexes semblent prédominer au niveau des structures contenant des acides nucléiques.
Histochemistry of block staining with metals for semifine sections
Summary The authors describe a new method of block staining for semifine sections with various metal salts (ferriammonium-sulphate, osmium tetroxyde, uranyl acetate, chromeosmium) and hematoxylin. They investigated the specificity of iron-alaun-hematoxylin with several extractions and blocking methods. According to their observations the dissociated iron is bounded to the negatively charged tissular groups. The nature of binding is thought to be electrostatic and coordinativ (complex). The last one is probably predominant in nucleic acids containing structures. This method seems to be encouraging for electron-histochemical investigations.
Perichromatin granules (PCG) have been isolated from cycloheximide-treated rat liver nuclei by a procedure that preserved their ultrastructural characteristics. Like the PCG particles in situ, the isolated granules were 300–400 Å in diameter; they had an approximate sedimentation coefficient of 40S. The Bernhard bleaching procedure showed that the isolated perichromatin granules are not chromatinous components. A low molecular weight 4.7S RNA approx. 100 nucleotides long was associated with the granules. Analysis of the proteins of the isolated perichromatin granules on SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed one major polypeptide (mol. wt approx. 34 000) along with two other minor polypeptides (mol. wt 31 000 and 38 000). The major polypeptide found in the perichromatin granules had similar migration characteristics on SDS gels to a peptide found in both rat liver and HeLa cell heteronuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) particles.  相似文献   
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