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. The behavior of nuclear envelopes during mitosis in Amoeba proteus was studied by means of indirect immunofluo-rescence staining using a monoclonal antibody against a 220-kD membrane-associated protein of amoebae in conjunction with DAPI staining of chromatin. The antibody selectively recognized antigens on nuclear envelopes during interphase but did not react with the nuclear membranes during mitosis until after cytokinesis had been completed. Thus, it appeared that the membrane-associated protein reacting with the monoclonal antibody and normally present on the nuclear membranes was absent from fragmented nuclear membranes or nuclear membranes that were continuous but did not have the honey-comb lamina. The findings suggested that the 220-kD nuclear-membrane protein may be involved in the dissolution and reformation of the honey-comb lamina during mitosis in amoebae.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. In the Amoeba-bacteria symbiosis, rod-shaped Gram-negative bacterial endosymbionts reside within symbiosomes in the host cytoplasm, and the host and symbionts are mutually dependent for survival. Three proteins and one group of lipopolysaccharides (LPS) synthesized by the bacterial endosymbionts and two proteins derived from the host cells have been found to be involved in the host-symbiont interactions, although their respective roles are not yet fully known. The symbiont-derived molecules included proteins with molecular weights of 29 kDa, 67 kDa and 96 kDa and LPS. The 29-kDa protein was most abundant in the host cytoplasm, while the 96-kDa protein and LPS were found mostly on the symbiosome membranes. The 67-kDa protein was a GroEL analog and stayed within the symbionts. The host-derived 43-kDa protein, actin, was selectively accumulated by the symbionts, while the 220/225-kDa protein, spectrin, was attached to the symbiosome membranes. The symbiont genes coding for the 29-kDa and 67-kDa proteins were cloned and sequenced. The 29-kDa protein gene was unique with no relation to any known DNA sequences but has a leucine zipper-like motif, suggesting a possible DNA-binding function. The DNA sequence of the 67-kDa protein gene showed a 70% identity with heat-shock-protein genes of Escherichia coli and Coxiella burnetii.  相似文献   
Monoclonal antibodies were prepared against lysosomal membrane proteins of amoebae and used to follow lysosome-phagosome fusion after induced phagocytosis. The specificity of antibodies was checked by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy, immunoelectron microscopy, and localization of the antigen in subcellular fractions. The antibody-recognized proteins started to appear on the membranes of phagolysosomes about 5 min after phagocytosis as detected by indirect immunofluorescence, and the intensity of fluorescence increased for up to 1 h. Results of injection experiments in which purified antibodies had been injected into living cells and probed by indirect fluorescence indicated that the antigens were located on the cytoplasmic side of the lysosomal membranes. Lysosomes fuse with phagosomes on the one hand but not with non-fusible vesicles such as symbiosomes on the other. The results support the view that a membrane component(s) of non-fusible vesicles somehow prevents lysosomoes from fusing with them.  相似文献   
Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis was used to compare the protein composition of normal (D strain) and symbiont-containing (xD strain) A. proteus. Over 500 different peptide spots could be identified on a typical gel of cytosol proteins. In addition to differences in a few minor peptides, one prominent polypeptide with an isoelectric point of about 5.5 and a molecular weight of about 29,000 was present in the cytoplasm of symbiont-containing amoebae and in the endosymbionts but not in D-strain amoebae. When endosymbionts were removed from xD-strain amoebae, the xD-specific polypeptide also disappeared, suggesting that it is produced by the endosymbionts.  相似文献   
For the triangle, duo‐trio, same‐different and 2‐AFC methods, using a model system, mean d′ values for the same subjects, discriminating between the same taste stimuli, were not significantly different. This confirmed the postulated cognitive strategies used for these methods in their respective Thurstonian/signal detection models. Introduction of perceptual variance as a result of the effects of sequences of tasting within a test, forgetting stimulus perceptions and τcriterion variation resulted in the 2‐AFC eliciting a significantly higher d′ than the other three methods. Yet, after a warm‐up procedure, which not only significantly increased values of d′ for all methods but also aligned subjects' τcriteria, the same‐different test had a d′ comparable to that of the 2‐AFC, while both d′ values were significantly higher than those of the triangle and duo‐trio. This suggested that effects of memory were more important those of sequence of tasting.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The role of bacterial endosymbionts in the acquisition of new phenotypic characters was studied by transplanting nuclei from an uninfected strain of Amoeba proteus into the enucleated cytoplasm of a symbiont-carrying strain. After 1–10 cell cycles, the nuclei were tested for two characters: compatibility with uninfected and infected cytoplasm, and their lethal effect against amoebae of the uninfected parent strain. A significant number of transplanted nuclei displayed both of the new phenotypic traits after a few divisions in the infected cytoplasm. Thus the influence of these endosymbionts on the nucleus of A. proteus was virtually instantaneous.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Symbiont-bearing xD amoebae no longer produce a 45-kDa cytoplasmic protein that functions as S-adenosylmethionine synthetase in symbiont-free D amoebae. The absence of the protein in xD amoebae is attributable to xD amoeba's failure to transcribe the corresponding gene as a result of harboring bacterial symbionts. However, xD amoebae have about half the level of enzyme activity found in D amoebae, indicating that they use an alternative source for the enzyme. xD amoebae originated from D amoebae by bacterial infection and now depend on their symbionts for survival. xD amoebae exhibit irreversible nucleolar abnormalities when their symbionts are removed, suggesting that X-bacteria supply the needed enzyme. A monoclonal antibody against the 45-kDa protein was produced and used as a probe in cloning its corresponding cDNA. The product of the cDNA was found to have S-adenosylmethionine synthetase activity. These results show how symbiotic X-bacteria may become essential cellular components of amoebae by supplementing a genetic defect for an amoeba's house-keeping gene that is brought about by an action of X-bacteria themselves. This is the first reported example in which symbionts alter the host's gene expression to block the production of an essential protein.  相似文献   
A Symbiont-Produced Protein and Bacterial Symbiosis in Amoeba proteus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT. Gram- symbiotic X-bacteria present in the xD strain of Amoeba proteus as required cell components, synthesize and export a large amount of a 29-kDa protein (S29x) into the host's cytoplasm across bacterial and symbiosome membranes. The S29x protein produced by E. coli transformed with the s29x gene is also rapidly secreted into the culture medium. Inside amoebae, S29x enters the host's nucleus as detected by confocal and irnmunoelectron microscopy, although it is not clear if S29x is selectively accumulated inside the nucleus. The deduced amino-acid sequence of S29x has a stretch of basic amino acids that could act as a nuclear localization signal, but there is no signal peptide at the N-terminus and the transport of S29x is energy independent. The functions of S29x are not known, but in view of its prominent presence inside the amoeba's nucleus, S29x is suspected to be involved in affecting the expression of amoeba's nuclear gene(s).  相似文献   
ABSTRACT A protein with two subtypes of 205 and 180 kDa was localized on the nuclear envelope of amoebae as detected by indirect immunofluorescence staining and immuno-electron microscopy using a monoclonal antibody as a probe. Electron microscopic observation showed that the protein was located on the honeycomb lamina of the nuclear envelope. During mitosis, the protein dispersed throughout the cytoplasm but reappeared on the nuclear envelope after the reformation of the envelopes of daughter nuclei. the findings suggested that the protein is a component of the nuclear lamina of amoebae.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. The effect of depletion and restoration of obligatory bacterial endosymbiotes on Amoeba proteus strain xD was studied. Removal of the symbiotes by culturing the amebae at 26.5 C resulted in loss of viability of the host cells, indicating that this strain is dependent on its endosymbiotes for survival. Amebae depleted of bacteria could initially be resuscitated by injection of isolated symbiotes, but prolonged deprivation led to irreversible changes. Nuclei of aposymbiotic amebae were viable when transplanted into the cytoplasm of normal cells, but the symbiote-depleted cytoplasm of heat-treated amebae could not be resuscitated by renucleation. No immediate ultrastructural changes were detected in aposymbiotic amebae except for clumping of nucleoli. Thus it appears that the symbiote performs an essential function as a cytoplasmic constituent.  相似文献   
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