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Concentration factor and biological half-life of 54Mn were determined in three species representing an ecologically and economically important food chain. Green algae (Chlorella spp.), Daphnia magna and yellow perch (Perca flavescens) were exposed to 54Mn in water and assayed for 54Mn uptake. Steady state concentration factors computed from the laboratory data for algae, Daphnia and perch were 4230, 17 000 and 11, respectively. Respective biological half-lives were 1.6, 1.2 and 8.3 days.  相似文献   
This study seeks to explore whether neuroticism, agreeableness, and conscientiousness moderate the influence of relationship conflict experienced in groups on changes in group members'' evaluative cognitions related to teamwork quality (teamwork-related mental models). Data from 216 students, nested in 48 groups were analyzed using a multilevel modeling approach. Our results show that the experience of relationship conflict leads to a negative shift from the pre-task to the post-task teamwork-related mental models. Moreover, the results indicate that conscientiousness buffered the negative association between relationship conflict and the change in teamwork-related mental models. Our results did not support the hypothesized moderating effect of agreeableness and show that the detrimental effect of relationship conflict on the shift in teamwork-related mental models is accentuated for group members scoring low rather than high on neuroticism. These findings open new research venues for exploring the association between personality, coping styles and change in teamwork-related mental models.  相似文献   
Streptokinase-human plasmin complex (Sk-hPm) reacted rapidly with purified mouse alpha 2-macroglobulin (m alpha 2M) in vitro at 37 degrees C. Approx. 98% of the plasmin in Sk-hPm bound covalently to at least one m alpha 2M subunit. Most of the streptokinase dissociated (95%). The rate of Sk-hPm inactivation clearly depended on the m alpha 2M concentration. With 1.2 microM-m alpha 2M, 50% of the Sk-hPm (0.02 microM) reacted in less than 50 s. A double-reciprocal plot comparing pseudo-first-order rate constants (kapp.) and m alpha 2M concentration yielded a second-order rate constant of 2.3 x 10(4) M-1.s-1 (r = 0.97). This value is an approximation, since Sk-hPm preparations are heterogeneous. Sk-hPm reacted with human alpha 2M (h alpha 2M), forming alpha 2M-plasmin complex (98% covalent). More than 99% of the streptokinase dissociated. The rate of reaction of Sk-hPm with h alpha 2M did not clearly depend on inhibitor concentration. The kapp. values determined with 0.6-1.2 microM-h alpha 2M were decreased 10-20-fold compared with m alpha 2M. In order to study the effect of Sk-hPm heterogeneity on the reaction with alpha 2M, the proteinase was incubated for various amounts of time at 37 degrees C before addition of inhibitor. The enzyme amidase activity was maximal within 5 min; however, reaction of Sk-hPm with m alpha 2M or h alpha 2M was most extensive after 20 min and 2 h respectively. After incubation for more than 1 h, Sk-hPm acquired fibrinogenolytic activity, suggesting plasmin dissociation. Therefore the enhanced reaction of h alpha 2M with 'older' Sk-hPm preparations may have resulted in part from dissociated plasmin or 'plasmin-like' species. By contrast, the reaction of Sk-hPm with m alpha 2M was most rapid when the proteinase preparation was free of plasmin, indicating direct reaction of Sk-hPm with m alpha 2M as the only major mechanism. Finally, streptokinase-cat plasminogen complex reacted more extensively with m alpha 2M than with h alpha 2M, suggesting that m alpha 2M may be a superior inhibitor with this class of plasminogen activators in general.  相似文献   
Fish oil has been reported as having beneficial effects on cardiovascular diseases. Elevated serum lipoproteins, prostaglandins and intracellular free calcium concentrations [( Ca2+]i) of the vasculature and thus the phosphoinositide (PI) turnover may be involved in the pathogenesis of these disorders. Therefore, the effect of fish oil on the potency of both low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and angiotensin II (AII) to stimulate the PI turnover in cultured rat vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) has been studied. Furthermore, a possible link between PI turnover activity and thromboxane A2 (TXA2) metabolism in these cells has been investigated. In VSMC cultured for up to 7 weeks with either fish oil or n-3 eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) a decrease to 5-48% of the LDL-induced inositol trisphosphate (IP3) formation (= 100%) was found. A similar range of decreased IP3 synthesis was observed, when AII was used instead of LDL. Both LDL- and AII-stimulated TXA2 synthesis was suppressed concomitantly within the range 34-60%. Blockade of VSMC TXA2 biosynthesis with either indomethacin or TXA2 synthetase blocker (SQ-80338) inhibited LDL-induced formation of IP3 in a dose-dependent manner. Similar results were obtained, when TXA2 receptor coupling antagonists (SQ-27427 or BM-13177) were used. However, blockers of TXA2 synthesis and of TXA2 receptor binding failed to affect AII-induced formation of IP3.  相似文献   
On the basis of chemical and NMR data the partial structure of lipid A from lipooligosaccharide (LOS) of Neisseria meningitidis group B, strain BC5S No 125 was established. Lipid A consisted of disaccharide 2-deoxy-6-O-[2-deoxy-2-(3-hydroxytetradecanoylamino)--gluco-pyranosyl]-2-(3-hydroxytetradecanoylamino)--glucopyranose carrying the -(2-aminoethyl)pyrophosphate residue at 0–4 and the pyrophosphate or phosphate residue at 0–1. On hydrolysis of the acidic form of LOS with 1% acetic acid the substituent at 0–1 was practically completely removed whereas that at 0–4 was stable. The analogous hydrolysis of the Mg-salt of LOS was accompanied by splitting off the pyrophosphate linkage in the substituent at 0–4. Hydrolysis of LOS at pH 4.5 in the presence of SDS led mainly to a lipid A preparation retaining both pyrophosphate residues.Abbreviations KDO 2-keto-3-deoxyoctulosonic acid - LA-I, LA-II preparations of lipid A - LOS lipooligosaccharide - LOS-H+ the acidic form of LOS - OS oligosaccharide - TLC thin-layer chromatography - GLC-MS gas-liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry  相似文献   
Benzo(a)pyrene (BP) was dissolved in dietary fat and fed in a single dose to killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus). Fluorescence microscopic examinations of small intestinal content and frozen sections of whole small intestine revealed that during fat digestion BP was codispersed in liquid crystalline product phases produced during lipolysis (1979. Patton, J. S., and M. C. Carey, Science. 204: 145-148) and then coabsorbed with dietary lipid followed by its reappearance in intracellular fat droplets. During the time that the absorbed fat remained in the enterocytes, BP fluorescence was initially concentrated in the intracellular fat droplets and then spread throughout the cytosol of the enterocytes. Tissue analyses showed that BP was rapidly metabolized in the intestine and transported to the gallbladder. These studies show that separation of a dissolved hydrophobic carcinogen from dietary fat occurs primarily after the fat has been digested, dispersed, absorbed, and reassembled in the enterocyte. The inability of the enterocyte to discriminate between dietary fat and dissolved carcinogenic compounds may be a partial explanation of the observed link between high fat diets and the incidence of some cancers. In vertebrates, the intestine and not the liver, appears to be the major site of metabolism of dietary polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).  相似文献   
In order to investigate the influence of hapten density and of carrier proteins on the immunological characteristics of antisera, 4 groups of rabbits were injected with different aldosterone-carboxymethoxime protein conjugates. Six animals immunized with an aldosterone rabbit serum albumin (RSA) conjugate carrying 15 steroid molecules (RSA-2 conjugate) showed markedly higher antibody titers than rabbits injected with a RSA conjugate carrying 8 aldosterone molecules (RSA-1 conjugate). Low antibody titers were found in 8 animals immunized with an aldosterone bovine gamma globulin (BGG) conjugate showing a molar incorporation of 15. In a group of rabbits which was first injected with the RSA-1 conjugate and re-immunized with the RSA-2 conjugate the magnitude of antibody production was not enhanced. No differences in antibody sensitivity or specificity were observed between the 4 groups. It was concluded from these experiments a) that the density of haptenic groups depending on the molar incorporation of haptens and on the molecular weight of the carrier protein had influenced the magnitude of antibody production, b) that hapten density or carrier proteins had no effect on antibody sensitivity or specificity, c) that the magnitude of antibody production cannot be altered by re-immunizing with a more potent antigen.  相似文献   
A dipeptide of the formula Fmoc-Leu-Asp and some other related dipeptides were synthesized in solution by standard methods. When such peptides are dissolved in water at concentrations below 1% at 100 °C and cooled below 60 °C they form turbid solutions and eventaully visocelastic gels at lower temperatures. Such gels are thermoreversible and can also be disrupted by mechanical agitation. At a concentration of 2 mg/ml the peptide Fmoc-Leu-Asp forms an aqueous gel at 60 °C with a shear modulus of 80 Pa measured at a frequency of 1 rad/s. Peptide solutions undergo an abrupt increase in light scattering between 1 and 1.5 mg/ml at both 23 and 60 °C. By analogy with previous observations of other systems, this increse appears to be due to the formation of filamentous micelles and the aggregation of filamaents into a three-dimensional network. When low molecular weight adamantanamine derivatives, which are inherently non-antigenci antiviral drugs, were incorporated into the Fmoc-Leu-Asp gel and injected into rabbits, high titre specific antibodies were efficiently produced without the need for additional adjuvant. Both the physical properties of the gel and its effect on the antigenicity of low molecular weight compounds suggest a number of practical applications.  相似文献   
The aim of our study was to evaluate whether ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) can substitute for leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF) in maintaining pluripotential embryonic stem (ES) cells in culture. Two subclones of D3 ES cells were used to assess cell proliferation and differentiation in the presence of CNTF, LIF or Buffalo rat liver (BRL) cell-conditioned medium, or in the absence of exogenous differentiation inhibiting factors. ES cells maintained in medium supplemented with CNTF for up to four weeks were injected into blastocysts to investigate theirin vivo pluripotency in terms of chimaera formation. CNTF inhibited ES cell differentiation in a dose-dependent manner. The most effective concentration was 10 ng CNTF per ml of medium. The effects of CNTF on ES cell differentiation and proliferation were comparable to those of LIF at the same concentration. BRL cell-conditioned medium was less effective at preventing ES cell differentiation but induced their proliferation very markedly. Both ES cell clones efficiently formed chimaeras after long-term culture with CNTF as the only differentiation inhibiting agent. The ability of these ES cells to colonize the germ-line is the ultimate proof that CNTF can preserve the pluripotency of ES cells.  相似文献   
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