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Lactobacillus salivarius A3iob was administered to productive colonies belonging to commercial apiaries of small beekeepers (around 30–50 hives each one), from four departments of the province of Jujuy (Argentina): Yala, Tilquiza, El Carmen, and Los Alisos. The incidence of Varroa destructor and Nosema spp., before and after winter, was monitored during 2 years of study (2014–2015). Depending on the geographical location of each apiary and the application time, a monthly dose of the bacteria (105 CFU/mL) reduced the levels of varroasis between 50 and 80%. Interestingly, L. salivarius A3iob cells remitted the percentage of the mites to undetectable values in an apiary treated with flumethrin (at Yala, Yungas region).

On the other hand, the spore levels of Nosema spp. in the lactobacilli-treated colonies also depended on the apiary and the year of application, but a significant decrease was mainly observed in the post-winter period. However, at Rivera (El Carmen’s department), no significant changes were detected in both parameters.

These results obtained after 2 years of work suggest that delivering L. salivarius A3iob cells to the bee colonies can become a new eco-friendly tool to cooperate with the control of these bees’ pests.

Ift88 is a central component of the intraflagellar transport (Ift) complex B, essential for the building of cilia and flagella from single cell organisms to mammals. Loss of Ift88 results in the absence of cilia and causes left-right asymmetry defects, disordered Hedgehog signaling, and polycystic kidney disease, all of which are explained by aberrant ciliary function. In addition, a number of extraciliary functions of Ift88 have been described that affect the cell-cycle, mitosis, and targeting of the T-cell receptor to the immunological synapse. Similarly, another essential ciliary molecule, the kinesin-2 subunit Kif3a, which transports Ift-B in the cilium, affects microtubule (MT) dynamics at the leading edge of migrating cells independently of cilia. We now show that loss of Ift88 impairs cell migration irrespective of cilia. Ift88 is required for the polarization of migrating MDCK cells, and Ift88 depleted cells have fewer MTs at the leading edge. Neither MT dynamics nor MT nucleation are dependent on Ift88. Our findings dissociate the function of Ift88 from Kif3a outside the cilium and suggest a novel extraciliary function for Ift88. Future studies need to address what unifying mechanism underlies the different extraciliary functions of Ift88.  相似文献   
Bohemian knotweed (Polygonum × bohemicum), the hybrid between Japanese and giant knotweed, is the most common invasive knotweed species in western North America and the most difficult to control. Invasive knotweed congeners spread aggressively along streams and establish dense monotypic stands, reducing riparian plant species diversity. Allochthonous organic matter inputs from riparian plants are an important source of energy and nutrients for organisms in small streams. However, little information exists concerning the influence of knotweed on stream processes. This study examines the quality of Bohemian knotweed leaves compared to native red alder and black cottonwood leaves, along with leaf-associated fungal biomass accumulation, macroinvertebrate communities, and decay rates from three forested streams in western Washington State. Senesced knotweed leaves were lower in nitrogen and phosphorus, and higher in cellulose, fiber, and lignin content than alder leaves, but were more similar to cottonwood leaves. Fungal biomass differed among species and changed over time. Macroinvertebrate shredders collected from leaf packs after 31 days were proportionately more abundant on alder leaves than knotweed and cottonwood. Decay rates were not significantly different among leaf species, but during the first 31 days alder broke down faster than knotweed. After 56 days, all of the leaf packs were mostly decomposed. Overall, these findings do not show major discrepancies between leaf species except those related to initial litter structural and chemical quality. However, changes in the timing and quantity of litter inputs are also important factors to be considered in understanding the impact of invasive knotweed on stream ecosystem processes.  相似文献   
Summary The genusAmauroascus, with two species,A. verrucosus andA. niger, is reviewed historically and authentic herbarium material is cited. The characteristics of pure cultures for the two species are given for the first time. Data are given in support of placingAmauroascus in synonymy withArachniotus.  相似文献   
Summary The Gymnoascaceae have long been regarded by many as the perfect stages of certain imperfect dermatophytic fungi. In recent years increasing numbers of reports have been published in which the Gymnosacaceae have been isolated from pathological conditions and have often been regarded as at least potential pathogens. This paper reviews previous reports and presents certain new isolation data which should lead to a better understanding and appreciation of the role of these fungi in clinical investigations. Evidence supporting pathogencity of the Gymnoascaceae is suggestive but inconclusive.
Zusammenfassung Manche Verfasser haben die Gymnoascaceae schon lange als die perfekten Formen von gewissen imperfekten Dermatophyten betrachtet. In den letzten Jahren ist eine wachsende Anzahl von Berichten veröffentlich worden bezüglich Gymnoascaceae, die vom pathologischen Material gezüchtet und mindestens als bedingt pathogen betrachtet worden sind. Dieser Bericht gibt eine Übersicht von früheren Befunden und bringt manche neuen Tatsachen von neuen Isolationen. Sie sollen zu einem besseren Verständnis und zu einer besseren Auswertung der Rolle dieser Hyphomyceten in der klinischen Untersuchung führen. Die Beweise betreffs der Pathogenität der Gymnoascaceae sind lediglich mutmasslich und nicht konklusiv.
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