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More injuries in left-footed individual lizards and Sphenodon   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In lizards and Sphenodon , often the fourth toes of individuals with intact tails have more subdigital lamellae on the right than on the left side, and the opposite situation frequently occurs in individuals with injured tails. The difference between intact and injured individuals in morphological directional asymmetry was statistically significant ( P <0.05) in 11.4% among 193 species from various lizard families. Lizard families varied in extent and direction of association, but no phylogenetic constraints were detected within genera. Statistical significance was greater in samples from homogenous geographic origin than from heterogeneous ones. Among gekkonid species, the difference was stronger in those with cursorial (terrestrial) habits, than in those with scansorial (rupestral or arboreal) habits. In Scincidae, loss seems more often lethal in left-footed than in right-footed individuals. Statistically significant associations between morphological left-side dominance and tail injury exist also in three independent lineages with reduced limbs (Anguidae, Scincidae and Teidae). Hence such association is probably not a result of limb function. Rather, left-side dominance seems to be the symptom of an unknown, perhaps organism-wide, detrimental trait. Polymorphism in morphological dominance existed in all species, suggesting advantages and disadvantages in different situations to both phenotypes. We propose the hypothesis that an inversion of side dominance may occur in a single trait without systematic inversion of side dominance in all traits of the body. Inversion in a single trait causes incompatibility in multiple-trait functions. Such a mechanism, rather than cultural conventions, could increase accident proneness also in left-handed Homo sapiens , and could explain increased proneness to accident and warfare mortality in left-handed men, beyond the possible involvement of cultural factors.  相似文献   
Summary An analysis is presented of genetic differentiation in the non-transcribed spacers of ribosomal DNA (NTS rDNA). Diversity, environmental correlates and the phylogenetic relationships are examined within and between species of the actively speciating subterranean mole rat, superspeciesSpalax ehrenbergi (2n=52, 54, 58, 60) in Israel. This analysis is based on a previous study of the geographic distribution of restriction fragment length polymorphisms of NTS rDNA. Here we present results indicating that NTS rDNA diversity exists mostly (66%) within populations, while 20% is between populations within species, and 14% between species. Multivariate discriminant analysis succeeded in separating 10 of the 13 populations (77%) into their correct chromosomal species, on the basis of the combination of three NTS rDNA repetypes. The phylogenetic relationships suggest that the complex involves two pairs of closely related species (2n=52–54 and 2n=58–60). NTS rDNA diversity, as well as the decrease southward in frequency of repetype C, are correlated with climatic factors of humidity and temperature. These data are discussed in terms of the evolutionary forces of migration and selection which may cause NTS rDNA differentiation. Climatic selection appears to be the major differentiating factor of NTS rDNA.  相似文献   
Summary Allozymic variation in proteins encoded by 48 loci was analyzed electrophoretically in 1984 and 1985 in 137 individual plants of wild emmer wheat, Triticum dicoccoides, from a microsite in Yehudiyya, northeast of the Lake of Galilee, Israel. The test involved two climatic microniches in the open Tabor oak forest (1) sunny between trees and (2) shady under trees' canopies. Significant genetic differentiation at single-, two- and multilocus structures was found between neighboring climatic niches, which were only separated by a few meters. Our results suggest that allozyme polymorphisms in wild emmer wheat are partly adaptive, and differentiate primarily at the multilocus level by climatic factors presumably related to aridity stress.  相似文献   
Summary Color notations of dorsal pelage were analyzed in 451 adult subterranean mole rats, comprising 19 populations and 4 chromosomal species (2n=52, 54, 58 and 60) of the Spalax ehrenbergi superspecies in Israel. In addition, the color notations of soil samples from the collection sites were measured. In an attempt to evaluate the degree of correlation between pelage color of mole rats and the local soil color, each color was compared both macro- and microgeographically. The macrogeographic comparisons were among populations of the 4 chromosomal species, and the microgeographic comparisons were among pairs of geographically neighboring subpopulations which occur under similar climatic conditions but differ in soil type and color. The results indicate that 1. no differences in pelage color notation exist between the sexes; 2. pelage of mole rats is generally characterized by an over-all grayish color, but its shades vary regionally and locally in accordance with varying soil color; 3. a positive correlation was found between pelage and local soil colors in the macrogeographic analysis and this correlation was verified in a microgeographic comparison; 4. specimens from populations of the northern chromosomal species (2n=52, 54) mainly inhabit terra rossa and basalt soils, respectively, with reddish brown tones, and they tend to have a more reddish shade, whereas animals from the central species (2n=58), which inhabits mainly dark soils including alluvial clays, terra rossa and brown rendzina and the souther species 2n=60, which occurs mainly in light soil types such as pale rendzina, sandy loams and loess, tend to have a more yellowish shade. The general appearance of specimens from 2n=58 was dark gray while that of 2n=60 specimens was light gray; 5. mole rats living in xeric environments (particularly 2n=60, but also 2n=54) are lighter than those which live in mesic environments (2n=52, 58). The results support the conclusion that pelage color of strictly subterranean mole rats is subject to selection pressures of overground predation of disharmonious types with their background soil color. The possibility that the pelage color variation and patterns also contributes to better thermoregulation while mole rats are above ground is discussed.  相似文献   
This study investigated allele size constraints and clustering, and genetic effects on microsatellite (simple sequence repeat, SSR) diversity at 28 loci comprising seven types of tandem repeated dinucleotide motifs in a natural population of wild emmer wheat, Triticum dicoccoides, from a shade vs sun microsite in Yehudiyya, northeast of the Sea of Galilee, Israel. It was found that allele distribution at SSR loci is clustered and constrained with lower or higher boundary. This may imply that SSR have functional significance and natural constraints. Genetic factors, involving genome, chromosome, motif, and locus significantly affected SSR diversity. Genome B appeared to have a larger average repeat number (ARN), but lower variance in repeat number (sigma(ARN)(2)), and smaller number of alleles per locus than genome A. SSRs with compound motifs showed larger ARN than those with perfect motifs. The effects of replication slippage and recombinational effects (eg, unequal crossing over) on SSR diversity varied with SSR motifs. Ecological stresses (sun vs shade) may affect mutational mechanisms, influencing the level of SSR diversity by both processes.  相似文献   
Genetic diversity at 28 microsatellite loci was studied in a natural population of Triticum dicoccoides at the Ammiad microsite, north of the Sea of Galilee, Israel. This microsite was subdivided into four major habitats, North, Valley, Ridge and Karst, and further subdivided into nine subhabitats. The units thus defined showed strong and highly significant differentiation in ecological factors; in particular with respect to cover, proximity and height of rocks, and surface soil moisture after early rains. The results showed that allele distributions at microsatellite loci were nonrandom and associated with habitats. Significant genetic differentiation and variation in repeat number were found among subpopulations in the four major habitats and nine subhabitats. Habitat-specific and -unique alleles and linkage disequilibria were observed in the Karst subpopulation. The subpopulations dwelling in drier habitats and subhabitats showed higher genetic diversities at microsatellite loci. These results suggest that natural selection, presumably through aridity stress, acts upon microsatellite divergence predominantly on noncoding sequences, thereby contributing to differences in fitness. Received: 9 September 1999 / Accepted: 16 September 1999  相似文献   
Genetic diversity was studied in six subpopulations (a total of 60 individuals) of wild barley, Hordeum spontaneum , the progenitor of cultivated barley, sampled from six stations located along a transect of 300 m across the two opposing slopes of 'Evolution Canyon', a Mediterranean microsite at Lower Nahal Oren, Mt Carmel. The two opposing slopes are separated by between 100 and 400 m and designated SFS (South-Facing Slope) and NFS (North-Facing Slope) with each having three equidistant test stations. The SFS, which receives up to 300% more solar radiation, is drier, ecologically more heterogeneous, fluctuating, and more stressful than the NFS. Analysis of 12 RAPD primers, representing a total of 51 putative loci, revealed a significant inter- and intraslope variation in RAPD band polymorphism. A significantly higher proportion of polymorphic RAPD loci was found amongst the subpopulations on the SFS (mean P = 0.909) than on the NFS (mean P = 0.682), on the basis of the presence and absence of 22 strong bands. Polymorphism generally increased upwards from the bottom to the top of the SFS (0.636, 0.773, 0.955) and NFS (0.409, 0.500, 0.545), respectively. Gametic phase disequilibria estimates, D, revealed SFS and NFS unique predominant combinations which sharply differentiated the two slopes and indicated that there is differential interslope selection favouring slope-specific multilocus combinations of alleles, or blocks of genes over tens to hundreds of meters. This suggests that selection overrides migration. RAPD polymorphism appears to parallel allozyme diversity which is climatically adaptive and driven by natural selection in the same subpopulations at the microsite.  相似文献   
Our data on a subterranean mammal, Spalax ehrenbergi, and other evidence, indicate that appreciable polymorphism can be preserved in small isolated populations consisting of several dozens of, or a hundred, individuals. Current theoretical models predict fast gene fixation in small panmictic populations without selection, mutation, or gene inflow. Using simple multilocus models, we demonstrate here that moderate stabilizing selection (with stable or fluctuating optimum) for traits controlled by additive genes could oppose random fixation in such isolates during thousands of generations. We also show that in selection-free models polymorphism persists only for a few hundred generations even under high mutation rates. Our multi-chromosome models challenge the hitchhiking hypothesis of polymorphism maintenance for many neutral loci due to close linkage with few selected loci.  相似文献   
Translocation frequencies (as compared to the standard chromosome arrangement typified by that in Chinese Spring) in 9 or more genotypes from each of 15 populations of Triticum dicoccoides in Israel were determined. Data also were obtained from 2 genotypes of the southernmost population (Jaba). A single population from Turkey was also investigated. There were 119 genotypes with translocations in the sample of 171 genotypes investigated (70%). The frequency of translocations in different populations varied from 0.27 to 1.00, and all populations had 1 or more genotypes with one or more translocations. Some populations such as Qazrin appeared to be homogeneous for translocations, but most populations were heterogeneous. A sample of 17 genotypes from 12 of the populations were crossed with the Langdon D-genome disomic substitutions to determine the identity of the chromosomes involved in the translocations. There were nine genotypes with translocations and with the exception of a 2A/2B translocation, none of them involved the same chromosomes. The B-genome chromosomes were involved in translocations more frequently than the A-genome chromosomes. Translocation frequencies (TF) of the various populations were correlated with environmental variables, primarily with water availability and humidity, and possibly also with soil type. In general, TF was higher in peripheral populations in the ecologically heterogeneous frontiers of species distribution than in the central populations located in the catchment area of the upper Jordan valley.  相似文献   
Summary We demonstrate that the scores and frequencies of chlortoluron (CT) and metoxuron (MX) resistance and susceptible phenotypes of wild emmer wheat, Triticum dicoccoides, are correlated with ecological factors and allozyme markers. Some isozyme markers located on chromosome 6B (e.g. Adh,Est-4 and Got), which also harbours the CT and MX resistance gene, provide good genetic markers for herbicide resistance breeding. Significant correlations between herbicide and photosynthetic characters suggest that the evolution of herbicide resistance polymorphisms may be related to the process of photosynthesis in nature and predated domestication of cultivated wheat.  相似文献   
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