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Paenibacillus alvei NP75, a Gram-positive bacterium, produces two different antimicrobial peptides, paenibacillin N and P, which has potent antimicrobial activity against many clinical pathogens. The synthesis pattern of these antimicrobial peptides by P. alvei NP75 was studied extensively. The results were outstanding in a way that the paenibacillin N was synthesized irrespective of the growth of bacteria (non-ribosomal mediated), whereas paenibacillin P production was carried out by ribosomal mediated. In addition to the antimicrobial peptides, P. alvei NP75 also produces an immunogenic extracellular protease to defend itself from its own antimicrobial peptide, paenibacillin P. Furthermore, this immunogenic protease production was impaired by the addition of protease inhibitor, phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF). The sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) treated strain (mutant) failed to produce paenibacillin P, whereas the production of neither paenibacillin N nor the protease was affected by the plasmid curing. The plasmid curing studies that divulge the genes responsible for the synthesis of paenibacillin N and protease were found to be genome encoded, and paenibacillin P was plasmid encoded. We are reporting, first of its kind, the co-production of two different antimicrobial peptides from P. alvei NP75 through non-ribosomal and ribosomal pathways that could be used as effective antibiotics.

The primary aim of this study was to determine the possible cause of slow or delayed embryonic development in Cynopterus sphinx by investigating morphological and steroidogenic changes in the corpus luteum (CL) and circulating hormone concentrations during two pregnancies of a year. This species showed delayed post-implantational embryonic development during gastrulation of the first pregnancy. Morphological features of the CL showed normal luteinization during both pregnancies. The CL did not change significantly in luteal cell size during the delay period of the first pregnancy as compared with the second pregnancy. The circulating progesterone and 17β-estradiol concentrations were significantly lower during the period of delayed embryonic development as compared with the same stage of embryonic development during the second pregnancy. We also showed a marked decline in the activity of 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, P450 side chain cleavage enzyme, and steroidogenic acute regulatory peptide in the CL during the delay period. This may cause low circulating progesterone and estradiol synthesis and consequently delay embryonic development. What causes the decrease in steroidogenic factors in the CL during the period of delayed development in C. sphinx is under investigation.  相似文献   
Breast cancer is a major cause of cancer-related death in women worldwide. Non-coding RNAs are a potential resource to be used as an early diagnostic biomarker for breast cancer. Circular RNAs are a recently identified group of non-coding RNA with a significant role in disease development with potential utility in diagnosis/prognosis in cancer. In this study, we identified 26 differentially expressed circular RNAs associated with early-stage breast cancer. RNA sequencing and two circRNA detection tools (find_circ and DCC) were used to understand the circRNA expression signature in breast cancer. We identified hsa_circ_0006743 (circJMJD1C) and hsa_circ_0002496 (circAPPBP1) to be significantly up-regulated in early-stage breast cancer tissues. Co-expression analysis identified four pairs of circRNA-miRNA (hsa_circ_0023990 : hsa-miR-548b-3p, hsa_circ_0016601 : hsa_miR-1246, hsa_circ_0001946 : hsa-miR-1299 and hsa_circ_0000117:hsa-miR-502-5p) having potential interaction. The miRNA target prediction and network analysis revealed mRNA possibly regulated by circRNAs. We have thus identified circRNAs of diagnostic implications in breast cancer and also observed circRNA-miRNA interaction which could be involved in breast cancer development.  相似文献   
The unusual feature of the breeding cycle of Cynopterus sphinx at Varanasi is the significant variation in gestation length of the two successive pregnancies of the year. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the prolongation of the first pregnancy in C. sphinx is due to delayed embryonic development. The first (winter) pregnancy commences in late October and lasts until late March and has a gestation period of about 150 days. The second (summer) pregnancy commences in April and lasts until the end of July or early August with a gestation period of about 125 days. Changes in the size and weight of uterine cornua during the two successive pregnancies suggest retarded embryonic growth during November and December. Histological analysis during the period of retarded embryonic development in November and December showed a slow gastrulation process. The process of amniogenesis was particularly slow. When the embryos attained the early primitive streak stage, their developmental rate suddenly increased considerably. During the summer pregnancy, on the other hand, the process of gastrulation was much faster and proceeded quickly. A comparison of the pattern of embryonic development for 4 consecutive years consistently showed retarded or delayed embryonic development during November and December. The time of parturition and post-partum oestrus showed only a limited variation from 1 year to another. This suggests that delayed embryonic development in C. sphinx may function to synchronize parturition among females. The period of delayed embryonic development in this species clearly coincides with the period of fat deposition. The significance of this correlation warrants further investigation.  相似文献   
Bycatch from the experimental longline operations in the Lakshadweep Sea were studied. The experiments were conducted on converted Pablo boats, originally used for pole and line fishing operations, to capture skipjack tuna in the Lakshadweep Islands. The overall bycatch rate was very high, with a mean hooking rate of 8.05/1000 hooks compared to the targeted tuna catch (1.75/1000 hooks). Bycatch contributed 82.4% of the catch in comparison to the tuna (17.6%) Thunnus albacares, in the longline operations. Silky shark (Carcharhinus falciformes) with 89.9% was the dominant shark species followed by C. amblyrhynchos, Galeocerdo cuvier, Alopias pelagicus, Negapriion acutedens and Sphyrna lewinii with 4.7, 2.7, 1.4, 0.7 and 0.7%, respectively. Sharks contributed to 74.1% of the catch, followed by 15.7% sailfishes and 10.2% miscellaneous fishes. Higher bycatch rates were evident during evening hours compared to mornings, but the results were not significant statistically. Studies on the effects of depth on the overall fishing performance and species selectivity failed to establish any significant relationship at a depth range of 35–100 m. Soaking time had a significant effect on bycatch rates. The hooking rate of sharks declined with an increase in soaking time. Considering the high shark bycatch in the fishery, an accurate monitoring of the longline fish catches in the Lakshadweep waters is an important step towards ensuring the sustainability of other populations, especially sharks.  相似文献   
Plant cells sense, weigh and integrate various endogenous and exogenous cues in order to optimize acclimation and resource allocation. The thiol/disulfide redox network appears to be in the core of this versatile integration process. In plant cells its complexity exceeds by far that of other organisms. Recent research has elucidated the multiplicity of the diversified input elements, transmitters (thioredoxin, glutaredoxins), targets and sensors (peroxiredoxins and other peroxidases), controlled processes and final acceptors (reactive oxygen species). An additional level of thiol/disulfide regulation is achieved by introducing dynamics in time and subcompartment and complex association.  相似文献   
In this work, the detailed studies of electron spin resonance (ESR) and overhauser-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (OMRI) were carried out for permeable nitroxyl spin probe, MC-PROXYL as a function of agent concentration in liposomal solution. In order to compare the impermeable nature of nitroxyl radical, the study was also carried out only at 2?mM concentration of carboxy-PROXYL. The ESR parameters were estimated using L-band and 300?MHz ESR spectrometers. The line width broadening was measured as a function of agent concentration in liposomal solution. The estimated rotational correlation time is proportional to the agent concentration, which indicates that less mobile nature of nitroxyl spin probe in liposomal solution. The partition parameter and permeability values indicate that the diffusion of nitroxyl spin probe distribution into the lipid phase is maximum at 2?mM concentration of MC-PROXYL. The dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) parameters such as DNP factor, longitudinal relaxivity, saturation parameter, leakage factor and coupling factor were estimated for 2?mM MC-PROXYL in 400?mM liposomal dispersion. The spin lattice relaxation time was shortened in liposomal solution, which leads to the high relaxivity. Reduction in coupling factor is due to less interaction between the electron and nuclear spins, which causes the reduction in enhancement. The leakage factor increases with increasing agent concentration. The increase in DNP enhancement was significant up to 2?mM in liposomal solution. These results paves the way for choosing optimum agent concentration and OMRI scan parameters used in intra and extra membrane water by loading the liposome vesicles with a lipid permeable nitroxyl spin probes in OMRI experiments.  相似文献   
Novel (E)-α-benzylthio chalcones are reported with preliminary in vitro activity data indicating that several of them are potent inhibitors (comparable to imatinib, the reference compound) of BCR-ABL phosphorylation in leukemic K562 cells, known to express high levels of BCR-ABL. The ability of such compounds to significantly inhibit K562 cell proliferation suggests that this scaffold could be a promising lead for the development of anticancer agents that are able to block BCR-ABL phosphorylation in leukemic cells.  相似文献   
In situ activity assay is one of the promising techniques for the characterization of peptide antibiotics. This assay was carried out for the peptide purified from a new bacterial isolate Paenibacillus alvei and commercial peptide antibiotic polymixin E. Towards this, the routine and new protocols were tried. Interestingly, the unexpected result of these experiments - the "switch over activity" has led us to have further investigations. Here, we have addressed the potential problem in the methodology of in situ assay and demonstrated a fool proof protocol to evade the false positive results.  相似文献   
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