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Evolutionary analysis of Prodiamesinae has long been impeded by lack of information, and its phylogenetic relationship with Orthocladiinae remains questionable. Here, ten complete mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes) of Orthocladiinae sensu lato were newly sequenced, including three Prodiamesinae species and seven Orthocladiinae species. Coupled with published mitogenomes, a total of 12 mitogenomes of Orthocladiinae sensu lato were selected for a comparative mitogenomic analysis and phylogenetic reconstruction. Mitogenomes of Orthocladiinae sensu lato are conserved in structure, and all genes arrange the same gene order as the ancestral insect mitogenome. Nucleotide composition is highly biased, and the control region displayed the highest A + T content. All protein-coding genes are under purifying selection, and the ATP8 evolves at the fastest rate. In addition, the mitogenomes of Orthocladiinae sensu lato are highly conserved, and they are practically useful for phylogenetic inference, suggesting a re-classification of Orthocladiinae by sinking Prodiamesinae as a subgroup of Orthocladiinae.  相似文献   
This study aimed to characterize and compare the effects of obesity on gene expression profiles in two distinct adipose depots, epididymal and bone marrow, at two different ages in mice. Alterations in gene expression were analyzed in adipocytes isolated from diet-induced obese (DIO) C57BL/6J male mice at 6 and 14 months of age and from leptin deficient mice (ob/ob) at 6 months of age using microarrays. DIO affected gene expression in both depots at 6 and 14 months, but more genes were altered in epididymal than bone marrow adipocytes at each age and younger mice displayed more changes than older animals. In epididymal adipocytes a total of 2789 (9.6%) genes were differentially expressed at 6-months with DIO, whereas 952 (3.3%) were affected at 14-months. In bone marrow adipocytes, 347 (1.2%) genes were differentially expressed at 6-months with DIO, whereas only 189 (0.66%) were changed at 14-months. 133 genes were altered by DIO in both fat depots at 6-months, and 37 genes at 14-months. Only four genes were altered in both depots at both ages with DIO. Bone marrow adipocytes are less responsive to DIO than epididymal adipocytes and the response of both depots to DIO declines with age. This loss of responsiveness with age is likely due to age-associated changes in expression of genes related to adipogenesis, inflammation and mitochondrial function that are similar to and obscure the changes commonly associated with DIO. Patterns of gene expression were generally similar in epididymal adipocytes from ob/ob and DIO mice; however, several genes were differentially expressed in bone marrow adipocytes from ob/ob and DIO mice, perhaps reflecting the importance of leptin signaling for bone metabolism. In conclusion, obesity affects age-associated alterations in gene expression in both epididymal and bone marrow adipocytes regardless of diet or genetic background.  相似文献   
啮小蜂雌蜂接受寄主线索的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
啮小蜂Tetrastichussp.是一种群聚性的蛹内寄生蜂,主要寄生茶长卷叶蛾Homona magnanima的蛹,实验室中亦能寄生亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis的蛹。研究了速冻寄主蛹、视觉和嗅觉线索在啮小蜂寄主接受中的作用,实验结果表明,速冻寄主蛹对啮小蜂接受寄主的影响不大,啮小蜂雌蜂主要是通过嗅觉线索接受寄主的,而视觉在寄主接受过程中仅起辅助作用。  相似文献   
授粉用明亮熊蜂的人工饲养技术   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9  
为提高授粉用熊蜂人工繁育效率,降低生产成本,对明亮熊蜂Bombus lucorumL.人工饲养中诱导蜂王产卵和人工控制下的交配2个技术环节进行了研究。结果表明,采用诱导器和伴饲2~3只蜜蜂工蜂的诱导方法,蜂王产卵率和蜂群成群率最高,成群时间最短;使用塑料诱导器和木制诱导器的效果没有显著差异。将8~9日龄的蜂王和11~12日龄的雄蜂放入交配笼时,其交配成功率最高。交配笼内的蜂王数量应控制在30只/m3左右。在晴天,交配笼放置在室外(758 000 lux),其交配成功率最高;在阴天,交配笼应放在交配室内,并开启荧光灯照明(35 000 lux),其交配成功率最高。  相似文献   
20年来,分子系统学在理论和实践方面都有飞速的发展.随着可用分子标记和所涉及阶元数量的增多和范围的扩大,以及计算能力的进步,人们对完全树(universal tree)将地球上所有物种囊括在内、描述其间的亲缘关系的系统发育树的憧憬正在逐步成为现实.由于rDNA/rRNA是惟一作为所有细胞生命形式所共有的分子标记,其在构建完全树的过程中具有不可替代的作用.近5年,超级树(supertree)的技术逐步完善,已经在若干类群中有良好的应用,形成了系统发育与进化生物学领域的研究前沿之一,为最终获得完全树奠定了坚实的基础.  相似文献   
吉林省中西部平原区土壤线虫群落生态特征   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
于 2 0 0 3年 7月和 9月 ,在吉林省中西部平原区进行土壤线虫取样 ,10个采样区 2 8个调查样地 2次共捕获线虫 10 2 2 0只 ,个体密度平均 182 5 0只 /m2 ,分别隶属于线形动物门 2纲 7目 2 0科 32属。真滑刃属、短体属和垫刃属为优势类群 ,是吉林省中西部平原区土壤线虫群落最重要的类群 ,稀有类群个体数量尽管很少 ,但分布的范围并不狭小 ,线虫各类群空间分布的广狭与个体数量的多寡在吉林省中西部平原区并末呈现出明显的一致性。土壤线虫群落垂直分布 ,受人类活动扰动的生境土壤线虫类群数和个体密度表聚性较差 ,土壤线虫向土壤下层移动明显 ;水平分布 ,天然林和受人类活动扰动生境土壤线虫类群数和个体密度差异显著 ;农田土地利用方式对土壤线虫群落特征影响总体是负面的 ,而居民点园地可能增加土壤线虫的类群数和生物多样性。 PPI/MI值对于不同人类活动对土壤生态环境的变化反映更敏感  相似文献   
培菲康对肝硬化血浆内毒影响的研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
目的 探讨益生菌制剂培菲康治疗肝硬化内毒素血症的作用机制。方法 采用大鼠肝硬化模型,其中治疗组予以培菲康液每天灌胃治疗,共8周,检测治疗组及对照组血浆内毒指标;并选取70例肝硬化Child-Pugh分级为B级的患者,其中治疗组口服培菲康胶囊(每次2粒,每天3次) 3周,观察治疗前后血浆内毒素变化。结果 培菲康治疗组的肝硬化大鼠及患者血浆内毒素均明显低于对照组( P<0 .0 5 )。结论 培菲康能明显降低肝硬化患者血浆内毒素水平,可作为肝硬化患者的辅助用药  相似文献   
在不同的寄生状态下,菜蛾盘绒茧蜂Cotesia plutellae不同的寄生因子可引起寄主小菜蛾Plutella xylostella幼虫脂肪体结构发生相应的改变。显微和亚显微形态结构显示: 假寄生后多分DNA病毒和毒液对脂肪体结构的完整性没有显著影响,但细胞内脂质体变得小而密集,线粒体和内质网丰富,并有糖原积累; 正常寄生后,脂肪体结构被破坏,多数线粒体内嵴紊乱,脂质体也变得不规则,特别是当幼蜂完成在寄主体内发育时,寄主体内几乎无完整脂肪体存在。与此同时,同批未被寄生的小菜蛾幼虫发育到4龄末期时,体内脂肪体细胞发育正常,已开始向蛹期细胞形态转化,细胞内脂质体很大,细胞器数量较多、糖原积累丰富, 而且部分细胞已成为游离态细胞。由此证明,寄生蜂携带的寄生因子,如多分DNA病毒、毒液、畸形细胞和幼蜂等,均对寄主脂肪体结构的改变产生影响,但程度明显不同。  相似文献   
测定并比较分析了真蝽属(Pentatoma)5种昆虫:褐真蝽P.semiannulata、斜纹真蝽P.illuminata、红足真蝽P.rufipes、H本真蝽P.japonica和金绿真蝽P.metallifera以及益蝽亚科2种外群种类(并蝽Pinthaeus humeralis和蠋蝽Arma custos)mtDNA—COII基因部分序列,依据分子数据建立了该5种昆虫的系统发育关系。结果显示,5种真蝽COII基因A T平均含量(73%)高丁弹尾目、缨尾目和直翅目昆虫,低于双翅目、鳞翅目及膜翅目昆虫,而与缨翅目的蓟马和半翅目的突角长蝽Oncopeltus fasciatus非常接近。系统发育结果显示,红足真蝽与日本真蝽亲缘关系最近,形成一个姊妹群,斜纹真蝽与金绿真蝽亲缘关系较近,也形成一个姊妹群,褐真蝽为较早分化的种类。  相似文献   
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