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1. The combined effects of increasing pH (< 9–11) and increasing densities of perch (0, two, four per enclosure) have been investigated in polyethylene enclosures of volume about 1100 1 in a shallow, fertile lake in Cheshire. 2. Increasing pH decreased carbon dioxide concentrations, chlorophyll a concentrations and diatom biomass. It led to increases in the proportions of Cryptophyta (to pH 10) and Chlorophyta (to pH 11). Although ample inocula were present, significant growths of cyanophytes were not recorded, contrary to expectation. 3. Increasing pH led to increases in numbers of Daphnia hyalina particularly at pH 10 but collapse at pH 11. This persistence at pH 10, independent of perch number, is attributed to reduced feeding of the fish, which survived at this pH. Other zooplankters (Ceriodaphnia spp., Bosmina longirostris, Polyphemus pediculus, Cyclops spp.) all declined with increasing pH. 4. Increasing fish density resulted in an increase in chlorophyll a concentration and in the biomass of Chlorophyta but had no effect on cyanophyte or cryptophyte biomass. 5. Increasing fish density led to declines in Daphnia in the untreated lake-water controls (pH < 9) and at pH 9, but had no effect at pH 10 where Daphnia hyalina was very abundant. Numbers of Ceriodaphnia spp. and Bosmina longirostris increased with increasing fish density, whilst numbers of Polyphemus pediculus and Cyclops spp. were independent of it. 6. The results are discussed in the light of contemporary knowledge of the factors resulting in large cyanophyte growths and of the factors controlling the stability of macrophyte-dominated and phytoplankton-dominated states in shallow lakes. The interaction between pH and fish density and consequent non-linear response of Daphnia hyalina is particularly notable because of the significance of zooplankton grazing in shallow lakes.  相似文献   
Proteaceae are most diverse in southern Africa and Australia, especially in the south-western portions of these regions. Most genera have some species in flower at all times of the year, although generally there is a preponderance of species that flower between late winter and early summer. The one genus that is an exception to this generalization is Banksia, which either has approximately the same percentage of species in flower at various times of the year (southwestern Australia) or peaks in autumn (southeastern Australia). Within particular communities, opportunities for hybridization among congeneric species are minimized by staggered flowering times, different pollen vectors and/or various incompatibility mechanisms. Birds, mammals and arthropods have been identified as visitors to the inflorescences of many Proteaceae. The most common avian visitors to the majority of genera in Australia are honeyeaters, although lorikeets, silvereyes and approximately 40 other species sometimes may be important. Sugarbirds and sunbirds are seen most frequently at inflorescences of Protea, Leucospermum and Mimetes in southern Africa, although they rarely visit other genera. In most cases, avian visitors forage in a manner that permits the acquisition and transfer of pollen. Limited evidence supports the hypothesis that birds are selective in their choice of inflorescences, responding to morphological and/or colour changes and usually visiting those inflorescences that offer the greatest nectar rewards. Arthropods may be equally selective, although it is possible that only the larger moths, bees and beetles are important pollinators, even for those plant species that rely entirely on arthropods for pollen transfer. Mammals are pollen vectors for some Proteaceae, especially those that have geoflorous and/or cryptic inflorescences. In Australia, small marsupials may be the most important mammalian pollinators, although rodents fill this niche in at least some southern African habitats. All but two genera of Proteaceae are hermaphroditic and protandrous, the exceptions being the dioecious southern African genera Aulax and Leucadendron. For hermaphroditic species, the timing of visits by animals to inflorescences is such that they not only acquire pollen from freshly opened flowers but also brush against pollen presenters and stigmas of others that have lost self-pollen and become receptive. Birds and insects (and probably mammals) generally forage in such a way as to facilitate both outcrossing and selfing. Some species are self-compatible, although many require outcrossing if viable seed is to be formed. Regardless of which animals are the major pollen vectors, fruit set is low relative to the number of flowers available, especially in Australian habitats. Functional andromonoecy of the majority of flowers is advanced as the major cause of poor fruit set. The pollination biology and breeding systems of Australian and southern African Proteaceae resemble one another in many ways, partly because of their common ancestry, but also due to convergence. Divergence is less obvious, apart from the dichotomy between dioecious and hermaphroditic genera, and differences in the levels of seed set for Australian and African species. Future studies should concentrate on identifying the most important pollinators for various Proteaceae, the manner in which their visits are integrated with floral development and factors responsible for limiting fruit set.  相似文献   
The pattern of feeding of Eastern spruce budworm Choristoneura fumiferana (Clem.) (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) is compared on foliage from white spruce Picea glauca (Moench) Voss. (Pinaceae) trees previously determined to be susceptible and resistant to defoliation by budworm. No differences are observed in electrophysiological responses from taste sensilla to aqueous extracts of the two foliage types, nor is there a preference for either extract type in a choice test. Acetone extracts from the two foliage types are both preferred to a control sucrose solution, although neither elicits a preference relative to the other. These results suggest that there is no difference in phagostimulatory power of internal leaf contents of the two foliage types. Longer‐term observation of feeding behaviour in a no‐choice situation shows no difference in meal duration, confirming the lack of difference in phagostimulatory power. However, on average, intermeal intervals are twice as long on the resistant foliage, leading to an overall lower food consumption during the assay. This result suggests an anti‐digestive or toxic effect of the resistant foliage that slows behaviour and limits food intake. Previous research has shown that waxes of the resistant foliage deter initiation of feeding by the spruce budworm and that this foliage contains higher levels of tannins and monoterpenes. The data suggest that the resistant foliage contains a post‐ingestive second line of defence against the spruce budworm.  相似文献   
The evidence supporting the idea that microfilament-mediatedcell shape changes produce morphogenetic movements of the salivaryepithelium is reviewed. The correlations between microfilamentsand morphogenesis and microtubules and morphogenesis, as revealedby experiments with cytochalasin B and colchicine respectively,are compared and contrasted. On the basis of a correlation betweenmicrofilament integrity and epithelial morphogenesis, and anactin-like nature of microfilaments to bind heavy meromyosin,it is proposed that microfilament contraction is required forcleft formation in the epithelium. Several ways in which microfilamentactivity might be regulated during morphogenesis are discussedin the framework of experiments that may comment on such regulation.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Queens of two species of the ant genus Myrmica bonded to workers of the species M. rubra L. as the latter emerge from the pupal skin can use these workers nearly 6 months later to arrest gyne formation in sex-competent larvae of the same species. Queens of M. ruginodis Nylander var. microgyria (Brian & Brian, 1949) are as good at this as the natural M. rubra , but those of M. sabuleti Meinert (of a race close to M. scabrinodis) are not. Though the M. sabuleti queens induce normal aggression against sexualizing larvae, they are unable to prevent some or all of the workers feeding larvae as though they were queenless. However, queens from different colonies of M. rubra adopted by queenless populations of workers in spring, control their brood-rearing behaviour perfectly. M. rubra workers from different colonies bring gynes to maturity from female sexual larvae at different average sizes. When workers from two such sources are mixed in equal proportions, the size of gyne larva produced after a week's culture corresponds with that of one of the worker populations; it is not intermediate in size. Also, large workers can rear larger gyne-larvae than small workers of the same age. This is only true if the workers have been living with queens all the time from emergence as an imago to the moment the experiment was set. Size mixtures only achieve the same size larvae as a pure culture of small workers would. A possible reason for this is that small workers exclude the larger ones from the nursery areas of the nest.  相似文献   
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