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运用色素置换、单分子复合膜技术及方波伏安法测定, 研究了色素置换对紫细菌Rhodobacter sphaeroides 601光合反应中心电化学性质的影响, 并探讨了相关机理. 研究发现, 紫细菌光反应中心在外加电位驱动下也可以产生电荷分离, 其效果等同于照光条件下的原初光化学反应. 在金电极表面上, 由2,3-二巯基丁二酸(DMSA)、聚二甲基二丙烯氯化铵(PDDA)与紫细菌光合反应中心(RC)组装而成单分子层复合膜(RC-PDDA-DMSA膜). 利用方波伏安法对RC-PDDA-DMSA膜进行了研究, 用低频率和高频率方波分别检测到紫细菌反应中心光化学反应不同的4个氧化还原电位对的参数. 通过非线性拟合, 获得了P/P+的标准电位(0.522 V)和电极反应速率常数(13.04 s-1). 植物去镁叶绿素(Phe)置换细菌去镁叶绿素(Bphe)后反应中心在- 0.02 V的氧化还原峰显著变化, 进一步分析后认为是色素置换降低了Bphe- / Bphe(Phe- / Phe)和QA-/QA电位对之间电子转移速率. 分析不同色素置换后的光谱及电化学性质, 并对不同的色素分子的功能基团进行比较, 结果表明, 叶绿醇尾同卟啉环上的其他取代基团一样明显影响了色素置换的位点和效率.  相似文献   
本文报告建立了一株人膀胱移行细胞癌细胞系,命名为KGBC。KGBC细胞已在体外培养了10个月,传代65代。组织培养中,KGBC细胞形态为上皮样,呈单层或多层生长,接触抑制消失。光镜和电镜下,KGBC细胞的形态结构与膀胱移行细胞癌的形态结构相似。第27代和第42代细胞异种移植,能在小鼠体内生长,组织相与原发癌相似。第9代和第21代细胞的染色体数从65到190条,众数为90—95条。第35代细胞倍增时间为28小时。细胞经液氮保存,复苏良好。这些表明已建立了一株能在体外稳定生长的人膀胱癌细胞系。  相似文献   
Riboflavin, suggested to be a radiosensitizer, was studied in murine thymocytes and human hepatoma L02 cell line in vitro with MTT method and fluorescence microscopy. When the murine thymocytes treated with 5–400 μmol/L riboflavin were irradiated by 5 Gy 60Co γ ionizing radiation, the low concentration groups, i.e. treated with 5–50 μmol/L riboflavin, showed a different surviving fractions-time relating correlation compared with the high concentration groups, i.e. treated with 100–400 μmol/L riboflavin. The former had a high survival level at the end of irradiation, but which, after 4-h incubation, decreased rapidly to a low level. On the contrary, the high concentration groups showed a low survival level at the end of irradiation, and a poor correlation was found between the surviving fraction and the incubation time, after 4 h a little difference was observed. The results of fluorescence microscopy indicated that under low concentration conditions, the riboflavin localized mainly in nucleus (both perinuclear area and inside of nuclear membrane), while under high concentration conditions, intensive riboflavin also localized around cytoplasmic membranes. Thus we can conclude: the riboflavin had radiosensitivity effect on DNA under low concentration conditions, and enhanced the damage to cytoplasmic membrane under high concentration conditions. Also the most effective concentration of riboflavin can be evaluated to be approximate 100 μmol/L.  相似文献   
Riboflavin, suggested to be a radiosensitizer, was studied in murine thymocytes and human hepatoma L02 cell line in vitro with MTT method and fluorescence microscopy. When the murine thymocytes treated with 5-400 μmol/L riboflavin were irradiated by 5 Gy 60Co γionizing radiation, the low concentration groups, i.e. treated with 5-50 μmol/L riboflavin, showed a different surviving fractions-time relating correlation compared with the high concentration groups, i.e. treated with 100-400 μmol/L riboflavin. The former had a high survival level at the end of irradiation, but which, after 4-h incubation, decreased rapidly to a low level. On the contrary, the high concentration groups showed a low survival level at the end of irradiation, and a poor correlation was found between the surviving fraction and the incubation time, after 4 h a little difference was observed. The results of fluorescence microscopy indicated that under low concentration conditions, the riboflavin localized mainly in nucleus (both pe  相似文献   
核黄素体外辐射增敏机理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用MTT方法和荧光显微镜技术, 以小鼠胸腺细胞和人肝L02细胞株为研究对象, 对核黄素的体外辐射增敏作用进行研究. 在5 Gy 60Co γ 射线辐照条件下, 低浓度(5~50 μmol/L)和高浓度(100~400 μmol/L)核黄素作用下的小鼠胸腺细胞存活率的时间依赖关系表现出明显的差异, 其规律为: 低浓度下, 细胞受g射线辐照后并不立刻大量死亡, 但随着时间的推移存活率迅速下降, 4 h后存活水平降低到较低的水平; 而高浓度下, 细胞立刻大量的死亡, 且随时间的变化, 细胞存活仅有微弱的下降. 荧光显微镜研究结果显示, 核黄素在细胞中的分布因高浓度和低浓度而有所不同, 低浓度时核黄素集中于细胞核区, 高浓度时细胞膜区也有较高的分布. 由此得到结论: 低浓度时(<50 μmol/L), 核黄素作用的位点在细胞核, 对DNA辐射损伤增敏; 高浓度时(>100 μmol/L), 核黄素辐射增敏的主要靶位点为细胞膜, 两者均显示出核黄素对细胞辐射损伤具有显著的增敏效应.  相似文献   
With the help of pigment substitution, self-assembled monolayer film and square wave voltammetry, the influence of pigment substitution on the electrochemical properties ofRhodobacter sphaeroides 601 reaction centers was investigated. Results showed that the charge separation could also be driven by externally electric field, similar to the primary photochemical reaction in purple bacterial reaction center. On the surface of Au electrode, a self-assembled monolayer film (the RC-PDDA-DMSA film) was made up of 2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA), poly-dimethyldiallylammonium chloride (PDDA) and reaction center (RC). When square wave voltammetry was used to study the RC-PDDA-DMSA film, four redox pairs in the photochemical reaction of RC were observed by changing frequency. With nonlinear fitting, the standard potential of P/P+ and the corresponding electrode reaction rate constant were determined to be 0.522 V and 13.04 S-1, respectively. It was found that the redox peak at −0.02 V changed greatly when bacteriopheophytin was substituted by plant pheophytin in the reaction center. Further studies indicated that this change resulted from the decrease in electron transfer rate between Bphe-/Bphe (Phe-/Phe) and QA -/QA after pigment substitution. After investigations of spectra and electrochemical properties of different RCs and comparisons of different function groups of pigments, it was indicated that the phytyl tail, similar to other substituted groups of pheophytin, affected the efficiencies of pigment substitution.  相似文献   
外泌体是一种直径为30~150 nm的双层膜结构的细胞外囊泡,能伴随多泡体与细胞膜的融合释放到细胞外,其中包覆了丰富的内容物,如蛋白质、脂质、核酸。近年来,人们发现外泌体作为一种信息传递方式,能够被受体细胞内化并传递内容物,从而参与各种生理病理过程。研究发现,肿瘤细胞来源的外泌体能够介导肿瘤的发生与发展,特别是影响肿瘤转移。因此,对外泌体的深入研究可为肿瘤的诊断与治疗提供新途径。  相似文献   
云南宣威肺腺癌细胞系SLC—89的建立及其生物学特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文报告1例来源于云南宣威县患者的肺癌标本,经体外培养建系成功,命名为SLC-89。该细胞系细胞经HE,瑞氏染色形态符合癌细胞特征。在体外培养已两年多,传代196代,细胞冻存后复苏生长良好。第86代细胞倍增时间为26.4小时,染色体数为非整倍体,众数为超二倍体,长期培养后染色体数明显增加。细胞接种裸鼠有移植瘤生长,组织象与原发肺癌组织象相似。电镜观察细胞表面有微绒毛,浆中可见分泌颗粒,有较多板层小体,表明来源于肺泡上皮。  相似文献   
With the help of pigment substitution, self-assembled monolayer film and square wave voltammetry, the influence of pigment substitution on the electrochemical properties of Rhodobac-ter sphaeroides 601 reaction centers was investigated. Results showed that the charge separation could also be driven by externally electric field, similar to the primary photochemical reaction in purple bacterial reaction center. On the surface of Au electrode, a self-assembled monolayer film (the RC-PDDA-DMSA film) was made up of 2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA), poly-dimeth-yldiallylammonium chloride (PDDA) and reaction center (RC). When square wave voltammetry was used to study the RC-PDDA-DMSA film, four redox pairs in the photochemical reaction of RC were observed by changing frequency. With nonlinear fitting, the standard potential of P/P+ and the corresponding electrode reaction rate constant were determined to be 0.522 V and 13.04 S-1, respectively. It was found that the redox peak at -0.02 V changed greatly when b  相似文献   
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