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乳腺癌、宫颈鳞状细胞癌、子宫内膜癌、卵巢癌是女性常见的癌症.由于癌症的恶性发展并缺乏有效的早期诊疗手段,这些癌症已成为当今世界女性患者的头号杀手.为了探索高通量组学数据能否促进癌症患者的预后,本研究利用美国癌症基因组图谱项目中四种女性癌症的1861个样本的临床数据和多维组学数据(包括DNA甲基化、mRNA表达、miRNA表达和基于芯片的蛋白表达组学数据),建立了Cox比例风险模型和随机生存森林模型用来回顾性地预测患者的生存率.本研究发现,在宫颈鳞状细胞癌中,通过整合临床与DNA甲基化及miRNA表达组学数据建立的模型,生存预测能力显著高于仅使用临床数据的模型(一致性指数c-index中位数提高了8.73%~15.03%).本研究虽然验证了有些组学数据对特定癌症生存模型的预测能力有提升作用,但也存在着相对于临床数据,组学数据对模型的预测能力无显著提升的情况.这些结果为系统地开展基于癌症基因组学的生存预测研究及提升临床生存分析的预测准确性提供了有用经验.  相似文献   
Development of targeted biological agents against agricultural insect pests is of prime importance for the elaboration and implementation of integrated pest management strategies that are environment-friendly, respectful of bio-diversity and safer to human health through reduced use of chemical pesticides. A major goal to understand how Bt toxins work is to elucidate the functions of their three domains. Domains II and III are involved in binding specificity and structural integrity, but the function of Domain I remains poorly understood. Using a Manduca sexta BBMV (brush border membrane vesicles) system, we analyzed its responses to Cry1Aa 15 single-point mutations with altered Domain I helix 4 residues. Light scattering assay showed that toxicity was almost lost in 3 mutants, and we observed significantly reduced toxicity in other 7 mutants. However, 5 mutants retained wild-type toxicity. Using computer software, we simulated the three-dimensional structures of helix 4. Both experimental and bioinform  相似文献   
水稻Rac家族新成员osRACB基因的克隆及结构分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Rac基因是植物中惟一的一类分布广泛的信号GTP结合蛋白, 它在整个植物生长发育过程中起着极为重要的作用. 应用本实验室已有的水稻光周期育性转换相关基因osRACD为探针, 在低严谨杂交条件下, 筛选农垦58N-LD雌雄蕊形成期(第Ⅳ期)幼穗cDNA文库, 获得一水稻Rac家族新基因. 经同源性比较和序列分析显示, 该基因与玉米Rac家族成员RACB基因具有93%的核苷酸同源性, 且两者氨基酸序列长度相等, 仅存在一个氨基酸残基差异, 故命名新基因为osRACD. 进一步应用PCR技术, 以农垦58N基因组DNA为模板扩增得到长度为2930 bp的osRACB基因转录区核苷酸序列, 其结构包含7个外显子和6个内含子, 同时, 通过基因组文库筛选获得osRACB基因的启动区序列. Southern杂交分析表明osRACB基因同其他Rac基因相似, 是低拷贝基因. RT-PCR检测显示osRACB基因在水稻根、茎、叶中均有一定的表达, 但在茎中表达量最高. 此外, 还以人Rac1蛋白为模板, 利用InsightII软件包下的Homology, Discover等模块对osRACB蛋白进行了三级结构预测.  相似文献   
Development of targeted biological agents against agricultural insect pests is of prime importance for the elaboration and implementation of integrated pest management strategies that are environment-friendly, respectful of bio-diversity and safer to human health through reduced use of chemical pesticides. A major goal to understand how Bt toxins work is to elucidate the functions of their three domains. Domains II and III are involved in binding specificity and structural integrity, but the function of Domain I remains poorly understood. Using a Manduca sexta BBMV (brush border membrane vesicles) system, we analyzed its responses to Cry1Aa 15 single-point mutations with altered Domain I helix 4 residues. Light scattering assay showed that toxicity was almost lost in 3 mutants, and we observed significantly reduced toxicity in other 7 mutants. However, 5 mutants retained wild-type toxicity. Using computer software, we simulated the three-dimensional structures of helix 4. Both experimental and bioinformatic analysis showed that residues in Cry1Aa Domain I helix 4 were involved in the formation of ion channels that is critical for its insect toxicity.  相似文献   
In this study the three-dimensional (3-D) model of the ligand-binding domain (V106-P322) of human interleukin-6 receptor (hlL-6 R) was constructed by computer-guided ho-mology modeling technique using the crystal structure of the ligand-binding domain (K52-L251) of human growth hormone receptor (hGHR) as templet. Furthermore, the active binding region of the 3-D model of hlL-6R with the ligand (hlL-6) was predicted. In light of the structural characteristics of the active region, a hydrophobic pocket shielded by two hydrophilic residues (E115 and E505) of the region was identified by a combination of molecular modelling and the site-directed or double-site mutation of the twelve crucial residues in the ligand-binding domain of hIL-6R (V106-P322). We observed and analyzed the effects of these mutants on the spatial conformation of the pocket-like region of hlL-6 R. The results indicated that any site-directed mutation of the five Cys residues (four conservative Cys residues: Cyst 21, Cys132, Cys165, Cys1  相似文献   
进食障碍是一种生理和心理上的进食失调,影响了世界范围近1%的女性人群.尽管已广泛开展了针对此疾病遗传角度的流行病学研究,但其分子机制仍需进一步阐释.近期,高通量技术被广泛应用于发现复杂疾病中可能的致病基因以及其潜在的致病机理.本研究首次收集了大量文献报道的与进食障碍有关的基因,建立了进食障碍相关的数据库,以期对进食障碍的分子机制进行初步了解.EDdb数据库包括了从发表的文献中收集的有实验验证的与进食障碍有关的59个基因,并将这些基因作为核心数据集.根据核心数据集,利用蛋白-蛋白相互作用信息、基因共享的染色体条带信息及疾病相关信息扩展出其他4个数据集,这4个数据集包括了2824个潜在的进食障碍相关基因,这些基因分布在601个基因组区间.根据人的蛋白-蛋白相互作用数据,重建了可能的与进食障碍相关的分子相互作用网络.进一步,利用代谢通路富集性分析方法,识别出EDdb中的3个基因ADIPO,TNF和NR3C1可以将KEGG中的"脂肪细胞因子信号通路"和BioCarta中的"内脏脂肪沉着和代谢综合征"2个通路结合在一起,得到一个与进食障碍相关的扩展的脂肪细胞因子信号通路.在这个扩展通路中共包括43个基因,其中39个基因与进食障碍有关.本研究构建了第一个进食障碍相关的基因数据库,其中的各种数据信息将有助于对进食障碍的研究,揭示其中的基因和疾病关系.通过初步的统计分析,发现进食障碍引起的体重失调和肥胖可能与本研究发现的扩展通路的调节障碍有关,并且这个扩展通路也可能与不健康的生活习惯引起的体重失调等复杂疾病有关.  相似文献   
以人生长激素受体(K52-L251)的晶体结构为模板, 同源模建人白细胞介素-6受体(hIL-6R) (V106-P322)的空间结构, 并预测与配基(IL-6)结合的活性部位. 根据hIL-6R配基结合功能域中重要氨基酸点突变对活性部位空间构象的影响, 验证预测部位的正确性. 理论分析表明, hIL-6R配基结合功能域中4个保守的半胱氨酸(Cys), 近膜侧193位Cys及"WSEWS"主型框架的点突变均导致受体与配基的结合受阻;而211位Cys, 277位Cys点突变却有利于受体与配基的结合. 研究结果提示, 预测的hIL-6R的活性部位确是hIL-6R和配基(IL-6)结合的分子基础, 可以作为进行小分子hIL-6R拮抗剂设计的靶部位.  相似文献   
Rac is a subfamily of small GTP-binding protein family. Its molecular weight is between 20 and 30 kilodaltons. As a signal protein, Rac directly or indirectly participates in many physiological processes, such as the regulation of cytoskeleton and the transduction of stress-induced signal. So Rac is also named ?molecular switch? The switch is based on the cycle from a GTP-bound 憃n?to a GDP-bound 憃ff?state[1]. In the superfamily of GTP-binding protein, only heterotrimeric G protein, Ra…  相似文献   
通过对我国嗜热菌Thermoanaerobactertengcongensis中次黄嘌呤 鸟嘌呤磷酸核糖转移酶 (HGPRT)三维结构进行同源模建 ,设计出HGPRT的突变体K1 33A、K1 33S和K1 33T。用抗性筛选法 ,对HGPRT的基因进行了定点突变 ,并实现了在大肠杆菌中的高效表达。野生型HGPRT及其突变体K1 33A、K1 33S和K1 33T的催化动力学研究表明 ,HG PRT突变体改变并扩大了底物专一性 ,具有催化嘌呤类似物的活性。  相似文献   
α-淀粉酶抑制剂AAI的核磁共振氢谱谱峰归属及结构分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
α-淀粉酶抑制剂AAI(α-Amylase Inhibitor)是从墨西哥苋属植物Amaranthus hypochondriacus种子中提取的由32个氨基酸残基组成的多肽。它能强烈地抑制几种昆虫幼虫的α-淀粉酶活性,而不抑制人及哺乳类动物的α-淀粉酶活性。使用核磁共振方法收集了AAI的二维氢谱谱图,完成了全部主链和绝大部分侧链质子共振峰的序列归属,并利用X-PLOR软件计算出AAI的三维结构。  相似文献   
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