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观测到磁场诱导鼠癌细胞凋亡的形态特征. 凋亡的癌细胞收缩变圆, 与周围细胞脱离; 异染色质浓缩, 沿核膜内侧排列, 凝结成块; 内质网池状水肿并与细胞膜融合; 出现许多被膜包裹的凋亡小体; 凋亡小体被一些淋巴细胞、浆细胞吞噬. 用原位缺口末端标记法(TUNEL)测定癌细胞凋亡, 发现磁场治疗组的凋亡癌细胞的数目明显大于对照组. 在超低频脉冲梯度磁场作用下, 抑制鼠恶性肿瘤生长和提高免疫细胞的溶癌能力, 核DNA倍性减少, 揭示磁场能阻碍DNA复制, 抑制癌细胞分裂与代谢, 降低其恶性程度和抑制其高速与异形生长.  相似文献   
The morphology characteristics of cell apoptosis of the malignant tumour cells in magnetic field-treated mouse was observed for the first time. The apoptotic cancer cell contracted, became rounder and divorced from adjacent cells; the heterochromatin condensed and coagulated together along the inner side of the nuclear membrane; the endoplasmic reticulums(ER) expanded and fused with the cellular membrane; many apoptotic bodies which were packed by the cellular membrane appeared and were devoured by some lymphocytes and plasma. Apoptosis of cancer cells was detected by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase mediated in situ nick end labeling(TUNEL). It was found that the number of apoptosis cancer cells of the sample treated by the magnetic field is more than that of the control sample. The growth of malignant tumour in mice was inhibited and the ability of immune cell to dissolve cancer cells was improved by ultralow frequency(ULF) pulsed gradient magnetic field; the nuclei DNA contents decreased, indicating that magnetic field can block DNA replication and inhibit mitosis of cancer cells. It was suggested that magnetic field could inhibit the metabolism of cancer cell, lower its malignancy, and restrain its rapid and heteromorphic growth. Since ULF pulsed gradient magnetic field can induce apoptosis of cancer cells and inhibit the growth of malignant tumour, it could be used as a new method to treat cancer.  相似文献   
The morphology characteristics of cell apoptosis of the malignant tumour cells in magnetic field-treated mouse was observed for the first time. The apoptotic cancer cell contracted, became rounder and divorced from adjacent cells; the heterochromatin condensed and coagulated together along the inner side of the nuclear membrane; the endoplasmic reticulums (ER) expanded and fused with the cellular membrane; many apoptotic bodies which were packed by the cellular membrane appeared and were devoured by some lymphocytes and plasma. Apoptosis of cancer cells was detected by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase mediated in situ nick end labeling (TUNEL). It was found that the number of apoptosis cancer cells of the sample treated by the magnetic field is more than that of the control sample. The growth of malignant tumour in mice was inhibited and the ability of immune cell to dissolve cancer cells was improved by ultralow frequency (ULF) pulsed gradient magnetic field; the nuclei DNA contents decreased, indi  相似文献   
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