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Resolving the conflicts between biodiversity conservation and socioeconomic development is a global pursuit for the long-run prospects of the human species. Based on Wenchuan County, a typical county in southwestern China, a group of 20 indicators quantifying regional biodiversity and socioeconomic development was established to classify and evaluate the county area spatially. A fuzzy c-means clustering (FCM) algorithm was used as the classification method. Three indices including BD, DL and DR characterizing the value of biodiversity, the level and rate of socioeconomic development of the delineated regions were formulated. The results indicated that Wenchuan County was optimally classified into 4 types of regions (region I to IV). The area percentages of the regions vary widely from 4.3 to 65.7%. The sequences of the regions on biodiversity, socioeconomic development level, and socioeconomic development rate were, respectively, IV > II > III > I, I > III > II > IV and III >I >II >IV. The spatial strategy on coordinating biodiversity conservation and regional development is to develop mainly from the east(I, II, III) and to conserve mainly in the west(IV). Eco-industry, such as eco-tourism and eco-agriculture, need to be emphasized in the process of regional development. The quantitative methods used here may have a wide applicability.  相似文献   
Abstract The fatty acid (FA) compositions for total lipids from fat body, hemolymph and flight muscle of the armyworm moths, Mythirnna separata, at rest and after tethered flight for 1 h were determined by GC and GC-MS. The composition in these tissues comprises myristic acid (1%-2%), palmitic acid (more than 35%1, palmitoleic acid (9%-11%), stearic acid (less than 1%), oleic acid (about 32%), linoleic acid (12%-17%) and linolenic acid (3%-6%). After flight, FA level in the fat body, compared to that at rest, shows a significant decline at about 20 μg/mg tissue.h-1; the concentration of FAs in hemolymph rises evidently, but change of FA content in flight muscle appears to be small. From the changes of proportional composition of FAs in fat body, hemolymph and flight muscle, it is found that the FAs selectively utilized for flight in flight muscle are predominantly the palmitic acid and oleic acid.  相似文献   
酸水解蚕蛹制备复合氨基酸的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用硫酸水解法,以蚕蛹制取复合氨基酸产品,得到氨基酸态氮分别为9.05%和13.45%的食用复合氨基粉和精制复合氨基酸粉。食用复合氨基酸粉含有18种氨基酸,其中必需氨基酸含量为39.2%。食用复合氨基酸粉的制备方法经工厂小批量生产证实,其工艺简单易行,适合于中小企业采用,该产品的质量优良,生产成本低廉,具有市场竞争力。  相似文献   
甜菊叶愈伤组织诱导过程中叶绿体的超微结构变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
观察了甜菊(Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni)叶外植体愈伤组织诱导过程中叶绿体的超微结构变化。结果表明,当叶外植体转移到培养基上培养后,叶绿体的片层结构逐渐退化。在叶绿体发生退化的过程中伴有叶绿体出芽和原质体的形成。推测新产生的原质体来自叶绿体产生的芽状体。而叶绿体本身最后完全解体消失。叶绿体超微结构的这种变化与高度液泡化的叶肉细胞脱分化至分生状态是平行的。随着培养的进行,分生状态的细胞发生液泡化变为薄壁细胞时,在愈伤组织表层的细胞中,质体重新形成片层结构,而内部细胞的质体则充满淀粉粒。  相似文献   
小麦Kr基因在小麦与玉米或鸭茅状摩擦禾杂交中的失活   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李大玮  牛德水 《遗传学报》1996,23(6):453-459
用37个小麦(Triticumaestivum)品种(系)为母本,分别与黑麦(Secalecereale)、球茎大麦(Hordeumbulbosum)、玉米(Zeamays)和鸭茅状摩擦禾(Tripsacumdactyloides)杂交,比较其亲和性,小麦和玉米或鸭茅状摩擦禾杂交比小麦与黑麦或球茎大麦杂交的亲和性显著提高。携带着显性Kr1和Kr2基因的小麦品种Hope与黑麦杂交,不能形成胚,而与玉米及鸭茅状摩擦禾杂交时,成胚率分别达16.00%和32.50%。表明控制小麦与黑麦及球茎大麦杂交亲和性的Kr基因系统在小麦与玉米及小麦与鸭茅状摩擦禾属间杂交中失活。讨论了还存在有其它控制小麦属间杂交亲和性的遗传调控系统的可能性。  相似文献   
The surface pressure-area (-A) isotherms ofN-hexadecyl-8-hydroxy-2-quinolinecarboxamide (HHQ) monolayers at an air-water interface on subphases with different pH values were investigated. The monolayer of HHQ was expanded and unstable on acidic subphases, while it was condensed and stable on basic subphases. The acid-base equilibrium of HHQ was investigated in an aqueous dioxane solution and at the air-water interface. The association-dissociation of HHQ with H+ ions in the interfacial region was very different from that in the aqueous dioxane solution. Some information regarding the packing density, phase transition and degree of ionization of the head group under different experimental conditions has been obtained.  相似文献   
本研究指出20—羟基蜕皮酮(20-OHE)参加蓖麻蚕蛹对大肠杆菌的体液免疫反应。20-OHE的作用方式是多方面的,包括提高血淋巴蛋白质含量,产生抗菌蛋白,增加溶菌酶活性,和激活原酚氧化酶系统。这表明多个免疫控制系统参与蓖麻蚕蛹体液免疫反应的可能性。  相似文献   
Abstract The present study shows that 20-hydroxyecdysone(20-OHE) participates in the humoral immune responses of Philosamia Cynthia ricini, either normal or debrained pupae, to the E. coli. The mode of action of 20—-OHE is multiple. It raises hemolymph protein content, makes antibacterial proteins be produced, increases lysozyme activity, and activates prophenoloxidase system. It is possible that several immune control systems are involved.  相似文献   
Summary A dual-enzyme electrode flow injection system that can simultaneously determine glucose and maltose is used for an on-line study of starch hydrolyses catalysed by amylases. With the working system, determinations can be made every 2 minutes. A 10 L sample size with recycled back-flow minimises any loss of the reaction medium. The production, growth and decay of glucose and maltose concentrations during starch hydrolysis under various enzymatic conditions can thus be closely monitored, making it useful for the study of the catalytic kinetics of amylases and in screening and analysing enzyme systems.  相似文献   
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