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We have investigated the induction of competence (IL-2 responsiveness) and progression in human T lymphocyte proliferation triggered by phorbol ester and calcium ionophore. The degree of proliferation induced with the phorbol ester, phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate (PDB) and the calcium ionophore ionomycin was dependent on the duration of exposure to these agents, with more than 6 h required for obtaining maximum proliferation. Following brief exposure to both agents for 30 min, which did not cause significant proliferation, T cells became competent to proliferate in response to exogenous interleukin 2 (IL-2). These competent T cells also progressed to DNA synthesis following incubation with PDB in the absence of ionomycin. Induction of competence to proliferate in response to either PDB or IL-2 was blocked by EGTA, suggesting that transmembrane Ca2+ flux was obligatory at this stage. Since other phorbol esters and synthetic diacylglycerols also stimulated DNA synthesis in competent cells, it is likely that progression was triggered by activation of protein kinase C. Following a brief exposure to PDB and ionomycin, subsequent incubation with PDB induced gene expression and secretion of IL-2 and augmented the expression of IL-2 receptors in the competent cells. Thus, we have demonstrated that Ca2+ mobilization is required for rendering T cells competent to express functional IL-2 receptors, to produce IL-2 in response to subsequent incubation with PDB, and that sustained activation of protein kinase C seems necessary for IL-2 production and subsequent progression of competent T cells to DNA synthesis.  相似文献   
Interleukin-1 (IL-1) is a potent cytokine which possesses the ability to mediate systemic acute phase responses as well as local tissue inflammation. In these studies, we have examined the ability of C5a and C5a des Arg to induce IL-1 production in vitro. Human C5a and C5a des Arg were purified to homogeneity and were found to stimulate IL-1 release from freshly obtained human mononuclear cells into the extracellular medium. Only 2 hr of exposure to the purified complement components were necessary in order to stimulate IL-1 production. The minimal concentration of C5a required was 25 ng/ml, whereas 125 ng/ml of C5a des Arg induced comparable amounts of IL-1. This dose relationship was maintained at higher concentrations (150 ng/ml vs 750 ng/ml, respectively). That the effect was due to the anaphylatoxins themselves, and not endotoxin contamination, was shown by negative Limulus amebocyte lysate tests and employing preincubation of C5a/C5a des Arg with polymyxin B. The latter blocked a wide dose range of endotoxin-stimulated IL-1 production. However, when endotoxin was added to C5a or C5a des Arg, significant synergism in the stimulation of IL-1 production was observed, occurring at various concentrations of either agent. A similar synergism with C5a/C5a des Arg was seen with interferon-gamma. In these studies, IL-1 production was measured by bioassay employing cloned D . 10 . G4 . 1 murine T cells and by radioimmunoassay for human IL-1 beta; using C5a/C5a des Arg as stimulants, there was a high degree of correlation (r = 0.82) between the two assays. Since traumatic, infectious, and inflammatory diseases may result in the simultaneous appearance of these stimuli, the synergism described herein is likely to be clinically relevant.  相似文献   
Two biosynthetic pathways are known for the universal tetrapyrrole precursor, -aminolevulinic acid (ALA). In the ALA synthase pathway which was first described in animal and some bacterial cells, the pyridoxal phosphate-dependent enzyme ALA synthase catalyzes condensation of glycine and succinyl-CoA to form ALA with the loss of C-1 of glycine as CO2. In the five-carbon pathway which was first described in plant and algal cells, the carbon skeleton of glutamate is converted intact to ALA in a proposed reaction sequence that requires three enzymes, tRNAGlu, ATP, Mg2+, NADPH, and pyridoxal phosphate. We have examined the distribution of the two ALA biosynthetic pathways among various genera, using cell-free extracts obtained from representative organisms. Evidence for the operation of the five-carbon pathway was obtained by the measurement of RNase-sensitive label incorporation from glutamate into ALA, using 3,4-[3H]glutamate or 1-[14C]glutamate as substrate. ALA synthase activity was indicated by RNase-insensitive incorporation of label from 2-[14C]glycine into ALA. The distribution of the two pathways among the bacteria tested was in general agreement with their previously established phylogenetic relationships and clearly indicates that the five-carbon pathway is the more ancient process, whereas the pathway utilizing ALA synthase probably evolved much later. The five-carbon pathway is apparently the more widely utilized one among bacteria, while the ALA synthase pathway seems to be limited to the subgroup of purple bacteria.Abbreviations ALA -aminolevulinic acid - DTT dithiothreitol - PALP pyridoxal phosphate - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - tricine N-tris-(hydroxymethyl)methylglycine  相似文献   
The effect of persistent measles virus infection on the expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I antigens was studied. Mouse neuroblastoma cells C1300, clone NS20Y, were persistently infected with the Edmonston strain of measles virus. The persistently infected cell line, NS20Y/MS, expressed augmented levels of both H-2Kk and H-2Dd MHC class I glycoproteins. Activation of two interferon(IFN)-induced enzymes, known to be part of the IFN system: (2–5)oligoadenylate synthetase and double-stranded-RNA-activated protein kinase, was detected. Measles-virus-infected cells elicited cytotoxic T lymphocytes that recognized and lysed virus-infected and uninfected neuroblastoma cells in an H-2-restricted fashion. Furthermore, immunization of mice with persistently infected cells conferred resistance to tumor growth after challenge with the highly malignant NS20Y cells. The rationale for using measles virus for immunotherapy is that most patients develop lifelong immunity after recovery or vaccination from this infection. Patients developing cancer are likely to have memory cells. A secondary response induced by measles-virus-infected cells may therefore induce an efficient immune response against non-infected tumour cells.  相似文献   
The green sulfur bacterium, Chlorobium vibrioforme, synthesizes the tetrapyrrole precursor, -aminolevulinic acid (ALA), from glutamate via the RNA-dependent five-carbon pathway. A 1.9-kb clone of genomic DNA from C. vibrioforme that is capable of transforming a glutamyl-tRNA reductase-deficient, ALA-dependent, hemA mutant of Escherichia coli to prototrophy was sequenced. The transforming C. vibrioforme DNA has significant sequence similarity to the E. coli, Salmonella typhimurium, and Bacillus subtilis hemA genes and contains a 1245 base open reading frame that encodes a 415 amino acid polypeptide with a calculated molecular weight of 46174. This polypeptide has over 28% amino acid identity with the polypeptides deduced from the nucleic acid sequences of the E. coli, S. typhimurium, and B. subtilis hemA genes. No sequence similarity was detected, at either the nucleic acid or the peptide level, with the Rhodobacter capsulatus or Bradyrhizobium japonicum hemA genes, which encode ALA synthase, or with the S. typhimurium hemL gene, which encodes glutamate-1-semialdehyde aminotransferase. These results establish that hemA encodes glutamyl-tRNA reductase in species that use the five-carbon ALA biosynthetic pathway. A second region of the cloned DNA, located downstream from the hemA gene, has significant sequence similarity to the E. coli and B. subtilis hemC genes. This region contains a potential open reading frame that encodes a polypeptide that has high sequence identity to the deduced E. coli and B. subtilis HemC peptides. hemC encodes the tetrapyrrole biosynthetic enzyme, porphobilinogen deaminase, in these species. Preliminary evidence was obtained for the existence of a 3.0-kb polycistronic meassge that includes the hemA sequence, in exponentially growing C. vibrioforme cells. Results of condon usage analysis for the C. vibrioforme hemA gene indicate that green sulfur bacteria are more closely related to purple nonsulfur bacteria than to enteric bacteria. Sequences corresponding to a polyadenylation signal and a poly(A) attachment site were found immediately downstream from the 3 end of the hemA open reading frame.  相似文献   
When larvae of Tribolium castaneum were reared on diets deficient in thiamine, pyridoxine or riboflavin mortality was high and the rate of development was slow. The few surviving larvae did attain the same final stage as larvae developing on an all-vitamin control. On diets deficient in nicotinic acid, calcium pantothenate or choline chloride all aspects of development were impaired and no pupation occurred. The negative effects of folic acid deficiency were more pronounced in the pupal stage than in the larval instars. The dietary deficiency of folic acid, choline chloride or thiamine, had no apparent effect on adult fecundity, and a dietary deficiency of any one of the seven vitamins assayed did not adversely affect egg fertility.
Résumé Une mortalité importante a été constatée chez des larves de Tribolium castaneum élevées sur des régimes déficitaires en thiamine, pyridoxine et riboflavine. Le développement a été ralenti d'une façon considérable, mais les larves qui ont survécu sont arrivées au même stade final que les larves témoins nourries avec toutes les vitamines. Tous les autres régimes alimentaires ont été moins adéquates que celui contenant un supplément de levure. L'effet de l'absence de l'acide nicotinique, du pantothenate de calcium ou bien du chlorure de choline a été encore plus net, car les larves ne se sont pas nymphosées. Cet effet prononcé de l'insuffisance du chlorure de choline contraste avec la réaction de Tribolium confusum à l'absence de chlorure de choline dans le régime alimentaire.Le développement larvaire a été peu affecté par l'absence de l'acide folique. Mais, durant la nymphose, les effets négatifs se manifestent davantage encore. L'absence de pyridoxine, riboflavine, acide nicotinique ou pantothenate du calcium a réduit d'une façon importante le taux initial de la fécondité des adultes de T. castaneum. L'absence de l'acide folique, chlorure de choline ou thiamine n'a pas été marquée par un effet semblable. La fertilité des ufs n'a pas été affectée par le manque d'une vitamine quelconque.Ces résultats indiquent que le chlorure de choline et la thiamine sont nécessaires pour le développement larvaire, mais qu'elles sont peu importantes pour la vitalité des adultes. Les réserves en certaines vitamines essentielles chez les nymphes suffisent donc aux exigences des adultes, au moins pendant quelques mois après leur éclosion.
We have studied the distribution of cytoskeletal elements in detergent-extracted mouse embryo fibroblasts using the platinum replica technique. It was shown that lamelloplasm can be subdivided into three zones: 1) the ruffle edge with dense microfilament meshwork; 2) the sparse zone adjacent to the ruffle edge and containing relatively few cytoskeletal elements; 3) the lamella proper occupied with a three-dimensional network of microfilaments, microtubules, intermediate filaments; this zone contained adhesion plaques corresponding to cell-substrate focal contacts and associated with the microfilament bundle ends. The cytoskeleton structure of the central (endoplasm) region of the cell was markedly different from that of the lamelloplasm. Its main feature was a dense microfilament sheath at the dorsal cell surface. Sites of microfilament bundle convergence can be visualized near the nucleus after partial removal of the sheath by more complete detergent extraction.  相似文献   
Summary The inner enamel epithelium (IEE) covers the labial tooth aspect as a one cell layer which, when cut sagittally, appears as a longitudinal cell column extending from the tooth origin toward the periphery. Following sudden tooth shortening, the IEE responds by an increased cell production which later declines below normal values. The perturbation affects all cell kinetic parameters; the progenitor compartment, which initially increases, diminishes in size toward end of the experiment. The cell cycle transition times, which initially decline, rise toward the end of the experiment. The mean normal daily cell production rate of 70 cell % (i.e. 70 cells are produced by 100 progenitors) increases to 111 cell % and then declines to a low of 51 cell %. The IEE response typifies the behavior of other cell renewal systems such as intestinal epithelium and epidermis.  相似文献   
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