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Readouts that define the physiological distributions of drugs in tissues are an unmet challenge and at best imprecise, but are needed in order to understand both the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties associated with efficacy. Here we demonstrate that it is feasible to follow the in vivo transport of unlabeled drugs within specific organ and tissue compartments on a platform that applies MALDI imaging mass spectrometry to tissue sections characterized with high definition histology. We have tracked and quantified the distribution of an inhaled reference compound, tiotropium, within the lungs of dosed rats, using systematic point by point MS and MS/MS sampling at 200 µm intervals. By comparing drug ion distribution patterns in adjacent tissue sections, we observed that within 15 min following exposure, tiotropium parent MS ions (mass-to-charge; m/z 392.1) and fragmented daughter MS/MS ions (m/z 170.1 and 152.1) were dispersed in a concentration gradient (80 fmol-5 pmol) away from the central airways into the lung parenchyma and pleura. These drug levels agreed well with amounts detected in lung compartments by chemical extraction. Moreover, the simultaneous global definition of molecular ion signatures localized within 2-D tissue space provides accurate assignment of ion identities within histological landmarks, providing context to dynamic biological processes occurring at sites of drug presence. Our results highlight an important emerging technology allowing specific high resolution identification of unlabeled drugs at sites of in vivo uptake and retention.  相似文献   
Barna Györffy 《Planta》1941,32(1):15-37
Zusammenfassung In der Mehrzahl der untersuchten Fälle (insgesamt über 1000 Einzelmessungen) wurden die osmotischen Werte der Tetraploiden niedriger gefunden als die der Diploiden, doch sind die Unterschiede im allgemeinen gering. Junge Pflanzen hatten immer niedrigere 4n-Werte; bei alten Pflanzen und bei Pflanzen unter extremen Kulturbedingungen waren aber vielfach die Werte der 4n höher. Es wird die Hypothese aufgestellt, daß niedrigere osmotische Werte der Tetraploiden den Normalzustand darstellen, daß aber die Polyploiden wie in anderen Eigenschaften, so auch in ihrer Osmotik variabler sind und unter dem Einfluß von Außen-bedingungen ihre osmotischen Werte stärker modifizieren.Unter physiologischen Zwangsbedingungen (Trockenkultur, Pfropfungen) wurde an den Tetraploiden eine unter den gegebenen Verhältnissen zweckmäßige Erhöhung ihrer osmotischen Werte über das Niveau der 2n beobachtet. Gegen Trockenklima erwiesen sich die untersuchten Tetraploiden im Vergleich mit den Diploiden resistenter.Irgendwelche artspezifischen Eigentümlichkeiten konnten im Rahmen der untersuchten Pflanzen nicht festgestellt werden.Mit 6 Textabbildungen.  相似文献   
Earlier the autophosphorylation of myosin and the labile phosphate (P) content of rabbit skeletal muscle was reported [6, 7, 9]. The present paper describes that the endogeneous preformed P level in fresh preparation of exercised muscle is higher than that of untrained control one. It was revealed that the presence of a significant amount of mitochondrial myosin (with much higher P content) in the well-trained human muscle preparations falsified the appreciation of myofibrillar myosin. Therefore, a reliable myofibrillar preparation with correct P content from exercised subjects was obtained only after the separation of mitochondrial fraction. The P content of fresh preparations can be increased by phosphorylation even in the exercised muscle myosins up to the most higher level in human samples. The phosphoryl group incorporation from [gamma-32P]ATP into the rabbit and hare myosins was checked by radioactive tracer technique, and confirmed by total P content determination performed parallel with molybdate test. It was stated that under present circumstances the labelled 32P incorporation was lower even at an optimal substrate concentration than that of P value obtained directly with molybdate method; because the total P content of preparations had not exchanged during 2 min incubation. So it has been concluded from [gamma-23P] phosphoryl group assayments that much higher amount of P was incorporated into P-Arg, N pi-P-His and fraction 2 as compared with unappreciated labelled P level of the inorganic P (P-Ser, P-Thr), P-Lys, N tau-P-His and minor fractions. From these observations it has been considered that the P-Arg, N pi-P-His and fraction 2 take part in the contraction mechanism and in the course of physical training.  相似文献   
Ca2+-ATPase molecules were labeled in intact sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) vesicles, sequentially with a donor fluorophore, fluorescein-5'-isothiocyanate (FITC), and with an acceptor fluorophore, eosin-5'-isothiocyanate (EITC), each at a mole ratio of 0.25-0.5 mol/mol of ATPase. The resonance energy transfer was determined from the effect of acceptor on the intensity and lifetime of donor fluorescence. Due to structural similarities, the two dyes compete for the same site(s) on the Ca2+-ATPase, and under optimal conditions each ATPase molecule is labeled either with donor or acceptor fluorophore, but not with both. There is only slight labeling of phospholipids and other proteins in SR, even at concentrations of FITC or EITC higher than those used in the reported experiments. Efficient energy transfer was observed from the covalently bound FITC to EITC that is assumed to reflect interaction between ATPase molecules. Protein denaturing agents (8 M urea and 4 M guanidine) or nonsolubilizing concentrations of detergents (C12E8 or lysolecithin) abolish the energy transfer. These results are consistent with earlier observations that a large portion of the Ca2+-ATPase is present in oligomeric form in the native membrane. The technique is suitable for kinetic analysis of the effect of various treatments on the monomer-oligomer equilibrium of Ca2+-ATPase. A drawback of the method is that the labeled ATPase, although it retains conformational responses, is enzymatically inactive.  相似文献   
The formation and composition of the insoluble heparin-fibronectin-collagen complex and its degradation by proteolysis was investigated. At fixed concentrations of the other molecular components of the complex, the maximal rate of complex formation, measured turbidimetrically, was reached at a concentration of 4 microM heparin and 0.9 microM collagen, while the rate of complex formation was linearly related to concentrations of fibronectin as high as 3 microM. Heparin was incorporated into the complex in a saturable manner, and was released in active anticoagulant form by plasmin but not by urokinase. The complex formation was inhibited by 5 mM calcium or 250 mM NaCl as well as by polybrene or spermin. It is suggested that fibronectin binds both heparin and collagen cooperatively to form an insoluble ternary complex of the extracellular matrix.  相似文献   
In this paper the authors present a comparative study of the actions of the antibiotics primycin and gramicidin on the erythrocyte membrane permeability. It has been found that both antibiotics have a nonlinear effect on the membrane permeability. Above a threshold antibiotic concentration, which is characteristic of the type of the antibiotic, the cation permeability of the erythrocyte membranes increases sharply. In the range of nonlinearity the transport-kinetic curves level off before achieving the equilibrium radioactive ion distribution between the extra- and intracellular spaces. A stochastic model of the cooperative and aspecific incorporation of antibiotic molecules into the membrane explains the experimental findings. The authors conclude that membrane permeability increases at the places where two or more antibiotic molecules form aggregates in the membrane.  相似文献   
The effect of glycosaminoglycans (GAG) and divalent cations on the thermal properties of dipalmitoyl-phosphatidylcholine (DPPC)-water systems was examined in order to model some interactions taking place on low density lipoprotein (LDL) surfaces. The thermal properties of these systems were measured by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). According to the results, all three glycosaminoglycans used (chondroitin-4-sulfate, chondroitin-6-sulfate and heparin) were effective but to a different extent. Calcium ions enhance the interaction more than magnesium ions, probably because divalent cations form bridges between the negatively charged groups of GAGs and the headgroups of lipids. It is conceivable that similar processes might occur in the case of LDL.  相似文献   
Summary The cells of origin of afferent and efferent pathways of the lateral forebrain bundle were studied with the aid of the cobalt-filling technique. Ascending afferents originated from the lateral thalamic nucleus, central thalamic nucleus, posterior tuberculum and the cerebellar nucleus. They terminated in the anterior entopeduncular nucleus, amygdala and the striatum. Telencephalic projection neurons, which are related to the lateral forebrain bundle, were located mainly in the ventral striatum and the anterior entopeduncular nucleus, but were not so numerous in the dorsal striatum. Irrespective of their location, most of the neurons projecting axons into the lateral forebrain bundle had piriform or pyramidal perikarya. Long apical dendrites usually arborized in a narrow space, whereas widely arborizing secondary dendrites originated from short dendritic trunks. The other neurons that contributed to the lateral forebrain bundle were fusiform or multipolar cells. Striatal efferents terminated in the pretectal area and in the anterodorsal, anteroventral and posteroventral tegmental nuclei.  相似文献   
Studies have been performed on the relationship between PRL and GH production and the 45Ca2+ influx in high magnesium content in vitro. The obtained data show that an elevated magnesium concentration in Krebs-Ringer solution is capable of inhibiting some hormonal function of the pituitary gland. It has been found, that PRL and GH released into the media in normal KRB solution revealed nearly two times higher concentration than in the presence of high Mg2+. Instead the cellular iPRL and iGH did not show any significant differences in control and in treated cultures. The incorporation of 4.5-3H-leucine into the prolactin and growth hormone demonstrate a significant decrease in the presence of high Mg2+ indicating that the ion is able to inhibit the secretion of newly synthesized PRL an GH. High concentration of Mg2+ abolished either the stimulation effect of releasing hormones on calcium uptake.  相似文献   
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