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The ichnogenus Tonganoxichnus, produced by one or more monuran insect taxa, is now recorded from the Middle Pennsylvanian Mansfield Formation of Indiana. Tonganoxichnus is a resting trace that has three important implications. First, it represents a recurrent behavioral pattern in Upper Carboniferous to Lower Permian marginal marine environments of North America. Second, it provides finely resolved anatomical information for axial and appendicular body structures and behaviors that are difficult to determine from body‐fossil material alone. Third, integrated sedimentologic and ichnologic observations indicate that the Tonganoxichnus assemblage, inclusive of other ichnotaxa, is common in tidal rhythmites that were developed under freshwater conditions, probably in the innermost part of estuarine systems, close to or at the fluvioestuarine transition.  相似文献   
The first arthropod trackways are described from the Middle Cambrian Burgess Shale Formation of Canada. Trace fossils, including trackways, provide a rich source of biological and ecological information, including direct evidence of behaviour not commonly available from body fossils alone. The discovery of large arthropod trackways is unique for Burgess Shale-type deposits. Trackway dimensions and the requisite number of limbs are matched with the body plan of a tegopeltid arthropod. Tegopelte, one of the rarest Burgess Shale animals, is over twice the size of all other benthic arthropods known from this locality, and only its sister taxon, Saperion, from the Lower Cambrian Chengjiang biota of China, approaches a similar size. Biomechanical trackway analysis demonstrates that tegopeltids were capable of rapidly skimming across the seafloor and, in conjunction with the identification of gut diverticulae in Tegopelte, supports previous hypotheses on the locomotory capabilities and carnivorous mode of life of such arthropods. The trackways occur in the oldest part (Kicking Horse Shale Member) of the Burgess Shale Formation, which is also known for its scarce assemblage of soft-bodied organisms, and indicate at least intermittent oxygenated bottom waters and low sedimentation rates.  相似文献   

A new ichnospecies of Arthrophycus Hall 1852, A. minimus , is described from Upper Cambrian-Lower Tremadocian, shallow-marine strata of northwest Argentina. This new ichnospecies consists of small, long, regularly annulated hypichnial elements displaying subcircular to squarish cross-section and a ventral median groove. Side branches are occasionally present, but palmate, fan-like structures and scribbling patterns are absent. We adopt a relatively narrow diagnosis of Arthrophycus , suggesting that roughly annulated, cylindrical structures should not be included in this ichnogenus, unless other diagnostic features (i.e., squarish cross-section, median groove, zipper-like annulations) are also present. Arthrophycus is a common ichnotaxon in Ordovician-Silurian shallow-marine siliciclastic environments. Post-Paleozoic occurrences are removed from Arthrophycus . Arthrophycus has been proposed as a biostratigraphic index fossil in Ordovician-Silurian rocks. The presence of A. minimus in the Santa Rosita Formation of northwest Argentina indicates that Arthrophycus ranges at least from the Upper Cambrian-Lower Tremadocian with probable representatives in the Lower Cambrian and, therefore, its biostratigraphic utility is extended. Arthrophycus minimus represents the first Cambrian occurrence exhibiting not only fine, diagnostic morphologic features, but also the classical Arthrophycus behavioral pattern in dense monoichnospecific assemblages. The exploratory behavioral pattern displayed by A. minimus is simpler than that of the younger ichnospecies, particularly A. brogniartii, A. alleghaniensis, and A. lateralis . This is consistent with the basal position of A. minimus within the arthrophycid lineage.  相似文献   
Ichnodiversity has been used as a proxy for environmental stress and stability in facies interpretations and to reconstruct evolutionary radiations and colonization histories in evolutionary palaeoecology. The three components of global diversity are exported from ecology and adapted for ichnology. Alpha ichnodiversity is used for palaeoenvironmental characterization, being assessed for individual facies. Beta ichnodiversity is commonly overlooked, although it may provide information about degree of similarity between ichnofaunas formed along environmental gradients. Gamma ichnodiversity may provide clues to detect ichnofossil provincialism. The concept of disparity may also prove to be significant in ichnological studies. Whereas ichnodiversity refers to ichnotaxonomic richness, ichnodisparity provides a measure of the variability of morphological plans in biogenic structures. Changes in global ichnodiversity do not necessarily parallel changes in ichnodisparity. For example, while the Cambrian explosion involved a dramatic increase in both, the Ordovician radiation essentially reflects an increase only in the former. Ichnodiversity and ichnodisparity should be used with caution because they are both affected by taphonomic processes. High diversity of superficial to shallow‐tier trace fossils may result from enhanced preservation due a poorly developed mixed layer, rather than a true reflection of ecosystem performance, as shown by underexploited infaunal ecospace after biotic crises (e.g. end‐Permian mass extinction).  相似文献   
Modern burrowing organisms feed on microbial organic matter in matgrounds near hot springs on the margins of Lake Bogoria, a saline alkaline lake in the Kenya Rift Valley. The burrowers produce a low-diversity trace assemblage similar to those produced by undermat miners during the Ediacaran–Cambrian transition. Despite obvious differences in body plans and phylogenetic affinities, these modern animals feed on microbes in similar ways to those inferred for primitive bilaterians. With increasing distance from hot-spring vents, outflow channels and adjacent matgrounds, the diversity and depth of the traces increase and mixgrounds become dominant. This modern extreme environment gives clues for interpreting the heterogeneous early Cambrian seafloor, with: (1) the restriction of ‘pre-agronomic revolution’ matground substrates; and (2) expansion of adjacent ‘post-agronomic revolution’ mixground areas.  相似文献   

The lower Paleozoic marine siliciclastic succession of the Central Andean Basin, northwestern Argentina, provides a valuable record of the onset of the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event in western Gondwana. A new ichnospecies of rosette trace fossil, Gyrophyllites cristinae, is documented from lower and upper Tremadocian (Tr1 and Tr2) deposits of this basin. It is characterized by five to six non-overlapping petaloid lobes and can be easily differentiated from the other four formally defined ichnospecies. Gyrophyllites cristinae occurs at the top of hummocky cross-stratified sandstone regularly interbedded with mudstone. These deposits are interpreted as reflecting the alternation of high-energy storm events and low-energy fair-weather conditions immediately below the fair-weather wave base, representing deposition in offshore transition environments. Gyrophyllites has been traditionally interpreted as the product of worms of uncertain taxonomic affinity that mined the sediment in search for food (fodinichnia). The occurrence of Gyrophyllites cristinae in these Ordovician deposits records post-storm colonization. Storms may have increased oxygenation and supplied fresh organic detritus that were exploited by worm-like, surface detritus- or shallow deposit-feeders exploring the uppermost silt-rich fine-grained sediments.  相似文献   
Trace fossil analysis of lacustrine facies and basins   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Two ichnofacies are typical of lacustrine depositional systems. The Scoyenia ichnofacies characterizes transitional terrestrial/nonmarine aquatic substrates, periodically inundated or desiccated, and therefore is commonly present in lake margin facies. The Mermia ichnofacies is associated with well oxygenated, permanent subaqueous, fine-grained substrates of hydrologically open, perennial lakes. Bathymetric zonations within the Mermia ichnofacies are complicated by the wide variability of lacustrine systems. Detected proximal–distal trends are useful within particular lake basins, but commonly difficult to extrapolate to other lakes. Other potential ichnofacies include the typically marine Skolithos ichnofacies for high-energy zones of lakes and substrate-controlled, still unnamed ichnofacies, associated to lake margin deposits. Trace fossils are useful for sedimentologic analysis of event beds. Lacustrine turbidites are characterized by low-diversity suites, reflecting colonization by opportunistic organisms after the turbidite event. Underflow current beds record animal activity contemporaneous with nearly continuous sedimentation. Ichnologic studies may also help to distinguish between marine and lacustrine turbidites. Deep-marine turbidites host the Nereites ichnofacies that consists of high diversity of ornate grazing traces and graphoglyptids, recording highly specialized feeding strategies developed to solve the problem of the scarcity of food in the deep sea. Deep lacustrine environments contain the Mermia ichnofacies, which is dominated by unspecialized grazing and feeding traces probably related to the abundance and accessibility of food in lacustrine systems. The lower diversity of lacustrine ichnofaunas in comparison with deep-sea assemblages more likely reflects lower species diversity as a consequence of less stable conditions. Increase of depth and extent of bioturbation through geologic time produced a clear signature in the ichnofabric record of lacustrine facies. Paleozoic lacustrine ichnofaunas are typically dominated by surface trails with little associated bioturbation. During the Mesozoic, bioturbation depth was higher in lake margin facies than in fully lacustrine deposits. While significant degrees of bioturbation were attained in lake margin facies during the Triassic, major biogenic disruption of primary bedding in subaqueous lacustrine deposits did not occur until the Cretaceous.  相似文献   
The ichnogenus Psammichnites Torell 1870 includes a wide variety of predominantly horizontal, sinuous to looped, backfilled traces, characterized by a distinctive median dorsal structure. Though commonly preserved in full relief on upper bedding surfaces, some ichnospecies of Psammichnites may be preserved in negative hyporelief. Psammichnites records the feeding activities of a subsurface animal using a siphon-like device. Several ichnogenera reflect this general behavioral pattern, including Plagiogmus Roedel 1929 and the Carboniferous ichnogenera Olivellites Fenton and Fenton 1937a and Aulichnites Fenton and Fenton 1937b. Based on analysis of specimens from the United States, Spain, and the United Kingdom, three Carboniferous ichnospecies of Psammichnites are reviewed in this paper: P. plummeri (Fenton and Fenton, 1937a), P. grumula (Romano and Meléndez 1979), and P. implexus (Rindsberg 1994). Psammichnites plummeri is the most common Carboniferous ichnospecies and is characterized by a relatively straight, continuous dorsal ridge/groove, fine transverse ridges, larger size range, and non-looping geometric pattern. It represents a grazing trace of deposit feeders. Psammichnites grumula differs from the other ichnospecies of Psammichnites by having median dorsal holes or protruding mounds. The presence of mounds or holes in P. grumula suggests a siphon that was regularly connected to the sediment-water interface. This ichnospecies is interpreted as produced by a deposit feeder using the siphon for respiration or as a device for a chemosymbiotic strategy. Psammichnites implexus is characterized by its consistently smaller size range, subtle backfill structure, and tendency to scribble. Although displaying similarities with Dictyodora scotica, P. implexus is a very shallow-tier, grazing trace. Changes in behavioral pattern, preservational style, and bedform morphology suggest a complex interplay of ecological and taphonomic controls in Carboniferous tidal-flat Psammichnites. A first distributional pattern consists of guided meandering specimens preserved in ripple troughs, probably reflecting food-searching of buried organic matter concentrated in troughs. A second is recorded by concentration of Psammichnites on ripple crests and slopes. In some cases, the course is almost straight to slightly sinuous and closely follows topographic highs, suggesting a direct control of bedform morphology on trace pattern. Occurrences of Carboniferous Psammichnites most likely represent an opportunistic strategy in marginal-marine settings. Analysis of Carboniferous Psammichnites indicates the presence of a siphon-like device in the producer and reestablishes the possibility of a molluscan tracemaker.  相似文献   
The Paleocene to Middle Eocene Tarcau Sandstone at Buzau Valley, eastern Carpathians, Romania, records sedimentation in a turbidite system. These strata contain a diverse and abundant pre‐ and postdepositional ichnofauna consisting of 35 ichnogenera and 54 ichnospecies. The predepositional assemblage is rich in graphoglyptids and ornate grazing trails; simple grazing trails, resting traces, and feeding structures also occur. The predepositional assemblage includes Acan‐thorhaphe, Belorhaphe, Cardioichnus, Circulichnus, Coch‐lichnus, Cosmorhaphe, Desmograpton, Fustiglyphus, Gordia, Helicolithus, Helminthopsis, Helminthorhaphe, Lorenzinia, Megagrapton, Paleodictyon, Paleomeandron, Protopaleodictyon, Scolicia (S. strozzii), Spirorhaphe, Spirophycus, Treptichnus, and Urohelminthoida. The ich‐nodiversity, composition, ethology, and morphologic complexity of the predepositional association are indicative of the Nereites ichnofacies. The postdepositional association essentially consists of dwelling, feeding, and grazing traces, and is represented by Chondrites, Glockerichnus, Halopoa, Nereites, Ophiomorpha, Phycodes, Planolites, Polykampton, Scolicia(S. prisca. S. striata), Taenidium, Thalassinoides, and Zoophycos. Palaeophycus occurs in both assemblages. Allochthonous Teredolites is present in wood fragments, The postdepositional association includes elements of the Skolithos ichnofacies and facies‐crossing forms that are commonly present in deep‐marine deposits, Elements of the Skolithos ichnofacies are present not only in the most proximal parts of the turbidite system, but also in distal parts. The number of predepositional forms greatly exceeds postdepositional ones, reflecting a dominance of K‐selected over r‐selected population strategies in a stable environment. High levels of ichnodiversity in the Tarcau Sandstone are comparable with deep‐sea ichnofaunas from the Polish Carpathians and with other flysch trace‐fossil assemblages of similar age. This abundant and diverse Eocene ichnofauna supports the idea of extremely rich deep‐sea ichnofaunas in the Cenozoic.  相似文献   
Summary Rhythmically laminated fine-grained lacustrine carbonatcs of the Cretaceous La Huérguina Limestone Formation at Las Hoyas fossil site, central Spain, contain not only a spectacular body fossil fauna, but also vertebrate and invertebrate trace fossils. The study of the Las Hoyas invertebrate ichnofauna provides valuable taphonomic, paleoecological and paleoenvironmental information and represents one of the first attempts to study in detail a lacustrine trace-fossil assemblage in carbonate rocks. The Las Hoyas ichnofauna includesCruziana problematica, Helminthoidichnites tenuis, Lockeia isp.,Palaeophycus tubularis, andTreptichnus pollardi. This assemblage is characterized by low ichnodiversity and small burrow size, and it is dominated by surface trails and extremely shallow burrows produced mostly by detritus feeders. The Las Hoyas ichnofauna indicates low to moderately low energy, permanently submerged, shallow-lacustrine areas. The ichnofauna is suggestive of environmental stress, most likely oxygen-depleted conditions in interstitial waters. Occurrence of traces in event beds indicates opportunistic colonization by epifauna and very shallow infauna during brief periods of improved oxygenation related to the passage of density underflows and dilute turbidity currents. The Las Hoyas ichnofauna resembles other shallow lacustrine trace-fossil assemblages of the archetypalMermia ichnofacies and differs significantly from the archetypalScoyenia ichnofacies. It is therefore best regarded as a proximal, depauperate example of theMermia ichnofacies. The Las Hoyas assemblage is similar to the slightly older lacustrine Montsec ichnofauna, but it is remarkably different from marine ichnocoenoses of other Mesozoickonservat-lagerst?tten in lithographic limestones such as those of Cerin, Solnhofen and Nusplingen.  相似文献   
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