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Surface sediment samples taken by ? corer from 45 stations on the Norwegian continental margin and in the Norway Basin have been investigated for their benthic foraminiferal content. Unlike previous studies, the living benthic foraminiferal fauna was differentiated from empty tests comprising the foraminiferal death assemblage. Factor analysis of both the living and dead faunal data reveals six living species assemblages and five corresponding dead assemblages. The additional living assemblage is characterized by the arenaceous speciesCribrostomoides subglobosum that dominates between 1400 and 2000 m water depth, but is rare in the dead faunal data.Trifarina angulosa and, to a lesser extent,Cibicides lobatulus characterize the shallowest foraminiferal assemblage from 200 to 600 m water depth, where it is associated with strong bottom currents and warm, saline Atlantic water of the North Atlantic Drift. On the slope between 600 and 1200 m water depth, theMelonis zaandami Species Assemblage dominates, particularly in areas characterized today by rapid sedimentation of terrigeneous material. Between 1000 and 1400 m depth, where the slope is covered by fine grained, organic-rich, terrigeneous mud, the living foraminiferal assemblage is characterized byCassidulina teretis andPullenia bulloides. Below 1400 m, three foraminiferal assemblages are found:C. subglobosum is found from 1400 to 2000 m,Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi andEpistominella exigua predominantly live from 2000 to 3000 m water depth, and below 3000 m,Oridorsalis umbonatus andTriloculina frigida dominate the fauna.All of theElphidium excavatum tests found in this study and theCassidulina reniforme tests found above 500 m water depth were found to be reworked.Analysis of the sediment grain-size distribution and the organic carbon content in surface samples from the deepest stations suggest that the abundance ofC. wuellerstorfi andE. exigua is positively correlated to relatively coarse (caused by planktic foraminifera) and organic-rich sediments, whereas high frequencies ofO. umbonatus andT. frigida coincide with low organic carbon content. We suggest thatC. wuellerstorfi is adapted to deep-sea environments with relatively high food supply, tolerating relatively low interstitial water oxygen content, whereasO. umbonatus may tolerate lower food supply prefering well-oxygenated interstitial waters.  相似文献   
M-MuLV-specific DNA probes were used to establish the state of integration and amplification of recombinant proviral sequences in Moloney virus-induced tumors of Balb/Mo, Balb/c and 129 mice. The somatically acquired viral sequences contain both authentic M-MuLV genomes and recombinants of M-MuLV with endogenous viral sequences. All reintegrated genomes carry long terminal repeat (LTR) sequences at both termini of their genome. In the preleukemic stage a large population of cells exhibiting a random distribution of reintegrated M-MuLV genomes are seen, but during outgrowth of the tumor, selection of cells occurs leaving one or a few clonal descendants in the outgrown tumor. In this latter stage recombinant genomes can be detected. Although these recombinants constitute a heterogeneous group of proviruses, characteristic molecular markers are conserved among many individual proviral recombinants, lending credence to the notion that a certain recombinant structure is a prerequisite for the onset of neoplasia. The structure of these recombinants shows close structural similarities to the previously described mink cell focus-inducing (MCF)-type viruses.  相似文献   
Human placental alkaline RNAase inhibitor was purified to homogeneity. Activity was measured after each purification step. The final identification of the purified protein was done by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and by immunoblotting. Antibodies were prepared by immunization of rabbits with the highly purified inhibitor. The availability of the antiserum directed against the human inhibitor enabled the detection of RNAase inhibitor from various other organs and species. This procedure has the advantage over the usual activity test in that the inhibitor can be found even if its activity has been lost.  相似文献   
Prey capture rate (number of prey s−1) and the mode of feeding of Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus were studied by performing foraging experiments with two sizes (1·1 and 1·8 mm) of Daphnia longispina prey. Arctic charr were particulate feeders at all densities tested. Adjusted for the effect of prey density, the capture rate showed a hump-shaped relationship with Arctic charr size for both sizes of D. longispina . Estimated attack rates ( a ) also tended to show a hump-shaped relationship with fish size. The estimated size-scaling exponent of the attack rate function, however, was relatively small, implying small changes in attack rate over fish sizes. Simultaneous estimations of a and handling time were used in combination with published data on fish metabolism and dry mass rations of prey to estimate maintenance resource density of prey as a function of Arctic charr mass. Maintenance resource densities increased monotonically with Arctic charr size, and rapidly as optimum fish size relative to attack rate on prey was passed.  相似文献   
The host specificity of Gyrodaclylus Solaris is examined experimentally with respect to its ability to infect the brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis . The parasite readily attached to and reproduced on parr of this host and infections grew for c. 20 days from first monitoring (c. 30 days from first infection) before declining. Parasites could persist on this host for up to 70 days before finally disappearing. The pattern of infection resembled that seen in many other gyrodactylid species on their normal hosts, and suggested the action of a host response, In this respect infections of G. salaris on parr of S. fontinalis , anadromous Salvelinus alpinus, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Thymallus thymallus and Baltic Salmo salar follow a normal pattern, while infections of Norwegian S. salar are unusual in a continued unchecked growth, until the host dies, under pooled laboratory conditions.  相似文献   
Neurokinin A (NKA), substance P (SP) and the two peptides combined (SP + NKA) were injected intracutaneously on the forearm and into the temporal muscle of healthy volunteers. Pain intensity, cutaneous wheal and flare responses and tenderness of the temporal muscle were quantitated. SP but not NKA induced cutaneous pain. This relates the algesic effect of SP to the specific N-terminal amino acid sequence of the peptide, not shared by NKA. NKA, however, potentiated the algesic effect of SP as SP + NKA induced a significantly prolonged cutaneous pain sensation. Both peptides induced wheals, but only SP induced flare. These results confirm previous studies relating wheal formation to the identical C-terminal amino acid sequence of the two peptides and flare reaction to the N-terminal part of SP. Injections into the temporal muscle did not cause pain or tenderness.  相似文献   
A method is presented that enables studies to be made of single nematode-fungal interactions under conditions where fungal growth at the expense of external nutrients is prevented. The nematophagous fungus Arthrobotrys ologospora was used as a model organism in these studies. The method is based on removal of the traps from the vegetative mycelium, immediately after a nematode was captured and transfer of the trap with the captured nematode into a droplet of sterile distilled water placed in a moisture chamber. In the absence of external nutrients, such isolated traps of A. oligospora were fully effective in penetrating and subsequently digesting the captured nematode. Solely vegetative mycelium was formed at the expense of the digested nematode; this developed from the trap that originally had captured the nematode. One advantage of the present method is that studies on various stages of the nematode-fungal interaction can now be performed under conditions that exclude major influences of external nutrients which otherwise could be communicated to the trap cells by way of the vegetative mycelium.  相似文献   
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