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Evidence has been reported that the proximal small intestine of the neonatal rat selectively transports antibodies into the circulation. This study describes the morphology of the absorptive epithelial cells in this region of the intestine and their transport of several immunoglobulin tracers: ferritin-conjugated immunoglobulins (IgG-Ft) and antiperoxidase antibodies. Cells exposed to rat IgG-Ft bound the tracer on the membrane of tubular invaginations of the apical cell surface. Tubular and coated vesicles within the cell also contained the tracer, as did the intercellular spaces. Uptake of tracer was highly selective and occurred only with rat or cow IgG-Ft; when cells were exposed to chicken IgG-Ft, ferritin-conjugated bovine serum albumin, or free ferritin, tracer did not enter the cell or appear in the intercellular spaces. Experiments with rat and chicken antiperoxidase showed a similar selective uptake and transport of only the homologous antibody. When cells from the distal small intestine were exposed to the tracers, all tracers were absorbed nonselectively but none were released from the cells. Cells from the proximal small intestine of the 22-day-old rat failed to absorb even rat IgG-Ft. A model is presented for selective antibody transport in proximal cells of the neonatal rat in which antibodies are selectively absorbed at the apical cell surface by pinocytosis within tubular vesicles. The antibodies are then transferred to the intercellular space within coated vesicles. Distal cells function only to digest proteins nonselectively.  相似文献   
The erythrocytes of adult ratel contain two hemoglobin components, with two alpha- and one beta-chains. In this paper, their complete amino acid sequences are presented. The two alpha-chains differ in one residue at position 34 (Ala----Val) only. The primary structure of the chains was determined by sequencing the N-terminal regions (45 steps) and the tryptic peptides after their isolation from the digests by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. The alignment of these peptides was deduced from homology with other carnivora globins. The alpha-chains show 21 and the beta-chains 11 exchanges compared with human globin chains. In the alpha-chains, one heme- and two alpha 1/beta 1 contacts are exchanged. In the beta-chains there are three exchanges which involve one alpha 1/beta 1-, one alpha 1/beta 2- and one heme-contact. Between the ratel hemoglobin and those of carnivora a high degree of homology was found.  相似文献   
Phenotype and commitment of thymus-colonizing precursors are unknown. Here we report the identification of T lineage-committed precursors (designated prothymocytes) in murine fetal blood at day 15.5 of development. Fetal blood pro-thymocytes are Thy-1+c-kit(low)CD3- in contrast to fetal blood-derived pluripotent hematopoietic progenitors which are Thy-1-c-kit+. Upon transfer into the thymus, fetal blood pro-thymocytes generate a single wave of CD4+CD8+ thymocytes and subsequently mature TCR alpha beta+ peripheral T cells. However, fetal blood pro-thymocytes lack multipotent progenitor potential since they fail to reconstitute B lymphocytes and myeloid and erythroid lineages. In contrast, T and B lymphocytes as well as myeloid and erythroid lineages are reconstituted from fetal blood-derived pluripotent progenitors. Pro-thymocytes are equally present in peripheral blood of athymic fetal mice, suggesting that this novel precursor population is T lineage-committed prior to thymus colonization and represents the earliest T lineage precursor identified.  相似文献   
The T cell receptor (TCR) is a molecular complex formed by at least seven transmembrane proteins: the antigen/major histocompatibility complex recognition unit (Ti alpha-beta heterodimer) and the invariant CD3 chains (gamma, delta, epsilon, zeta, and eta). In addition to targeting partially assembled Ti alpha-beta CD3 gamma delta epsilon TCR complexes to the cell surface, CD3 zeta appears to be essential for interleukin-2 production after TCR stimulation with antigen/major histocompatibility complex. The gamma chain of the high affinity Fc receptor for IgE (Fc epsilon RI gamma) has significant structural homology to CD3 zeta and the related CD3 eta subunit. To identify the functional significance of sequence homologies between CD3 zeta and Fc epsilon RI gamma in T cells, we have transfected a Fc epsilon RI gamma cDNA into a T cell hybridoma lacking CD3 zeta and CD3 eta proteins. Herein we show that a Fc epsilon RI gamma-gamma homodimer associates with TCR components to up-regulate TCR surface expression. A TCR composed of Ti alpha-beta CD3 gamma delta epsilon Fc epsilon RI gamma-gamma is sufficient to restore the coupling of TCR antigen recognition to the interleukin-2 induction pathway, demonstrating the functional significance of structural homology between the above receptor subunits. These results, in conjunction with the recent finding that CD3 zeta, CD3 eta, and Fc epsilon RI gamma are coexpressed in certain T cells as subunits of an unusual TCR isoform, suggest that Fc epsilon RI gamma is likely to play a role in T cell lineage function.  相似文献   
Hybridization or the interbreeding of genetically discrete populations or species can occur where ranges of genetically distinct units overlap. Golden‐winged warblers Vermivora chrysoptera, a species that has been in steady decline for decades, highlight the potential population‐level consequences of hybridization. A major factor implicated in their decline is hybridization with their sister species, the blue‐winged warbler Vermivora cyanoptera, which has likely been exacerbated by historic and current land‐use practices. We examined habitat associations of golden‐winged and blue‐winged warblers, phenotypic hybrids, and cryptic hybrids (i.e. mismatch between plumage phenotype and genotype as identified by mitochondrial DNA) in an area of relatively recent range overlap and hybridization in northern New York, USA. To explore the robustness of these results, we then compared the patterns from New York with habitat associations from the central Pennsylvanian Appalachian Mountains where blue‐winged warblers either do not occur or are in very low abundance, yet cryptic golden‐winged warbler hybrids are present. From 2008 to 2011, we captured 122 birds in New York and 28 in Pennsylvania and collected blood samples, which we used to determine maternal ancestry. For each bird captured, we measured territory‐level (50‐m radius circles) habitat, and later used remote‐sensing data to quantify habitat on the territories and in surrounding areas (100‐, 250‐, and 500‐m radius circles). In New York, golden‐winged warblers occupied structurally heterogeneous territories surrounded by homogeneously structured, contiguous deciduous forest, far from urban areas. Blue‐winged warblers showed opposite associations, and hybrids’ habitat associations were typically intermediate. In Pennsylvania, the habitat associations of golden‐winged warblers and their cryptic hybrids were remarkably similar to those in New York. These findings suggest that patterns of habitat occupancy by hybrids may promote contact with golden‐winged warblers and thus likely facilitate genetic introgression, even in areas where the parental species are not sympatric.  相似文献   
Effective monitoring of native bee populations requires accurate estimates of population size and relative abundance among habitats. Current bee survey methods, such as netting or pan trapping, may be adequate for a variety of study objectives but are limited by a failure to account for imperfect detection. Biases due to imperfect detection could result in inaccurate abundance estimates or erroneous insights about the response of bees to different environments. To gauge the potential biases of currently employed survey methods, we compared abundance estimates of bumblebees (Bombus spp.) derived from hierarchical distance sampling models (HDS) to bumblebee counts collected from fixed‐area net surveys (“net counts”) and fixed‐width transect counts (“transect counts”) at 47 early‐successional forest patches in Pennsylvania. Our HDS models indicated that detection probabilities of Bombus spp. were imperfect and varied with survey‐ and site‐covariates. Despite being conspicuous, Bombus spp. were not reliably detected beyond 5 m. Habitat associations of Bombus spp. density were similar across methods, but the strength of association with shrub cover differed between HDS and net counts. Additionally, net counts suggested sites with more grass hosted higher Bombus spp. densities whereas HDS suggested that grass cover was associated with higher detection probability but not Bombus spp. density. Density estimates generated from net counts and transect counts were 80%–89% lower than estimates generated from distance sampling. Our findings suggest that distance modelling provides a reliable method to assess Bombus spp. density and habitat associations, while accounting for imperfect detection caused by distance from observer, vegetation structure, and survey covariates. However, detection/non‐detection data collected via point‐counts, line‐transects and distance sampling for Bombus spp. are unlikely to yield species‐specific density estimates unless individuals can be identified by sight, without capture. Our results will be useful for informing the design of monitoring programs for Bombus spp. and other pollinators.  相似文献   
Summary Activity of the enzyme glutathione reductase (EC in erythrocytes and fibroblasts of a patient with karyotype 46, XY, del(8) (pterp212:) was found to be in the normal range. With results from other laboratories, this allowed a more precise mapping of the gene for this enzyme in the region 8p2100–8p212.  相似文献   
cAMP-mediated signaling mechanisms may destabilize or stabilize the endothelial barrier, depending on the origin of endothelial cells. Here, microvascular coronary [coronary endothelial cells (CEC)] and macrovascular aortic endothelial cell (AEC) monolayers with opposite responses to cAMP were analyzed. Macromolecule permeability, isometric force, activation state of contractile machinery [indicated by phosphorylation of regulatory myosin light chains (MLC), activity of MLC kinase, and MLC phosphatase], and dynamic changes of adhesion complex proteins (translocation of VE-cadherin and paxillin) were determined. cAMP signaling was stimulated by the adenosine receptor agonist 5'-N-(ethylcarboxamido)-adenosine (NECA), the -adrenoceptor agonist isoproterenol (Iso), or by the adenylyl cyclase activator forskolin (FSK). Permeability was increased in CEC and decreased in AEC on stimulation with NECA, Iso, or FSK. The effects could be inhibited by the PKA inhibitor Rp-8-CPT-cAMPS and imitated by the PKA activator Sp-cAMPS. Under cAMP/PKA-dependent stimulation, isometric force and MLC phosphorylation were reduced in monolayers of either cell type, due to an activation of MLC phosphatase. In CEC but not in AEC, FSK induced delocalization of VE-cadherin and paxillin from cellular adhesion complexes as indicated by cell fractionation and immunofluorescence microscopy. In conclusion, decline in contractile activation and isometric force contribute to cAMP/PKA-mediated stabilization of barrier function in AEC. In CEC, this stabilizing effect is overruled by cAMP-induced disintegration of cell adhesion structures. endothelial cell adhesion; endothelial permeability; isometric force; myosin light chain kinase; myosin light chain phosphatase  相似文献   
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