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Animal experiments and observations in human brains have convincingly shown that sexual differentiation not only concerns the genitalia but also the brain. This has been investigated also in the light of a possible explanation of a presumed biological aetiology of transsexuality. The volume of the central subdivision of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, a brain area that is essential for sexual behaviour, has been reported to be larger in men than in women. Additionally, the number of somatostatin expressing neurons in this region was shown to be higher in men than in women. As neuronal production of somatostatin is involved the idea is striking whether somatostatin-receptor density in the cortex of cerebral hemispheres might be related to gender identity. We investigated in vivo the density of somatostatin-receptors in selected regions of the human brain in both sexes by means of receptor scintigraphy. Basal ganglia tracer uptake of 111-In-Pentreotide was equally low in both genders at 0,80% +/ 0,26 (related to tracer uptake of the whole brain layer). Temporal cortex accumulated at 2,9% +/ 1,1 in men and at 2,3% +/ 0,76 in women. Frontal brain region had an uptake of 3,0% +/ 1,4 in male and of 2,5% +/ 1,3 in female. This shows a tendency in males for relatively augmented uptake indicating higher somatostatin receptor density in temporal and frontal cerebral cortex.  相似文献   
During mammalian embryogenesis the trophectoderm represents the first epithelial structure formed. The cell adhesion molecule E-cadherin is ultimately necessary for the transition from compacted morula to the formation of the blastocyst to ensure correct establishment of adhesion junctions in the trophectoderm. Here, we analyzed to what extent E-cadherin confers unique adhesion and signaling properties in trophectoderm formation in vivo. Using a gene replacement approach, we introduced N-cadherin cDNA into the E-cadherin genomic locus. We show that the expression of N-cadherin driven from the E-cadherin locus reflects the expression pattern of endogenous E-cadherin. Heterozygous mice co-expressing E- and N-cadherin are vital and show normal embryonic development. Interestingly, N-cadherin homozygous mutant embryos phenocopy E-cadherin-null mutant embryos. Upon removal of the maternal E-cadherin, we demonstrate that N-cadherin is able to provide sufficient cellular adhesion to mediate morula compaction, but is insufficient for the subsequent formation of a fully polarized functional trophectoderm. When ES cells were isolated from N-cadherin homozygous mutant embryos and teratomas were produced, these ES cells differentiated into a large variety of tissue-like structures. Importantly, different epithelial-like structures expressing N-cadherin were formed, including respiratory epithelia, squamous epithelia with signs of keratinization and secretory epithelia with goblet cells. Thus, N-cadherin can maintain epithelia in differentiating ES cells, but not during the formation of the trophectoderm. Our results point to a specific and unique function for E-cadherin during mouse preimplantation development.  相似文献   
Neuronal loss and axonal degeneration are important pathological features of many neurodegenerative diseases. The molecular mechanisms underlying the majority of axonal degeneration conditions remain unknown. To better understand axonal degeneration, we studied a mouse mutant wabbler-lethal (wl). Wabbler-lethal (wl) mutant mice develop progressive ataxia with pronounced neurodegeneration in the central and peripheral nervous system. Previous studies have led to a debate as to whether myelinopathy or axonopathy is the primary cause of neurodegeneration observed in wl mice. Here we provide clear evidence that wabbler-lethal mutants develop an axonopathy, and that this axonopathy is modulated by Wld(s) and Bax mutations. In addition, we have identified the gene harboring the disease-causing mutations as Atp8a2. We studied three wl alleles and found that all result from mutations in the Atp8a2 gene. Our analysis shows that ATP8A2 possesses phosphatidylserine translocase activity and is involved in localization of phosphatidylserine to the inner leaflet of the plasma membrane. Atp8a2 is widely expressed in the brain, spinal cord, and retina. We assessed two of the mutant alleles of Atp8a2 and found they are both nonfunctional for the phosphatidylserine translocase activity. Thus, our data demonstrate for the first time that mutation of a mammalian phosphatidylserine translocase causes axon degeneration and neurodegenerative disease.  相似文献   
Objective: To examine the effects of two different conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) isomers at two different intakes on body composition in overweight humans. Research Methods and Procedures: Eighty‐one middle‐aged, overweight, healthy men and women participated in this bicentric, placebo‐controlled, double‐blind, randomized study. For 6 weeks (run‐in period), all subjects consumed daily a drinkable dairy product containing 3 g of high oleic acid sunflower oil. Volunteers were then randomized over five groups receiving daily either 3 g of high oleic acid sunflower oil, 1.5 g of cis‐9, trans‐11 (c9t11) CLA, 3 g of c9t11 CLA, 1.5 g of trans‐10, cis‐12 (t10c12) CLA, or 3 g of t10c12 CLA administrated as triacylglycerol in a drinkable dairy product for 18 weeks. Percentage body fat mass and fat and lean body mass were assessed at the end of the run‐in and experimental periods by DXA. Dietary intake was also recorded. Results: Body fat mass changes averaged 0.1 ± 0.9 kg (mean ± SD) in the placebo group and ?0.3 ± 1.4, ?0.8 ± 2.1, 0.0 ± 2.3, and ?0.9 ± 1.7 kg in the 1.5‐g c9t11, 3‐g c9t11, 1.5‐g t10c12, and 3‐g t10c12 groups, respectively. Changes among the groups were not significantly different (p = 0.444). Also, lean body mass and dietary intake were not significantly different among the treatments. Discussion: A daily consumption of a drinkable dairy product containing up to 3 g of CLA isomers for 18 weeks had no statistically significant effect on body composition in overweight, middle‐aged men and women.  相似文献   
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Many components of the Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway are expressed during mouse pre-implantation embryo development, suggesting that this pathway may control cell proliferation and differentiation at this time. We find no evidence for a functional activity of this pathway in cleavage-stage embryos using the Wnt-reporter line, BAT-gal. To further probe the activity of this pathway, we activated beta-catenin signaling by mating a zona pellucida3-cre (Zp3-cre) transgenic mouse line with a mouse line containing an exon3-floxed beta-catenin allele. The result is expression of a stabilized form of beta-catenin, resistant to degradation by the GSK3beta-mediated proteasome pathway, expressed in the developing oocyte and in each cell of the resulting embryos. Nuclear localization and signaling function of beta-catenin were not observed in cleavage-stage embryos derived from these oocytes. These results indicate that in pre-implantation embryos, molecular mechanisms independent of the GSK3beta-mediated ubiquitination and proteasome degradation pathway inhibit the nuclear function of beta-catenin. Although the mutant blastocysts initially developed normally, they then exhibited a specific phenotype in the embryonic ectoderm layer of early post-implantation embryos. We show a nuclear function of beta-catenin in the mutant epiblast that leads to activation of Wnt/beta-catenin target genes. As a consequence, cells of the embryonic ectoderm change their fate, resulting in a premature epithelial-mesenchymal transition.  相似文献   
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