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Using two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the GroEL homologue ofBacillus subtilis was shown to be induced upon infection with Ø105clz, a clear plaque mutant of the temperate bacteriophage Ø105. Western blotting of one dimensional polyacrylamide gels also showed the induction of the GroEL homologue when cells were infected with Ø105clz.  相似文献   
An in-vitro bioassay for inhibin based on FSH content or release by rat pituitary cells was validated for measuring inhibin activity in ovine plasma and lymph. Dose-dependent increases in inhibin activity were detected in peripheral plasma of 4 ovariectomized ewes 1 min after i.v. injections of ovine follicular fluid, and the half-life of inhibin in plasma for 2 ewes was 45 and 50 min, respectively. Inhibin was detected in ovarian lymph but not in ovarian or jugular venous plasma, even after treatment of ewes with PMSG to induce folliculogenesis. Destruction of visible follicles (greater than 0.5 mm diameter) on the ovaries of 4 PMSG-treated ewes by electrocautery was followed by a rapid and sustained decline in secretion of inhibin in ovarian lymph for up to 4 h. Ovarian lymph flow rates were either unchanged or slightly increased after cautery. Oestrogen concentrations in peripheral venous plasma declined within 15-30 min of cautery, but concentrations remained well above baseline. There was a significant decrease in peripheral progesterone concentrations in these same samples, but not until 2-3 h after cautery. FSH in peripheral plasma was depressed or non-detectable in PMSG-treated ewes and neither FSH nor LH concentrations in peripheral plasma were significantly altered up to 4 h after cautery of ovarian follicles. It is concluded that (a) antral follicles (greater than 0.5 mm) are the source of inhibin present in ovarian lymph, and (b) the ovarian lymphatic system is a route by which inhibin could reach the peripheral circulation, particularly in the luteal phase when ovarian lymph flow rates are high.  相似文献   
Inositol and sugars in adaptation of tomato to salt   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv New Yorker) plants subjected to 100 millimolar NaCl plus Hoagland nutrients exhibited a pattern of wilting, recovery of turgor, and finally recovery of growth at a reduced level, which required 3 days. During the nongrowing, adaptation phase there were immediate increases in free hexoses and sucrose which declined to near control levels as growth resumed. There was a steady increase in myo-inositol content which reached its maximal level at the time of growth resumption. The myo-inositol level then remained elevated for the remainder of the experiment. Myo-inositol constituted two-thirds of the soluble carbohydrate in leaves and three-fourths of the soluble carbohydrate in roots of salt-adapted plants. Plants which were alternated daily between salt and control solutions accumulated less myo-inositol and exhibited less growth than the continuously salt-treated plants. In L. pennellii and in salt-tolerant and salt-sensitive breeding lines selected from L. esculentum × L. pennellii BC(1) and F(8), myo-inositol content was highest in the most tolerant genotypes, intermediate in the normal cultivar, and lowest in the sensitive genotype after treatment with salt.  相似文献   
The virally encoded proteases from human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and avian myeloblastosis virus (AMV) have been compared relative to their ability to hydrolyze a variant of the three-domain Pseudomonas exotoxin, PE66. This exotoxin derivative, missing domain I and referred to as LysPE40, is made up of a 13-kilodalton NH2-terminal translocation domain II connected by a segment of 40 amino acids to enzyme domain III of the toxin, a 23-kilodalton ADP-ribosyltransferase. HIV protease hydrolyzes two peptide bonds in LysPE40, a Leu-Leu bond in the interdomain region and a Leu-Ala bond in a nonstructured region three residues in from the NH2-terminus. Neither of these sites is cleaved by the AMV enzyme; hydrolysis occurs, instead, at an Asp-Val bond in another part of the interdomain segment and at a Leu-Thr bond in the NH2-terminal region of domain II. Synthetic peptides corresponding to these cleavage sites are hydrolyzed by the individual proteases with the same specificity displayed toward the protein substrate. Peptide substrates for one protease are neither substrates nor competitive inhibitors for the other. A potent inhibitor of HIV type 1 protease was more than 3 orders of magnitude less active toward the AMV enzyme. These results suggest that although the crystallographic models of Rous sarcoma virus protease (an enzyme nearly identical to the AMV enzyme) and HIV type 1 protease show a high degree of similarity, there exist structural differences between these retroviral proteases that are clearly reflected by their kinetic properties.  相似文献   
Levels of nitrate reductase activity (EC as high as 11 μmoles nitrite produced/hour gram fresh weight were found in barley (Hordeum vulgare cv. Compana) roots grown under low oxygen conditions. Roots of plants given identical treatment under sterile conditions did not develop the high levels of nitrate reductase activity. The results suggest that the buildup of particulate, reduced viologen-utilizing nitrate reductase reported in barley roots may be caused by bacterial contamination. The nitrate reductase activity in roots grown under low oxygen conditions was not specific for reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide like the assimilatory nitrate reductase (EC normally found in aerated plant roots.  相似文献   
Bdellovibrio was found in all liquid phases of the sewage works examined. The predator was also found in all the river sediments and sewage-polluted river waters examined but could not be found in some unpolluted river waters. Bdellovibrio was able to multiply on the high numbers of bacteria present in the aerobic percolating filter film but could not survive in anaerobic sludge. Similarly, the predator was present in the aerobic surface layers of river sediments but not in the anaerobic bottom layers. The major source of Bdellovibrio in the polluted rivers examined were sewage works effluents, and numbers in both river water and sediment were correlated with river water quality. It was unlikely that Bdellovibrio was important in reducing numbers of other bacteria in either sewage or river sediment.  相似文献   
The life history, food habits, feeding and locomotory activity rhythms of the upland bully, Philypnodonbreviceps Stokell were investigated (February 1969-March 1970) as a basis for studying the relationships between food consumption, biomass and production of the species in a small, moderately eutrophic lake (one of a pair of adjacent lakes at an altitude of 610m in the South Island, New Zealand, known collectively as Spectacles Lakes). Annuli formed on the scales during August and September and could be used as valid indicators of age, although small fish could be aged simply by length frequency analysis. The maximum life-span for both sexes was observed to be 4.5 years but growth of males considerably exceeded that of females. Because females matured at a smaller size than males, mature females were in excess of mature males (3.7: 1). Each female laid only one batch of eggs during a short breeding season in spring (October-December) but several females contributed eggs to each nest. Fecundity ranged from 60–440 eggs per female; the relationship between egg number ( F ) and length ( l ) was log F =–1.609+2.314 log l and between egg number and age ( A )was F =–93.51+109.93 A. Larvae hatched in approximately one month (water temperature 14.4-17.5°C) and the yolk sac became absorbed after a further eight days. Some fry remained pelagic for up to six months. Fry fed predominantly on Crustacea, but the diet changed to larger insect larvae and young of its own species with increasing age and size of the fish. The diet also varied, but to a lesser extent, with season and the time of day. All age groups showed diel rhythms of feeding and locomotory activity which, however, exhibited complex seasonal phase shifts throughout the year. In general, periods of higher feeding intensity appeared to follow closely the periods of increased locomotory activity. The activity level of larger fish was higher than that of smaller fish.  相似文献   
Plectonema boryanum can grow in the dark with ribose, sucrose, mannitol, maltose, glucose, or fructose. Cell doubling times with 10 mM substrate are the following: 5 days with ribose, 6 days with sucrose or mannitol, 10 days with maltose, 12 days with glucose, and 13 days with fructose; with ribose plus 0.1% casamino acids it is 2.5 days. Dark-grown cells appear morphologically similar to light-grown cells. Cells grown in the dark for several years remain pigmented and resume photoautotrophic growth when placed in the light. Dim light (85 lux) increases the growth rate with ribose and with ribose plus casamino acids to nearlytwice that of the dark rate. In moderate light, growth takes place with ribose even in the presence of 1x10-5 M DCMU.  相似文献   
The soybean lipoxygenase reaction has been applied to calculating the specific activities of 3H- and 14C-labeled polyunsaturated fatty acids of the omega 3 and omega 6 families. The extent of the soybean lipoxygenase reaction with polyunsaturated fatty acids was determined by measuring the increase in absorbance at 234 nm. A salient feature of this application of of the soybean lipoxygenase assay involves the use of a solution which contains highly purified [1-14C]arachidonic acid of known specific radioactivity as a convenient and versatile standard. Because the amount of arachidonic acid in this standard can be easily measured by liquid scintillation counting, the problems of accurately weighing liquid fatty acid standards are avoided.  相似文献   
Bisphenol A (BPA; 4,4-isopropylidene diphenol) is a chemical intermediate used primarily in the production of epoxy resins and polycarbonate products. BPA has been identified in surface waters and, hence, has been the subject of considerable research into its potential effects on aquatic organisms. Available literature on the aquatic toxicity of BPA was reviewed for quality against European Union TGD and Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development GLP principles. From this review, studies of suitable quality covering numerous ecologically relevant endpoints were identified to evaluate the survival, growth, and reproductive success of aquatic organisms exposed to BPA. Those studies yielded approximately 70 no observed effect concentrations (ranging from 16 to 3640 μg/L) and lowest observed effect concentrations (160 to 11,000 μg/L) that were considered in this weight of evidence assessment. Across all data, adverse effects on survival, growth, and reproduction occurred only at concentrations of 160 μg/L and above. Secondary biochemical (e.g., vitellogenin induction) and morphological (e.g., gonad histology) data provide insight into mechanisms of action, but do not correlate with apical endpoints related to survival, growth, and reproduction. Comparing the weight of the evidence of the aquatic toxicity data that showed chronic effects at 160 μg/L and higher with typical surface water concentrations in the range of 0.001 to 0.10 μg/ L, BPA is unlikely to cause adverse effects on aquatic populations or ecosystems.  相似文献   
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