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Transpiration, leaf conductance, net photosynthesis, leaf growth, above-ground biomass and regeneration of new culms were studied in a rapidly subsiding Spartina alterniflora Lois. salt marsh following the addition at 47 and 94 Kg m–2 of new sediment. Plant growth was enhanced in response to sediment addition as was evident by a significant increase in leaf area, above-ground biomass production and regeneration of new culms (p 0.05). Leaf conductance and transpiration rates were significantly greater in sediment treated plants than in control plants (p 0.05). Enhanced production of culms per unit area of marsh resulted in increased leaf area which allowed a greater capacity for net photosynthesis and contributed to increases in above-ground biomass of sediment treated plots.  相似文献   
Pressure-volume technique was utilized to evaluate salinity response among three populations ofSpartina patens (Ait.) Muhl. from Louisiana Gulf coast marshes. Plants were subjected to salinities of 85 and 425 mol m?3 for 77 d in a greenhouse. Ψw and Ψπ decreased in all populations in response to increases in salinity. There were 32% decrease in Ψsat, 42% decrease in Ψtlp in response to salinity changes from 85 to 425 mol m?3 in the Ferblanc population. Similarly, there were 35% and 41% decrease in Ψsat in the Clovelly and Lake Tambour populations, respectively. All populations showed the ability to adapt to the increased salinity as was evidenced by osmotic adjustment. However, the Lake Tambour population appeared to have superior ability to adapt to high salinity through having a significantly lower osmotic potential at saturation (Ψsat), osmotic potential at turgor loss point (Ψtlp), and maximum turgor potential (ΨP(max)) compared to other populations. Ferblanc and Clovelly populations revealed the ability to adapt to saline environments to a lesser extent as compared to the Lake Tambour population. Results indicate that there is a potential for selection of superior strains ofSpartina patens for use in marsh restoration projects aiming at prevention of wetland loss in certain coastal areas.  相似文献   
The use of willow cuttings for streambank stabilization is a common practice in riparian ecosystems throughout the United States. Many environmental factors govern the outcome of such planting. However, other factors such as preplanting treatments, planting methods, and physiological status of cuttings (dormant vs. actively growing) may also be crucial in determining the survival of willow cuttings. Actively growing (nondormant) Black willow (Salix nigra) cuttings, 30 cm in length and 1 cm in diameter at the base, were subjected to three soaking treatments (0, 7, and 15 days) prior to planting. Following the initial treatment, cuttings were grown in a greenhouse in pots under three soil moisture regimes (well‐watered but not flooded, permanently flooded, and intermittently flooded). Plant gas exchange, growth, biomass, and survival were measured. Results demonstrated that soaking for 7 days was beneficial to early development of cuttings in the well‐watered (control) soil moisture regime, enhancing percent bud flush and survival significantly. However, 15 days of soaking proved to be detrimental to survival of cuttings irrespective of soil moisture regimes. Results also demonstrated that the beneficial effects of 7‐day soaking were limited to the well‐watered soil moisture regime but not to the flooded or intermittently flooded regimes. Soaking nondormant cuttings may be worthwhile if the planting site is likely to present ample soil moisture but nonflooded conditions to the transplanted cuttings.  相似文献   
Liu Z  Fatehi P  Sadeghi S  Ni Y 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(20):9613-9618
Hemicelluloses in industrially produced pre-hydrolysis liquor (PHL) were precipitated with ethanol. These PHL-derived hemicelluloses (PHL-EH) and a commercial, pure birch wood xylan sample (powder form) (BWX) were bleached using chlorine dioxide (D(0) and D(1)) and hydrogen peroxide (Ep) in the D(0)EpD(1) sequence, and the chemical compositions, molecular weights and charge densities of the treated samples were assessed. When applied to high-yield pulp (HYP) at 50 mg/g, 26 and 20 mg/g of the bleached PHL-EH and BWX, respectively, were adsorbed without significantly affecting paper properties. These results suggest that semi-bleached hemicelluloses could be used to increase the basis weight of paper products. Furthermore, an integrated process was proposed that converts the kraft-based dissolving pulp production process into a biorefinery unit with dissolving pulp, bleached hemicelluloses and lignin as main products.  相似文献   
Transport at the nanoscale: temperature dependence of ion conductance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Temperature dependent ion conductance in nanopores is measured in a wide range of electrolyte concentrations and compared with molecular modeling. Single outer membrane protein F (OmpF) channels from E. coli are reconstituted into planar lipid bilayers. In qualitative agreement with the experimental data, applied-field molecular dynamics unraveled atomistic details of the ion transport. Comparing the temperature dependence of the channel conductance with that of the bulk conductivity in the range from 0 to 90°C revealed that at low salt concentrations the transport is mainly driven along the pore surface. Increasing the salt concentration saturates the surface charge transport and induces ion transport in the center of the nanopore. The confinement of the nanopore then favors the formation of ion pairs. Stepping up the temperature reduces the life time of the ion pairs and increases the channel conductance more than expected from the bulk behavior.  相似文献   
Aboveground disturbances are common in dynamic riparian environments, and Salix nigra is well adapted with a vigorous resprouting response. Soil moisture stresses are also common, and S. nigra is flood tolerant and drought sensitive. The objective of this study was to quantify nonstructural carbohydrate (NSC) reserves in S. nigra following shoot removal and soil moisture treatments. NSC reserves provide energy for regeneration of shoot tissue until new functional leaves are developed. Three soil moisture treatments: well-watered (W), periodic flooding (F) and drought (D); and three shoot removal treatments: no shoots removed (R0), partial shoot removal (R1), and complete shoot removal (R2) were applied. Plants were harvested when new shoot development was observed (day 13). Statistical significance in the 3 × 3-factorial design was determined in two-factor ANOVA at P < 0.05. Both roots and cuttings were important reservoirs for NSC during resprouting response, with decreases in root (31%) and cutting (14%) biomass in R2 compared to R0. Rapid recovery of photosynthetic surface area (from 15 to 37% of R0) was found in R1. A clear pattern of starch mobilization was found in roots in R0, R1 and R2, with lowest root starch concentration in W, F higher than W, and D higher than F. Shoot starch concentration was lower in F and D compared to W in R0, however, in R1 shoot starch was reduced in W compared to F and D, possibly indicating reduced rates of translocation during soil moisture stress. Evidence of osmotic adjustment was found in roots and shoots with higher total ethanol-soluble carbohydrates (TESC) during soil moisture stress in F and D treatments. Total plant NSC pool was greater in F and D treatments compared to W, and progressively reduced from R0 to R1 to R2. Results indicated negative effects of drought, and to a lesser extent periodic flooding on resprouting response in S. nigra, with implications for reduced survival when exposed to combined stresses of aboveground disturbance and soil moisture.  相似文献   
Spartina alterniflora Lois. is a dominant species growing in intermediate and saline marshes of the US Gulf coast and Atlantic coastal marshes. S. alterniflora plants were subjected to a range of soil redox potential (Eh) conditions representing a well aerated to reduced conditions in a rhizotron system under controlled environmental conditions. The low soil Eh resulted in inhibition of root elongation shortly after treatment initiation. Root elongation was reduced as soil Eh approached values below ca. +350 mV. Substantial decrease in root elongation was noted when soil Eh fell below +200 mV. Generally, net photosynthetic rate (PN) decreased as soil Eh was reduced, with substantial reductions in PN found when Eh approached negative values. Average PN was reduced to 87, 64, and 44% of control under +340, +245, and -180 mV treatments, respectively. The reductions in root elongation and PN in response to low soil Eh indicated the adverse effects of low soil Eh on plant functioning and the need for periods of soil aeration that allow plants to resume normal functioning. Thus periods of drainage allowing soil aeration during the growing season appear to be critical to S. alterniflora by providing favorable conditions for root growth and gas exchange with important implications for plant carbon fixation. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Background:Prostate cancer (PC) is one of the most abundant cancers among men, and In Iran, has been responsible for 6% of all deaths from cancer in men. NUF2 and GMNN genes are considered as loci of susceptibility to tumorigenesis in humans. Alterations in expression of these genes have been reported in various malignancies. The aim of our study was to test whether different NUF2 and GMNN expression levels are associated with PC incidence and hence, might be considered as new molecular tools for PC screening.Methods:Biopsy samples from 40 PC patients and 41 healthy Iranian men were used to determine the relative gene expression. After RNA extraction and cDNA synthesis, samples were analyzed using TaqMan Quantitative Real time PCR. Patients’ background information, included smoking habits and family histories of PC, were recorded. Stages and grades of their PC were classified by the TNM tumor, node, metastasis (TMN) staging system based on standard guidelines.Results:NUF2 expression did not significantly differ between the groups, while GMNN expression was significantly greater in the PC specimens than in the controls.Conclusion:Regarding the significant role of GMNN in various tumor phenotypes, and its importance in PC progression, the alteration in GMNN expression in PC samples vs. controls indicate that the genetic profiling of this cancer might be considered to personalize therapy for each patient in the future.Key Words: Family history, Geminin (GMNN), Tumor staging, NUF2, Prostate cancer  相似文献   
Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are nano-sized vesicles, released from many cell types including cardiac cells, have recently emerged as intercellular communication tools in cell dynamics. EVs are an important mediator of signaling within cells that influencing the functional behavior of the target cells. In heart complex, cardiac cells can easily use EVs to transport bioactive molecules such as proteins, lipids, and RNAs to the regulation of neighboring cell function. Cross-talk between intracardiac cells plays pivotal roles in the heart homeostasis and in adaptive responses of the heart to stress. EVs were released by cardiomyocytes under baseline conditions, but stress condition such as hypoxia intensifies secretome capacity. EVs secreted by cardiac progenitor cells and cardiosphere-derived cells could be pinpointed as important mediators of cardioprotection and cardiogenesis. Furthermore, EVs from many different types of stem cells could potentially exert a therapeutic effect on the damaged heart. Recent evidence shows that cardiac-derived EVs are rich in microRNAs, suggesting a key role in the controlling of cellular processes. EVs harboring exosomes may be clinically useful in cell-free therapy approaches and potentially act as prognosis and diagnosis biomarkers of cardiovascular diseases.  相似文献   
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