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Silicatein genes are known to be involved in siliceous spicule formation in marine sponges. Proteins encoded by these genes, silicateins, were recently proposed for nanobiotechnological applications. We studied silicatein genes of marine sponges Latrunculia oparinae collected in the west Pacific region, shelf of Kuril Islands. Five silicatein genes, LoSilA1, LoSilA1a, LoSilA2, and LoSilA3 (silicatein-α group), LoSilB (silicatein-β group), and one cathepsin gene, LoCath, were isolated from the sponge L. oparinae for the first time. The deduced amino acid sequence of L. oparinae silicateins showed high-sequence identity with silicateins described previously. LoCath contains the catalytic triad of amino acid residues Cys-His-Asn characteristic for cathepsins as well as motifs typical for silicateins. A phylogenetic analysis places LoCath between sponge silicateins-β and L-cathepsins suggesting that the LoCath gene represents an intermediate form between silicatein and cathepsin genes. Additionally, we identified, for the first time, silicatein genes (AcSilA and AcSilB) in nonspicule-forming marine sponge, Acаnthodendrilla sp. The results suggest that silicateins could participate also in the function(s) unrelated to spiculogenesis.  相似文献   
Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC) - Transient gene expression is far superior to stable gene expression in terms of labor time efficiency and is well suited for the study of plant...  相似文献   
Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry - In this report we examined the ability of some natural and synthetic polymers to serve as a catalyst and a template for the polycondensation of silicon and...  相似文献   
Parameters (amplitude, width, kinetics) of Ca(2+) sparks imaged confocally are affected by errors when the spark source is not in focus. To identify sparks that were in focus, we used fast scanning (LSM 5 LIVE; Carl Zeiss) combined with fast piezoelectric focusing to acquire x-y images in three planes at 1-μm separation (x-y-z-t mode). In 3,000 x-y scans in each of 34 membrane-permeabilized cat atrial cardiomyocytes, 6,906 sparks were detected. 767 sparks were in focus. They had greater amplitude, but their spatial width and rise time were similar compared with all sparks recorded. Their distribution of amplitudes had a mode at ΔF/F(0) = 0.7. The Ca(2+) release current underlying in-focus sparks was 11 pA, requiring 20 to 30 open channels, a number at the high end of earlier estimates. Spark frequency was greater than in earlier imaging studies of permeabilized ventricular cells, suggesting a greater susceptibility to excitation, which could have functional relevance for atrial cells. Ca(2+) release flux peaked earlier than the time of peak fluorescence and then decayed, consistent with significant sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) depletion. The evolution of fluorescence and release flux were strikingly similar for in-focus sparks of different rise time (T). Spark termination involves both depletion of Ca(2+) in the SR and channel closure, which may be synchronized by depletion. The observation of similar flux in sparks of different T requires either that channel closure and other termination processes be independent of the determinants of flux (including [Ca(2+)](SR)) or that different channel clusters respond to [Ca(2+)](SR) with different sensitivity.  相似文献   
Here we describe the gross and microscopic findings of naturally occurring, β-hemolytic Escherichia coli peritonitis in B6.129-Myd88tm1Aki male and female mice. Over approximately 5 mo, 10 homozygous mutant mice deficient in myeloid differentiation factor 88 (C57BL/6 strain; male and female) that had not been used in research protocols developed rapid-onset abdominal swelling associated with copious viscous ascites. Each mouse developed an anterior peritonitis, primarily involving the parietal peritoneum and the visceral surface of the spleen, liver, diaphragm, and stomach. Inflammation was confined to the organ surfaces, with no indication of septicemia or grossly apparent gastrointestinal perforation or other tissue compromise that would initiate peritonitis. Peritonitis was likely attributable to compromised antibacterial innate immunity; cohoused, similarly immunodeficient littermates did not develop similar clinical signs. An unusual finding in all cases was mesothelial cell hyperplasia and hypertrophy. Although the underlying innate immune deficiency accounts for much of the observed pathology, the remarkable mesothelial cell morphology and the episodic nature of the peritonitis in some littermates and not others remain unexplained.Abbreviations: MyD88, myeloid differentiation response 88; TLR, Toll-like receptorMice deficient in myeloid differentiation factor 88 (myD88) are commonly studied in immunologic research as models of various diseases, including inflammatory bowel disease and diabetes.2,3 MyD88 is a key signal transduction molecule for most of the Toll-like receptors (TLR) and IL1 family receptors, initiating cytokine release essential for effective innate immunity.18 The loss of this adapter protein impairs production of IL1, IL6, IL18, macrophage inhibitory proteins 1 and 2, and various chemokines.1,12,14 Knockout mutant mice are especially susceptible to gram-negative bacteria, because TLR4, which triggers signaling through MyD88, mediates responses to LPS.7,17 These immunologic mutants are common in research animal colonies, but their development of clinical signs and lesions consistent with Escherichia coli peritonitis, which arose at different times and affected only some of the immunodeficient mice, was previously unknown.  相似文献   
Anoxia/hypoxia induces dramatic changes in brain activity leading to the damages in brain structure. Several minutes of decrease in environmental oxygen partial pressure (P(O2)) can irreversibly destroy nerve cells. Therefore, investigations of intracellular mechanisms responsible for hypoxia-induced changes of mammalian nerve system are very important. On-line adjustment and measurements of P(O2) in bath solution during patch-clamp experiments are especially topical. At the recent time, a special interest on the on-line measurements of oxygen contents in bath solution has appeared as a result of application of old approaches previously used for polarographic measurements of oxygen contents in the blood and tissues. Here we describe the simple method of manufacturing oxygen-sensitive microelectrodes, which can be used with standard patch-clamp amplifier. We also describe the main principles of polarographic method and properties of oxygen-sensitive electrodes used in patch-clamp experiments.  相似文献   
Whole-cell patch clamp and polarographic oxygen partial pressure (pO2) measurements were used to establish the sensitivity of high-voltage-activated (HVA) Ca2+ channel subtypes of CA1 hippocampal neurons of rats to hypoxic conditions. Decrease of pO2 to 15-30 mm Hg induced a potentiation of HVA Ca2+ currents by 94%. Using selective blockers of N- and L-types of calcium channels, we found that inhibition of L-type channels decreased the effect by 54%, whereas N-type blocker attenuated the effect by 30%. Taking into account the ratio of currents mediated by these channel subtypes in CA1 hippocampal neurons, we concluded that both types of HVA Ca2+ channels are sensitive to hypoxia, however, L-type was about 3.5 times more sensitive to oxygen reduction.  相似文献   
The spatio-temporal properties of Ca2+ transients during excitation-contraction coupling and elementary Ca2+ release events (Ca2+ sparks) were studied in atrial and ventricular myocytes with ultra-fast confocal microscopy using a Zeiss LSM 5 LIVE system that allows sampling rates of up to 60 kHz. Ca2+ sparks which originated from subsarcolemmal junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum (j-SR) release sites in atrial myocytes were anisotropic and elongated in the longitudinal direction of the cell. Ca2+ sparks in atrial cells originating from non-junctional SR and in ventricular myocytes were symmetrical. Ca2+ spark recording in line scan mode at 40,000 lines/s uncovered step-like increases of [Ca2+]i. 2-D imaging of Ca2+ transients revealed an asynchronous activation of release sites and allowed the sequential recording of Ca2+ entry through surface membrane Ca2+ channels and subsequent activation of Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release. With a latency of 2.5 ms after application of an electrical stimulus, Ca2+ entry could be detected that was followed by SR Ca2+ release after an additional 3 ms delay. Maximum Ca2+ release was observed 4 ms after the beginning of release. The timing of Ca2+ entry and release was confirmed by simultaneous [Ca2+]i and membrane current measurements using the whole cell voltage-clamp technique. In atrial cells activation of discrete individual release sites of the j-SR led to spatially restricted Ca2+ release events that fused into a peripheral ring of elevated [Ca2+]i that subsequently propagated in a wave-like fashion towards the center of the cell. In ventricular myocytes asynchronous Ca2+ release signals from discrete sites with no preferential subcellular location preceded the whole-cell Ca2+ transient. In summary, ultra-fast confocal imaging allows investigation of Ca2+ signals with a time resolution similar to patch clamp technique, however in a less invasive fashion.  相似文献   
The role of mitochondrial Ca2+ transport in regulating intracellular Ca2+ signaling and mitochondrial enzymes involved in energy metabolism is widely recognized in many tissues. However, the ability of skeletal muscle mitochondria to sequester Ca2+ released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) during the muscle contraction-relaxation cycle is still disputed. To assess the functional cross-talk of Ca2+ between SR and mitochondria, we examined the mutual relationship connecting cytosolic and mitochondrial Ca2+ dynamics in permeabilized skeletal muscle fibers. Cytosolic and mitochondrial Ca2+ transients were recorded with digital photometry and confocal microscopy using fura-2 and mag-rhod-2, respectively. In the presence of 0.5 mM slow Ca2+ buffer (EGTA (ethylene glycolbis(2-aminoethylether)-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid)), application of caffeine induced a synchronized increase in both cytosolic and mitochondrial [Ca2+]. 5 mM fast Ca2+ buffer (BAPTA (1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid)) nearly eliminated caffeine-induced increases in [Ca2+]c but only partially decreased the amplitude of mitochondrial Ca2+ transients. Confocal imaging revealed that in EGTA, almost all mitochondria picked up Ca2+ released from the SR by caffeine, whereas only about 70% of mitochondria did so in BAPTA. Taken together, these results indicated that a subpopulation of mitochondria is in close functional and presumably structural proximity to the SR, giving rise to subcellular microdomains in which Ca2+ has preferential access to the juxtaposed organelles.  相似文献   
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