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Censuses of buffalo and wildebeest in the Serengeti-Mara region have been carried out by various workers at intervals since 1958. The methods of these censuses, which normally employ a total count, are described and the errors inherent in such techniques are analysed in detail. After the appropriate corrections had been made the results showed that both populations have increased considerably over the years 1961–1971.  相似文献   
The water relations of five species of tropical vascular epiphytesnative to Malaysia were studied. The species were ferns: Pyrrosiaadnascens (Forst.) Ching. and Pyrrosia angustata (Sw.) Ching.;orchids: Eria velutina Lindl., Dendrobium tortile Lindl. andDendrobium crumenatum Sw. Leaf resistance as a function of leafwater potential was measured for the two ferns. The criticalwater potential at which stomata closed was found to be highin each case; –0.75 MPa and –0.5 MPa respectively.The components of water potential were estimated with the pressurechamber as functions of relative water content. For each speciescell sap was found to be dilute, pressure potential low at fullturgor, and the change in relative water content between fullturgor and wilting point small. Small values of solute potentialat full turgor were also found for the ferns and E. velutinausing a vapour pressure osmometer. Values of the bulk modulusof elasticity of the leaf tissue for each species lay withinthe range of published data. The significance of these resultsfor the epiphytic way of life is discussed. Key words: Water potential, Epiphytes, Diffusive resistance, Orchid, Fern  相似文献   
Field measurements of xylem sap osmotic and pressure potentialwere made on sugar maple trecs (Acer saccharum Marsh) duringthe winter and spring of 3 years to determine whether the hydrostaticpressure was osmotically generated. Sap osmotic potential waslow enough to account for the hydrostatic pressure but the dynamicsof its diurnal behaviour indicated that osmotic potential wasnot directly responsible for hydrostatic pressure. The diurnalcourse of hydrostatic pressure showed definite peaks but osmoticpotential often did not. The magnitude of the diurnal changesin hydrostatic pressure was approximately 0·15 MPa whereasthe changes in osmotic potential were only 0·05 MPa.Because the sap osmoticum is primarily sucrose, and starch isstored in the xylem throughout the tree, the temperature dependenceof the sucrose-starch interconversion system was investigated.More active amylase was formed in maple twigs after incubationat 0°C and 4°C than at –3, 6 or 15°C. Therate of starch hydrolysis by maple amylase increased with temperature,reaching a maximum at approximately 45°C. There was somestarch hydrolysis at –3°C. The starch hydrolysis systemthus indicated no critical role for temperature fluctuationsabout 0°C. Starch was found to be densely stored in therays of the trunk and twigs and around the central pith in thetwigs. Key words: Acer succhmum Marsh, Osmotic potential, Xylem sap pressure  相似文献   
Aspects of the seasonality of breeding, age-specific fertility, and growth were studied in a sample of animals collected from the Serengeti buffalo population, and compared with two populations in Uganda. Fluctuations in fertility and recruitment were studied by the use of regular aerial photographic samples of herds in the Serengeti. The fluctuations in fertility rate were not related to density and hence could not have regulated the population. Buffalo show a pronounced seasonality in births which is correlated with the quality of ingested food and with rainfall. Since the female has a considerably higher food requirement during late pregnancy and lactation, nutrition is probably an important factor determining this seasonality. Conception does not appear to be influenced by nutrition, for the quality of food remains high throughout the rainy season prior to and during the period of conception. Growth rate, age of first ovulation, and age of sexual maturity do not appear to differ between the Serengeti and Uganda populations. Although there is little difference in fertility between these populations, as measured from the collected samples, little weight can be placed on this evidence, for large fluctuations in fertility can take place from year to year within a population. The fluctuations in the Serengeti population do not appear to be correlated with rainfall, and it is possible that they are random. Fluctuations in recruitment from year to year are also observed. Two sample areas over 100 km apart but within the same population show parallel fluctuations suggesting a similar external influence on the size of the recruitment. This recruitment is not correlated with population size but it may be related to rainfall. Underweight calves at birth have been recorded and this may have been caused by the undernutrition of pregnant females during the dry season through a combination of poor food supply and the demands of the previous lactation.  相似文献   
Two new extant species of the fossil genus Alavesia Waters & Arillo (A. brandbergensis sp.n. and A. daura sp.n. ) are described from the Brandberg Massif, Namibia. The genus is reassigned to the family Atelestidae (subfamily Atelestinae) on the basis of male terminalia (elongate gonocoxal apodemes, ventral apodemes, subapical surstylus), female terminalia (absence of tergum 10) and a three‐articled stylus. This is the first record of Atelestidae from the Afrotropical Region. A genus‐level phylogeny of the Atelestidae is resolved, in which Alavesia is the sister genus to the remaining genera of the Atelestinae. The biogeographic history of the genus is briefly discussed, as is the significance of this and other relict Diptera on the Brandberg.  相似文献   
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