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Tracer amounts of atmospheric [13N]-Iabelled ammonia gas, wereabsorbed by leaves of Lupinus albus and Helianthus annuus inboth the light and the dark. Exogenous [13N]-ammonia was onlyabsorbed in the dark when the feeding occurred shortly aftera period of illumination and the tissue was not depleted ofits carbohydrate reserves (e.g. starch). Incorporation of the[13N]-ammonia appeared to occur via the leaf glutamine synthetase/glutamatesynthase (GS/GOGAT) cycle since 2.0 mol m–3 MSX, an inhibitorof the GS reduced uptake in both the light and dark. Photosyntheticincorporation of 11CO2 was not affected by this treatment Therate of movement of [13N]-assimilates in the petiole of attachedleaves of Helianthus and Lupinus was similar to that of the11Cl-photo assimilates. Export of both [13N] and [11C]-Iabelledassimilates from the leaf and movement in the petiole in boththe light and the dark was inhibited by source leaf anoxia (i.e.nitrogen gas). Translocation was re-established at the samerate when the feed leaf was exposed to gas containing more than2% O2 which permitted dark respiration to proceed. After aninitial feeding of either 11CO2 or [13N]-ammonia at ambient(21%) O2 exposure of the source leaf to 2% O2, or 50% O2 didnot alter the rates of translocation, indicating that changesin photosynthetic activity in the source leaf due to photorespiratoryactivity need not markedly alter, at least during the shortperiod, the loading and translocation of either [11C ] or [13N]-labelledleaf products. Key words: Translocation, CO2, NH3, Leaves, Helianthus annuus, Lupinus albus  相似文献   
Tyrosinase is the key enzyme in melanin synthesis, and is expressed in the pigment epithelium of the retina, a cell layer derived from the optic cup; and in neural crest-derived melanocytes of skin, hair follicle, choroid, and iris. The tyrosinase gene has been cloned and shown to map to the well-characterized c-locus (albino locus) of the mouse. Subsequent studies demonstrated that a functional tyrosinase minigene was able to rescue the albino phenotype in transgenic mice. The transgene was expressed in a cell type-specific manner in skin and eye. During development of the mouse, the tyrosinase gene is expressed in the pigment epithelium of the retina as early as day 10.5 of gestation. In the hair follicle, tyrosinase gene expression is detected from day 16.5 onwards. This cell-type–specific expression is largely reproduced in transgenic mice. Our results suggest that sequences in the immediate vicinity of the mouse tyrosinase gene are sufficient to provide cell type-specificity and developmental regulation in melanocytes and the pigment epithelium.  相似文献   
Fourteen polymorphic microsatellite markers were isolated from the entomopathogenic fungus, Metarhizium anisopliae, based on enriched genomic libraries. In order to assess allelic variability, the microsatellite loci were analysed in a collection of 34 isolates sampled from across Switzerland. The number of detected alleles in 14 loci ranged from two to eight and expected heterozygosity from 0.265 to 0.808. Because of the high expected heterozygosity, the 14 microsatellite loci are very useful for ecological studies and analysis of population diversity, and to identifying, monitoring, and tracking M. anisopliae strains applied as biological control agents.  相似文献   
Two new genera, Fulvoscirtes n.gen. and Acanthoscirtes n.gen. , are established within the subtribe Karniellina of Conocephalini. Fulvoscirtes is based on Xiphidion kilimandjaricum Sjöstedt, 1909 and Acanthoscirtes on Phlesirtes kevani Chopard from northern Kenya. The majority of Fulvoscirtes spp. are confined to open grasslands in the submontane zone of mountains. Fulvoscirtes contains eight species, seven of which are newly described in this paper. Three species and one subspecies occur on Mt Kilimanjaro. These are F. kilimandjaricum (Sjöstedt) constricted to the southern slopes, F. legumishera n.sp. confined to the northern side and F. sylvaticus n.sp. occurring on the western side of Kilimanjaro and on the eastern slopes of Mt Meru. Fulvoscirtes fulvus n.sp. is divided into two subspecies, F. fulvus fulvus n.ssp. found in the submontane zone of east Kilimanjaro and F. fulvus parensis n.ssp. in submontane to montane localities of the North and South Pare mountains. Fulvoscirtes fulvotaitensis n.sp. occurs in the Taita Hills of southern Kenya. Fulvoscirtes viridis n.sp. is described from savannah habitats between Mts Longido and Meru. Fulvoscirtes laticercus n.sp. is found in the Kenyan highlands, while the most southerly occurring species, Fulvoscirtes manyara n.sp. , is found on Mt Hanang and the Mbulu highlands of northwestern Tanzania. Acanthoscirtes contains three species, of which A. albostriatus n.sp. is described newly from savannah habitas of eastern Kilimanjaro. Information is given on the ecology and the acoustic behaviour of some of the species together with keys to the genera of the Karniellina and the species of Fulvoscirtes and Acanthoscirtes. The genera of Karniellina probably evolved at a time when grasslands spread in East Africa due to an increasing aridification of the climate. The earliest lineage, the genus Karniella, is adapted to more forested habitats while the majority of the genera of Karniellina prefer open grasslands. Major splits within Karniellina probably occurred with the emergence of savannah grasslands due to the ongoing fragmentation of forest habitats several millions years ago, but most species within the genera are geologically young, their radiation being boosted by climatic fluctuations of the past 1–2 Ma.  相似文献   
Attenuation of UV radiation by plant cuticles from woody species   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Transmittance spectra of isolated plant cuticles were measured in the wavelength range from 270 to 600 nm. The cuticles were enzymatically isolated from the leaves of 27 species (26 evergreen or deciduous woody, one succulent herbaceous) and from four species of fruits. With the exception of subtropical and tropical species all plants were cultivated in the field. The cuticles of the species studied strongly attenuated ultraviolet (UV) radiation at wavelengths < 400 nm while they were practically translucent in the visible range. Relatively broad transmittance minima occurred at wavelengths from 280 to 320 nm (UV-B). Spectral transmittances at 300 nm ranged from 0.004 (Ilex aquifolium) to 0.50 (Prunus avium) for leaf cuticles and from 0.00023 (Cydonia oblonga) to 0.005 (Mains domestica) for fruit cuticles. The constitutive UV protection by cuticular pigments may be supplemented, to varying degrees, by pigments located in the epidermal cell wall and protoplast. Thus, it is concluded that only a small fraction of incident UV-B radiation may actually reach the sensitive tissues of the leaves of non-herbaceous species and of fruits.  相似文献   
Melanoscirtes gen.n. is established within Karniellina. The members of this subtribe are small conocephaline bush crickets, confined to Africa. Melanoscirtes is erected on Phlesirtes kibonotensis, a species restricted to forest clearings and forest edge in the submontane and montane zones of Mt. Kilimanjaro. A subspecies, M. kibonotensis uguenoensis, is described from the North Pare mountains, a mountain range of the Eastern Arc adjacent to Mt. Kilimanjaro. Further species of Melanoscirtes occur on other mountain ranges of the northern branch of the Eastern Arc mountains of northern Tanzania and southern Kenya. The South Pare mountains harbour M. shengenae; the West Usambaras, M. usambarensis, and the Taita Hills, M. taitensis. All species and subspecies of Melanoscirtes exhibit a similar morphology and occupy analogous habitats on the respective mountains. The song patterns for all species found within this genus are very similar, and this, together with evidence from molecular data, suggests that allopatric speciation is the reason for the biogeographic pattern found in this genus. A key for the subspecies and species of Melanoscirtes is provided.  相似文献   
The characteristics of the sterols naturally occurring in threespecies of Chlorella were examined. The algae were grown heterotrophicallyon glucose. Sterols were extracted and isolated from the lipidfraction and were characterized by means of chemical and physicaltests. Chlorella vulgaris contained three sterols. Only the principalone, chondrillasterol, was identified. Chondrillasterol hasbeen isolated previously from the genus Scenedesmus. Chlorella ellipsoidea and Chlorella saccharophila were foundto contain sterols with ß-oriented alkyl groups atC-24 in contrast to the -oriented groups commonly found in higherplants. Poriferasterol was identified as the principal sterolof both algae. Clionasterol and 22-dihydrobrassicasterol wereidentified as the two secondary sterols present. None of thesesterols have previously been reported to occur in plants. Theisolation of 22-dihydrobrassicasterol has not been previouslyreported from any natural source. 1Scientific Article A1153, Contribution No. 3623 of the Universityof Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station. 2This work has been supported in part by a grant from the NationalAeronautics and Space Administration.  相似文献   
Non-invasive and rapid determination of plant biomass would be beneficial for a number of research aims. Here, we present a novel device to non-invasively determine plant water content as a proxy for plant biomass. It is based on changes of dielectric properties inside a microwave cavity resonator induced by inserted plant material. The water content of inserted shoots leads to a discrete shift in the centre frequency of the resonator. Calibration measurements with pure water showed good spatial homogeneity in the detection volume of the microwave resonators and clear correlations between water content and centre frequency shift. For cut tomato and tobacco shoots, linear correlations between fresh weight and centre frequency shift were established. These correlations were used to continuously monitor diel growth patterns of intact plants and to determine biomass increase over several days. Interferences from soil and root water were excluded by shielding pots with copper. The presented proof of principle shows that microwave resonators are promising tools to quantitatively detect the water content of plants and to determine plant biomass. As the method is non-invasive, integrative and fast, it provides the opportunity for detailed, dynamic analyses of plant growth, water status and phenotype.  相似文献   
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