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郑谦  东英穗 《生理学报》1989,41(6):543-554
用大鼠脑干脑片,给三叉神经中脑核79个神经元作了细胞内记录,测算了20个神经元膜的电学特性:静息电位-60.3±5.6mV;输入阻抗为10.5±5.4MΩ;时间常数1.3±0.5ms。电刺激可诱发动作电位,测算32个神经元的有关参数:阈电位-50—-55mV;波幅69.5±6.1mV;超射11.9±3.6mV;波宽0.8±0.2ms。TTX(0.3μmol/L)或无钠使之消失。通以长时程矩形波电流可引起200—250Hz的2—15个重复放电,但在通电停止前终止,TEA或4-AP可延长放电。膜电位-60—-55mV时在动作电位之后可看到阈下电位波动,它不受TTX的影响,无钙时消失,TEA或4-AP使波幅增大。静息电位去极化可使45个神经元中的40个发生外向整流作用,并被TEA,4-AP或无钙抑制,超极化则发生内向整流作用,Cs或无钠抑制之。灌流液中加入各种钾通道阻断药时神经元的稳态I-V曲线发生相应变化,提示I_(DR),l_A,I_(K(Ca))及I_Q可能都与静息时的膜电导有关。  相似文献   
  • 1 The behaviour of nectar-collecting Bombus hypocrita sapporensis Cockerell queens was observed on a population of a spring ephemeral plant Corydalis ambigua Cham, et Schlecht.
  • 2 Daily patterns of activity and behaviour changed with the progress of flowering. Activity peaked shortly before sunset early in the flowering season but approximately at noon towards the end of flowering. In the peak flowering period the queens tended to visit nearby plants and to change direction often, whereas early or late in the flowering period they flew further between visits and were less likely to change direction.
  • 3 Each plant was visited 0 to 24 times (mean 9.4 ±SD 5.2) by the queens during the whole flowering season.
  • 4 The queens collected nectar, rarely through the front of the flowers but mostly through the spurs perforated by themselves or predecessors. At the beginning of the flowering season the illegitimate foragers often visited the front of the flowers before moving to the spurs; later, most queens quickly learned to land directly on the spurs.
  • 5 Even the 59.7% of plants that were visited only by illegitimate foragers set seeds. Close observation confirmed that the illegitimate foragers opened the inner petals enclosing anthers and stigma frequently when visiting the front of the flowers before robbing, or occasionally when walking about on the flowers or collecting nectar through the perforated spurs.
The cis‐unsaturated molecular species of phosphatidylglycerol (PG) in chloroplasts have been implicated in the chilling sensitivity of plants. Homozygous lines of transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) that overexpressed the cDNA for glycerol‐3‐phosphate acyltransferase, a key enzyme in the determination of the extent of cis‐unsaturation of PG, were established from a chilling‐sensitive squash (Cucurbita moschata). In transgenic plants, the proportion of saturated plus trans‐monounsaturated molecular species of PG increased from 24 to 65%. However, this change did not affect the architecture of the chloroplasts. Chilling stress decreased the growth and biomass production of young seedlings of transgenic plants more severely than those of wild‐type plants, and this observation suggests that the changes in the proportion of cis‐unsaturated PG affected not only leaves but also developing plants. Chilling stress also damaged inflorescences. In particular, the abscission of flower buds and inflorescence meristems from transgenic plants occurred more frequently than that from wild‐type plants. Thus, it is likely that decreases in the proportion of cis‐unsaturated PG enhanced the sensitivity to chilling of reproductive organs.  相似文献   
Survivorship of Little Tern Sterna albifrons eggs and chicks was followed on an islet in the Nakdong Estuary, Republic of Korea, in 1995 and 1996. Mean egg size and incubation period were significantly different between the 2 years. The maximum clutch size was three eggs, and the second egg in the clutch often hatched earlier than the first, while most of the third eggs hatched last. In 1996, when the fate of 249 eggs from 106 nests was followed for 40 days, hatching success, fledging success and breeding success were 77%, 40% and 31%, respectively. High mortality occurred in the early chick stage, mostly because of rain and predation by Weasels Mustela sibirica. The breeding success per egg was 14% in one-egg clutches, 28% in two-egg clutches and 34% in three-egg clutches. This difference was mainly attributed to the lower hatching success in the smaller clutches. In three-egg clutches, the third egg showed significantly lower breeding success than siblings. The main foods of the Little Tern were Tridentiger obscurus, Engraulis japonicus, Hyporhamphus intermedius, Acanthogobius flavimanus (all fish), Palaemon sp. and Crangon affinis (shrimps). The feeding frequency was, apparently, not affected by time of day and age of chicks but was probably influenced by weather conditions. Newly hatched chicks failed to eat 25% of the prey brought to them, although this decreased with the age of the chicks.  相似文献   
We investigated methane production and oxidation and the depth distribution and phylogenetic affiliation of a functional gene for methanogenesis, methyl coenzyme M reductase subunit A (mcrA), at two sites of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 311. These sites, U1327 and U1329, are respectively inside and outside the area of gas hydrate distribution on the Cascadia Margin. Radiotracer experiments using 14C‐labelled substrates indicated high potential methane production rates in hydrate‐bearing sediments [128–223 m below seafloor (mbsf)] at U1327 and in sediments between 70 and 140 mbsf at U1329. Tracer‐free experiments indicated high cumulative methane production in sediments within and below the gas hydrate layer at U1327 and in sediments below 70 mbsf at U1329. Stable tracer experiments using 13C‐labelled methane showed high potential methane oxidation rates in near‐surface sediments and in sediments deeper than 100 mbsf at both sites. Results of polymerase chain reaction amplification of mcrA in DNA were mostly consistent with methane production: relatively strong mcrA amplification was detected in the gas hydrate‐bearing sediments at U1327, whereas at U1329, it was mainly detected in sediments from around the bottom‐simulating reflector (126 mbsf). Phylogenetic analysis of mcrA separated it into four phylotype clusters: two clusters of methanogens, Methanosarcinales and Methanobacteriales, and two clusters of anaerobic methanotrophic archaea, ANME‐I and ANME‐II groups, supporting the activity measurement results. These results reveal that in situ methanogenesis in deep sediments probably contributes to gas hydrate formation and are inconsistent with the geochemical model that microbial methane currently being generated in shallow sediments migrates downward and contributes to the hydrate formation. At Site U1327, gas hydrates occurred in turbidite sediments, which were absent at Site U1329, suggesting that a geological setting suitable for a gas hydrate reservoir is more important for the accumulation of gas hydrate than microbiological properties.  相似文献   
Polymorphic microsatellite markers can provide essential information on genetic analyses of sociality and mating behaviour of insects. We developed eight microsatellite loci in the small carpenter bee, Ceratina flavipes, using a magnetic bead hybridization enrichment protocol. These loci showed two to eight alleles with expected heterozygosity of 0.21–0.87, and also seemed useful to such congeneric species as Ceratina okinawana distributed in southern Japan. By using these loci, the sociality and mating systems in Ceratina species, that are still controversial, are possible to be analysed.  相似文献   
We developed seven polymorphic microsatellite loci for Myrmica kotokui from RAPD (rapid analysis of polymorphic DNA) fragments. These loci showed two to six alleles with expected and observed heterozygosity of 0.13–0.73 and 0.14–0.78, respectively. These loci are transferable to the congeneric species as Myrmica rubra, Myrmica luteola and Myrmica taediosa from northern Japan. These loci will allow analyses of genetic structure of Myrmica species at both the colony level and population levels.  相似文献   
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